Final Cut Pro X :: How To Do Simple Audio Level Adjustment Using Keyframe Editor
Jun 30, 2014
I have a major problem with FCP 10. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do a simple audio level adjustment using the keyframe editor. I have a audio-video clip that is using dual channel mono audio. I have a shotgun mic on one channel and a handheld mic on the other.
I've gotten as far as getting both incoming channels to playback on both outgoing channels. What I need to do is to shut off one channel or the other, periodically, in order to preserve the quality of the audio. FCP won't let me use keyframes and the range editor wasn't work either. It should be simple but it seems that it isn't. What do I have to do to cause FCP to do this very simple operation?
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Aug 30, 2014
my Final Cut Pro 10.1.3 is crashing when I try to edit a simple 2 minute video clip.I have been doing a web video series for over 2 months now uploading videos every day - with no problems using this same workflow but now I am stuck and have a deadline coming up in 24 hours.
I shoot with a Sony EX-3 camera using SxS cards which create XDCAM-EX files and I bring these into FCP via a Sony SxS external Thunderbolt reader, edit
and share to Facebook. I have an orange LaCie Thunderbolt drive that store my Library and Project files. I have done this 70+ days in a row w/ zero problems. Now, any time I try to get tomorrow's video ready, FCP crashes
I re-start FCP, my Mac (I use a new MacBook Pro that works seamlessly).I run latest Mavericks OS.The only different thing that happened otherwise is I got some TuneUpMyMac freeware on my Mac when I restart which I never chose to get and cannot delete this because it doesn't show up and I am concerned it is a virus that is messing up FCP
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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Jan 17, 2009
I've got a Headroom Headphone Total Bithead mobile Amp., 2.66 MacPro, and Sennheiser HD650's (that are hard to drive). The amp. has a high and low gain switch. The low gain sounds better, but I can't get enough vol. when on low gain. I've got iTunes level up as high as it can go. I've played around with Sound prefs. and the Audio/Midi sound levels. They all seem to actually be the same vol. control.
I also see that iTunes, under "Get Info" has an individual vol. adjustment, but I'm not sure if I really want the sound files to be pumped up for when I use them on my iPhone.
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Aug 26, 2014
I have a multicam clip and when I open it in the Angle Editor, I can't move any of the clips. They just snap back to where they were. For whatever reason, FCP X really fudged up the "auto" syncing of these clips and I have to move them around and sync manually.
What's the secret? I can press , and . to nudge left and right but grabbing them and dragging them down the timeline isn't working.
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Jun 1, 2009
I am trying to have a song playing in the background of a movie I am creating. It needs to change volume part way through. Its my understanding this has been removed in imovie 09. How would I go about doing this? Is there any work arounds?
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Jun 23, 2014
I was export timeline xdcam 35 mbs, 720p 50 fps to MP4 720p 50 fps.
When looking video on Mac everything is ok, but, when I copy MP4 file to USB and put directly to LCD there is only video, no audio? Before on G5 I was use matrox compress card, and always MP4 file was ok on LCD. Where is problem?
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Sep 11, 2014
Still working on getting audio exported to an AAF, and having problem doing this. So, how FCPX is handling my audio. When it's on the timeline, is it being conformed to the frame rate of the video?
When audio is exported, does FCPX force it to conform to the video frame rate in the project settings, audio properties, or both? Or does it allow the audio to export at whatever rate the original media is at?
I export an XML from FCPX, then open that with X2Pro and it makes an AAF file, but a report tells me that "Conform rates are not supported. The Conform rate at 01:04:49.23 has been ignored." So when I go to that timecode, all I see is video at 24p and a detached audio piece at 23.98. Why are these different?
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 3.5Ghz intel Quad-core i7, 16 GB RM
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Nov 15, 2009
Everyone knows that when you adjust the system volume of OS X you get a sound that says how loud or soft the sound is. My school is using a Mac to run the sound for the fall play and I need to disable this sound. I know it can be done, I read how in David Pouge's OS X Leopard: The Missing Manuel, but that's currently several miles away in south Philly at my sister's house.
Can anyone tell me how to disable that sound? I think it might be a Terminal command, but like I said, I can't remember and I can't check.
