MacBook Pro :: Connect Electric Guitar To A Retina Display?
Jun 20, 2012
I´m planing to buy a macbook pro retina display, and I am wondering if I can connect my electric guitar to it since it doesn´t have an audio line in, only a headphone port?Â
I've linked my guitar up to GarageBand and am trying to get a setting which sounds metal like, but at the same time sounds clear and i'm failing. It produces a good sound but its so full of noise its unbelievable.
The guitar has no noise when its on a setting which doesn't have distortion/fuzz or gain on it, but then i don't have a metal sound.
Does anyone have any idea how i can make such a setting?
I have an electric guitar plugged into the instrument input of an Apogee Duet recording interface.
If I add a "real instrument" track, then I can select the input channel in the "track info" pane in GB. Works fine, I can hear the guitar. But I can't access the various guitar effects and models.
To do that I create an "electric guitar" track instead. However, when I do that, I don't see any option to select the input channel in the track info pane.
And I don't hear any sound. Apple help just says I should "select the input channel in the track info pane" but I don't see it there, like it is for a "real instrument"...
I really dont want to have to buy an external soundcard since the laptop is already very expensive. Taking away the line-in is stupid on the "Pro" range. On a "Macbook Air" fair enough. But not the Pro! Can the audio out be set to an audio in?
I'm having difficulties connecting my late-2013 retina display Macbook Pro to my Viewsonic PJD5223 projector. I have a (working) HDMI to VGA adaptor as well as an HDMI to mini-displayport/thunderbolt adaptor, and I have tried using two methods to connect: Â
1. Using he HDMI port directly
2. Using the thunderbolt port through the HDMI/thunderbolt adaptor on the Macbook ProÂ
Neither method appear to working. My Macbook Pro screen begins to blink/flicker, as if connecting then disconnecting rapidly. During the quick flashes, sometimes I can catch a glimpse of successful connection to the projector because the display settings panel for multiple screens appears. Â
I know that my adaptors are working because I can connect my Macbook Pro to my HP monitor with either of the two methods. I can also connect my PC to the projector using the HDMI/VGA adaptor. The problem appears to be specific to the retina display Macbook Pro or a more recent software update because I can connect to the projector using an older 2008 non-retina Macbook Pro.Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I already have a Apple Thunderbolt display hooked up to the Thunderbolt port of my MBP Retina. Can I hook up a Dual DVI-D display with 2650X1600 to my MBP in addition? To second Thunderbolt port with Apple DVI adapter or other?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
How do software that aren't retina compatible yet look on the MBP Retina Display? From my own experience as a developer when using regular sized images and resolutions on the iPhone 4, they come out as blurry. I was thinking perhaps the same thing will occur if the software isn't retina compatible? I e 2x in GUI size and scaled down?
My external display (HP w2207) seems to conflict with my MacBook Pro (15 inch Retina display, early 2013) since I upgraded MacBook OS to 10.9.4.The external display works at initial boot of Mac but does not work after OS sleeps and I attempt to awaken, and while the external display is not waking, the Retina display flashes through different screen views, which only partially reflect my normal screen, or do not reflect my normal screen at all.Â
I see these very expensive male to female adapters to plug in my guitar to, and then into my mac. Are these expensive ones really necessary or will a cheap $5 one from Radio Shack do?
I'm used to using the keystrokes control-shift-eject to put the display to sleep without activating the screensaver or putting the whole computer to sleep.Â
Since the new Macbook Pro with Retina Display lacks an eject key, the best I have been able to do is set a hot corner. I don't like this as much -- especially since it is possible to trigger the hot corner without intending to.
I have a macbook pro with retina display that was purchased in 2012 and I am running Mavericks. I have been trying to mirror my mac to my apple tv but the the airplay icon will not display on the menu bar. I have tried turning airplay on and off on the apple tv without success. Under the display settings in system preferences it says No Devices Detected.I have already tried all the suggestions in the support pages to no avail.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I've been trying to find out what kind of guitar it is.
I've seen that type of guitar out in the wild, but I could never remember out what type it was (the similar rounded shape) when I went to find out more info.
I can't imagine why I would need any more than 8GB since I'm not a professional photographer or video editor or whatever, so I'm planning on going with the base model. Smart idea? The only reason I'm even considering getting the 16GB is because the RAM isn't upgradable and I'm somewhat scared I might regret not getting the 16GB when the computer's a bit older and 16GB start to become the standard amount of RAM- if that ever happens? Â Â
Currently I have a MBP 15" and use it on a daily basis with both the built-in display and an external 20" (1680x1050) display. I'm getting a new MBP retina and don't know how OS X is going to manage two displays with such a big difference in dots per inch. Will the "retina-ready" apps look just fine on the retina and enormous on the external?
I've had two different MacBook Pro's since 2006.I went through 4 magsafe power adapters as the cable coming straight off the connector always began to permanently bend at the magsafe connection point such that I didn't trust it from an electrical safety point of view (after seeing one arc at that point a time or two).Then when I bought what would be my 5th power adapter, much to my positive surprise, Apple had done a redesign that had the cable coming out at a right angle with repect to the way the older ones had the cable come out.They also beefed up how the cable comes out of the magsafe end.Now I see a picture of the 85W power adapter for the new Retina display macbook pro I am planning to buy soon. And it looks like they've reverted to the old "wire straight out from the connector" approach.
That would be a significant step backward for me as where I have to plug in my mac (to the right of where I sit) having a straight cable coming out from the left of the mac is just going to cause me to start wasting power adapters again.Might I be able to continue to use the 85W power adapter I currently have on my 17 inch 2009 macbook pro? And it's not the original power adapter but one I bought maybe in 2011 or so.I love this one where the cable leaves in the direction heading out away from the top of the mac rather than the ones that came out straight to the left.And the picture of the new one appears to come out straight to the left again.And what do you even call the power adapter I have that I bought in about 2011 where the cable comes out at a right angle to the magsafe connector itself?
I first noticed this after my MBP [Retina] had gone to sleep, but: when returning to the login screen (since I have it set to require a password whenever the computer is idle long enough) I noticed what appeared to a very faint ghosting primarily noticeable on darker backgrounds. After messing around with it a bit, there seems to be a fairly consistent in-display ghosting that occurs without much time at all; I was able to leave my screen on (a little above half-brightness) for about 10-15 minutes and the ghosted "burn" would be of the screen I left it on (which I deliberately reconfigured so that everything would be a new position). Is this a normal thing that I just have to get used to? It's not really noticeable at all in standard use.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I got a new macbook pro with retina display. It says on the website that there should be two USB 3.0 on both side. I have a external hard drive that is 3.0 USB i plug it to the right side and the colour indicates that it is a USB 3.0, plugging it to the right side, turned green and that indicate a 2.0 Instead. So what is going on?
I just bought the Mac Book Pro with 500 GB and am concerned about burning DVD and also downloading CD music onto my computer. Has anyone bought the USB superdrive to hook up and does it work well?Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am ordering a new Macbook Pro - Retina Display for a cooworker but they want to keep the two monitors that they already have. They are both DVI monitors. Can you run two DVI monitors off the new notebook? I know I cna convert the HDMI over but does anyone know if it is possible to convert Thunderbolt over to DVI?Â
Where has the MacBook Pro badge gone from the bottom of the display on the new Retina display MacBook Pro’s? That’s an iconic badge, not the same without it.