Hardware :: Receiving An Electric Shock From Mouse Possible?
Nov 24, 2009
My mouse wire (or cable, or whatever..) is kind of messed up with the wire showing on the connection to the mouse and basically in the middle of the wire towards the USB connection to the CPU. It's the Apple mouse.. will I get an electric shock if I touch it while it's on? It's kind of sounds funny that I'd touch it but you know ..
I have electrical tape I don't know if that's necessary.
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Nov 3, 2009
I took the plunge and got a MBP 13 (5,5) in October. Its all going well except for the same problem that recurs.
The problem is that when plugged in via magsafe i recieve a mild tingling throughout the shell. This first happened a week after I got it but I solved it by using the long lead instead of the smaller plug. But now even the longer lead which is supposed to remove the issue still gives me the same vibration/electric shock feeling. Its NOT minor, I feel it when its plugged in and it hurts! I get a headache when it does this.
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Jun 15, 2010
I don't know if this is something to be worried about but I notice that when the tip of the display port cord ( from the ACD ) touches the metal frame of my MacBook Pro there is a tiny blue arch of electricity visible. Well, I just bumped that cord into the frame of the MBP and as soon as that happened the computer completely shut off, it just went to a black screen and turned back on when I connected it via AC outlet. When the computer started back up the clock was messed up ( 2008 date ) and it had forgotten all of my WIFI passwords.
I was just wondering why this happens?
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Dec 1, 2010
During winter months up north, things get cold and dry quickly. As a result, static electricity discharge becomes more frequent. I've always had a minor issue with my various Macbook Pro's over the years. But with my new MBA and the sudden drop in temps here in Chicago, my MBA is off the charts. I have started my winter routine of touching something else to discharge first before touching my MBA. Otherwise, I'll arc a spark every single time.
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Jan 7, 2010
Twice this week I?ve been shocked by Static electricity as I touch my MacBook Pro. It?s cold so I get shocked a lot lately. Is the MacBook Pros internal circuits safe from static shock? Is the outer shell protecting the CPU?
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Jan 13, 2010
So I'm at a client tooling around with my late 2008 Aluminum MacBook. Carpet. Cold, dry weather. Are you getting scared yet? Go to pick it up off a table and zt! Shocked the hell outa myself and apparently my MacBook. I grabbed it on the right hand side and the static charge must have discharged through the slot loading cd rom drive. Now it won't charge. Battery and Mag Safe brick tested fine at the Apple store. They're going to swap out the Mag Safe port for $110 first and then the flat rate repair for around $380 if needed. Note to all Aluminum MacBook/Pro owners. Ground yourself, or plug in the grounded PSU brick.
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May 21, 2012
When the Macbook Pro is charging, I can feel a little electricity in my fingertips. Unfotunately, I don't have a three prong outlet, just two. Either way, I think this was not supposed to be.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Aluminum Unibody 2009
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Dec 11, 2010
I noticed that the MBA only has one headphone jack.
Now is that both input and output? If its not input then i would need one of those fast track things im guessing.
I have both input and output on my hackintosh which I can use to record my electric guitar on GarageBand.
I hope I don't have to buy a fast track as not sure how it would run over a USB hub.
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Jun 7, 2009
how to connect my macbook air to my electric guitar because i would like to record with my mac but i need your help to do it.
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Mar 3, 2010
The screen saver that this produces are beautiful but is it safe? It works via your computer communicating with hundreds of computers around the world?