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Sep 12, 2014
I'm trying to take an event with me mobile when I disconnect from my RAID. Currently all the original media is located outside of my library on an external drive. My library is located on my Internal HD.
I have deleted generated event files, then set the new media location to my Internal HD, and then prompted FCP to generate proxies. When I disconnect and switch to proxy view, I have all my video but no audio. When I switch to proxy when connected to my RAID, the audio is there. I have repeated the process only to see that no audio clips are present in the media management portion of the background renders window when generating proxies. Also, when I am disconnected from my RAID and switch to proxy, no missing media icons appear, only audio clips with no waveforms.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 2.6 Ghz i7, 1TB, 16GB Ram, Nvidia
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Sep 9, 2014
I'm working on a large edit with footage imported into FCPX from a SonyXDcam. Three clips have audio that is out of sync. The others are all fine. What happened to those three and how do I fix it?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Jun 21, 2014
Using 7toX for Final Cut Pro ... two issues:
1. I export and XML from FCP 7. I use 7toX to convert it and import it into FCP X. Does a great job. But I notice that 'some' of the clips on a given timeline (project) are missing their audio. If I 'Find in Browser' and 'replace' the clip on the timeline with the clip from the Browser I get my audio. It's a bit of a laborious process. So the FCP 7 to FCP X is working fine in terms of the actual clips themselves, but the 'sequence' or 'project' being translated over, the audio is missing on random clips.
Maybe it's the clips that I had a slight sound adjustment on, I'm checking. But still, it would be nice to know how to export the XML properly so as not to have issues.
2. I have the audio dipping behind the voice-over in the original FCP 7 sequence. When I import the sequence into FCP X I can still HEAR the dip, but I can't see any keyframes to adjust. I'm wondering what the protocol is here ..
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Jul 1, 2014
The audio in the timeline is distorted. The clips play well in the browser and the waveforms look ok in the timeline. When I click on the volume line in the timeline it becomes a double yellow line that I don't recall seeing before. This all happened after an auto update to 10.1.2
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Jun 30, 2014
I'm creating audio fade in and out transitions on my voiceovers. I want them all to fade from -3dB. Is there a easier way to apply this on every audio track without applying it manually / one-by-one?
I tried selecting them all and change it in the inspector, but it did not work. As in, it did not have any effect.
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Dec 29, 2008
Ok, my sister just got one of the new macbooks. While surfing the web, I constantly increase/decrease the font size using the pinch multi-touch feature... its soooo annoying! How do I turn this off? I don't want to turn off the multi-touch completely, just this specific feature.
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Jul 1, 2014
When I synch audio/video I get either a file with audio only or a graphic representing a compound clip.
if I could choose two clips and let FCP X synch them with a click, but that's not my experience at all...
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Jun 19, 2014
how to reaconnect video and audio of a one clip, after you have detached it
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Jun 24, 2014
I have footage that has a hum throughout....
Is there anything tone done to eliminate/minimize this noise?
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Sep 11, 2014
How do I sync audio to video I've already put on the timeline and cut in FCP X?
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Sep 10, 2014
A friend is cutting a film 3,000 miles away. She's just received a stack of video files, AVCHD I think, along with .wav audio files recorded simultaneously on a Zoom. Whoever shot the footage didn't think to number the Zoom files to match the video files. So my friend will have twenty video files with matching Zoom recorded audio files - but no clue as to which goes with which.
I'm wondering how the sync mechanism in FCP X might be employed to solve her problem? I've often linked a single known video file with its single known audio file - made a synced clip. Easy peasy. I'm wondering, does my friend have to highlight a video clip and then each of the audio clips in turn until she finds the two that will sync up properly? I'm also wondering if FCP X will artificially (inadvertently) sync whichever two (video & audio) you highlight even if they don't match -- making one messed up synced clip.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 13, 2009
I tried playing command and conquer: tiberium wars on windows. I have never had an issue playing with my old router but have recently upgraded to the Time Capsule and I could not connect when I was playing online. I could connect initially but when I would go into a game it just would not allow me to connect to start the game. I then plugged directly into my cable modem and was able to connect right away. Do I need to go into Time capsule and adjust a setting?
