Applications :: Final Cut Express 4 - Intentionally Dropping Frames?
Mar 12, 2010
How do i intentionally drop frames in final cut express? I tried to change it from the sequence dropdown menu but it changed the frames for the whole sequence. is there a way to drop the frames for a single clip?
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Mar 30, 2009
i've been editing a movie and in the viewer i set my in and out points and drag it down to the timeline. when i do this, final cut is adding about 10-15 frames to the end of where i set my out point. does anyone know why this is happenng and how to turn it off?
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Jun 24, 2014
Will LiveType work on Mavericks?
Will Final Cut Express work on Mavericks?
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Aug 26, 2014
I use Final Cut Pro X Version 10.1.2 under Mac OS X 10.9.4 to create a slide show video. How can I add still frames (pausing) before and after Ken Burns effect? I tried sandwich a clip with Ken Burns effect by other Ken Burns effect clips with identical starting and ending frames. However, clips are non-continuous when playing the video.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 9, 2014
I got master which is HD 1920 x 1080 prores then convert it to 720 x 480 widescreen then compressing it to m2v. Notice pixels appear every 1 frame between 13 frames last about 15 sec on m2v. Why is that? Is there other compressor program than apple compressor. I use Compressor 3.5.3.
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Dec 5, 2014
My project has some green frames in it. My media has been transcoded to pro res 422 (HQ) from another codec (I don't know which one, I don't have original footage) using PAVTUBE HD converter. What's the best way to deal with this situation ? It's a 2 hour long conference and I don't feel like looking at the whole thing without blinking my eyes to find and cut all the little green frames.
Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Sep 5, 2014
I have a simple sequence where a I some actors on a green screen keyed. They are on top of another video clip that has motion with the camera (it pulls back).
I transformed the actors to be small and I animate them as the camera pulls back to show them getting smaller and movie up and to the right a bit (proper perspective for the camera move).
The camera moves eases out and then at the end, it eases in, so the animation I have is off in the beginning and in.
I checked out an online article about video animation in FCP X and I see a picture of Ease In/ Out when you right click a key frame in the timeline with Video Animation show.
When I right-click on a key frame, the only option I see is Delete Key Frame.
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Jun 2, 2014
I have a Mac Pro, 2 x 2.66 GHZ 6-Core Intel Xeon machine with 24 GB of 1333 MHZ DDR3 memory.
I have both miniDV videotapes recorded on camcorders as well as on JVC recorder. I also have S-VHS videotapes recorded on the JVC recorder (which is a dual recorder, with the miniDV deck on the left and S-VHS deck on the right)
Whenever I try to import video from either deck (or from a Canon Elura camcorder) into FCP X, I get thousands of separate clips ranging from a few tenths of a second in length to 20 seconds or so in length. When these clips are loaded into the timeline, there is a video and audio stutter whenever the playback cursor crosses between adjacent clips, indicating that a frame or two or more has been dropped. Making a compound clip is no luck, the stuttering due to dropped frames persists. This makes it completely impossible to edit since no clip is long enough to be usable.
The dropped frames seem to be due to the program, not the cameras, tape deck or videotapes since the problem occurs across all camera platforms as well as the two videotape formats. It's as if FCP X has a hair trigger in identifying some variance in frame rates that it judges to be a dropped frame, and immediately terminates the import of that little clip and goes on to the next import, only to repeat the same process THOUSANDS OF TIMES. The problem persists whether I record imports to my SSD startup disk, to my internal RAID, or to peripheral disks.
This did not happen in previous versions of FCP using the exact same video equipment and tape formats but a different computer. There seems to be no way to tell FCP X to ignore any variation of time code and I'm concerned that this problem will render my current equipment and videotapes worthless.
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May 26, 2009
I tried to use Final Cut Express Hd for the first time. I have a bunch of .mp4 files created with a Flip Mino HD camera (H264). I tried to import them in FCE, but I always get the UNRENDERED message on the Canvas window when I try to play it on the timeline. I know has something to do with the settings I put on the "Easy Setup" thing, but I tried everything and it's not working. How can I solve this? And what is the best way to work with those kind of HD files?
