Hardware :: Ping A Network Usb Harddrive?

Aug 27, 2009

is it possible to do this with terminal ping command? DOes the usb drive even have its own IP? Mine is connected to my aebs and i would love to just f@ck!ng ping it out the window at the moment.

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Desktops :: Unable To Access Sub-net / Cannot Ping Into Printer Network

Feb 2, 2009

I got iMac on my office. There is network issue on my iMac Desktop. When my computer remains idle for long time (sleep) and wakes up again, I can ping into the same network device (say network) but I am not able to ping into other sub net (say, printer network).

Restarting iMAc resolves the problem or unplugging the cable and connect to some other Laptops and connect back to iMAc works again (I mean I can access other networks again). I turned of auto-negotiation and tried renew DHCP Address but it still doesn't solve my problem. Restarting the computer and unplugging the cable and plug-in back is not a solution for me.

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OS X :: High Ping On Local Airport Express Network

Sep 22, 2009

I realized I have a high ping when on my local wifi network. I have a MBP and my gf has a MB. When I ping the MB from the MBP:

Code: ~ $ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=723.946 ms
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1004.079 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=565.695 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=7.407 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1004.978 ms.....................

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OS X :: RDP From Windows Vista Home Premium / Unable To Ping Network

May 30, 2010

OK so I just upgraded my Mac to Office 2011, which includes Remote Desktop Connection (RDP). I know that I cannot connect TO a Windows Vista Home Premium computer from the Mac, but according to the MS help files, I can connect FROM Vista Home Premium to the Mac.

I'm running both computers on the same wireless network, yet the Vista machine cannot connect to the Mac....can't even ping the Mac IP, as a matter of fact. The IPv4 addresses that show are the router IPs (from ipconfig), and they of course begin 192.168.xxx.xxx.

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OS X :: Mac Won't Connect And Ping

Jan 16, 2011

I have a wonderful macbook pro but I am having problems with my computers in my house, several of them have apache2 on them and I can connect to them using IP address for example [URL:..] But my mac won't connect using [URL:...] My other computers can connect using hostnames, but my mac won't, it won't even ping them.

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ITunes :: How To Get Rid Of Ping

Mar 15, 2012

With the latest update to iTunes, I have an annoying Ping dropdown box next to song titles.  How do I get rid of that?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Mac Pro :: Cannot Ping Wrt54gs

Mar 18, 2012

I am trying to use a linksys wrt54gs v4 with my mac pro. to check connectivity i pinged and got zero success. firewall is off.

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Applications :: Can I Get Rid Of The Ping From ITunes

Sep 2, 2010

When I right click Ping in iTunes it only gives me the option to "open in new window".

I'd like to get rid of it all together. I don't care what friends are listening to nor do I care what artists are up to. This feature is completely useless.

How about something useful like offering Apple Lossless or give me a way to download music as it's meant to be heard.

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OS X :: What Is Ping (Connecting To Google)

Oct 21, 2010

What is "Ping" wants to connect to google using protocol ICMP?" I monitor all my incoming traffic so is this something to forever allow?

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OS X :: Ding Or Ping Sound From Mbp?

Dec 9, 2009

I've had my MBP since June and occasionally I hear a DING or PING sound. I usually can't see or find any reason for it, though today I had a message from MSN Messenger that someone wanted to add me to her contact list.

I have no idea what the sound indicates, but it does seem to be happening more frequently.

I tried to do a search but nothing came up.

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OS X :: MBP Can't Ping / Connect To IMac

Apr 14, 2010

So I've got a new MBP and am trying to connect to my iMac network shares, but I can't even ping it. It shows up in finder, but if I click on it I get a connection failed error. If I ping it I just get timeouts. I can ping my my ipod, and my ipod can ping and connect to the imac. But the MBP cannot connect to the iMac. The iMac cannot connect to the MBP either.

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Applications :: Ping - How Info Displayed

Sep 1, 2010

At the moment I am open minded about Ping, so I might give it a try. But I do have a question.. For those who have activated an account.. Does it display your entire library of music you downloaded? Or does it just display who your favorite artists are and what your favorite songs are? I wasn't sure if you get to choose what or how info is displayed.