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Oct 25, 2008
I'm trying to make a slideshow in iPhoto and adjust the duration for individual slides so I can get them to be more in sync with the music. Problem is, the seconds counter won't change in the "Adjust This Slide" menu. I'm able to click the arrows to increase/decrease seconds, but the value never changes. I've made sure that I don't have the "fit slideshow to music" option selected, tried it with different slides, tried with different slideshows, turned off all the options in the slideshow settings menu, turned off the ken burns effect, added more songs to the iTunes playlist for the slideshow, changed the slideshow format, restarted iphoto, rebooted, and toggled every other setting I could find, but still can't change the slide duration.
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Jul 2, 2009
I know there have been a couple other threads on this from a couple months ago but I need to bring this back up... has there been a final verdict that the reason the mini displayport doesnt support audio is due to a hardware limitation or a software limitation?
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Aug 29, 2014
Recorded audio with a good sony wireless mic in a room that didn't have much in it to absorb sound, the audio is great except that it sounds like it was recorded in a large hall or something. I'm editing with FCE 4.01 on a macbook with OS 10.7.5 and I'm not very familiar with audio filters, how to get rid of the echo?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 2, 2014
I updated to final cut 10.1.3 and none of my videos show the waveform in the timeline. How do I get the audio waveforms back? If I bring in a new video it also doesn't show the audio waveforms in the timeline. The waveforms do show in the browser but it is hard to edit them from here.
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 25, 2014
Just updated to 10.1.3 from 10.1.2 and video files import without audio into library. Audio shows and plays in media import window. Everything from before update is fine.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 5, 2014
Is there any way in FCPX to delay the audio playback to be in sync with an external monitor.
In FCP7 it was called "Frame delay".
I have no standalone audio delay available.
I´m cutting music videos and while the external video (BM Intensity Extreme via HDMI) is only delayed 2-3 frames, it is virtually useless...
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Jul 1, 2014
Ive had s few problems with my final cut. Im working off my laptop with a monitor. My immediate issue is that I have been editing fine this morning and then all of a sudden I could hear the audio for my clips but I can't see the footage in the viewer or the canvas. I can double clip on each clip individually and see what the footage is however. I've shut my computer down a few times and its not fixing itself. Also a lot lately when I sit down to do some editing the footage flickers on one clip and wont proceed to the next clips footage but I can still hear the sound.
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Sep 4, 2014
I did a shoot with audio on a green screen stage. I have some video clips of my actors shot on a RED Scarlett in 4K 29.97.I have audio clips recorded on a Zoom H4 with a boom mic at 16 bit 44.1 khz.
I take the 2 clips in FCP X and I create a synchronized clip. The video clip doesn't have an audio channel so I have to manually sync using the slate. I have the correct audio clip and the correct video clip, but the audio clip is longer than the video clip. It's just running a tad slower than the video clip. I tried creating a project in 44.1khz instead of 48khz and FCP X didn't treat it any differently.
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Jun 1, 2009
im new here and im a little unsure where to post about my macbook, But i hope this is the place. Anyways, i was wondering if its possible to toggle the fn button, cause im a flash animator, and its pretty anoying that i have to hold fn down to create a new keyframe.
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Aug 27, 2014
I've been trying to to export my Audio from FCPX 10.1.3 as Separate Files (per Roles) from a Multicam clip but it stops and freezes after exporting the first Audio track listed in the export setting. Example:
I have a Multicam clip with 3 Audio Roles (Bob, John and Marc, all assigned to their Audio Roles).When i export Audio as Roles (separate files), i then select all the Roles i want to export: Marc + John + Bob. It will export up to 35% or so and freeze.Then i look in the Finder location of the export to see the audio of Marc only.
If i put John + Marc + Bob, i will see the Audio for John only and so on.If (i have to at this point) i cancel the export, the audio file gets deleted and i get nothing out of FCP. Is there a way to export Audio as Separate Roles file from a Multicam clip or do i need to add all the Audio clip separately from the Multicam on the Timeline?
I'm adding the audio in the Multicam clip so that, if i want to remove a chunk of video from the timeline, The audio attached to it will also be removed and everything stays sync'ed after the cut i made.
I tried Detaching the Audio from the Main Timeline. I then get the Audio but still in a "multi cam" bundle. When i select that and look in the Inspector, i see all the Roles but i can't Export like i want to.
OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Final Cut Pro X (10.1.3)
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