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Nov 7, 2009
I have a quick question regarding Final Cut Express and Pro. I have about 10-15 hours experience with Final Cut Express through a class at school so I have a decent idea of how to use it, but mainly just basically. The list for it is $199. Now, I am wondering if this is a good video editing software to make a real professional video (mainly action ones, MX, but could be anything) as I have not really explored what I can do with it. How advanced is FCE compared to FCP, listed at $1199? Why is FCP $1000 more, and is this worth it? I'm obviously not looking to make a hollywood movie, but even though right now I have limited knowledge with FC, I would like to build on this and become really good with it. Will I soon exhaust FCE's features like I did after one use of iMovie? Or will FCE last me for several years with upgrades as seen fit?
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Oct 31, 2010
Aghh, i am so annoyed that i have to render everytime i make little changes i have to render the whole video project. I know there is a way i can render it once and just once. I heard of a program called MPEG StreamClip, but it did not work for me. The instructions i fallowed where: Open video, and drag it to MPEG STREAMCLIP. Export to Quicktime these are the settings i used....
screen shot here
According to the person who provided the instructions, i was only suppose to mess with the settings highlighted in the screen shot. Sadly, this did not help, i still have to render. Does anyone else do it differently?
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Nov 12, 2010
I'm currently having to give myself a 24hr crash course in FCE. One of the things I'm up against at the moment is the process of creating a sub-clip. I was half expecting to:
Import video into the bin.
Double click the footage to transfer it into the play head
Set in and out points with the I/O markers under the play head
Click on the actual video and drag it back to the bin to create a sub-clip
When I drag the video back into the bin all I appear to get is another copy of the original master clip. No recognition of the in and out points.
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Sep 5, 2008
ive got a Sony HVR-V1E/V1P its a HDV 1080i camera which uses mini DV tapes for ages now ive been trying to capture media into FCE and it hasnt been working it can never recognize the capture device. I found an I.Link convert setting and set it to on so now it converts it into DV when it captures, and at last the device is recognised and i can play it on the computer etc. When i try to capture it though, after around 2 seconds it says: "Dropped Frames were detected during the last capture attempt" , better yet, can anyone help me get this thing to import at proper HDV? Edit: I went into the settings and disabled the option saying "abort capture on dropped frames" Now it captures about 3 seconds and says: "Capture encountered a problem reading data on your source tape. This could be due to a problem with the tape. Capture has been aborted and your project has been saved"
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Sep 23, 2009
I understand the latest version of iMovie does support HD AVCHD's. So, with that in mind I would like to understand which of the apps listed in the title I should go with (iMovie, FCE, FCP). All I want to do is edit movies of my kids for burning to blu-ray (i know i have to use toast 10 for this). I would like: nice transitions (but mostly will just use fade in/out and wipe), a few titles at the beginning and sub titles now and then, the ability to use mp3 files as background music and mix the video soundtrack with the music soundtrack, ability to create chapters in both dvd and blu-ray Which software would be best for me? Also, do i need anything in addition to toast 10 and the above editing software to be able to author blu-rays with chapters and nice backgrounds to the menu/index bit of the disc?
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Jul 7, 2010
I'm pretty close to buying my iMac pretty soon and to aid to the purchase, which one should be my top priority to buy? Photoshop CS5 (with an Academic Discount) or FCE (Academic discount too). Thing is, I've been planning to do some graphic design and/or films during the summer. If I'm going the graphic design way, I'm going to need a tablet (any suggestions?). But thing is, is iMovie sufficient enough for me right now? I'm already going to be using an HD Canon video camera (.m2ts file format) and can iMovie handle that? Or should I step up to FCE which has been long due for an update. Or should I just stick with Photoshop CS5, buy a graphics tablet, and focus on graphic design first (and then video).
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Apr 30, 2008
I have been seriously considering purchasing final cut express 4. It seems like it has been forever since Apple has released an update to this software. Would anyone happen to know if Apple is planning on releasing final cut express 5 sometime in the near future?
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Sep 14, 2007
I just bought final cut express about a week ago, and haven't used it yet. There's a youtuber: Who does insane editing. He uses Sony Vegas. Is it possible to do this kinda thing in Final Cut Express? Also, in Final cut you have to Render everytime you import or change something. It takes me hours trying to edit something. Is there anyway to fix that? Do you have to render with sony vegas?
