I am working on a MacBook Pro OS X and my server is Tiscali. I can send
out emails but cannot receive them unless I go onto a webmail system
which is annoying because I cannot retain addresses on the same system.
I have asked Tiscali about this and I have changed codes and altered various settings but with no luck. They now tell me it is a Mac problem!!
Can you help?
I'm a new convert to Mac, and I'm having a problem receiving all of my e-mail. I still have my PC desktop hooked up, and I am receiving messages there that I'm not receiving on my Mac. I am using Mail, version 3.3 on a MacBook Pro. My ISP is Comcast. I was using Outlook Express on my PC but converted to Outlook in order to export/import all of my messages, etc onto my Mac. That process seemed to work reasonably well.
Last week, when I set up my new computer, I got some messages but not others. By the time I left town for a conference, I stopped getting messages on my Mac altogether. When I got home, I saw that the messages were on my PC.
I spoke with Comcast and Mac yesterday about this problem. Comcast basically told me that they couldn't help me. With the Mac support person, I deleted my account and set it up again. That seemed to fix the problem, until later in the day when some messages were not delivered. There seems to be no pattern.
1. Yesterday, I received (on my Mac) two of the three daily messages I get from a list serv. This morning, I didn't receive the first message from the list serv. (But I did get it on my PC.)
2. Yesterday, I sent a message to someone and received a response on my Mac. I responded, but her response did not reach my Mac.
3. When signing up for these forums this morning, I received both automatic messages on my Mac.
4. Yesterday, I did not receive a response from someone that I e-mailed.
5. Yesterday, I received some messages from a google group but not others. There was no rhyme or reason to this either. I would receive one message from one person and not receive another from that same person (using the same e-mail account).
I am having no difficulty sending messages. And I believe that all of my messages are coming to my PC account. There are no messages on the server (aside from junk that Comcast filters for me), and no messages are landing in my junk folder on my Mac.
I am with Tiscali Broadband and although I can send emails from my computer, I cannot receive them, so have to use a separate webmail system instead. I have tried changing the codes as instructed by Tiscali but I have had no luck. can you help?
Yesterday, I tried to send a message with some photos attached.Turns out the message was too large to make it through the servers.Today, I am not receiving any emails on my IMac.I do get them on the IPad and IPhone.how to clear out the IMac Mail?
Info: IMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 24 Inch IMac and everything else
Mail is not receiving new emails from either of my 2 email accounts (Media Temple and Gmail). The program sits idle while the messages come in on my phone and iPad. Restarting the program seems to wake it up, but I'm not content to do that each time I need to check my email. I have Mail on my MacBook Pro and have never had this particular problem, it's just on my brand new iMac.
I have a Maverik OS X. The Mac Store replaced my hard drive for me. The day I got it back was the last day I received emails from my primary email account (POP). I can no longer receives emails. However I can send them. I've checked and rechecked settings. I've deleted and reloaded the account. All Unsuccessful. The strange thing is that my iPad and iPhone have the same setting and I can send/receive from those devises.
For the past four days I haven't been receiving any emails from my Gmail account in Mail on my MBP. I am however receiving them on my iPhone 4 and I am getting emails from another account in Mail on my MBP.
On the left-hand side, where the mailboxes are listed, it's permanently displaying the spinning wheel next to Gmail. I am running the latest version of Mail, 4.3, which came with the latest OSX update. I haven't activated the Priority Inbox Google introduced to Gmail.
I have been receiving 10 - 15 spam emails per day for over a month. Is there a way to prevent this using mail settings or must I change my email address?
I have massive problems with Mail. I use mail at work and have 3 accounts running: 1. Mac. mail account 2. Gmail mail account 3. Exchange Server
I have quite a few folders in my accounts where I have to archive my emails to. Often very often or lets say annoyingly too often mail stops working. - Stops receiving emails - Emails I have put away in folders disappear in my inbox again - If I try to quite Mail it won't I have to force it and then when I open it again all my emails I was working on open again even so I have sent them already. Also all the emails I have folded away are back in my inbox.
My Mail application stopped receiving new emails at 5:48 PM yesterday for some reason. I have several Gmail accounts, one iCloud account and one Yahoo account.
