ICloud :: Sharing Photostream Library?
Apr 12, 2012
I'm suspecting the answer is NO. I have pictures that are shared via Photostream, appearing on both my iPhone and my iPad. My wife has her own iPhone & ID. and it would be really nice if our photos could all be part of one big happy family, with my photos appearing on her iPhone and vice-versa. Â
As I said...even though I never used MobileMe, looks like something I really wish could happen.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1
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Feb 5, 2012
I have a PC right now, but I was thinking of getting a MacBook Air. Â
I also have an iPhone and iPad with iCloud enabled and was wondering how these three things would interact.Â
1) Would my calendars all sync to iCal on the Mac so that they all were the same?Â
2) Would my mail also be synced with the Mac's Mail app through my iCloud e-mail?Â
3) How does PhotoStream work on the Mac? Does it get downloaded to a folder automatically?Â
4) How do my documents work with Pages, Keynote and Numbers? Can I sync them to iCloud on the 5 GB of space and then work on them on my iOS devices from where I left off?Â
5) Will all my contacts sync into the Mac?Â
6) Will my Safari bookmakrs be synced?Â
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Feb 15, 2012
Our company recently switched to MacBook Pro computers. When I got mine I took it on vacation and uploaded pictures on it, and have the pictures on iCloud through PhotoStream. My company then installed software that encrypts the Mac, and also has a policy where I can't install iPhoto.
I can still see the pictures through my iPad on PhotoStream which is good. Is there any way possible to download my pictures from PhotoStream to another computer?I've tried to do it using my wife's MacBook Pro (and setting it with my iCloud settings), and on a PC laptop, but it seems like if it's in iCloud, and the computer you're on didn't upload it, you can't download it or even see it.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 17, 2012
I dont see photostream on iCloud on my iMac, though it works wonderfully on my other devices iPhone and iPad. I also can't see any related setting in iCloud, except to reset photo stream, which deletes all photos currently on it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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May 28, 2012
How do I do that? My computer just doesn't want to.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 7, 2014
is it possible to access photostream online??
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 6, 2014
I created a shared photostream at one time named Family...it was shared by me. It still shows in iCloud on both my mac and my iOS devices. I have tried to delete it via the photos app in iOS and via iPhoto on my mac....it deletes and then reappears in a few moments. It is an empty stream that I created to test but I cannot get rid of it...
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Mar 8, 2012
I have a question about photostream. Is it true that ALL photos in my photo stream are permanently saved in iPhoto (even without me moving into events which i would probably do twice a month)? If the event i can't move photo's from the photostream in iphoto to events, are they ALWAYS saved on my mac drive even there there is a 1000/30 day limit in photostream?
iPhoto '11, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iCloud/iPhoto
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Mar 25, 2012
I have tried moving from mobile me to icloud but do not get the new icons like photostream in my icloud window just the original mobile me icons?
MacBook (13-inch Mid 2007)
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Apr 7, 2012
Recently upgraded to Lion and activated/registered photostream in preferences on my Mac after migrating from mobile me to iCloud but the Photostream app is not showing up online. When I choose to share photos in iPhoto the images load into the photostream upload in iPhoto but nothing shows up in iCloud. Email, Calender and Contacts are working.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
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Apr 15, 2012
I just purchased a new iMac. I moved my iPhoto library over from my MacBook. Then I enabled Photostream and now it says it is downloading 26,000 pictures to photostream. It has been spinning (in process) for a long time.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 17, 2012
My Photostream doesn't show up on my iPhoto. Does anyone know why it won't show?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 20, 2012
How do I select only the photos I want to photo stream, whenever I delete the ones I don't want it automatically adds a whole bunch more that I don't want. I would like to drag only selected pictures to photo stream but that doesn't seem to be an option.
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Dec 7, 2014
When I connect my iPhone 4 to my MacBook Pro only about half of the photos on my photo stream sync into iPhoto. How do I get the photos that don't sync to sync onto the computer?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013)
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Mar 21, 2012
When I take a photo on my ipod touch why doesn't it show in photo stream on my Mac Mini or IPad 2. They all have the same ICloud account attached?
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Apr 10, 2012
I imported a photo into iPhoto. If I click on it, click actions and share to Photostream, I get a message saying it is already in Photostream. Yet, it does not show up in the iPhoto Photostream folder on my Mac. Nor does it show up in my iPhone Photostream folder. I believe I have iCloud set up properly on both devices and have configured iPhoto correctly. Is there something I can do to force a sync?
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May 14, 2012
Is that a way for photostream to sync the events or the folders in iphoto?
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May 22, 2012
why doesn't all my photos from my iphone photostream load to my mac
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 3, 2011
I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to share my itunes library to a friend in New York and vice versa. Maybe a tweak in the home share thing?
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May 21, 2009
i have a huge itunes library, and i like to share it between family and friends.
is there a fast way to send a list of my library?
i used to do it by printing my library as a pdf, but the pdf would range in size from 500mb to over a gig in size and its impossible to send by email.
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Oct 15, 2009
Is it possible to listen to the music on my OSX partition while on my Windows 7 one? I don't want bring my music files over to my Windows 7 partition, so is there anyway to share my itunes library between partitions?
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Jan 20, 2010
I cant get my speakers to work with my Mac Pro so since I have my macbook pro on my desk also I want to share Itunes with my macbook pro since I can use my speakers through that. Is there any way I can have the itunes on my macbook pro use the library from my Mac Pro?
Mac Pro (Snow Leopard)
Macbook Pro (Leopard)
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Mar 31, 2010
He has a Mac and a PC on his network and would like to share his library between these machines. Now sharing the music is easy through the home sharing feature of iTunes, but he would like to take it a step further and also use and edit his playlists on both of the machines and keep them synchronized. Is there anyone who can give me some pointers on how we can set up his system so he can do this?