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Sep 2, 2010
Im trying to Capture videos from a sony dvd camcorder. im using a canopus advanced DV converter (ADVC-110 is the model #). quicktime version 10.0 is installed on this computer.
iMac 6.1 using OS X 10.6.2so this is what happens. i will attempt to capture a video from the camcorder to final cut express hd and during the capture, the video will momentarily freeze on the computer, however the playback on the camcorder continues. the result is that the video freezes while the audio continues to capture (and during playback as well). any ideas on what the problem could be?
i dont use this computer for any software/music downloading or anything like that so viruses are pretty much out of the question. if theres any other information you may need let me know.
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Feb 10, 2009
I've tried installing Final Cut Express 4 on my Macbook. I run Tiger. It can't be done. Just after I choose the hard drive for the installation, it starts installing for a split second and then stops saying that an error occurred and that I have to start all over again. Can anyone help me with this? Maybe the Final Cut Express 4 isn't compatible with Tiger?
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Mar 15, 2009
I have final cut express and ive been watching videos on youtube on how to chroma key with my green screen videos and I follow everything but the video on the side of the chroma key opetions just doesnt do anything atall. I have the picture that I want to use right under my video and I just cant seem to get it to work. If so tell me what i am possible doing wrong or not clicking/checking off or give me a detailed explanation on how to do it properly if possible.
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Mar 17, 2009
i've connected my DV camera into my computer, its been recognized by final cut, and will let me import (capture). But when i go to import it doesnt divide the footage into clips as its being captured. Is there a way to modify this? Or does it divide after its done importing? Or not at all?
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Mar 23, 2009
i have final cut express 4 and i noticed that there was 2 stickers with serial numbers,can i installl it on 2 computers.and i have not registered yet does that make a difference.
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May 19, 2009
I am looking at getting FCE 4.0 but will it work well on either 2009 Mini 2.0 Ghz, 4GB with 320GB HDD 16 MB Cache and 7200RPM. 2009 uMB 2.4 with 4GB/500GB Hybrid. I am thinking I might need a machine with a dedicated GPU.
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Mar 2, 2010
I recently cropped a clip but I still want it to take up the whole screen, the reason I cropped it was because I did not want the unnecessary space. Is there a way that I can enlarge the clip so that it takes up the whole screen again?
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Mar 16, 2010
Final cut express is stopping exporting at 100% and hanging there for an indefinite amount of time. What is going on? I am using simple Quicktime Exporting options.
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Mar 26, 2010
I have been seriously considering purchasing final cut express 4. It seems like it has been forever since Apple has released an update to this software. Would anyone happen to know if Apple is planning on releasing final cut express 5 sometime in the near future?
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Jun 26, 2010
I have bunch of video with MP4 format. It's unable to be imported on my Final Cut Express.....unless I convert it first.
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Sep 16, 2010
I want to capture about 30 hours of DV tapes from my camcorder using Final Cut Express on my new iMac and was hoping to find the optimum configuration for doing so.
I'm using the Firewire port to connect to the camcorder. So then the question is: which hard disk to use for the capture scratch? Since the iMac has only one Firewire port, and that's used for the camcorder, the only choices are the internal Serial ATA 7200 rpm drive and an external drive connected via USB 2.0.
I wanted to avoid using the internal drive because it's the system drive and especially to avoid the significant internal heat build-up, but when I connect a 7200 rpm Seagate FreeAgent disk via USB, I'm consistently getting dropped frames.
So I've resorted to using the internal drive for now, and when I'm done, I may copy/move them off to the external drive, but I still would prefer to capture directly to the external drive (without the dropped frames though).
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Mar 31, 2008
I've been trying to figure out how to split the screen in final cut express 3.0, so I can have one video image on one side, and another on the other side of the screen. I can't find it under video filter, transitions or anything.
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May 12, 2008
I'd love to see Final Cut Express get an update since it hasn't been updated since 2007! It does support up to 1080i HD widescreen, but 1080p is not supported. This is frustrating as iMovie is a consumer product and I prefer the look of Final Cut.
I know I could just purchase Final Cut Studio and get Final Cut Pro, and have 1080p support, but I don't want to spend that much money. Final Cut Express was perfect in that it had the look of Final Cut Pro! I wish Apple would release an update, but I haven't heard anything.
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