I can send emails without a problem, but I'm not receiving any. I checked Activity, and it shows that the program is "fetching new mail" from every single account (it even says how many messages), but for some reason they are not getting through.
I am receiving my .me email on my ipad and iphone - both upgraded to ios 5.1, but suddenly stopped receiving .me email on my Macbook Pro (10.6.8). The processor on my laptop will not allow me to upgrade to Lion. I have been receiving .me email on my Macbook for the past month after moving to icloud.
I only receive my emails spasmodically, and often don't receive the important stuff! I would receive all emails on each of my devices, using Mail (often annoying as I would have to delete it 4 times) but at least it ensured that I didn't miss anything.
Now I only receive the messages that Mail wants me to get.... and not all of them, and once it has come down on one device, it doesn't appear on any of the others. I have deleted accounts and re added them, without any change. I have contacted my internet provider, and checked all the settings, and they appear correct (although my emails don't stay on the server as a backup option).
I have the weirdest problems. Every once and a while when I receive a new email, the text of the email is from a year prior. It is the weirdest thing. Anyone know what the deal is and how to fix this?
I am new to Mac-have recently migrated from PC to a dear little MacBook. This may be a server problem, but thought I would ask. Suddenly my inbox filled up with 1500 old emails (3-4 months' worth all marked "unread"). Have I inadvertently done something?
I started my Mac mail application today (set to connect to my gmail accounts through IMAP), and all my mail that was in my inbox is GONE. I don't know if my gmail accounts were hacked or if their implementation of "Priority Inbox" just trashed all my messages older than 35 days. I've changed my password and disabled Priority Inbox. Does anyone have any ideas about how I can recover my e-mails?
Apple mail out of office rule is sending auto replies to all emails not just newly received emails--HELP! I set up the rule according to another apple support thread and instead of only sending the reply to new mail received, it was sent to all messages I believe that were in my INBOX, I only had a few but several people that hadn't sent me emails since I set up the rule, received the OUT OF OFFICE reply.Here is the procedure I followed for the out of office rule-[URL]I just used my email account which is a business account- not an ECU account but these rules according to the apple thread apply for all emails.
How do I sync my emails on my phone with the emails on my Macbook Pro, so that when I delete items off my inbox on my phone it will automatically recognize it on my Mac? Rather annoying having to see the emails on my Mac again after deleting them all.
I can send emails, without any problems...but I can't RECEIVE any emails, at all. All of a sudden.
On the left bottom corner, I can see, receiving 1 of 4, and after 1 min, the bar is gone, and I cannot get any emails at all.
When I login to the webmail (abc.com/webmail for instance), I can find there're 4 emails sitting there "unread"
May I know what's the problem? and how to fix it? because I want to be able to receive the mails from MAIL instead of logging in to webmail all the time.
I have an issue with my Apple Mail. I've configured my server's email on it. Now it works all fine when I setup a new account; I can easily send and receive emails. However, after I quit the application, and reopen it, I can ONLY send emails! I don't receive any emails!
I delete a large batch of emails from my inbox, empty the trash, and the deleted emails reappear in the inbox. This happens repeatedly. How do I get rid of these emails permanently?
I have the weirdest problems. Every once and a while when I receive a new email, the text of the email is from a year prior. It is the weirdest thing. Anyone know what the deal is and how to fix this?
ichat seems to not be receiving my messages, when I write and hit enter I can only see the ichat bubble (attachment below), my friend can see my message but when he sends a message back I still see the same bubble, doesn't even look like he's sent a message.
All of a sudden yesterday I stopped receiving any emails. I could hear the message alert that one had come in but there was nothing in the mailbox.
I spent much time with the ISP and they say its an Apple problem. All settings appear to be correct and I can't figure out where those emails have gone. I have an iMac G4, OS 10.5.8
We've just taken delivery of a new Mac Pro and all is well except I cannot get Mail to receive any incoming mail. It sends allright but won't receive. I work for a charity (ex-service) which has it's own IT Department and they have given me the server settings and told me it's an exchange server. I have set Mail up according to the settings but no joy. What can I try?