Hardware :: Looking For Camcorder With A High Frames Per Second

Mar 12, 2008

I'm a golf instructor looking for a camcorder with a highest possible frames per second for under $500. Everything I've liked so far is not compatible with Mac's.

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Mac Pro :: Can't Get 60 Frames Per Second - World Of Warcraft (WoW)

Feb 18, 2008

I am new to macs, wanted the best they could offer before i became assimilated into the mac world so i waited for the new Mac Pro. Just got it and the only game i am playing is World of Warcraft. I have the 8800GT video card and 4gb of ram, the rest is as they ship it in their "standard version" of the new Mac Pro's.

I can't get over 60 frames per second with the settings maxed out. Even when i take the Multisampling to 24-Bit Color 24-bit depth 1X Multisample.

Everything is maxed out, everything. I know when i have the multisampling turned up to 4x i should be able to get over 60fps when i am like, looking at the sky or something, but i cant get it over 60fps. What do i need to do? I have read on some Blizzard forums about typing in commands like "/console GLFaster 0/1/2" but none of that is changing anything. I am running 10.5.2 of Leopard.

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Software :: 24 Frames Per Second Plugin For IMovie?

Nov 19, 2007

Is there any way to preview a 24fps effect in iMovie? I don't want to have to save as a quicktime @ 24fps to see how it looks.

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OS X :: Frames Much Slower On Uploaded Video?

Feb 12, 2010

I'm trying to make some videos, while playing a game. I uploaded a video onto youtube and the frames are much slower then what I was experiencing. I had the frames per second on 40, but I'm not sure if that is what I should be doing. Does anyone know what I should put it on, or tell me some good compressions for it?

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Safari :: Not Capable Of Displaying Frames?

Feb 3, 2012

I work with remote equipment using web gui for management, When I try to acces them with safari I get the message "Viewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying frames". I need to be able to use safari as I have an Ipad and I get the same message. How can I do this?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Final Cut Pro X :: How To Add Still Frames Before And After Ken Burns Effect

Aug 26, 2014

I use Final Cut Pro X Version 10.1.2 under Mac OS X 10.9.4 to create a slide show video. How can I add still frames (pausing) before and after Ken Burns effect? I tried sandwich a clip with Ken Burns effect by other Ken Burns effect clips with identical starting and ending frames. However, clips are non-continuous when playing the video.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Using Jumbo Frames & Screen Sharing / Panic

Mar 11, 2008

Macbook and Macbook Pro both running 10.5.2 - both exact same specs. Connected through Gigabit ethernet using a Netgear GS108 switch that supports Jumbo Frames.

When I set the frame size to 9000 on both computers and then screen share, both computers Kernal Panic.

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Applications :: Capturing Still Frames From Video - Software?

Jan 31, 2009

I'm trying to capture still frames from video. I found video snapshot, but am not sure if its any good. Does anyone have software suggestions?

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Applications :: Final Cut Adding Frames To Out Point?

Mar 30, 2009

i've been editing a movie and in the viewer i set my in and out points and drag it down to the timeline. when i do this, final cut is adding about 10-15 frames to the end of where i set my out point. does anyone know why this is happenng and how to turn it off?

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IMac :: Contemplating To Get Intel - Decent Frames?

Aug 21, 2009

I was thinking of maybe finding a white 20" iMac Core 2 Duo but there are a couple things I would like to know. First how much do they go for. Second, how well they handle games, not a very picky gamer, but some CoD4 at the monitors native resolution and still being able to get decent frames would be nice. The reason I'm contemplating this is because if it can't run CoD4 or other recent games well my G5 works fine for everything.

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Final Cut Studio :: Pixels Appear Every 1 Frame Between 13 Frames Last About 15 Sec

Dec 9, 2014

I got master which is HD 1920 x 1080 prores then convert it to 720 x 480 widescreen then compressing it to m2v. Notice pixels appear every 1 frame between 13 frames last about 15 sec on m2v. Why is that? Is there other compressor program than apple compressor. I use Compressor 3.5.3.