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Jun 6, 2010
I was an owner of a white macbook for just over a year until the motherboard decided to give up the ghost... So I eventually bought myself a new 13" Macbook Pro. Everything was going just beautifully, until I realised when I was charging it, I had this weird electrical current going through all the aluminum.First of all the first two things that came to mind was. What's the computer and most importantly MY health going to be like if its exposed to all this! Anyway. I read a few threads, and they were talking about the "Grounding" problem. Luckily I got my old macbook charger out and plugged it in.. The problem went! So I was then thinking on where in the charger lied the problem? So I took the cable part from the Megasafe to the socket from my macbook, and then put it into my macbook pro Megasafe... and everything worked brilliantly! I'm no genius, however if you guys feel that tingly electrical/static current going through you're MBP, go and buy yourself a new cable. However as Apple is so popular, I'm sure if you try one of you're friends (As they will undoubtably have one) and see if it is that the problem. In anycase, I'm very happy with my Macbook Pro Apple make some awesome products. Bill Gates should just pack up and go fishing if you ask me. He can never compete with Me old mate Steve
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Mar 29, 2012
the top part of my screen is doing like an electric gig not sure whats wrong.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Nov 10, 2010
I see Apple left out audio in on the new Airs. Wanted to be able to record the audio out from a electric piano.
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Jan 10, 2011
I've linked my guitar up to GarageBand and am trying to get a setting which sounds metal like, but at the same time sounds clear and i'm failing. It produces a good sound but its so full of noise its unbelievable.
The guitar has no noise when its on a setting which doesn't have distortion/fuzz or gain on it, but then i don't have a metal sound.
Does anyone have any idea how i can make such a setting?
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Mar 22, 2007
Picked this up from the Apple Store in London a few day ago and I've been having some trouble getting my electric guitar to work with my mbp.
When I plug everything up and try and play it records through the mic on the mbp and not through the pickups.
In system pref>sound>input I have line out selected along with the volume all they way to the write.
What am I missing here?
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Dec 24, 2009
I've hooked my MacBook to my TV, but everytime I connect the charger it trips the electric switch in my house and shuts everything down. Very annoying... This only happens with the Macbook is connected to the TV...
Has anyone had this before and how can `i go about solving this problem?
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Apr 3, 2012
I have the cable that connects my guitar to my mac, but I do not know how to get garageband to recognise that the instrument is connected.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 29, 2012
Guys, I have touched on my iMac 27 on the USB cable and I have got an electric current passing over me. My feet were naked. When I got my shoes back the problem gone. Is this normal? Is it safe for my iMac and external devices?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 20, 2012
I´m planing to buy a macbook pro retina display, and I am wondering if I can connect my electric guitar to it since it doesn´t have an audio line in, only a headphone port?
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Sep 12, 2008
I recently traveled to Europe with a MacBook Pro, and plugged it into the outlet with a travel converter. My understanding is that the brick on the magsafe cable works as a transformer and it is safe to plug into a European outlet. I've never had a problem with other laptops.
Everything worked fine with the machine, except I could always feel an "electric" sensation through my hands when touching the aluminum case. This was especially apparent when running my fingers across the top -- it was as if I could feel an electric current running through the case.
This seemed harmless, and I ran the computer without fail during my time abroad. My question is out of curiosity -- is this sensation normal? What exactly is it?
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Dec 7, 2009
I'm using Garageband 5.1
I have an electric guitar plugged into the instrument input of an Apogee Duet recording interface.
If I add a "real instrument" track, then I can select the input channel in the "track info" pane in GB. Works fine, I can hear the guitar. But I can't access the various guitar effects and models.
To do that I create an "electric guitar" track instead. However, when I do that, I don't see any option to select the input channel in the track info pane.
And I don't hear any sound. Apple help just says I should "select the input channel in the track info pane" but I don't see it there, like it is for a "real instrument"...
what's going on?
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Feb 1, 2012
I was trying to download bioshock the game from the app store and it gets about 75% through and then gets an error message "mzm.nvyhpxhw.pkg could not be extracted". I have tried many times and the same thing keeps on happening, what should I do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 8, 2010
I have upgraded from a OX 2.8 to 3.9. I now have to use two browsers to use the internet. Safari to have access to my yahoo mail account, and fire fox 2.020 to load information on my business website.
