Final Cut Pro X :: Automatic Movement Between Keyframes

Sep 3, 2014

I have a question about a feature of Final Cut Pro X. I am working on a movie and wants to move a small block using keyframes.I placed an keyframe at 1:00:07 and another at 2:29:05.

Both keyframes have the position X: 0, and position Y: -850.0. But between the two keyframes, the block moves. At 1:54:18, the X:0, and the Y at -822.9. There are no further keyframes between the two i mentioned. I can put a keyframe at 1:54:18, but than he's going to move on both sides of the middle keyframe. I might use the wrong keyframes or something?  

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Moving Groups Of Keyframes On Screen?

Sep 10, 2014

I recently purchased Final Cut Pro X to edit GoPro videos to share with my friends and family on YouTube. I'm shooting and editing in 1080p @ 60 fps. My experience had gone pretty well, going through the intro screen, introducing each of my cousins and my brother. I had started to fiddle around with keyframes to have the text follow their faces for a cool effect I saw in a video once, and it looked pretty good, but I found it to be incredibly time consuming. So when it got to my part of the intro, I wanted to see if I could try to spice things up and have the effect where you freeze frame shots of yourself at different points in an activity. Well since we shot it all by hand, the shot is incredibly shaky, so I had to try to negate the shakiness by freezing the frame in one area, and it looks good, but took me forever to get the frames right. So now my idea was to just copy the same keyframes I had from before to the next photo, and the next, and so on. But once I figured out the timing, I realized that the image of me is just slightly positioned to the left of where I actually should be. Here's the problem, whenever I try to drag that photo around screen to where my body actually is, it just moves the one, single keyframe, not the whole segment of upwards of 200 individual keyframes I had placed.

Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Automatic Backup Settings?

Dec 10, 2014

I work with FCP X for 8 hours every day.  One thing that keeps interrupting my workflow, oftentimes crashing FCP, are the automatic library backups.  Is there a place I can adjust settings, mainly the frequency of backups?  It seems to backup way too often on my machine.  About every 15 minutes or so.  And it completely haults any job I'm currently running.My work also requires I have many libraries open at once, which leads to the frequent backups of the many libraries.

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Final Cut Pro X :: Unchecking Automatic Updates From App Store?

Sep 3, 2014

Having heard the problems with 10.1.3, and tho it's too late, it's not too late for the next updates: How do I uncheck automatic updates from App Store? 

I've looked and don't see where or how. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Motion 5 :: Unable To Paste Keyframes Into Another Object?

Sep 11, 2014

The problem that I am having is copying and pasting keyframes from one object to another. How I am currently trying to do this is by highlighting all of the keyframes within one object (a blue rectangle), and pasting them onto a image within Motion 5.  

I am able to copy the keyframes from the object but unable to paste them, as the paste button is greyed out. I have tried using different groups and also adding them to the same group, but I'm still having this problem.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook :: Kernel Panic Upon Movement

Jan 4, 2009

I'm running a PowerBook G4 and I have recently run into some problems with kernel panic. I have bought and installed new ram, zapped the pram, and re-written the hard drive and I still have problems. The weird thing is, the computer only crashes when I move it. If I just sit still then it works fine, but if I move it from my lap to a table or something like that then I get the restart message. I have an appointment with the Geek bar tomorrow

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OS X :: Incremental Movement Of Sliders By The Use Of Keyboard?

Feb 23, 2010

is there any way to move sliders incrementally in OS X by the use of keyboard? Some sliders can be very tricky, like this one:

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Mac Pro :: Mouse Movement Sticky On Screen

Feb 10, 2012

Recently my mouse has started acting up. The movement is sticky, and it is hard to get it to go exactly where I want on the screen. And when it doesn't end up where I want and I try to move it again, it sticks for a nano second before it moves.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: Dashboard Keeps Popping Up With The Slightest Movement Of The Cursor?

Nov 20, 2009

Whenever Apple Mail app is open, Dashboard keeps popping up with the slightest movement of the cursor. Anyone know how I can make this problem go away?

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MacBook :: Trackpad Jerky Movement (Sometimes Unresponsive)

Aug 24, 2010

I've had my trusty aluminum MacBook for around 18 months and recently I've noticed that the trackpad is sometimes unresponsive, it's as if it's registering another press elsewhere. Moving the cursor across the screen it 'jumps' around from time to time, this is becoming more and more of an irritation. I'm loathed to take the machine in as I really need it for work at the moment.

