MacBook Pro :: Fixing MBP 13" Hard Disk Ping Sound?
Sep 4, 2010
I have a noticed a couple of times when I move touch the MBP, I will hear what sounds like a hard disk "ping" sound, even though I have the hard disk sleep mode disabled on batter / power - everything functions perfectly though. It sounds like something tapping metal - only one "ping" sound (not constant ticking). Mine has the Hitachi 250GB hard disk. Should I be concerned and what is it?
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Nov 14, 2010
What makes this ping sound. [URL] It sound like electric when goes wrong! Not rely sure if its ventilator!
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Dec 9, 2009
I've had my MBP since June and occasionally I hear a DING or PING sound. I usually can't see or find any reason for it, though today I had a message from MSN Messenger that someone wanted to add me to her contact list.
I have no idea what the sound indicates, but it does seem to be happening more frequently.
I tried to do a search but nothing came up.
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Aug 10, 2009
My late 2008 macbook intermittently makes a gentle "ding" sound. By gentle I mean it's a sound effect, not the kind of beep you get from about to die hardware. I cannot work out at all what is causing it.
Sometimes it doesn't happen for weeks then will happen several times in a single day. It happens when I am not doing anything at all (ie. not even pressing keys).
I've checked all the sound effects that you can choose in system preferences and it's not the same sound as any of them. I don't use Mail or any other email clients but just in case I checked once when I heard the ding - and I didn't have any new mail. I've also checked my dashboard, and as far as I can see the calendar, clock, weather and calculator widgets don't seem to be set up to make some random alarm sound.
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Nov 16, 2010
I'm a new bird to use Mac OS. This is my 1st Mac.
Initially I'm very satisfy with my Macbook performance, fast response. But after some time, I notice it running is a very very slow operation, even worst that my Samsung laptop.
I was install some software, like OnlyX, CleanMyMac, MacScan 2, MacTuneUp, SpeedTools Utilities Pro. I hope this things can give back my speed, but it doesn't sound that way.
Sometimes, the system it show a message, the content of the message is saying that, my startup disk is low disk space. So, I immediately using CleanMyMac to uninstall some software, finally it able to recovery over 7G. But the system is still the same, running at very slow respond. Especially when I open the Google Chrome (last time very fast), it take about 1 min to loading! Sometimes the message regarding the "startup disk is low disk space" is still popup.
When I open the Finder, I notice the disk space at "Macintosh HD" and "user" is ZERO byte (but sometime it could be >1G but sometime is lesses).
Macbook Pro 13"
Mac OS X 10.6.5 (latest)
Processor 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory 2GB 1067MHz DDR3
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Nov 19, 2006
What is going on? For no apparent reason, this computer decided to start making random "booping" sounds this evening. There is no error, it's not the mail, it even does it when I have my external speakers turned off. Anyone else have this going on? This is the first time it has happened and it's been going on all evening.
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Nov 7, 2007
I've recently been getting a clicking noise from my hard drive, and when it happens 90% of the time my mac crashes for about 10 seconds. First thing I did was verify my disk in disk utility and I got a response I'm not entirely clear of the meaning so I've attached a screenshot of what my response is. I'm going to try some other 3rd party app to see whats up with my hard drive such as techtool pro...I'm on a 2.33 ghz 15" macbook pro with leopard.
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Sep 1, 2008
I've had my imac for under two years, and just recently I noticed it making an odd humming/buzzing sound at times. It's not the normal sound you hear when your hard drive is working hard, it's definitely different. It's not the speakers either, it happens whether they are on or muted.
My suspicion may be that it has something to do with the power. That's because I've been bug testing a mac beta game, and it often crashes my computer, and I have to manually turn off my computer by holding down the power button until it cuts the power.
Does anyone know why this may be and how I can prevent it/fix it?
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Mar 9, 2009
For some strange reason, my early 2008 Mac Pro keeps making hard-drive access sounds / head-moving sounds. It's been doing it non stop for 3 days now. The sounds are short, about 3 per second, about as fast as you would read this: "grind grind grind" then a short half-second pause, then repeat. Sometimes there's a longer 1-2 second delay. But it almost always seems like triplets, "grind grind grind"
I have no apps or background processes running that I've been able to discover. I've checked startup items, launch agents, and launch daemons.
I've checked Activity monitor but I see nothing unusual, and no correlation with any cpu activity.
I've checked disk utility and SMART is verified, permissions are repaired, and the disk is verified to be "OK."
I've tried fs_usage, lsof, and top, and see no correlation to anything.
I'm clearly missing something and am hoping someone can point out what it is? What else can I do to determine what the disk activity is doing? Are there any apps or other UNIX commands to check? Or is my drive dying?
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Jun 13, 2009
When surfing the net (like right now) or just letting it idle, my hard drive makes a slight "clunk" sound like the HD arm is hitting the edge of the case (or maybe starting up and shutting down?). There seems to be no loss of performance. I did a disk verify and everything is OK. Should I be concerned?
