Applications :: Distortion During Rapid Movement While Playing DVD

Jan 6, 2008

I have made a movie on iMovie HD (using a Mac Book Pro) and have burned it onto DVD using iDVD. When I play the DVD on my TV or another iMac there is distortion during any rapid movement, e.g. a quick moving arm appears jagged and lined. There is also a slight blurriness to the general picture (the sound is faultless). Why this distortion is occurring?

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Applications :: IChat Freaking Out (rapid Logging On / Off)

Nov 25, 2007

Anyone else have this problem? I cannot figure out how to fix. iChat will open fine. but randomly it will start freaking out. logging in and then logging out until it says "you have logged in to many times"

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Applications :: IWeb - Include Movement - Banners With Latest Version?

Feb 4, 2010

Is this possible? Do I have to have the latest version?

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Hardware :: External HD Rapid Cycling?

Dec 24, 2010

I have a 500GB LaCie external HD, about two years old, with two partitions. It continually fires itself up (whirring noise as if transferring) and off every 5-10 seconds. Oddly, when I demount it, the problem goes away. presumably it's not just the HD - something on the Mac is winding it up.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Rapid Flashing Power Button?

Mar 11, 2012

After the computer goes to sleep it will not wake. It has a rapid flashing white power button. It took four tries just to get it started again. Started after supllemental upgrade.

Mac Pro 2x2.8 Quad, 8G ram, Mac OS X (10.7), Acer 24 inch, 300, 500,2x 1000 GB drives, 2TB backup

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Power Mac G5 :: Sound Distortion After QT Update

Dec 19, 2007

We just updated our G5s here at the lab (QuickTime and Garageband ), and now the sound output is extremely distorted and crackly regardless if its a video on cnn or a song off iTunes. Tried Zapping the PRAM and repairing permissions, even reinstalled QT from the standalone installer on apple to no avail.

MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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OS X :: Opening New Tab In Safari Causes Distortion Lag And Stutter

Dec 3, 2009

On my Al macbook just recently when I hit Cmd-T to open a tab, safari starts to stutter, beach ball, and a distorted screen image (the size of the browser) appears for 3-5 seconds and the tab finally becomes available. what is going on here and how can I fix it? Never had a problem before and I'm using the latest Safari update.

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OS X :: Audio Distortion At High CPU Loads

Dec 13, 2009

I have a Core Duo 2006 Macbook 2ghz, 2gb RAM, running 10.6.2 and whenever the CPU is taxed for an extended period of time, chances are I'll get some audio issues. What usually happens is that the audio will stutter for a second or so, then change instantly into a heavily distorted 'bitcrusher' output. The only way to resolve this is to restart whatever program is outputting audio. So far, this has happened in both Firefox & iTunes.

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Hardware :: Audio Distortion On My Blue Snowball Mic

Mar 10, 2010

I'm having issues with audio distortion on my BLUE Snowball mic. This happened in GarageBand on my old MacBook running Leopard as well as my new MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard. I've tested mics, cables, and USB ports. Nothing is consistent.

I'm using 3 mics simultaneously. The distortion doesn't not occur in any predictable manner. Sometimes it's present from the start, while other times it doesn't happen until I'm halfway through my podcast. It's not clipping audio, more-so clicks and interference type noise. I've read some people saying there are often issues with audio drivers and USB, and others saying that it's because the power going to the mics from the USB port is dirty.

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MacBook :: Unibody Has Tearing Distortion When Scrolling?

Jan 28, 2009

My MB started doing this really strange thing where the screen gets all weird and distorted when scrolling. There are photos to show what's going on.

I have 4GB of OWC memory installed, but this was happening before I installed that so I can kind of rule that out.

Has anyone else had this happen, or know what causes it. I've tried all of the usual fixes like a fresh Leopard install and combo updates.

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MacBook :: Audio Tearing Distortion - How To Solve It

Jan 9, 2010

Sometimes, while watching a streaming video on my Macbook, the audio begins stuttering and tearing (that's the best way I think to describe it). Pausing and refreshing the tab is useless, and, usually, closing and reopening the browser is equally useless. This problem is not limited to just one steaming site -- issues occur on Youtube, Hulu, Megavideo etc... For about ten minutes (though sometimes longer), the audio across all programs on my Macbook does not work properly until the problem mysteriously solves itself.

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IMac :: Sporadic Audio Distortion On 24"

Mar 27, 2010

I have a 24" Intel iMac, with the latest version of Snow Leopard. I bought it last July and have AppleCare. For as long as I can remember I have this problem with it:

* Every 30 seconds, almost to the second, the audio from the built in speakers distorts and gets slightly louder. This lasts about half a second then goes back to normal
* It only manifests through the internal speakers, it's fine through headphones
* Rebooting makes it go away temporarily
* I've reset PRAM and SMC to no avail
* I've tried turning Time Machine off to no avail
* I've taken it into my local Apple Service Centre, they couldn't replicate the problem, it only seems to happen in my house (every room I've tried it in is the same)
* I bought an expensive power filter/conditioner, this hasn't helped at all

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Intel Mac :: Quicktime Playback Distortion On Some Mp4 Files?