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MacBook Pro :: What Makes That Ping Sound

Nov 14, 2010

What makes this ping sound. [URL] It sound like electric when goes wrong! Not rely sure if its ventilator!

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OS X :: Internet Not Connecting But Can Ping Sites

Dec 1, 2009

My MBP is connecting to what ever internet source I need (i.e. wireless or wired) and is getting assigned a IP address. But when I open up firefox/safari every web site says "unable to connect" and then when I go into my wireless utility I can ping say google in 40 ms with 0% packet loss... I don't get this. I have tried resetting my p ram, I have tried deleting all the internet connections and starting fresh... hard wiring to my internet source.

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OS X Mavericks :: Randomly Can't Ping DNS Name Without FQDN

Sep 12, 2014

My office is setup that we are using a Mac Mini running OS x 10.9 with the Server plug-in (DHCP, DNS, File) and all users are either on a MacBook Pro or Air running OS x 10.9.  We are randomly seeing users unable to access our shared folders or be able to print.  When this occurred on my own machine today, I ran a number of tests. 

I was not able to ping the printer or server by its base DNS name.  If I added the FQDN to the devices, I was able to ping them without issue.  Going into the Network settings, I can see that DHCP provided DNS server and domain name correctly.  If we then trust toggle the network connection off and on, it immediately starts working again.  The triggering of the network interface fixing the issues points me to thinking the issue is on the client side and not the Mac Mini server. 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Making Ping Noise - On Or Off

Jul 1, 2014

My macbook pro was on while I was sleping and I think the power got disconnected and it shut off on its own. I woke up to it making this ping noise every 20 -30 seconds.  

Here is a link to the YouTube video: [URL]

The computer works fine I've tried to turn it back on and off and it works ok.

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Applications :: Ping Artist Sign Up Options?

Sep 2, 2010

if you're an artist on iTunes how do you link your Ping account to your music?

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Applications :: Switching Off Ping In New Version Of ITunes

Sep 2, 2010

If I download the new version of iTunes, is there an option to opt out of, or switch off ping?

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OS X :: Airport / Ethernet Connects But Can't Ping Router

Jul 10, 2009

My iBook G4 is having network issues. Since waking from sleep, it will connect to my Airport Extreme base station, but I can't access the web, or access the router from Airport Utility.

Things I've tried so far:


*Resetting the router to factory defaults

*Swapping out the router for a Linksys

*Clearing out network passwords from Keychain

I doubt it's a hardware issue, as everything works in Tiger (booting from an external drive).

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Mac OS X Server :: Can't Ping My Lion At It's IPv6 Address

Mar 12, 2012

Why can't I ping my Lion Server via it's IPv6 address (using a tool on the provider's network) where IPv4 works all the time? 

Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Ping Speed On Internet Connection?

Jul 5, 2012

I am having trouble with the ping speed on my internet connection; it is registering at 174 ms, which is too high. My iMac is a 2009 24inch model running Lion. Is this due to my wifi or is it the ip server?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac :: Unable To Ping From One Computer To Other / Permission Denied?

Mar 21, 2009

I have two imac computers networked both running Leopard OS. Mac1 connects to the 2wire ADSL router via Ethernet. Mac2 connects via wireless. Wireless signal is strong. Both computers can connect to the Internet. Both computers can share files with each other. Firewalls set to allow all incoming connection.

Cannot ping from either computer to the other. Error message: Permission Denied. Using the terminal for pinging has the same results. Have not found a solution search the forums. Would like to solve this problem before attempting to add a windows xp laptop to the network.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard And Wireless Latency / Slow Ping?

Sep 5, 2009

After upgrading to Snow Leopard (SR MBP), I've experienced unusually high and unpredictable latency from the airport connection. The Ethernet connection works fine (consistent and short ping times to the wireless router), but the airport connection's ping times vary wildly. A different MBP (unibody) on Leopard does not have this problem with the same router (so it seems unlikely that the router is at fault), and I did not have this problem before my upgrading. Programs such as Skype that require a steady stream of information are now unusable. Does Archive and Install work for downgrades?