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Sep 1, 2009
I have a person that sent along this video and it concerns me that a hard drive would make such a noise. It's unlike anything I've heard in a drive. He claims the original owner installed a new Seagate 7200rpm in the book, and that it mostly happens when loading a web-page on Safari.
Every time I look up "hard drive click" I get the SMS triggered "tink" but this notebook is not in motion and instead makes a "ca-chink".
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Sep 9, 2009
So my brother was upgrading to Snow Leopard from Leopard tonight...and during the install, the time remaining went negative, then shortly thereafter everything froze up so he was forced to power down and since then nothing has been right. He can't restore from backup because apparently there isn't enough space on the disk, then we tried to repair persmissions, it says it cannot and to reformat hard we do that, reboot and then try to re-install leopard only for now, and when it comes up to choose a destination drive he is just a blank box, his hard drive doesn't show up!
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Feb 15, 2011
I've download a Seagate Diagnostics programme to check whether my external Seagate FreeAgent Desk is working properly or not. However, when I run the programme, it indicates that cannot find the disk.
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Jun 27, 2014
I have a Seagate 1 TB Backup Plus Drive which was working perfectly fine until I plugged it into a USB hub. It detected it while in the hub and I was able to get files off of it, but when I ejected it from the hub and put it back into the USB slot on the computer it was not detected by finder. It shows up in the disk utility and I clicked verify and repair and it says:
Verify and Repair volume “Seagate Backup Plus Drive”
Checking file system
Volume repair complete.
Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.
Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
Is there any way to get this to work properly again? Or if not is there a way for me to recover my files on the external hard drive?
I have a Macbook PRO late 2011 running OS X Mavericks.
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Aug 29, 2014
I have a Macbook Pro . The hard disk failed smart disk and my laptop does not start any more. Is it ok if I replace the HDD with CGET or WD hard disk rather than the apple hard disk. the pros and cons of a non apple HDD.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Aug 28, 2014
I am trying to repair my mac. But in disk utility, the hard disk is not visible to proceed. Its showing disk0 -> volume with only 1.79GB. and all the options are disabled. The capacity of my mac book pro was 500GB.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Apr 10, 2009
Next year when snow leopard will be released I was thinking to upgrade my poor 60gb hard disk to something more probably to a 320 one, but I got one problem I lost my recovery disk and actually I don't really need it as you know Tiger is very stable.
When my old macbook will have inside the new hard disk do I need to reinstall tiger then upgrade it to snow leopard or I can directly install snow leopard?
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Sep 1, 2009
Got a new MBP last month to replace my white MacBook - loving it as an upgrade but one gripe - if I'm sat using it on my knee I regularly hear the "click" type noise of what I imagine is the protection of the hard drive because it thinks it is being dropped.
I never heard this on my old Mac and while it's not a huge issue it is a bit disconcerting, as though I'm being told off for moving it in a fairly responsible way.
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Mar 5, 2012
I dropped my macbook pro and when I picked it up and tried to turn it on it is making a tic doc sound nonstop near the disk drive and the green is only white with a file with a question mark in it flashing on the screen..
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Jul 1, 2014
My macbook pro was on while I was sleping and I think the power got disconnected and it shut off on its own. I woke up to it making this ping noise every 20 -30 seconds.
Here is a link to the YouTube video: [URL]
The computer works fine I've tried to turn it back on and off and it works ok.
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Oct 29, 2010
My browser and other application keeps timing out. It times out for 30 seconds. then its alright for quite sometime , then it times out again for another 30 seconds or so. Then it works fine again. I have the Macbook Pro Unimodel 15.4", Mac OS X 10.6.4 . The pings are alright. just my browser and the other applications. I have a WRT54GC linksys router at home. What seems to be the problem?
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Dec 27, 2009
I got the 13" Pro from that big fella in the red suit who lives up north. So far so good with the computer but if I pick it up fast or jostle it around, I hear this clicking type noise coming from the area of the hard drive. I have been told that this is a sensor locking down the hard drive before the computer falls and hits the floor for example and is nothing to worry about. Is this the case? Again, it only happens when I give the computer a quick movements and once it happens, I can't reproduce the sound until the computer has been still for a while which makes sense if this is a safety feature. Also, I can only get the computer to "click" when the screen/lid is open and the computer is awake which also backs up the safety feature explanation.
I just want to make sure I have nothing to worry about. My 2008 white Macbook will not make this clicking sound but I have been told that is will but you just can't hear it. My guess is the aluminum amplifies the sound a bit.
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Oct 11, 2010
I think this question is a bit ridiculous but that quiet nagging voice in the back of my head won't go away so I'm going to ask anyway. Due to the location of the subwoofer speaker in the 2010 15" MacBook Pro, is it possible that high levels of bass could transfer their vibrations to the hard drive and affect the health of it in any way? Here's what I'm talking about at step 11 on ifixit: [URL]
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Mar 11, 2009
ive had the unibody macbook 13" since dec and its been running smoothly. the other night i shut the lid and put the comp to sleep just like every other night, i put the computer on the floor gently and woke up about 6/7 hours later. when i turned it on, i hear this weird buzzing...purring....ticking? i guess i dont know how to describe it. im sure its not the fan cuz i have istat and it would tlel me if the fans going crazy fast...which it isnt, so yea what do i this a serious problem? can i get this fixed?
