Hardware :: IPod Frozen - Wheel Button Does Not Provide Control
Jul 5, 2009
Gave my son an iPOD last Christmas, 8 GB, now running 1.0.3 software. Nano I think. Has worked fine until now. Unit seems frozen. Was finally able to restore the unit after several attempts following Apple procedure but wheel button does not provide control so we cannot even select language to proceed. iTunes still recognizes the unit and appears on desktop but that's it. Display also quickly goes into "sleep" mode and dims. Battery display indicates full charge. Wondering if the wheel button is shot. I'm far from an iPod expert.
I'm not new to Macs, however, as I purchased my first one in 1984. I have a problem. I have been syncing my touch wheel (1st generation) iPod with my eMac for several years, no problem. I am now attempting to switch and sync my iPod with my Macbook. The problem is that the iTunes on my Macbook won't recognize my iPod. I've attempted restarting the computer several times and rebooting the iPod as well. Occasionally I can get the Macbook to recognize the iPod (it shows up on the desktop), but even then the beachball just whirls. And I have yet to get iTunes to recognize the iPod. I know the firewire and the connection is working, because the iPod charges from the Macbook via the firewire. I have also restored factory setting for my iPod.
When using the trackpad on my MacBook Air running OS X Lion v 10.7.3, I can easily access Misison Control with a three-finger swipe up, and then use the three-finger swipe left or right to view each of my individual desktops (while in mission control). I hope to gain similar functionality using the wheel button and wheel of my Logitech mouse (when I am at work and am using a keyboard and mouse).Â
I have downloaded the Logitech Control Center for Macintosh® OS X (available at [URL]) and configured Mission Control to load when I click on my wheel button. I currently have the wheel itself configured for vertical scrolling (e.g., for navigating web pages in Safari).Â
how I can specify a different role for the mouse wheel when in Mission Control - namely rotating wheel up will do the equivalent of the three-finnger swipe left, and rotating wheel donw will do the equvialent of three-finger swipe right?
I press the power button to put the screen of my iPod to sleep and nothing happens, I CAN, however, use the power button to turn off the iPod. It just won't go into sleep mode with the power button. It will still go into sleep mode if I wait long enough.
-The button still works, just not for sleep mode. Actions taken- I've reset all the settings, and erased all content and settings. I'm on a dialup connection so no software updates are possible at this time, but still suggest them and I'll get them later...
When we upgraded to 10.5 and got the new iMac (I don't know which one caused the problem) I noticed that the Command, control, alt, and shift button all act like caps lock. I use those buttons all the time, and if I accidentally press one and have no idea what it is, I am stuck trying to figure out what to do.
How can I stop the control button from moving the open applications up and exposing the desktop? It is getting very annoying when I want to use the control button for other functions. I tried looking in settings under keyboard, but found nothing.
I have 2 MBP's, a Mac Pro, and a Mac Mini. On all of these I use a Logitech Trackman Wheel with. I updated the first 3 machines to Snow Leopard and the Logitech Trackman Wheel continued to work fine. I then upgraded the last MBP to Snow Leopard. For some reason the scroll wheel no longer works on the Logitech Trackman Wheel. I am able to use the ball to move around the screen, the buttons still work, but the scroll wheel won't work.
Does anybody know any free speech voices that you can actually understand unlike the ones that Apple provide? I have tried Cepstral voices but you have to licence them which I don't want to pay for. Any voices for Mac that are free and as good as the Cepstral ones. There must be some?
I installed OnyX to improve my system's performance. When I tried to use it, a window showed up asking me to enter the password. The window is different from the one that I normally see during installation. Is it safe to enter the password? In general, can hackers use freeware to collect password from the users? If so, how can we tell whether or not to enter the password?
Scrolling through that little window is the most annoying thing, besides, right in the middle of a scroll the window sends you back to the top. So you have to start again. There are updates for iTunes at least once a week and yet none of these make this feature a bit more usable.
Pictures of the iPods at the Phoenix Biltmore apple store in Arizona.Second, Third, and Fourth Generation iPod nanos. the 2nd and new 4th are roughly the same size.
I have an old macbook that has all my songs on, as well as my iPod. I have recently got an iMa which currently has no music on, how would I transfer the music from the iPod to the new iMac, or alternatively from the old Macbook to the iMac?