May 10, 2012

I am having a problem playing some mp4 files through Quicktime. When the video is played in Quicktime (or Pro Presenter 4), portions of the video turn into distorted white blocks that move with the video. It doesn't continue throughout the whole video, but I can't discern when or why it only affects certain portions. It does it every time at those places in the video. I downloaded VLC, and the same exact file plays perfectly fine in VLC and on other computers through various programs. I have only seen this problem on this computer. 

Is this a codec issue? How do I fix it? The files in question are mp4 files using h.264 video and AAC audio at 1920x1080 resolution. I can play other mp4s using h.264 and AAC without any problems. 

I have only had this problem with one of the companies that we periodically hire to produce videos for us. I'm guessing that it has something to do with the way he encoded the video, but I have no idea what the problem is. It's probably not his fault if it only distorts on this one computer. 

Here is what the white block distortion looks like: 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 3.2 GHz Intel Core i3, 4 GB RAM

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MacBook Pro :: Headphone Audio Distortion - Whining Noise

Oct 13, 2008

I recently got my MBP and I noticed there's a issue with headphone audio distortion. When I plug in my earphone or headphone without any sound playing, there's a clear whining noise like zi zi zi sound which is really clear, sounds like old 80s radio noise. When I play the music, of course it was covered by the sound of music but it really bugs me out knowing that I cannot listen the pure sound of my music. The volume of this distortion noise would not change while I turn up or down the volume of my MBP. I asked someone professional, he said it's a famous issue of screen frequency disturbing audio in macbook pro.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Distortion On SR 2.2Ghz - Video Linked

Apr 9, 2010

what I imagined was a documented 8600GT nVidia issue with my SR MBP (purchased in April 2008 without Apple Care, d-oh), turns out to be a different issue altogether. The display gets distorted and it seems as if the LCD needs a v-sync controller. I have posted a video of it here[URL]. If I move the LCD slightly the distortion will go away. But it inevitably returns after a while. It gets unusable for that period of time. Oddly enough I can go hours without this problem manifesting, and then hours when this problem doesn't go away.

My recourse has been to connect an external monitor to the MBP, and it works great that way. So I am pretty convinced that it is an LCD/Cable issue as well. The Genius seemed to believe it was an LCD issue as well, something about the cable being torn or stretched or something. He quoted an amount ~$650 to get the whole assembly changed. Here's my dilemma: this is my work machine, and I can't afford to have it gone for a few days/week. Is there anything I can try at home before handing it to Apple for repair... like try and reseat the cable... I have opened the MBP in the past to replace the HDD. Should I even bother to get it repaired, if I can't fix it myself, or should I just save the money and get a new MBP?

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MacBook :: Pastel Color Distortion On Change In View Angle

Jan 22, 2009

Just got a new white MacBook yesterday (MB403LL/A) and have noticed, that depending on a slight change in viewing angle, pastel colors can get really distorted, even appearing as other colors, e.g., light green->gray and light orange to pink. One example would be Google calendar when editing an event. Looking at the screen in a normal position, the background appears gray, but when slumped down in my chair it looks green (the actual color). Is this a normal problem with MacBooks or could my display be defective? I took a couple snaps with iPhone that didn't turn out to hot but illustrate the point:

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MacBook :: Audio And Video Stuttering - Distortion And Kernel Panic

May 26, 2010

whenever I'm listening to music or watching a video after a while the audio will drop out, stutter, or become horribly distorted. If I pause the video or music for a second then start playing it again the output will be okay for a few seconds to a few minutes then stutter again. If I leave it stuttering the output will either eventually go back to normal or just stay stuttering or muted. Once or twice I've got a 'you need to restart your computer' kernel panic error (log attached/linked to below) and twice my computer has seemingly randomly restarted itself.

I know it's not an issue with my connection as it happens on locally stored files as well as streaming media. I know it's not a hard drive issue as I've had the problem across two different hard drives (I used the Migration Assistant to swap my stuff from one HD to another, presumably bringing across whatever causes the problem). I've had it with two sets of RAM as well. It happens whatever web browser (for streaming media) or music/video player I use for local files. If I restart the computer I get a longer period of time before the stuttering starts, and it gets more frequent the longer I leave my computer running - a RAM issue maybe? These screengrabs where taken either during or shortly after the stuttering had taken place. This top output is after a particularly bad stutter: and here is a log following a kernel panic: [URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Graphics Card - Square Distortion In Center Of Screen

Jun 22, 2010

My two previous older macs have been perfect to me, but this new MBP I5 model is giving so many issues lately. Every once in a while, my computer's graphics (I am assuming) goes crazy, and I get this pixelated distortion that's right in the middle of my screen that's about 2"x5" on my 17" screen. This happened just earlier, while I was using Safari. However, even after closing all of the Safari windows down, the distortion will still be there, and will stay there regardless of what I have or don't have open. Logging in and out will fixes the problem, and everything goes back to normal for the mean time. Any one ever experience similar problems or know what I could do to see what's going or fix it?