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Aug 8, 2009
Iv seen forums on hard drives that click and make sound, but my new macbook pro 15" 2.5 ghz, i hear a very quiet click every 5-6 seconds from the bottom right. is that normal?
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May 5, 2010
My computer (MBP 5,5) makes this sound several times throughout a day of use. It sounds exactly like the little "click" sound the computer makes, when i close the lid and have it go into sleep mode. I guess it's the hard drive going to sleep sound? If i'm right, i really don't understand why the hard drive goes to sleep at these random times. I've disabled that in System Preferences - at least i think so. It's this option, right?: [URL] Also, my MBP is always (only use it as a desktop with an external monitor connected to it) on a mStand on my table, so it can't be the Sudden Motion Sensor either.
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Apr 11, 2010
I am considering purchasing diskwarrior but want to make sure it can help my situation before I purchase it. My imac will not boot from the internal hard drive (Intel processor) When I use disk utility to try and repair the disk, I get error messages and it won't repair. I can see the HD but cannot repair it. When I connect using target mode with my mac book pro, the hard drive does not appear on my host (macbook pro) computer. I have reloaded OS X (Leopard) onto a firewire external drive and can boot my imac that way but I can not find my original internal Macintosh HD. Will disk warrior be able to help with this scenario. I would really like to access that internal Macintosh HD and retrieve my files.
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Apr 24, 2012
I have a 2TB Western Digital My Book Studio FW800 external that has 5 partitions, connected to my 2011 iMac. I had help doing the partitions and don't really remember the reasoning, but one is just for my SuperDuper! backup, one is Miscellaneous, one for movie clips off my camcorder, one for misc scanned photo's and one for my genealogy research. I back up using Time Machine to a Time Capsule and also to this WD hard drive with SuperDuper!
Recently I'm getting a pop up message that "Mac OS X can't repair the disk "Genealogy"'. And it needs to be reformatted. It's become a read only disk. When I look in Disk Utility it shows all the partitions as "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" EXCEPT for the one in question. I also noticed that there are a lot of files with "date created" being the same date in 1969! These files may be letters I've written or photo's I added to that partition within the last few years.
I think I have to completely reformat the entire external hard drive to repair this, but I want to make sure. Because it's going to be a major hassle backing it all up to another external (having to get one first) and then figuring out how to make the files that have turned "read only" in that one partition, back to their original state! Does this sound right, that I have to reformat the entire external hard drive? And how do I get the read-only files back to their original state.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 15, 2011
Recently I purchased an external hard disk, to put all of my pictures of my baby due to space limitations on my internal laptop drive. Since my Canon camera 10 megapixel pictures take up a ton of space this was occurring at an alarming rate. My intention was also to back up to DVD but never got to it. This is both a comment and a question.
Now said baby, is getting really good at pulling cords etc. He managed to do this on the external drive firewire cable. As far as i know the drive was not in the process of actually writing. However, after a few minutes and trying to re-plug the drive the OS crashed with a Grey Screen of Death hardware error that tells you that you need to push the power button..
This apparently corrupted the drive's directory. Upon reboot the drive would not mount. Since there were time machine backups on the drive too Diskwarrior was not able to reconstruct the drive in the built in memory available on the computer. Time machine stores millions of files and Diskwarrior apparently wants to keep it all in memory at once. Since my computer has 2GB you would hope that would be enough but apparently not. So that failed. Other utilities seemed to be able to find the files but not restore the directory. I also took it to the apple store they were not able to recover it.
I have to say this is extremely distressing, and hard to believe that a simple accident like this could cost the loss of thousands of pictures. I did send it to a rescue company but that was expensive but I think apple needs to do something about this situation.
On Windows there is a way to disable the write cache for external drives. This is not available for Mac OS X. This would prevent this rather common occurrence of a plug accidentally becoming disengaged when the drive is not in the process of writing. This reduces the odds but I still think apple, in order to become clearly superior, needs a better solution.
I know Apple has experimented with ZFS would this not eliminate this possibility of this kind of disaster? Is this in Snow Leopard desktop? I know they are thinking this is a business customer focused technology but clearly if it can eliminate this kind of thing then I think it is extremely useful to their non server customers. Perhaps there are other ways of dealing with this issue but ZFS is designed to deal with these issues. HFS+ is extremely fragile to disk corruption.
I know my situation is not that uncommon and this is not the first time this has happened to me with an external drive. You would think I had learned. I hate to think of how many other people have had the same thing happen to them.
MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jan 1, 2008
I have 2 internal Serial-ATA disks:
Both were checked (with Disk Utility and DiskWarrior) and are OK. But only one of the two disks shows in the Startup Disk list in System Preferences->Startup Disk.
PowerMac G5 / OS X (V.10.4.11)
3GB memory
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