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OS X :: Does Finder Cache Thumbnails Of Pictures & Movie Frames?

Sep 11, 2010

Does Finder cache thumbnails of pictures, movie frames?

If yes, where is the cache located?

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MacBook Pro :: Future Of MBP's - IPS Displays With Black Frames, Built-in SSD

Oct 24, 2010

What do you expect of the next generation of MBP's?I think no optical drive is a given, at least for the sub 17" models. I'm more curious if they will ditch the drive bay like they did with the MBA's. I think the next generation of MBPs will have IPS displays with black frames, built-in SSD, very long battery life and strong specs. Imagine a 13" MBP without a drive bay and optical drive could have room for more battery and discrete graphics card, and probably even be thinner than the current crop.

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MacBook :: Frames Skipping In Online Videos Playback

May 13, 2009

Whenever I log on to Youtube or ABC for example to watch TV Shows, the audio is fine but the video seems to play every 3 frames or so. Is there a reason why this is? I have broadband internet and other parts of web-surfing go smoothly. Is my laptop too outdated to play online video?

900mhz iBook
640mb RAM

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Applications :: Software To Create A Movie From Lots Of Still Frames?

Jun 1, 2009

I have about 2,000 still frames, all PNG files, that I wish to compile into a movie. They are a bit of a weird size (1049x870px) so iStopMotion doesn't work.

iMovie 8 is beyond useless for this since it downsizes them, works in a different frame rate (25fps as opposed to the 15fps that I need the final movie in), there seems to be no clear way to set the number of frames each still should last (unlike in iMovie 5), and above all, it cannot seem to import them in the correct order, and I don't have the time to manually import 2,400 files in order.

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MacBook Pro :: Video Skipping Frames MBP 17" DVD Player, VLC?

Mar 8, 2010

Lately I have been having trouble when playing some DVDs and other videos on my laptop (MBP 17" 2.93 Intel Core 2 Duo, 8GB RAM, Mac OS X 10.6.2).

It seems it's skipping frames: it is especially clear on side camera movements such as pans, but it happens all throughout the DVD or video I'm playing. The movements are as if some frames were taken out, resulting in a "jumpy" image.

Besides the obvious fact that it's extremely annoying, I am very puzzled because it happens with all sorts of original DVDs, and also with some online videos (such as this one: [URL], which I also highly recommend, if you'll allow me), but not with all. It doesn't matter whether I play the DVD with Apple's DVD Player or with VLC, the skipping happens anyway. It doesn't affect audio or any other application.

.mpg, .avi and other video formats seem not to be affected. Only VIDEO_TS folders or original DVDs seem to have this problem, as well as the above mentioned Vimeo video (which suggests it could happen with other streaming videos, but I haven't had that problem yet - Youtube seems to work just fine).

I wouldn't be able to specify when it started happening (probably about a month or two ago) but it hasn't been like this always, so I don't have a lot of info on any updates that may have caused the problem.

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Applications :: Final Cut Express 4 - Intentionally Dropping Frames?

Mar 12, 2010

How do i intentionally drop frames in final cut express? I tried to change it from the sequence dropdown menu but it changed the frames for the whole sequence. is there a way to drop the frames for a single clip?

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Software :: Items Listed Twice - Black Frames Around Icons

Sep 8, 2009

OS 10.5.8. While working in Quark I suddenly see duplicates under the Apple menu for "shut down", "Log out", and "restart". All of these items are listed twice now. There are also Black Frames around anything I click on. (maybe I hit a strange keyborad command by mistake? I've run the Disk Utility from start-up disk, and that found "no problems", but list and black frames still there.

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Final Cut Pro X :: Project With Green Frames - Media Has Been Transcoded To Pro Res 422 (HQ)

Dec 5, 2014

My project has some green frames in it. My media has been transcoded to pro res 422 (HQ) from another codec (I don't know which one, I don't have original footage) using PAVTUBE HD converter. What's the best way to deal with this situation ? It's a 2 hour long conference and I don't feel like looking at the whole thing without blinking my eyes to find and cut all the little green frames.

Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Ease In / Out On Transform Video Animation Key Frames?

Sep 5, 2014

I have a simple sequence where a I some actors on a green screen keyed. They are on top of another video clip that has motion with the camera (it pulls back). 

I transformed the actors to be small and I animate them as the camera pulls back to show them getting smaller and movie up and to the right a bit (proper perspective for the camera move). 

The camera moves eases out and then at the end, it eases in, so the animation I have is off in the beginning and in. 

I checked out an online article about video animation in FCP X and I see a picture of Ease In/ Out when you right click a key frame in the timeline with Video Animation show. 

When I right-click on a key frame, the only option I see is Delete Key Frame. 

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Final Cut Pro X :: Drops Frames Resulting In Thousands Of Clips

Jun 2, 2014

I have a Mac Pro, 2 x 2.66 GHZ 6-Core Intel Xeon machine with 24 GB of  1333 MHZ DDR3 memory. 

I have both miniDV videotapes recorded on camcorders as well as on JVC recorder. I also have S-VHS videotapes recorded on the JVC recorder (which is a dual recorder, with the miniDV deck on the left and S-VHS deck on the right) 

Whenever I try to import video from either deck (or from a Canon Elura camcorder) into FCP X, I get thousands of separate clips ranging from a few tenths of a second in length to 20 seconds or so in length. When these clips are loaded into the timeline, there is a video and audio stutter whenever the playback cursor crosses between adjacent clips, indicating that a frame or two or more has been dropped. Making a compound clip is no luck, the stuttering due to dropped frames persists. This makes it completely impossible to edit since no clip is long enough to be usable.

The dropped frames seem to be due to the program, not the cameras, tape deck or videotapes since the problem occurs across all camera platforms as well as the two videotape formats.  It's as if FCP X has a hair trigger in identifying some variance in frame rates that it judges to be a dropped frame, and immediately terminates the import of that little clip and goes on to the next import, only to repeat the same process THOUSANDS OF TIMES. The problem persists whether I record imports to my SSD startup disk, to my internal RAID, or to peripheral disks. 

This did not happen in previous versions of FCP using the exact same video equipment and tape formats but a different computer. There seems to be no way to tell FCP X to ignore any variation of time code and I'm concerned that this problem will render my current equipment and videotapes worthless. 

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ITunes For Mac :: Video Files Skipping Frames - RAM Not The Reason

Sep 6, 2014

MacBook Pro
13-inch, Mid 2009
Processor  2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory  8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics  NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB
Software  OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)
itunes version 11.3
160gb rotational hard drive w 75 GB free space 

my problem is that tv shows and movies downloaded from the iTunes store skips frames (stutters, pauses call it what you will) every 5 or 10 seconds while playing. The sound continues but the video stutters. The problem appears after watching for about 5 minutes, its fine until then, sometimes it gets a bit better but it never goes away.The movies are not HD, they're standard definition files. 

I've tried many different movies and tv shows purchased from the iTunes store and its always the same.It happens in full screen and half size. It happens when i open the files in quicktime player as well. I have no other applications running while the problem happens. It does NOT happen when I put the files onto my girlfriend's iPad, they playback no problem. 

This problem did not happen when I first purchased the laptop, it has only appeared in recent months. At first I thought it was a RAM issue as I only had 2gb of RAM so I upgraded to 8gb and while my computer is much faster in general the problem has not gone away at all, it's exactly the same. Then I thought it was because my hard drive was full, (which it was) so I cleared some space and now have 75gb free on a 160gb drive. Still skipping frames.  It does not happen when I play video files not purchased from iTunes store in quicktime. 

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Watching 1080p Movies Smoothly With No Dropped Frames?