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MacBook Pro :: 15" I7 High Resolution Matte - Red Pixel Distortion Shadows

May 9, 2010

I've just received a brand new MBP 15 i7 with high res. matte screen. Occasionally the screen becomes sort of distorted by red pixelated shadows that seem to depend on the current wallpaper, and also to some extent stay in the background when white background windows are opened. I have posted a picture taken by camera on Flickr, since a screenshot will not capture it. The funny thing is that I can make it disappear by closing the computer and reopen it again. I cannot force it to appear again though. Is it a driver problem? It doesn't appear on the startup splash screen or on secondary monitors. Here is the photo of the phenomenon: [URL]

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MacBook :: Kernel Panic Upon Movement

Jan 4, 2009

I'm running a PowerBook G4 and I have recently run into some problems with kernel panic. I have bought and installed new ram, zapped the pram, and re-written the hard drive and I still have problems. The weird thing is, the computer only crashes when I move it. If I just sit still then it works fine, but if I move it from my lap to a table or something like that then I get the restart message. I have an appointment with the Geek bar tomorrow

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OS X :: Incremental Movement Of Sliders By The Use Of Keyboard?

Feb 23, 2010

is there any way to move sliders incrementally in OS X by the use of keyboard? Some sliders can be very tricky, like this one:

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Mac Pro :: Mouse Movement Sticky On Screen

Feb 10, 2012

Recently my mouse has started acting up. The movement is sticky, and it is hard to get it to go exactly where I want on the screen. And when it doesn't end up where I want and I try to move it again, it sticks for a nano second before it moves.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Automatic Movement Between Keyframes

Sep 3, 2014

I have a question about a feature of Final Cut Pro X. I am working on a movie and wants to move a small block using keyframes.I placed an keyframe at 1:00:07 and another at 2:29:05.

Both keyframes have the position X: 0, and position Y: -850.0. But between the two keyframes, the block moves. At 1:54:18, the X:0, and the Y at -822.9. There are no further keyframes between the two i mentioned. I can put a keyframe at 1:54:18, but than he's going to move on both sides of the middle keyframe. I might use the wrong keyframes or something?  

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

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OS X :: Dashboard Keeps Popping Up With The Slightest Movement Of The Cursor?

Nov 20, 2009

Whenever Apple Mail app is open, Dashboard keeps popping up with the slightest movement of the cursor. Anyone know how I can make this problem go away?

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MacBook :: Trackpad Jerky Movement (Sometimes Unresponsive)

Aug 24, 2010

I've had my trusty aluminum MacBook for around 18 months and recently I've noticed that the trackpad is sometimes unresponsive, it's as if it's registering another press elsewhere. Moving the cursor across the screen it 'jumps' around from time to time, this is becoming more and more of an irritation. I'm loathed to take the machine in as I really need it for work at the moment.

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Bottom Plate Movement

Dec 10, 2010

I've just got a 13" MBP and I've noticed that around the middle of the bottom plate can be pressed in slightly. I can notice it most when I pick the laptop up by putting my hands underneath it and it bends inwards slightly. Does anyone else notice this on their MBPs?

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Screen Flickering With Movement

Sep 16, 2009

The screen on my iBook G4 is starting to very faintly flicker when there is the slightest movement on the laptop (e.g., typing with the laptop on my lap). My suspicion is that the display ribbon or something is frayed or loose. Any ideas on what might be causing it or how to determine it? How easy would it be to fix and for how much?

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OS X :: Mouse Movement Jerky Under High CPU Loads?

Oct 30, 2009

2.2GHz Macbook Pro, OS X 10.5. I've only noticed it for the last few months.

Whenever (usually) I do something which causes a high CPU load, my mouse cursor movement because extremely jerky. For some reason, even ejecting my USB hard drive (which takes about 20 seconds from when I tell it to eject to when it actually removes itself from my Desktop) causes my cursor to start going jerky.

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MacBook Pro :: Expected Price Movement With New Hardware?

Mar 22, 2010

I've been lurking on these forums for a few weeks now as it's time for me to come back to Mac. I've been a PC gamer for a long time, but used a Mac when I was a journalist. I want to start writing again and was considering a netbook, then realized the Mac is what I want again.

Question: I have researched several forums, rumours and checked the 'don't buy now' page for buying recommendations. However, my real question is regarding typical pricing when the "new hotness" is released. Is it typical for the price of the new models to be higher than the current pricing? If I go out and buy a MacBook Pro next week, I don't mind if it turns out that I could have saved a hundred bucks or two when they start clearing out the "old" models in refurbs, but I don't want it to end up that I could have waited a week and paid the same price for a lot more....................

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OS X :: How To Make Mouse Cursor Movement Like Windows

Aug 6, 2010

Is there a utility that I can use that will allow me to have the same precision and accuracy with a mouse in mac OS as I have in windows? There is a very different feel when using a mouse in OS X, and I just don't like it.

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