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Bottom Plate Movement

Dec 10, 2010

I've just got a 13" MBP and I've noticed that around the middle of the bottom plate can be pressed in slightly. I can notice it most when I pick the laptop up by putting my hands underneath it and it bends inwards slightly. Does anyone else notice this on their MBPs?

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Applications :: Distortion During Rapid Movement While Playing DVD

Jan 6, 2008

I have made a movie on iMovie HD (using a Mac Book Pro) and have burned it onto DVD using iDVD. When I play the DVD on my TV or another iMac there is distortion during any rapid movement, e.g. a quick moving arm appears jagged and lined. There is also a slight blurriness to the general picture (the sound is faultless). Why this distortion is occurring?

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Screen Flickering With Movement

Sep 16, 2009

The screen on my iBook G4 is starting to very faintly flicker when there is the slightest movement on the laptop (e.g., typing with the laptop on my lap). My suspicion is that the display ribbon or something is frayed or loose. Any ideas on what might be causing it or how to determine it? How easy would it be to fix and for how much?

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OS X :: Mouse Movement Jerky Under High CPU Loads?

Oct 30, 2009

2.2GHz Macbook Pro, OS X 10.5. I've only noticed it for the last few months.

Whenever (usually) I do something which causes a high CPU load, my mouse cursor movement because extremely jerky. For some reason, even ejecting my USB hard drive (which takes about 20 seconds from when I tell it to eject to when it actually removes itself from my Desktop) causes my cursor to start going jerky.

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MacBook Pro :: Expected Price Movement With New Hardware?

Mar 22, 2010

I've been lurking on these forums for a few weeks now as it's time for me to come back to Mac. I've been a PC gamer for a long time, but used a Mac when I was a journalist. I want to start writing again and was considering a netbook, then realized the Mac is what I want again.

Question: I have researched several forums, rumours and checked the 'don't buy now' page for buying recommendations. However, my real question is regarding typical pricing when the "new hotness" is released. Is it typical for the price of the new models to be higher than the current pricing? If I go out and buy a MacBook Pro next week, I don't mind if it turns out that I could have saved a hundred bucks or two when they start clearing out the "old" models in refurbs, but I don't want it to end up that I could have waited a week and paid the same price for a lot more....................

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OS X :: How To Make Mouse Cursor Movement Like Windows

Aug 6, 2010

Is there a utility that I can use that will allow me to have the same precision and accuracy with a mouse in mac OS as I have in windows? There is a very different feel when using a mouse in OS X, and I just don't like it.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Inaccurate Mouse Movement And Lag?

May 31, 2012

I am using a Mac Book Pro with boot camp. When using windows there is no laggy feeling. This is not a skipping movement just a slight lag that makes it barely noticable but inaccurate, very annoying. I have tried many many mice and different softwares but that FLOATING feeling is always there on the Mac side but not the Windows 7. I have been an avid fan of Mac since way back. Classic never did this. I do not remember early versions of OSX doing it but I may not been aware of it.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac :: Cursor Speed - Change Rate Of Movement?

May 4, 2009

Have spent many years with PCs, I can't get used to the speed of the cursor in the programs I use - web forms, emails, Pages etc. I don't mean the blink rate - I know how to change that. I mean the speed at which I can scan across lines of text. The cursor seems slower than my xp machines. What setting might I have missed? I don't recall being able to change the rate of movement across the lines in an xp machine.

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MacBook Pro :: Shorten Trackpad Delay In Dragging Movement?

May 14, 2010

This is on the new 2010 MBPs. This may also be the behavior with prior MBPs as well though. When I drag something, window or icon, and release my finger from the trackpad to set it in place, if my finger promptly touches down on the trackpad again so I can proceed with other tasks, the dragged object actually remains in focus and continues being dragged. I found that I have to artificially force myself to wait roughly a full second before I could resume contact with the trackpad without continuing the object-drag. Is there any way to configure this differently, either within OSX or with a freeware program?