Aug 11, 2009

Is this normal? When watching a 1080p movie on my mbp, in order for it to play smoothly with no dropped frames etc, I have to close everything except for VLC. I have to close mail, itunes, I mean everything except for VLC. Is this normal? otherwise I will get many dropped frames every 5 min or so.

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Intel Mac :: Print Multiple Frames From A Website Onto Separate Pages?

Jun 26, 2012

Firefox has this option on OSX (each frame on separate page), but safari seems to lack such an option. I need to print multiple frames (invoices from zencart) each on separate pages. When I try to print with Safari it will either try and print the selected frame, or it will print all the frames as it's laid out on the page (all printed on one page). Am I missing this option somewhere? Is there an extension I can try (already tried print plus to no avail)?

Safari, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Applications :: FCP 6.06 Dropped Frames And Spinning Rainbow Wheel While Importing / Sort This?

Oct 5, 2010

I am using FCP 6.06, I imported video from two different video camcorders: Canon GL-2 mini-dv and a Sony Digital 8 TRV340. Importing from both of these cameras went pretty well, i had some dropped frames while importing, nonetheless it went pretty well. However, when i drop any of the footage into the timeline and I press play, it will play for a few seconds, hang up (spinning wheel) and then gives me a window that says: RT extreme has determined that these were caused by slow disks, please try: Increasing the speed of your disks, Decreasing the number of RT layers, Limiting your RT bandwith. AS of now i currently use a 1 TB Western Digital "My Book" for my scratch disk. I have tried everything I can think of and I am working on a Wedding video.

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Applications :: IWeb Publish Error - Lines Or Picture Frames Disappeared

Jul 23, 2008

My problem is that iWeb doesn't publish my site the way it is shown in iWeb. I made some modifications to my site in iWeb (put some picture frames on my site, lines) but when I publish to a folder and then to a different domain, my site won't look nothing at all with the one I have created in iWeb. I checked my site with Firefox and Safari and the lines or the picture frames disappeared or don't appear as they should.

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OS X :: FFS - Fix Spotlight - Stops Playing - Miss Frames - Sound Gets Off Sync With Video

Aug 10, 2009

This is really really starting to annoy me now. I'm watching a movie, and suddenly out of no where, it starts stuttering. It stops playing, misses frames, sound gets off sync with video, overall kills the movie experience. Checking activity monitor, I see mds.app going crazy thrashing the hard drive. What the heck Apple. I don't need spotlight updated every 10 minutes. Is there a way to set times where it scans my computer? I rarely even use spotlight, most of the time I use it to launch programs. Plus, most recent files I really don't need to search since I know where I put them. Please Apple, add some more options for spotlight for heaven's sake. I looked into spotlight options and it's a pathetic splatter of simply selecting which folders you want it to *display*. I want to make it only index at twilight times, or only if I'm not using the data heavy programs like the video player. I don't really want it turn it off though, as I use it sometimes and it's been helpful in finding things. I don't know why Snow Leopard doesn't address this, since it seems like the same interface that's going in 10.6.

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MacBook :: Fans On High Speed - Does This High Speed Effect On Computer?

Jun 16, 2009

Does it hurt the computer... If the computer is doing something (watching flash, playing a game) that turns on the fan full speed;Does this hurt the computer? There are a few games I like to play and they turn on the fan at full speed (computer gets hot too, on the bottom.)

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MacBook Pro :: Merged High Resolution Glossy Or High Resolution Antiglare?

Apr 14, 2010

How does the Antiglare screen look? Does it look cheap and flimsy like the matte screens on the pc laptops?This is my first Mac and i'm looking at going all out and getting the top of the line 15". I know I definitely want the HD screen, i'm just not sure which screen looks better. What about a 5400 vs 7200 rpm hdd? Is this upgrade worth it?

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Mac Pro :: Get The Videos From The Camcorder?

May 27, 2012

I have a sony hdd camcorder, how can I get the videos from the camcorder to the macpro?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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