Applications :: IMovie Says It Is Uploading To YouTube, But The Video Never Shows Up?
Jun 29, 2008
I uploaded 3 videos yesterday at noonish and they still don't even show up as processing. I logged in to YouTube and manually uploaded the videos and it worked. Is there anything I should be doing that I'm not?
For the record, I had a DVD, converted the vob files to one big .dv file with MPEG Streamclip, imported that into FCP, cut up the video into pieces and synced video audio to cd audio of the same source, did Export to Quicktime, imported them into iMovie, added titles, then uploaded to YouTube.
I have tried uploading directly from iMovie to YouTube using the preset and it looks absolutely horrendous. I have also tried exporting into NTSC quality and the "large" preset and they both still look terrible. The video I am using is imported DV from a Sony Handycam, it's not that great of camcorder but when I watched the videos on my TV it looked fine. What is the root of this problem and how can I fix it?
I have a video I want to upload to Youtube (made in iMovie 3.0.3). If I use Full Quality export on iMovie, the file is 1.34gb, which is out of the question. If I use the next best quality (CD rom), the video is 31mb, which looks okay on my computer, but it's frame rate was **** on Youtube. I'm not a video editor or anything, so iMovie's "Expert Export" options baffles me.
What should I do in the expert export to have file that's smaller than a gigabyte, but will upload good on Youtube?
I'd love to use the integration of Youtube into IMovie '08. But when I finished a movie, filled in all the required data like username and password under "Share", "Youtube", after rendering and trying to uploade the movie for a while. IMovie displays a "Communication Error" and asks me to try again. But of course we know how computers work: Not changing anything and simply following this advice simply leads to the same error again. I'm on a MBP with a LAN connection to the internet. My upstream speed is 1 megabit/s. Uploading movies manually to Youtube using the web interface works flawless and fast.
How do I upload a video that is 9 minutes long? I shot it in HD, imported it in IMovie at half the size. I can't tell how many gigs it is, I assume 10g.
For videos over 2g, Youtube says to install Java. But the certificate is expired?
I have a 3 part video from YouTube that I got with DownloadHelper, in mp4 format. I want to stitch the three pieces together in iMovie, so I have one video instead of 3. The first part seems to import normally. It copies the file over, and spends some time generating thumbnails. Then it duly places the video in an event. The other two parts take maybe 5 seconds to import. No thumbnails, no nothing. All three files are in the iMovie folder, but the last two refuse to appear in iMovie itself. The video codec is the same as other clips that I imported successfully some time ago: AAC, H.264.
A License To Use iMovie Music On YouTube If You Submit Your Video For Revue Sharing?I believe I've seen many people with "ads" on their youtube videos and they are using Apple's included iMovie music, but, I'm wondering if it's legal to do that or not before I submit mine, as youtube likes you to provide proof that it is legal if you have "any" music in your video.
When I upload videos to YouTube from iMovie, there's HD option, normal option, mobile option, but there was no choice in iPhone for what kind of video quality - does it automatically upload it in HD?
s there any client available that uploads movies to I did a google and most of youtube client are interface to watch movies and not upload movies.
I would like to create a slide show video in iMovie to upload to youtube using a piece of music (non copyright natch, *cough*). As I only have a few images to use I'd like to be able to just simply repeat the images until the track stops.Being not terribly Mac/technically minded I'm having problems. The silde show should work around the complete piece of music but I can't seem to do it.
So i've recently gotten in the uploading to YouTube craze with my Flip Mino HD but i'm not too happy at the way i've been doing this and am hoping there is an easier way.
As of late i've been importing what i film into iMovie. In iMovie i'll edit the video to my liking. In iMovie i'll "export" to the media browser so it'll show up in GarageBand. Then i'll open GarageBand and edit my film further, dealing with sound; adding music. After that i'll export it as a .MOV to my desktop. Then i'll open iMovie again and import that .MOV file and from there in iMovie will have it upload to YouTube in its original HD format.
It must be some ad blocker or something, but I can't view videos. I can't seem to find what's causing it. I can go to YouTube and watch a video, but when someone posts a link, I am unable to make it play. I'll get a site with a black rectangle where the video is supposed to be. Happens on links from tweets too. Safari and Firefox both. I tried the Flash uninstall/reinstall/disc permission/restart routine twice.
Hey guys, I recently have this issue where I am only allowed to upload once to youtube and if i were to upload again all i get is that spinning thing with NO status bar. I checked my network and there is no activity on the UPload. After I restart I am able to upload Once more, then the problem Persist and I will have to Restart once again upload.
I am Running Snow Leopard 10.6.2, Macbook pro
I thought it was because I installed the latest version of Flash (beta), but I uninstall that and reinstall the recent one, but still having this issue.
First, I finally understand "how" iMovie wants to work with audio ducting apposed to iMovie HD. But when a clip, a still to be precise, has no audio option so I can continue to duct it. How do I control the audio? I have read Ken Stone's biography on the program but I don't see the answer. Last, anyone else have uploading issues lately? I have uploaded a file to YouTube twice but YouTube gets nothing. Started out of the blue.
I've recently been noticing that youtube plays really slow and you hear the audio before you see the video. However, on chromuim I have no problem playing youtubes.
Our company just bought a Canon Vixia HF R52 camcorder so we can shoot instructional videos, edit, then upload to YouTube for our customers to access. This camcorder has dual recording in AVCHD and MP4. The guy doing the recording and the guy doing the editing live on opposite sides of the country, so the files will need to be uploaded to a website for sharing.
Question 1: Will the AVCHD files be too large to upload to a file sharing site or is it better to use MP4?
Question 2: Which version of Final Cut can handle AVCHD the best, Final Cut Pro 4.0.1 or Final Cut Pro X?
My iMovie is cutting all the videos i load from this flip camera I have in half. I have no idea why, because I loaded some videos from a different flip camera earlier in the year, and that worked fine.
So basically, I know how to convert a youtube video to a playable mpg for a keynote/powerpoint. I was wondering if there was any way i convert the clips from the Daily Show website to mpg or another playable on keynote format.[URL]
Very simple. I just want to be able to upload a photo to a song and upload it to youtube. i want people to listen to the song and have the album art cover.
I desperately need to capture some video from the below site: [URL:...] does anyone have any idea how to capture it, not sure if the standard youtube focused ones will do it?
I have a presentation tomorrow, which we found out was due then today, teacher was sick and blamed us for not being ready, but whatever. I just need to get this done and it's finished. I need to get a video to use but our school blocks youtube, so how can get it in a slide on keynote?