Hardware :: Airport Extreme Dual-band 802.11n And New XBOX 360 Slim

Aug 9, 2010

I'm having issues getting my new XBOX 360 Slim to connect to my dual-band Airport Extreme when using wireless n. I can get it to connect with n but my connection speed on the 360 drops to 1 or 2 mbps, even though the signal remains strong. I can see the speed drop of the 360 using Airport Utility on my laptop. All other devices on the network are fine. When I switch the 2.4 GHz band on the AE to b/g only, then the connection speed on the 360 shoots up to 54 mbps. That of course neuters the rest of my wireless n devices to g speed since most connect to the 2.4 GHz band due to the limited distance of the 5 GHz band.

Short of finding a solution, my next step is to try a different router brand. I'd rather stick with Apple, but have had more issues with 2 AE models than all of my other Apple hardware combined.

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OS X :: Airport Extreme Dual Band/transmitting In Wireless?

Aug 5, 2009

I set up my new airport extreme today, but I have a concern. Obviously it supports dual band, but how do you set that up? I don't think I'm transmitting in wireless n because my iPod touch works fine on the network. I only see one wireless network. Does this mean I'm not transmitting in wireless n, or am I?

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme (dual Band/simultaneous) With 1 PC Connecting...

Nov 12, 2009

I have the newest AirPort Extreme that transmits simultaneously in 2.4GHz and 5GHz. It's been great. My speeds have jumped 2-3x what they were before I upgraded to this router. Now, I'm getting 28-30MB per second download speeds. Before this I was getting 8-10MB per second.

But, I have a problem. My MBP connects great to the AirPort Extreme (802.11n at 2.4GHz or 5GHz). One PC desktop works great with the AirPort Extreme (via Ethernet). And, I have another PC laptop connecting at good speeds (802.11g). But, I have one other PC that sees and connects to the Airport Extreme signal (802.11g) but nothing happens. It's like a garden hose with very little to no water. The signal strength is very strong and, again, the computer DOES recognize the signal. It's an XP desktop (4 or 5 years old) with an 802.11g card inside.

Any thoughts as to why I have this problem with this one computer? It connected fine with my prior wireless router. It's a new problem.

By the way, the Airport Extreme is setup with all of the normal defaults and "automatic" settings, WPA2, etc. My cable provider is Comcast and the router gets it signal from a new modem. There are no other

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Hardware :: Fixing Dual Band Airport Extreme Speed?

Jun 24, 2010

I have been having a long term problem with my dual band airport extreme...

The good news - the 5 Ghz band works great - I get very consistent download speeds of around 12.5 Mbps on my MacBook Pro.

The bad news, its not the same story with the other band. The speed is somewhat inconsistent and generally very slow - usually around 1-2 Mbps on my Macbook pro (although I did do one speedtest that got 8Mbps - def the exception though). On my iPhone 3g and my new iPhone 4, I am yet to get a speed greater than 1Mbps (and its been as low as 220 Kbps) its always slower than the 1.5 Mbps I get over 3g!

Can anyone tell me what the problem might be and how I might go about troubleshooting/fixing it?

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme With Dual Band Networks/extending The G Network?

Apr 29, 2009

I have an Airport Extreme with Dual Band Networks, and an airport express 802.11n edition. I have setup the Base station to do N,A,G,and B Networks, but I only want the express to EXTEND the G Network. How can I make that happen?

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Hardware :: Using AirPort Extreme Dual Band/router Allows Sharing Between Both Bands?

Oct 4, 2010

I am looking to get a AirPort Extreme base station and use the dual radio modes. However, there are some peripherals like printers and game consoles that will not run on the 5 GHz band. Could anybody please tell me if the router allows sharing between both bands or just in each individual band?

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Hardware :: New Airport Extreme/simultaneous Dual-band And Guest Networking?

Mar 6, 2009

Anyone have the new Airport Extreme? I have a question about the new features.

I'm interesting in picking one up because I've been looking for a good 802.11n router for awhile, and the simultaneous dual-band radios plus the guest networking feature are the real sellers for me. Both those features exist in part on other routers, but I'd have to put in a lot of work in a DD-WRT compatible router to get them both to work properly.

My question, though, is can both the dual-band radios and the guest networking feature be run simultaneously? It seems that from a hardware perspective, the easiest way to get a second network and SSID running would be to use the second radio, which precludes the dual-band feature. Does anyone have the new Airport Extreme yet? Can you run both at the same time?