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Windows 7 (Client) VPN Can't Ping IP

Mar 19, 2012

I have an issue with my Windows 7 Client's they can connect my VPN SLS 10.6.8 but I tried to ping the server IP and get no answer.  

Replay from x.x.x.x:  Destination host unreachable. I did all registry changes for W7 Ultimate 64bits but no chance. All my Mac's work fine with all server services. 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), MAC and Windows 7 clients

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Why Does System Respond To Ping Requests

Apr 15, 2012

I have the software firewall on and in stealth mode; the online modem Firewall Setting must be at "Minimum Security (Low)" because if I use "Medium" or "High" my e-mail message center in Safari Version 5.1.5 (6534.55.3) times out. I ran GRC's Shields Up and my computer failed the "Ping reply" test. Here's the result:

Ping Reply: RECEIVED (FAILED) — Your system REPLIED to our Ping (ICMP Echo) requests, making it visible on the Internet. Most personal firewalls can be configured to block, drop, and ignore such ping requests in order to better hide systems from hackers. This is highly recommended since "Ping" is among the oldest and most common methods used to locate systems prior to further exploitation. 

MacBookPro6,2, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Fixing MBP 13" Hard Disk Ping Sound?

Sep 4, 2010

I have a noticed a couple of times when I move touch the MBP, I will hear what sounds like a hard disk "ping" sound, even though I have the hard disk sleep mode disabled on batter / power - everything functions perfectly though. It sounds like something tapping metal - only one "ping" sound (not constant ticking). Mine has the Hitachi 250GB hard disk. Should I be concerned and what is it?

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Unimodel 15" - Ping Ok - Browser And Application Timeout

Oct 29, 2010

My browser and other application keeps timing out. It times out for 30 seconds. then its alright for quite sometime , then it times out again for another 30 seconds or so. Then it works fine again. I have the Macbook Pro Unimodel 15.4", Mac OS X 10.6.4 . The pings are alright. just my browser and the other applications. I have a WRT54GC linksys router at home. What seems to be the problem?

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Unibody Clicking / Ping Type Noise

Dec 27, 2009

I got the 13" Pro from that big fella in the red suit who lives up north. So far so good with the computer but if I pick it up fast or jostle it around, I hear this clicking type noise coming from the area of the hard drive. I have been told that this is a sensor locking down the hard drive before the computer falls and hits the floor for example and is nothing to worry about. Is this the case? Again, it only happens when I give the computer a quick movements and once it happens, I can't reproduce the sound until the computer has been still for a while which makes sense if this is a safety feature. Also, I can only get the computer to "click" when the screen/lid is open and the computer is awake which also backs up the safety feature explanation.

I just want to make sure I have nothing to worry about. My 2008 white Macbook will not make this clicking sound but I have been told that is will but you just can't hear it. My guess is the aluminum amplifies the sound a bit.

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OS X :: Wireless Internet Works - Builtin Ethernet Can Ping But Not Browse Websites

Aug 25, 2010

I recently completely a wire pull from the network hub (Dell Power Connect?) in the office of a church, to a computer in a different room of the church. I plugged in the cat5e cable to the computer, it connects to the network, computers on the network can access it's public folders and remote access it, but the computer cannot browse the internet using the built-in ethernet plug. The wireless-internet on the computer allows me to navigate the internet just fine.

With the Airport turned off, and the ethernet plugged in, I can ping [URL] with 0% packet loss, but when I try to connect to google on Safari or Firefox it says that Safari/Firefox cannot connect to the server.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Firewall In Stealth Mode But Responding To Ping Requests?

Apr 19, 2010

I've just tried running the security test on the Shields Up! site, and I note that even though my firewall is in stealth mode (and Shields Up! reported that all the ports it probed were stealthed), it failed the test because it replied to an ICMP ping request - and yet the Snow Leopard firewall specifically states that when it's in stealth mode, it won't respond to such requests.

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