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Mar 5, 2012
I recently purchased a 27" iMAC running OS X 10.7.3. This iMac is now connected to my home network/workgroup.
- I want to build a new iTunes Library on my 1TB internal Mac HD.
- I want my 3 non Mac Machines (1 XP Prof and 2 Windows 7 Home) to be able to view the contents of my new (not yet built) iTunes Library resident on my iMac and of course be able to
- play that content.
- have play counts from my Windows-based be saved back to my iTunes Library.
- be able to rate a song from any computer (Mac or Windows) within this iTunes Library and have that rating saved back to this iTunes Library.
I don't want to have to rely on iTunes "Shared Library" function. In other words I want all PCs to be able to read/write to the same iTunes Library file.Before I purchased my iMac, my iTunes Library existed on one of my Windows-file system external drives. The pre-requisites for allowing multiple Windows PCs to access/share/write to the same iTunes Library was to:Â
- share the Windows folder on the external drive in which the iTunes Library file was stored (allowing network users to be able to change the files), and
- make sure all Windows-based PCs ran the same iTunes software version.
I don't want to change the version of Windows iTunes software from the currently installed 10.5.0 version.Can my Windows PCs access and utilize the same iTunes library file that I plan to build on my iMac hard drive? What older version of Mac iTunes software should I install on my iMac in order to allow the Windows PCs to access and use the iMacs iTunes library file?
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Mar 10, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro, Power Mac G4, and my girlfriend's Dell. I want to put my iTunes Library on my TimeCapsule so when I'm at home I have access from all the computers. But i also have a copy of my library on my LaCie Rugged to save space on my MBP, not to mention the copy of the library on my iPod. Is there an easy way to sync my iTunes Library on my iPod, my portable HD, and TimeCapsule?
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Sep 22, 2009
I keep all my iTunes files (podcasts, audio, video, etc.) on my main Windows 7 desktop. I just got a Macbook Pro and so far I've been using the sharing feature in iTunes to listen to my music on the MacBook. I've just set up file sharing on my windows 7 pc and now I'm able to see all the actual files on my MB. I was wondering if there was any way that I could just point my MacBook to the same directory that my windows 7 pc uses for iTunes and have the SAME library file on each computer. when I make changes, add songs, etc, to either computer, the library files would sync (update) the new information and I'd basically have an exact replica on either computer. Of course I realize that this would mean that my Windows 7 desktop would basically be the host for all these files and would have to remain online which is no problem. And I realize that I'd only be able to have one iTunes open at a time, which again is no problem. So basically I'm just wondering if there are any programs that could allow me to do this? I've seen programs that copy all the files from each computer and have them in sync that way, but like I mentioned, I don't want the actual files on my macbook. The windows 7 will be the host. I just want to sync my library files so I can make changes on either computer.
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Nov 18, 2009
I will soon be setting up an 27" iMac i7 as a single home computer to store the "original copies" of all our important media and documents... as well as being a convenient place to edit pictures and other complex jobs. I will set up two accounts, one each for my wife an I so that we have our own environments to augment our personal laptops (MBP/MBA). This computer will have a good automatic onsite & offisite backup strategy in place to protect our data. We can also share personal data with our laptops via iDisk in Mobile Me.
We will want to keep most things separate... but we do have some data that is shared between the two of us. One particular example is our iTunes music collection.
Now for my question: Is there a way to have both accounts on this computer use the same iTunes library AND also the same database? What I would like is that if either of us is using the computer in our own account... that we see the exact same iTunes library/database. Hence, for example, if either of us buys more music, that we would both see the new music.
If this is not possible... I will just load the music into one account... and use sharing on the other account. Managing two independent databases is too complex, and can lead to losing data.
I currently have a similar setup with a PC... with the data only loaded into one of our accounts. I figured that since I am moving fully to the iMac, then it might be a good time to make an improvement with our music as well.
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Feb 4, 2010
1)On my G4 mini, I have iTunes 9.0.3 which houses my current music library (not music files)
2)On an external drive, I have all my music files, organized by iTunes.
3)My new iMac - has exactly the same iTunes 9.03 installed. I have no music on my new iMac and in fact have not even opened iTunes as yet.
Can I:
a)Copy the entire iTunes Folder (located inside the Music folder) on the mini, and paste it into the iMac Music folder, replacing the iMac iTunes Folder.
b)Disconnect from the mini the external drive on which I have all my music files organized by iTunes, and hook it up to the new iMac.
Will my new iMac now play the music through iTunes just like the mini did? And after that, can I simply switch the external music hard drive between the iMac and mini as I please as long as I don't add/modify music in one and not the other library?
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Jul 31, 2010
my wife and i have separate accounts on the same Macbook. we both share the actual media/files no problem. the problem we're having is that the changes to the tags and album art is not shared. can we share that too?
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May 9, 2012
ITunes - 10.6.1 - Latest version on the Latest OS - 10.6.8 - Everything is upto date.I have the music library on this iMac - my primary computer.I have windows PC running exactly the same version of iTunes - 10.6.1.I enabled music sharing ( NOT HOME SHARING) - on my MAC and the shared library does not appear - I went through all the tips and tricks - Firewall is turnd off on my MAC/Both are connected to the same routrer within the same subnet.I could not figure out - So I turned on the music sharing from the Windows Itunes.. Immediately the shared library appeared on my mac - This is to narrow down the issue.However when I turn on the music sharing on the MAC, it does not appear on any devices, windows, ipad etc.Yes Itunes is open and running on my iMAC.This should not be this difficult.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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