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Hardware :: Finding Dual-band AirPort Extreme Configuration Software?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a simultaneous dual-band AirPort Extreme base station running software version 7.5 and can't find the software install disk it came with. I reinstalled Snow Leopard onto my mini and it has AirPort Utility 5.4.2. When I try to connect to the AEBS, I get a pop-up stating that a newer version of AirPort Utility is needed, but I can't find anything newer than 5.4.2 on the Apple download site. Does anyone know if Apple has the AirPort Utility software that works with this hardware/software available somewhere?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Versus Airport Extreme Dual Band Base/ext

Jul 4, 2009

I just bought a new Time Capsule and an Airport Extreme. Both are the newfangled dual-band type. At the moment the AEX is the main base station, connected to my DSL modem in the Living Room. The TC extends the AEX network and is in my office.

The instructions suggest the TC should not be a network client and rather be the main base station, and to make the AEX extend the network. How much difference will there be in Time Machine performance between the two topologies?

I would really prefer having the TC in my office, so I can attach via gigabit ethernet to the TC when I'm working there with my MBP. I cannot move the DSL modem to my office since I don't have a phone line there (it's really an upstairs bedroom).

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Hardware :: Extreme - Express - Simulate Dual Band?

Dec 21, 2009

I've been banging my head over this reading over and over multiple different threads but I can't come to any kind of a conclusion if I can do what I'm trying to do with the hardware I have. I realize when you have a g device connected to an N-network it drops the connection speed down. I was hoping I could get an express to extend the network then put the extreme in N-only and have my mbp connect to that, while the other devices (ps3 and iphone) could connect to the express in g mode. From what I've seen, everything is connecting to the express, including the mbp. Is there no way to force it to connect to the express in N mode? Is there no way I can simulate the functionality of "dual band" with just an extreme and an express?

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Hardware :: Cohabitating Dual Band Extreme & Express-g Routers?

Mar 30, 2010

My current network in my apartment is as follows:
- cable modem
- one G airport express hooked to cable modem & a stereo
- another G airport express connected via WDS, attached to a stereo & printer

Except for the convenience of the 2 stereos for airtunes & the location of the printer, there's no need for the 2 airport express devices to be honest

While I have a bunch of G devices, I'm starting to accumulate some N devices, and for what I'm planning, I'd like to make use of the Extreme's gigabit ethernet ports in the location of my cable modem as well (which also happens to be where my TV is, going to set up some sort of media device). At the same time, I'd like to have the airtunes to both stereos and the printer connectivity without having to move either of the stereos or the printer.

I just wanted to verify that I could do what I was thinking here, the network would be structured as follows:
- cable modem
- extreme hooked to cable modem, broadcasting 2 SSIDs
- express hooked to the stereo, connected via WDS on 2.4ghz SSID
- express hooked to stereo & printer, connected via WDS on 2.4gz SSID
- any N device can connect to the 5ghz SSID but still interact (ssh, etc) with the stereos, printer, and machines on the 2.4ghz SSID
- any device on the 2.4ghz SSID can interact (ssh, etc) with the devices on the 5ghz SSID

Is this possible? And even if so, is there a better way to set things up to get what I want

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Hardware :: Using Airport Dual Band?

Apr 8, 2010

I recently upgraded to the airport extreme dual band II. I then moved my old extreme (N with gigabit) downstairs. It joins the network that the dual band is running to supply internet to my xbox, game PC, and ps3. The Dual band is running the newest firmware, 7.5.1 and the 5ghz network is very flaky. I have been forced to give the 5ghz a different name and use the 2.4ghz G band most the time. If I am on the 5ghz band my connection will just stop responding. Sometimes it work for an hour, sometimes for 5 minutes. Rejoining the network will make it ok again. Although last night I transferred 30gigs over the N network with no problem. It's not a distance issue since the problem is no better or worse whether I'm 2 or 25 feet away from the router. This is really driving me nuts right now. I just want to have one network setup and have the N devices use 5ghz and the G devices use 2.4 and not have to constantly worry about it.

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme (802.11n) - XBox 360

Jan 13, 2007

I have read before that people have had technical difficulties with the Airport Express and Xbox 360. I play on Live quite a lot, but get a poor connection from my old D-Link router, which often drops out. As soon as I get a new MBP, I will be getting the new APX Base recently released. Does anyone know if there could occur any problems connecting the Xbox and the AirPort base?