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WakeUp Via Mouse Movement Doesn't Work With LION

Jun 17, 2012

With Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on my MacBook Pro-13" (mid 2012) I could wake my sleeping Mac by just pushing the mouse or sliding my finger on the trackpad - this is connected to an external monitor mouse is a Logitech wireless (via USB connector to the sensor).I did NOT have to push the spacebar or click the mouse to wake the Mac BUT WITH LION I DO-- I cannot simply slide the mouse a bit this doesn't cause my MBP to wake.Is this something new with LION or do I have to set something to permit easier waking?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Also a Mac SE running 6.0.4 - not upgrading that!

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Applications :: IWeb - Include Movement - Banners With Latest Version?

Feb 4, 2010

Is this possible? Do I have to have the latest version?

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Intel Mac :: Internet Page Enlarged With Unknown Movement Of Mouse

Feb 26, 2012

While taking a quiz for my collage class I moved the mouse and the screen enlarged. Im not sure what the exact movement of the mouse was. I was unable to submit this quiz because I was unable to scroll side to side. How do I return the screen to the original size? And any idea why I was unable to scroll side to side?

iMac, iOS 5.0.1

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unwanted Mission Control Openings With Mouse Movement

Apr 15, 2012

Many times Mission Control will open when I make a fast movement up or down with Magic Mouse. It's happening more and more, and very annoying.  ais there any way to turn it off? I can't figure out what iscausing it.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: YouTube Videos Stuck In Loop With Any Movement Of Cursor

Sep 11, 2014

With any movement of the cursor, when playing Youtube and other flash video's, the video's stutter and get stuck in a loop repeating very fast then playing then repeating... I am running 10.6.8 with the latest version of Adobe Flash Player 2GHz Processor and 4GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM.

PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: 27" 2010 Has Recently Began Freezing And Movement On The Display Is Molasses Slow?

Mar 26, 2012

My 27" 2010 iMac  has recently began freezing and movement on the display is molasses slow. We have 500 gigabytes available and no applications running and the problems still persist.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Hardware :: Eye Tv Hybrid Vs Eyetv 250 Plus - Hybrid Seemed To Lag Movement On Screen?

Dec 4, 2009

Just bought an eyetv hybrid. I ran it through my dual G5 and sent it back to my tv and wasn't impressed with the video quality. It ran a little better on my new mac mini (I love the mini!!!) but was wondering what kind of performance I would get from the 250 when viewing HD Channels. Can I expect better performance from the 250 on HD channels or are the two models comparable? I noticed that the Hybrid seemed to lag somewhat when there was movement onscreen. Also, will I be able to get Comcast HD channels? I plan on upgrading to HD service soon.[My apologies if this has been addressed: I've searched through some of the threads and I didn't see anything make mention of the HD capability that is now available to 250.]

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OS X :: Using Automatic Sync?

Sep 10, 2010

I have a Gaming Desktop with Windows 7 and a (new i7) MacBook Pro that works great. I'm tired of updating my pictures, music, and other folders manually between my desktop and macbook pro. I want both of them to automatically update and sync with each other through LAN (not internet).

For example, let's say I go out with my macbook pro and I save this awesome picture in my 'Pictures' folder in OSX. Once I get home, I open 'some program I'm asking for' to check my Pictures folder on OSX and "My Pictures" folder on Windows. What this program will do is check both folders and copy whatever picture is missing... so basically the folders will be replicated and updated automatically.

Does this exist? It would really help because I'm sick of manually updating my files between my desktop and laptop. I know there are other methods but I find this the best for me.

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OS X :: How To Set Automatic Logout

Jun 28, 2009

I'm a new iMac user i recently purchased one. But i am having a small problem with it everytime i leave for about five minutes it logs me out i dont understand why it does this. This time it made me very mad i was typing a word document and i left just for five minutes when i came back it was logged out and i lost my word domument.

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OS X :: Allow Automatic Incoming Connections Or Not?

Sep 12, 2010

i've got a service/application in my security (firewall) panel set for "Allow incoming connections" and "Automatically allow signed software to receive incoming connections" checked on.Yet it asks me for permission to "allow or deny" for incoming connections every time i start up my Mac.

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OS X :: Setup Automatic Ftp Backup

Oct 4, 2010

I have a Dlink dns-323 NAS that is also functioning as an ftp server. I have no problems writing to it from windows based machines (imagine that). My dad has a macbook pro and all of his business invoices etc. are on there and I want to setup an automated ftp backup that will run once a week. The program I am trying to work with is called Bonkey. It's fairly straightforward to setup but everytime I try to run the backup it acts like it is copying all the files but then it gives an error "unable to create directory".

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