Hardware :: Uploading Video From HD Camera Without Firewire?
Jan 19, 2010
I have a new Macbook that does not have a firewire port, and I am trying to upload video from my HDV video camera. Is there any other way to upload the video to my computer for editing?
I have mac mini os x lion operating system and fcp x editing software installed. I want to show video on dv camera via firewire, fcp not show video on dv camera. In this software I can capture video from dv camera via firewire, but when I editing on timeline, then not show video on camera. In the disc utility window, show firewire camera, but in fcp preferences>play back setting>a/v out not show camera or firewire.
I'm tryin to transfer video from my Sony DV camera to my iMac, but neither iMovie not Adobe Premiere cannot recognise the device. They both automatically select my iSight camera as the one and only video source.Â
When I check the Firewire status in System Profiler I get the message: "Unable to list FireWire devices".Â
I have tired restarting the software, unplugging the camera, unplugging the firewire cable, restarting my Mac but still no result.Â
I spent a considerable amount of time Googling for solutions but have not come up with anything that helped. I have also tried unplugging all other USB devices, restarting the machine, trying again, but still the same issue.Â
The weird thing is that about a year ago I managed to capture video just fine from the camera into Premiere without any problems.Â
The only thing that is different now, is that I have Windoes XP installed on my Mac as well. Could this be an issue, with XP "stealing" my firewire connection in some manner? I'm not sure how this would be possible, but I suppose it could be...Â
My iMac is a 21.5" with an Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz processor. 4GB DDR3 Ram and Mac OS X 10.6.8Â
iMovie is version 8.0.6 and Premiere is CS4. As I said, I had managed to capture video using the same equpiment about a year ago and the only difference now is that I also have a partition on my Mac with Windows XP (Service pack 3) on it.Â
Of course, the cable itself could be faulty, but since it hasn't been used in over a year, I doubt that's the issue. I still wanna try anything else, before I buy a new cable.Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz processor.
i have mac mini. I connect a video camera to my computer via firewire. i try capture video in fcp and imovi, but firewire not detected. when i open imovy and import video, then show the massage "camera not connected".
How do I connect my video camera (Sony FX1E) using Firewire cable to the MBP firewire port (which I see is Firewire 800). Is there a cable or adaptor for this?
I bought my Mac back in August this year so I am still fairly new to the computer. About 2 1/2 to 3 weeks ago I plugged my camera in the import some photos (my wife has done this before with her camera and we have never had any problems like this before). So I plugged in my camera and it started to upload the pictures, well my camera decides to die. When it did that, a message came up on the screen saying that the device was improperly disconnected. So I plugged my camera into an outlet and plugged it back into the computer to upload the rest of the photos.
Well ever since then, it has been stuck on the same picture it was uploading when my camera died and turned off. Now I cannot restart my computer, turn off my computer properly or even update my computer and restart it. I have tried plugging my camera back in several times to see if it would kicked it back up to load the photos but it is saying iphoto is still uploading my photos from the first time when it the camera died on me. Ive tried pressing the stop importing button and then the screen comes up and says "continue importing/delete photos/keep photos" and ive tried ALL three options and it still is stuck on the same screen.
My iMovie is cutting all the videos i load from this flip camera I have in half. I have no idea why, because I loaded some videos from a different flip camera earlier in the year, and that worked fine.
How do I upload a video that is 9 minutes long? I shot it in HD, imported it in IMovie at half the size. I can't tell how many gigs it is, I assume 10g.
For videos over 2g, Youtube says to install Java. But the certificate is expired?
I uploaded 3 videos yesterday at noonish and they still don't even show up as processing. I logged in to YouTube and manually uploaded the videos and it worked. Is there anything I should be doing that I'm not?
For the record, I had a DVD, converted the vob files to one big .dv file with MPEG Streamclip, imported that into FCP, cut up the video into pieces and synced video audio to cd audio of the same source, did Export to Quicktime, imported them into iMovie, added titles, then uploaded to YouTube.
I have tried uploading directly from iMovie to YouTube using the preset and it looks absolutely horrendous. I have also tried exporting into NTSC quality and the "large" preset and they both still look terrible. The video I am using is imported DV from a Sony Handycam, it's not that great of camcorder but when I watched the videos on my TV it looked fine. What is the root of this problem and how can I fix it?
i would like to find a cable to go from my canon 60d camera to the firewire port. i have been to numerous places and they do not have it. i could not find it at canon as well.
I have a firewire 400 camera that i'm using for a project and one firewire 800 slot on my iMac (Late 2009). When I plug the camera in, nothing responds no matter what I do - tried resetting the PRAM and SMC. Compare this to my older iMac (Late 2007) which has both firewire 800 and 400 ports. I plug it in and it pops up using the underlying Quicktime controller api on either the 800 or 400 port no problem. So I figured after trying to install a firewire camera library (libdc1394) which I need for my project which didn't work, that it must be a hardware issue, so I took it to the Apple store. The genius at the store booted the OS (Lion) from a firewire drive via 400 to 800 cable (no external power to the f/w drive was used) and then using the spare 400 slot on the hard drive, he plugged (daisy chaining) in my camera and it loaded! So this suggested 2 things - my OS is corrupt or my card can't read straight from my device but why a hard drive in between would change this is beyond me. I came home and installed OS X on to an external USB hard drive and loaded up from it - so this is a fresh version of Lion, there should be no software issues. Plug the camera in to the I/O board of the iMac but load the OS from the external USB hard drive - nothing happens, the profiler doesn't detect anything at all. On a side note, I installed XP and Ubuntu Linux and they also can't detect it, which further suggests its the device or I/O board when interfacing directly with this camera. I've tried providing the devices with external power, daisy chaining 2 cameras, using a usb hub....nothing works. Just for good measure, I tried to boot Lion off the external USB on my older iMac and again, it worked no problem, which to me really narrows it down to the hardware.Â
I feel like perhaps the port is a bit dodgy and when the genius daisy chained it, it worked better, but no idea why. Someone said I should get a firewire 400 to usb adaptor
I am still trying to find the best easy video camera for my 12 year old grandaughter to use with a mac. she loves i photo and idvd and i movie and is pretty good with all. I just want to get a simple video camera for her to do her own little films.
I know how to put the video's directly FROM the camera onto my mac, but how to i transfer them from my windows to my mac? I tried to put them on a disc, but it shows up as .BOG and other video things that doesn't work on my mac. and it will for sure NOT work on my USB, that would also take forever! any ways that would really work well?
I recently bought an eMac and it is the first mac that i've ever owned so I am not completely familier yet on what to do to make everything work. My problem - I have a digital camera that has the ability to take video. When I plug the camera into the computer iPhoto recognizes the pictures but neither iPhoto or iMovie recognize the video. It there a way to make this work so I can upload the videos to my computer? I know the videos can be moved to computers for I have done it on my pc.
I just converted to a 2007 Macbook (wife's old comp) and was using Sony's PMB software with my PC (Windows XP SP2). I know that I can use iMovie '08 to import the files but they are HUGE. I assume it's because PMB imports in AVHCD format and iMovie uses .MOV? Is there another program I can use to import my files. I don't want to waste all my hard drive space importing a few movies.