Hardware :: Apple Laying Ground Work For TRIM Support In Future SSD-based Macs?
Jun 14, 2010
Apple may be laying the foundation for TRIM support in future Macs, a technology that should allow their solid state flash drives to maintain optimal performance throughout the life span of the systems.The Mac maker's most recent 13-inch MacBook Pros display an option for TRIM support in their system profilers on SSD-equipped models, one which isn't present in either the second-generation unibody 15-inch MacBook Pros or the latest refresh sporting Intel's Core i5 and Core i7 processors.TRIM is essentially a command that lets operating systems like Mac OS X inform SSDs of which blocks of pre-written data are no longer in use, allowing them to be wiped clean internally.
I purchased an Intel 34nm 160GB SSD 12 months ago to install in my MBP 13". It has been an excellent drive, however, started to significantly slow down over the last few months. The only way I was able to recover to original speeds was by formatting the entire drive as a windows drive and running the Intel SSD Toolbox app in Win 7 (manual trim command).Finally I reinstalled OSX and voila drive was as fast as when I initially purchased it.Either Intel needs to release a OSX compatible toolbox app or Apple needs to build the functionality into OSX.I know this has been a topic before but thought I'd share my experience.
I have a Macbook Pro 13 inch purchased refurbished thru the apple website. Is shows as early 2011 version. Boot Rom MBP81.0047.B27 It came installed with Lion. I have repeated crashes. I want to run hardware test. It will not load from internet and no CD/DVD was provided. If I hold down the D key before startup it eventualy comes up with the normal log in screen.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How long/soon do you guys think we have to wait till OS X gets TRIM support? Do you think we will get it in 10.6.5 or do you think we will have to wait till 10.7?
What is the significance of the Mac OS X 10.6 not having trim support for SSD drives? I was looking at Crucial's C300 drives, but then I read about trim support being really important.
I've spent the best part of the day researching SSD drives, I'm wanting to pop one in my MBP.I've been looking at the OCZ Vertex and also the Intel X-25M Gen 2.I've set my heart on getting the OCZ but after spending a good hour on their forums, it seems that (like all other drives) there isn't a 'wiper' tool available for OSX.Should this affect my decision? No-one knows if Snow Leopard will support TRIM and I don't want to left with a drive that has lost most of it's umph after a few weeks.I don't claim to know all the details of TRIM (I'm a mere-mortal wanting faster performance), so please feel free to put my mind at ease
i'm planning to buy a macbook as soon as they appear with Core i5 processors, and since i want teh fastest most reliable experience possible, im also getting an SSD.After using a Solid State Disk with my windows xp machine, i've realized that without TRIM, write performance degrades considerably.This leads me to ask two questions, and any help is greatly appreciated:1. Will this SSD work if i format it as a mac drive?256GB Samsung SSD - its gotten good reviews off amazon, but i wana ask the experts (macrumors community
First post so I apologize for any rules I may be breaking. A lot of discussion on this forum has centered around SSD's and their use. From what I have gathered, the price is quite high, but the speed is impressive. I am going to university next year and am looking for a new laptop. I have used Windows all my life and don't have anything that really requires OSX (graphics applications, etc). However, I like the design of the MBP and want something high quality that will last me 4 years. The SSD's are looking pretty appealing for the sheer speed, but OSX doesn't support TRIM, which could affect future speeds.
Let's hope this happens for Mac Pro's as well.Here's the story on AppleInsider...Apple may be laying the foundation for TRIM support in future Macs, a technology that should allow their solid state flash drives to maintain optimal performance throughout the life span of the systems.The Mac maker's most recent 13-inch MacBook Pros display an option for TRIM support in their system profilers on SSD-equipped models, one which isn't present in either the second-generation unibody 15-inch MacBook Pros or the latest refresh sporting Intel's Core i5 and Core i7 processors.
Whenever the MBP refresh happens I intend to upgrade the stock HDD to a 7200rpm 500GB HDD or, less likely, to an SSD. An SSD had been my first option until I learned about SSD performance degradation and the lack of TRIM support in OSX. I was ready to stomach the massive SSD price premium, but the lack of TRIM would most likely rule it out completely for me. And I recall reading something about the MBP hardware connection (perhaps the the SATA connector) having a slight bottleneck compared to SSD-equipped Windows machines; so some of the top of the line SSDs won't be able to max out their transfer rates on OSX. (This is the best, not so informative, link I can find now referring to that impaired performance: http://macperformanceguide.com/Revie...tml#Single_MBP) With these performance issues, I've become perplexed why SSDs are popular amongst some Apple users
- download CentOS 5.2 Live CD ISO- burn the ISO with ImgBurn- bootup your Mac from CD called "Windows" (keep pressing Alt on startup)- open Linux console - type: sudo su- install some needed programs with yum -y install gcc make - download newest edition of hdparm with: wgethttp://sourceforge.net/projects/hdpa...ar.gz/download- unpack files: tar -xzvf hdparm*- go to hdparm directory cd hdparm*- type: make- then type: make install- type: /sbin/hdparm --yes-i-know-what-i-am-doing --dco-restore /dev/sda (if your SSD is a 1st drive, if second sdb, if 3rd sdc, if 4th sdd etc.)
I even sneak around about it, but still I'm a Mac Addict. The cravings are worse every time there's a new Keynote Address from Apple, new press releases or the WWDC and I feel it starting. So as I type this on my 1st Gen 13" Alum MacBook with my white 3G iPhone next to me I can't help but wonder... Is the 3G S that much faster or the screen on the new 13" MacBook Pro that much brighter? I just want to hold it... Focus, focus... try not get distracted.