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme - Xbox 360

Dec 16, 2009

ive had my xbox 360 connected to my apple extreme base station (gigabte) connected via wifi, ive maybe had 1 or 2 issues but that was the xbox wifi adapter (had to plug it in the front usb then in the back to get it working again). I decided to hard wire the xbox to the base station so the gaming was faster, this was fine for maybe 48hrs. But then pow, when the xbox is on i lose the wifi function of my apple base station and no compute can connect to it in the house, turn the xbox off and it the wifi is restored. If i try to connect the xbox via the wifi adapter it also shuts down the wifi of the base station. Ive restarted and updated everything sooooooo many times. The only thing that happened the morning this kinda started happening is we had a power cut, the only thing that would of been on was the apple base station, no fuse was blown or anything. Could the power cause the router to mess up? Ive called xbox and they just took me through resetting stuff which works for 1 minute then i cant connect to xbox live and it all goes wrong again.

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OS X :: Opening NAT On Airport Extreme For Xbox?

Dec 27, 2009

i have done everything. i have turned on upnp on my modem, as well as opening ports, so now i believe the reason why i have a strict nat would have to be my router. i have tried opening the ports, but to no avail. is there somthing i am not doing? i do not have a costum ip (forgot what its called) and i am new to this stuff. i dont want to have to pay geek squad 150 bucks, nor do i want to buy a new router.

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Hardware :: Will New AirPort Extreme Work With XBox 360?

Apr 22, 2009

From what I've read there used to be a compatibility issue because the port the xbox 360 uses was blocked by default or something, but now with port mapping there is a way to get this to work in the newest airport extreme? What I don't want to do is have it connect to my computer and then xbox live, which I know is a workaround. I just want the xbox to work with the router directly.

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme - Support Xbox 360?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm interested in purchasing an Airport Extreme but I'm wondering, does Airport Extreme support Xbox 360?

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Hardware :: Apple's New AirPort Time Capsule Add Dual-band Networking

Mar 3, 2009

Apple on Tuesday refreshed its AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule wireless products by adding a new Guest Network feature and support for simultaneous 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz dual-band networking. Time Capsule drives are now also accessible over the Internet for MobileMe subscribers.

The new Guest Network feature, available on the new AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule, allows you to set up a secondary network for friends and visitors with Internet-only access so you don't have to hand out your WiFi password.

Meanwhile, the new combined 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz mode allows your AirPort base stations to simultaneously support iPhones and other 802.11b/g devices operating at 2.4 GHz, while also broadcasting 802.11n wide signals in the 5GHz band to maximize throughput for notebooks and devices such as Apple TV.

Previous-generation AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule models can only run in one mode or the other, providing either wide compatibility or the highest possible network performance, but not both.

Also new to Time Capsule -- and oddly omitted from any of Apple's press-releases -- is that MobileMe subscribers using Mac OS X 10.5.x Leopard can now now access all of their files on their Time Capsule drive over the Internet.

You need only to register their Time Capsule with your MobileMe account. The Time Capsule drive will then appear in the Finder sidebar of your Mac just like any other attached drive.

"It's like having your own personal file server wherever you go," Apple says.

The new Time Capsule, which combines an 802.11n router and server-grade hard disk for automatic wireless back-up with Time Machine, and is immediately available in two models: a 500GB model for $299 and a 1TB model for $499.

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Hardware :: Using Airport Extreme And Connecting To XBOX Live?

Nov 14, 2010

I just purchased an Airport Extreme and it works wonders with our computers and phones, but when I tried setting up my XBOX 360 to XBox live I keep getting an error saying that I need to enable my UPNP to use all features of XBOX live. Anyone know how I can enable this on the Airport utility?

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OS X :: Wireless Xbox 360 - Aiport Express And Airport Extreme

May 23, 2009

setting up my xbox 360 with a xbox-live connection. I am planning on relaying my base station's internet connection to my express. Then connecting my express to my xbox via ethernet. if someone could inform me on the settings, for the xbox, extreme base station, and express.

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Hardware :: Open NAT - Airport Extreme - Xbox LIVE

Jul 8, 2009

I have an Airport Extreme and a Macbook Pro, I'm trying to open my NAT for online play with Xbox LIVE.

