I use ComputerTime application for managing parental controls on my Windows machines. However, I do not know of an equivalent application on the Mac. Is there an application for the Mac that offers parental control like:
1. Specifying when a child can log in to the Mac? 2. What day a child can use the Mac? 3. How much time is allowed per day for use on the Mac and where each session totalled up will not exceed the total allowed time per day? 4. How long each session is allowed?
I have late 2008 MBP that run on leopard and I was using fan control (I forget the name) but now I cleaned install SL and I don't have that app. If I keep my MBP on for hours it become hot (around 60-73 c) and before it was cooler (around 40-55 c). Is there other app better then that?
I've been wondering if there's an application for Mac OSX [ Or even Windows ] where you can build iPhone Applications with drag and drop or kind of WYSIWYG. Something easy and not hard.
was wondering what applications everyone uses to convert videos to itunes or iphone format on Mac. for some reason i thought itunes did this but was disappointed when it didn't lol,
right now im using Vuze to convert for iphone was wondering what y'all use
I just discovered the Remote app which controls iTunes and I was wondering if there were any more apps with similar functionality that control other things on the MacBook Pro, and if you happen to know, also what is the cost? I'm really loving this new MacBook Pro of mine and discovering all of the cool things it can do.
Gave my son an iPOD last Christmas, 8 GB, now running 1.0.3 software. Nano I think. Has worked fine until now. Unit seems frozen. Was finally able to restore the unit after several attempts following Apple procedure but wheel button does not provide control so we cannot even select language to proceed. iTunes still recognizes the unit and appears on desktop but that's it. Display also quickly goes into "sleep" mode and dims. Battery display indicates full charge. Wondering if the wheel button is shot. I'm far from an iPod expert.
I have a Mac Pro 2xQuad 2.66Ghz and the cores are always really hot even when idle. When I chat and surf the Internet I only use ca. 3% of the cores however the temperatures are at ca. 80 C and higher when I do work.
So I decided to Install SMC Fancontrol, however there is a big problem I can download it fine, I unwrap the zip fine and I can open the application. However as soon as I type in my password nothing happens. Its really frustrating because I cannot do anything I cant even delete it as it apparently is still running.
I think I did a control click on an application trying to make an alias following a webtip and now I have a blue dot when the app is highlighted, or if I'm not clicked on the app it shows up highlighted blue. what does this mean and how do I get rid of it? I tried control clicking the item again and it's still there. It's just annoying to look at. Ideas? I googled it, I'm sure it's some Leopard feature but I dunno what it is,
I have an iPHone and iPod shuffle and am pretty new to using iTunes.
I'm reinstalling my OS and basically will have a new computer when I'm done.
Is there any way to save the songs and playlists that I put on my iPhone and iPod shuffle?
I did a test run and sync'd my shuffle to a new machine and it erased everything but fortunately I re-sync'd it back on my present machine so I still have everything.
the first time I sync after swapping HD's and installing os x will it keep all the current info on my phone or will I get that "this is synced with another library" message and wipe everything?
Data like music,photos,videos ect has already been backed up but I'm concerned with settings,sms ect
i have a couple of audiobook CD's here and imported them into itunes, but its displaying the tracks like music. i want them all nice and neat in my audiobook section as if i downloaded it, how?
What is the best way to sync all my email, addresses, phones, etc?
Right now I turn off MobileMe's syncing with all devices except my MacBook Pro. Then, when I sync my devices throughout the week with iTunes everything eventually.
I've had problems with duplicate contacts and calendar items which is why I scared to experiment. Am I doing it the best way?
I find all the negative news about the death of the Mac at the hands of the iDevices to be rather entertaining but founded on a clear lack of understanding of how Apple really sells products.
One only needs to google "growth in mac sales" to see about 4 million headlines expounding the incredible growth in Mac Sales over the last few years, particularly since the introduction of the iPod, then the iPhone.
Is it not plainly obvious that the way to increase Mac sales is to attract new customers to Apple with killer iDevices with the expectation that they might strongly consider a Mac next time they upgrade their computer?
Almost everyone I know, who now owns a Mac, first purchased an iPod or an iPhone, and to a person said to me "Wow, Apple makes some incredible stuff, I need to check out a Mac". In the last couple of months, many of my colleagues have purchased their first Apple product: an iPad - and are now converted Apple faithful that will most certainly buy a Mac to sync it with in the coming months.
So everyone who loves Mac's should love iDevices and the focus that Apple puts on them. It's the iDevices that attract customers and sell Macs. And increased Mac Sales, means more better product for us.
My iPod touch and iPhone cannot be synced with my iTunes. This is not an issue with my USB ports or cord as the computer recognizes the devices are plugged in and begins charging them. I've updated everything and restarted, nothing is working.
I need help getting my music from my older ipod onto my new iphone. i have a mac which i thought would make it easier but i don't understand. when i go to sync it it says that its going to erase and replace the music in my library but i dont have music on my laptop yet.
I just bought the new 27 inch iMac I have been using Time Machine on my macbook4 pro and used the backup with migration assistant to the new iMac. When I did the restore, everything went fine except iTunes does not recognize my iPhone or iPad. It does not show up at all when plugged into the iMac. The one thing I had to do when using the restore was change the name of my user account info as it would not transfer to the iMac with the same user info. Anyone got a clue on what I should do to get iTunes to recognize my iPhone and iPad?
Is there any free way to lock or logout a Mac using an iPhone or iPod touch? Maybe using an AppleScript and the Bluetooth built into both devices (when the iPod goes outside of the Mac's range, the computer could lock)?
I was wondering if ipod touch and iphone accessories work with the new ipad.Things like 3.5mm headsets, usb wall and car chargers, microphones, etc. Basically everything that plugs into your ipod and iphone.
I don't know what happened but all of a sudden itunes won't let me drag and drop a song onto my ipod or iphone, It won't even let me drag and drop a song in a playlists within itunes.
I deleted a bunch of MP3 files from my hard disc, but they will not disappear from my iPhone and iPod, even after synchronizing. I think I know why: I deleted the MP3s from my hard disc but not from my iTunes Library. I don't want all the hassle of figuring out which songs I deleted and deleting them from my iTunes Library, I just want them to disappear from the iPhone/iPod and free up the space.
I am thinking of deleting ALL the songs on my iPhone/iPod and then syncing it again. Is there an easier way?
I have had an intermittent problem. Every so often (once a month), my iPhone will not connect to my computer, it does not charge, nor does it show up in iTunes. I checked out 3 different cables, and none work (cable problem eliminated), I tried 3 different iPods, none charged or showed up (iPhone and iPod problem eliminated). I tried both the front and the rear USB ports and nothing ever happens. As far as I recall, this problem just cures itself after a few days. Any idea what I need to have repaired to stop this maddening problem?
Information: Power Mac G5 Mac OS X (10.5) 2.3 GHz, 8GB RAM, 8GB iPhone, Dual Sony SDM-HS95 monitors, PowerBook G4