Just upgraded to the iPhone OS 3.0 on my 1st gen iPod Touch and when I turn the volume up whilst it's in the iPod Hi-Fi, the volume dips when I've finished turning it up... When I push the volume up again the volume slider on the iPod touch then moves down to where it dipped.it's quite hard to explain! Basically, when I turn the volume up to 50%, the sound dips to 25%.... the slider still shows 50% until I press the volume up button and it would move the slider to 25%. (If I wanted to play my music at 50% I would have to turn it up to 75% and wait for it to dip to 50%!)I have reset the iPod touch and restored it but the problem still exists. OS 1.0 and 2.0 didn't have this problem. Does this happen to anyone else? Is there a solution?
i just got a new mac and didnt want to migrate everything so that i could keep this new mac "clean" of my old stuff however im having a hell of a time transfering ical and address book over! Most importantly i got a new ipodtouch also and im wondering if anyone know how to transfer the stickie notes from my old ipod to new ipod?
I'm looking for a system that can track about 50 MBP's providing both remote wipe as part of an overall security protocol, and also remote screen/desktop for admin purposes. I looked at preyproject.com but it looks like they only do remote wiping/tracking. that I don't want something locked to a single user, it should be centrally managed.Â
My girlfriend and I attended the Toronto Raptors game last nightFor those of you from Toronto, we parked below the Novotel Hotel on the Esplande. Since both of us were coming from work we had are valuables in the trunk. (we both placed are stuff in the trunk prior to arriving at the location). Well when we arrived back to the car we noticed the back passenger side window was smashed in and the trunk was empty. We weren't the only ones who were robbed in that lot, there was at least one other car that was broken into according to the hotel staff. The police seem to think it was a drug addicts looking for items to sell for drugs and that it is not a coincidence that it was during a Raptors game. The lot has no cameras due to construction being done, so for those in Toronto who frequent Leafs or Raptors games do not park there, it's a cheap alternative but not worth the risk.
I have searched this forum site, and there is a specific app that was mentioned to rip music from your ipod to mac in which i think the first 1000 songs were free. I am having a hard time remembering the name of it, can someone help me out please?ipod to mac is not free as it asks for a registration code (unless I am doing something wrong)I believe it started with an x
My granddaughter has a formated iPod for windows and her computer crashed. The iPod is having problems. She would like to backup her music, but she doesn't have access to a computer. Can I use my iBook running Mac OSX 10.3.9? Is there any software that will let me do this for free? I would like to give her a DVD of her music if possible.
I have just shipped my Mac Mini to its new home and I've had reports that the panic error is appearing on boot up: "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the Restart Button." This screen appears on the blue window just after the grey apple screen has disappeared and does not get as far as the desktop at the same point each time. We have tried to reinstall mac OS from the original install disk but holding the "C" Key or the "Option" Key down on restart doesn't boot from disc. Is there a way you can view the Kernel Panic log before you boot into Mac OS so we can try and pin point the source of this problem. I'm wondering if this could have been the result of the shipping that has caused some hardware to come loose.
the reason i am here in this one to one conversation its because my ipod got stolen on a Wedsnday; to be exact February 15th. I was in my third period class, which was gym and when i went to go look for my ipod since we had free choice of exercise, i didnt find my ipod but my headphones were in my bag, and my phone was there to. By a suprise where i left my ipod, they took out everything that was covering the ipod and just left my pink headphones. I'm here because i would like to replace my ipod.I know my apple id account, and password. I have the app locate my ipod.Sadly i couldnt locate it because it wasnt turned on.
Info: iPod touch, iOS 5.0.1, black ipod, 4th generation
My "achive as" button do not appear when im trying to save a scanned PDF document but only the "achive" button. I have tried seraching the internet for answer but without any result. Â A solution to the prblem is to press doublicate and then "archive" then i get the option to save in a specific loaction (notice that even after doublicating i don't get the option to archvie as).
-The problem also appears on exsisting pdf document and documents from other users.
- i open it in apple standard preview program
- The problem appaered 6 months ago after and general apple software upgrade.
- I don't have any "download" folder in my finder menu ( I don't know if this is a relevant information but could have somthing to do with the settings i.e. as administor even though it is my own mac).Â
I'm using a 4GB 2.4ghz Mac Book Pro and Leopard 10.5.8 Earlier I was using Mail to type a quite long email and I noticed it started to slow down and become unreponsive - I thought it was because I had too many other apps open, so quit them to free up memory... it didnt work so I quit the App - Now when I open it the email I was writing appears but I just get a spinning beachball if I try and do anything - I've never had any probs before with it and have used it as my mail client since I bout the machine in April 2009.
My desktop has frozen three times in the past week. A couple other times my icons are moved over about 3 inches like the desktop starts there but the other things, windows and taskbar, are in the same spot. All other programs and dock are fine. I have to restart to get these things to go away. Anybody know anything about this? i have a aluminum macbook 2.4 ghz.