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Hardware :: Connect Airport Extreme And Xbox 360 Via Wifi

Aug 18, 2009

does anyone here connect their xbox 360 to their airport extreme base station via wifi. I have read ways to do this, by turning the 'N' mode off etc. But i just want to find out more before i take the plunge into buying a xbox 360 and if you can do this with out changing from N mode. i have one of the latest 802.11n apple base station.

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OS X :: Connecting Xbox 360 To Airport Extreme Wirelss Network?

Jan 4, 2010

I apologize in advance if this has been answered before (I couldn't find an answer using search). I have an Airport Extreme wireless network in my home that works great. I just got an xbox 360 with the latest wireless adapter ("N" type) and when I try to set up the xbox to work wirelessly, the setup "fails" - xbox either can't "see" my home wireless network or else can't attach to it. Any suggestions how I can fix this problem?

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme And Wired Xbox 360 - Unable To Connect

Jun 27, 2009

I bought my MacBook Pro and a brand new Airport Extreme to go with it about 4 months ago. I have the MacBook and my wife's iMac hooked up wirelessly to the Airport Extreme with no problems. My son't Wii also hooks up with no problems wirelessly. My Xbox 360 hooks up sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't. It's not wireless, it's hooked directly to the Airport Extreme via Ethernet cable. When I first got the Airport Extreme, the Xbox had no problem hooking up to it and the internet. But lately it sometimes hooks up, and sometimes it doesn't...with no explanation as to why other than maybe the position of the planets or something. Restarting the Airport Extreme helps sometimes, sometimes it doesn't. I'll just leave it be for a few days...change nothing...and then try the Xbox again and automagically it seems to work...for a few days. Then for no reason will just stop again. It can't connect through anything then, not even hook up to one of the Mac's using Connect360. It's as if the 360 is not even hooked to any network then. Also, the Xbox 360 had zero network problems when I was using a DLink router, which was the set-up to hook to the internet and the hub of the home network for the past year. The 360 could hook to the Macs and access the Internet. But the Dlink wasn't wireless, which is why I went with the Airport Extreme when I got my Macbook Pro.

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme Base Station As Wireless Access Point For Xbox 360?

Sep 15, 2010

I'm trying to use my AE (Airport Extreme) Base Station to give my xbox 360 wireless. Has anyone done this? My setup is as Follows: Netgear WGR614 v7 Router connected to my Cable Modem AE Base station connected wirelessly to the Netgears Network Xbox 360 connected via ethernet to AE. It's not working though. My AE gets an IP automatically from the Netgear fine, but the xbox won't connect. I have my AE on "Join Wireless Network" mode and it's LED is solid green but it still doesn't give the xbox any internet.

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MacBook Pro :: Using It As An External HDD For XBox 360 Slim 4G?

May 10, 2012

Currently i own an xbox 360 Slim 4G model. I also own a copy of a game that needs about 16g of memoery so i cant store it on the xbox. Wondering if its possible to connect my xbox to my macbook pro and store the game on the computers hd and have the xbox 360 recognize it and still function through my xbox and tv. In essence as an external drive while still having full function.

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme (2009) Support Multiple Xbox 360s For System Link?

Dec 10, 2009

Is it possible to plug three Xbox 360s into an AirPort Extreme for the purposes of system link and Xbox LIVE for each of them?

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme Dual Encryption?

Mar 15, 2009

So the new Airport Extreme has two radios and allows one to use 2.4 ghz and 5 ghz simultaneously with 802.11 a/b/g/n in various configurations on either band. My question is this, can you use different types of encryption for each band/radio or are you forced to use one for all? What I'd like to do is have 2.4 ghz running 802.11 b/g for an older iBook and my iPhone using WEP encryption. Then have 5 ghz running 802.11n using WPA2 encryption. Both will use MAC address filtering to also tighten security a little. Lastly, can the guest login also use it's own type of encryption (or lack thereof) independent of the above?

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Power Mac G5 :: Dual 2GHz Refuses To Boot On AirPort Extreme Card Installation?

Dec 9, 2007

I just got an AirPort Extreme Card from Apple that has been refurbished. I installed it in my G5 and then on power-on, the system hangs before the chime even sounds? I remove it and everything is back to normal...

Power Mac G5 Dual 2GHz
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
MacBook 2.16, PowerMac G3 B&W, PowerMac 8100 AV, PowerBook 540c, Mac Plus

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OS X :: Best Dual Band Router?

Dec 16, 2010

I decided I need a dual band router to improve connection among all the wireless devices in my house. Any recommendations other than the AEBS?

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