I'm basically in the same boat as this person in that I need to upgrade from OS X 10.4.11 to 10.5. In my case, I need to upgrade a Mac-mini and two iMacs.
I'm scouring the web for legal copies of OS X 10.5 I can purchase and I've been finding upgrade DVDs being sold in addition to full install DVDs. Both sets of DVDs are official Apple DVDs.
My question: could I use an 10.5 upgrade DVD to do the upgrade or must I use a 10.5 full install DVD? I do realize there is a difference between a 10.5 update DVD vs an upgrade DVD and I'm asking about a 10.5 upgrade DVD..
macbook 1,1 efi and smc up to date, battery not being charged, up to today magsafe led flashed amber green, now solid green but menu bar says battery not charging?
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 1tb HDD, 1 gb memory.
my macbook pro (late 2011) is powering down without warning. I'll be writing an email and w/o warning, it's off. I'm unable to turn it back on with the power button unless i hold it down for a slow count to 10. Fyi - machine is 100% charged when this happens. Two days ago, I did SMC and PRC resets with Apple Care. I needed to do both of these again yesterday on my own.
I have a 2006 Intel Macbook with a crashed hard drive. I'm kinda broke right now, so instead of buying a new hard drive I loaded ubuntu 10.4 onto an external hard drive (USB) and tried to boot the macbook from it. (Failed). I hold down option to launch Startup Manager and all it shows me is a cursor (no drives). I know the external drive is bootable because I a) booted the laptop from a LiveCD and used it to create the hard drive and b) I booted a Dell from the external. I've tried moving the drive to a different USB port, but no chips. I don't have anything else connected to the computer.
my question is: Can I boot the macbook from the external hard drive if the internal hard drive is shot?
Does anyone think Apple will release updated notebooks any time in the near future? I know anything we come up with will purely be speculation, but sometimes Apple tends to follow trends. My 17" i5 MBP was just replaced with a gift card, and I'm wondering if I should wait for a bit (Apple had a Mac event in October to announce the unibody) or go ahead and get what I want now. I suppose I can always sell it later if something THAT much better is released.
I've been going on two weeks now without my 13-inch mid-2009 mbp...i installed the 10.7.3. lion update but after it was completed i powered down my laptop and started it up only to find a blinking folder with a question mark...the logic board was replaced in mid-2010...i'm able to boot of an external drive running lion 10.7.3...i replaced the wd hdd with a new one & now it doesn't recognize it in disk utilities...i've replaced the ram with new ram & changed the hdd cable...i took it to apple & they said it should be either the cable or the hdd...i tested the hdd in another enclosure & it's running fine..
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I own a MBP 13" early 2011 model I just recently Upgraded my 320GB hard drive to an intel 520 SSD (240gb). After setting up lion 10.7.3 i realized that TRIM was not enabled by default. after searching around I found a way to enable it. However, I've also read that alot of sandforce 2281 controllers have their own form of garbage collection. intel uses some custom firmware they written so would it be benificial if i enable trim or not?
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)
I'm converting stuff with Handbrake using Apple TV preset for my iPhone 4 and 1G Apple TV. Works great.
However, what app for Mac is there to then trim the video? I want to trim the start and end as sometimes ends up being about 15mins, and I never watch the whole credits on end.
Preferably free or low cost. I have iMovie 09 but think this will re-encode the file? I just want to trim it.
I have a PC with a Radeon card with a Display Port and I'm really interested in getting a 27" 2650x1440 display for mostly PC use and a little console gaming. I want to make sure whatever display I buy can be hooked up to a 360 or PS3. I know the DELL has a built in scaler and the Apple iMac 27" supports the 360 and PS3 at 720p with the Kanex XD adapter (I imagine the future ACD will work with Kanex too). Between the two I'm torn between DELLs over aggressive and "sparkly" AG coating, and Apple's insanely reflective glossy surface.
However, what's the deal with the NEC PA271W? I've seen a few solid professional reviews but I haven't read any hands on user comments on this display. Considering its the most expensive of the 3, is it worth the money? Does anyone know if it has a built in scaler? Does it work with a Playstation 3 and 360? Is it glossy or matte, and if its matte does it "sparkle"? My current wide screen monitor is dying and I've gotta make a decision on one of the above three by Fall
Documentation included with copies of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard distributed during Apple's developer conference this week confirm that the next-generation operating system does not presently support Macs with PowerPC processors. LogicielMac.com has published a screen capture of the PDF-based requirements document included on the Snow Leopard disc that provides a rundown of the system's requirements.
The documentation states that in order to install Snow Leopard, developers must have a Mac computer with "an Intel processor" and at least 512MB of RAM, though additional memory is recommended for development purposes. The findings confirm an AppleInsider report from last September, which cited people familiar with the ongoing development of Leopard as saying that Mac OS X 10.6 would in all likelihood exclude support for PowerPC processors. According to the Snow Leopard documentation, the new system will also require an Apple-supplied video card, 9GB of hard disk space, and either an internal, external or shared DVD drive. [ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
I'm going to buy macbook next week; I hear that windows based games do not work in mac, is that true? and if is true than what should i do to instal and play these games? last i do not want to instal windows in my mac book;
Hopefully someone can answer this simply enough, any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm looking to grab a couple used macs and just wondering if I can use the copy of Tiger i have already, the one that came with my Macbook.My question is about compatibility with other macs. I have the original disks that came with my Macbook Intel Core Duo, Mac OS X 10.4.6.) Will these discs possibly work with all intel-based Macbooks? What about with a desktop?2) Will it work on all Intel based systems,