I have not been able to use shockwave flash or flash player on the up load. When I was using OSX 2.8 I could add pictures to my business website and etc., I had no problem viewing the slide show I had on my website, other than the system was a little slow. I have an ibook G3 128 +512 ram, total. 900 mhz, 12. inches and white case. The systems requirements indicate that I need to upgrade to tiger OSX 4.0
I know there are some issues using Fire Fox with OSX 3.9. When ever I tried to access my yahoo mail from Fire fox, the system would crash.
Other than getting a new laptop, any suggestions? I tried to down load Shock wave from the old apps web site called Camino. I get an error message that the plug in cannot be loaded sussfully I have tried load flash Player 7.09, but get a message that it can not load. Could this be because of not enough space on the drive. Maybe I am not loading it correctly. Shouldn't I be able to click it to install it in the right place without having to try the different files.
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Aug 26, 2008
I'm a new convert to Mac, and I'm having a problem receiving all of my e-mail. I still have my PC desktop hooked up, and I am receiving messages there that I'm not receiving on my Mac. I am using Mail, version 3.3 on a MacBook Pro. My ISP is Comcast. I was using Outlook Express on my PC but converted to Outlook in order to export/import all of my messages, etc onto my Mac. That process seemed to work reasonably well.
Last week, when I set up my new computer, I got some messages but not others. By the time I left town for a conference, I stopped getting messages on my Mac altogether. When I got home, I saw that the messages were on my PC.
I spoke with Comcast and Mac yesterday about this problem. Comcast basically told me that they couldn't help me. With the Mac support person, I deleted my account and set it up again. That seemed to fix the problem, until later in the day when some messages were not delivered. There seems to be no pattern.
1. Yesterday, I received (on my Mac) two of the three daily messages I get from a list serv. This morning, I didn't receive the first message from the list serv. (But I did get it on my PC.)
2. Yesterday, I sent a message to someone and received a response on my Mac. I responded, but her response did not reach my Mac.
3. When signing up for these forums this morning, I received both automatic messages on my Mac.
4. Yesterday, I did not receive a response from someone that I e-mailed.
5. Yesterday, I received some messages from a google group but not others. There was no rhyme or reason to this either. I would receive one message from one person and not receive another from that same person (using the same e-mail account).
I am having no difficulty sending messages. And I believe that all of my messages are coming to my PC account. There are no messages on the server (aside from junk that Comcast filters for me), and no messages are landing in my junk folder on my Mac.
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Dec 10, 2008
ichat seems to not be receiving my messages, when I write and hit enter I can only see the ichat bubble (attachment below), my friend can see my message but when he sends a message back I still see the same bubble, doesn't even look like he's sent a message.
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May 31, 2010
All of a sudden yesterday I stopped receiving any emails. I could hear the message alert that one had come in but there was nothing in the mailbox.
I spent much time with the ISP and they say its an Apple problem. All settings appear to be correct and I can't figure out where those emails have gone. I have an iMac G4, OS 10.5.8
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Feb 23, 2009
I am with Tiscali Broadband and although I can send emails from my computer, I cannot receive them, so have to use a separate webmail
system instead. I have tried changing the codes as instructed by
Tiscali but I have had no luck. can you help?
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Feb 26, 2009
I am working on a MacBook Pro OS X and my server is Tiscali. I can send
out emails but cannot receive them unless I go onto a webmail system
which is annoying because I cannot retain addresses on the same system.
I have asked Tiscali about this and I have changed codes and altered various settings but with no luck. They now tell me it is a Mac problem!!
Can you help?
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Sep 28, 2010
We've just taken delivery of a new Mac Pro and all is well except I cannot get Mail to receive any incoming mail. It sends allright but won't receive. I work for a charity (ex-service) which has it's own IT Department and they have given me the server settings and told me it's an exchange server. I have set Mail up according to the settings but no joy. What can I try?
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Mar 13, 2012
Yesterday, I tried to send a message with some photos attached.Turns out the message was too large to make it through the servers.Today, I am not receiving any emails on my IMac.I do get them on the IPad and IPhone.how to clear out the IMac Mail?
IMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 24 Inch IMac and everything else
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