MacBook Pro :: Shorten Trackpad Delay In Dragging Movement?
May 14, 2010
This is on the new 2010 MBPs. This may also be the behavior with prior MBPs as well though. When I drag something, window or icon, and release my finger from the trackpad to set it in place, if my finger promptly touches down on the trackpad again so I can proceed with other tasks, the dragged object actually remains in focus and continues being dragged. I found that I have to artificially force myself to wait roughly a full second before I could resume contact with the trackpad without continuing the object-drag. Is there any way to configure this differently, either within OSX or with a freeware program?
I've had my trusty aluminum MacBook for around 18 months and recently I've noticed that the trackpad is sometimes unresponsive, it's as if it's registering another press elsewhere. Moving the cursor across the screen it 'jumps' around from time to time, this is becoming more and more of an irritation. I'm loathed to take the machine in as I really need it for work at the moment.
On my MacBook Po I really like the (new) giant trackpad it always worked perfect until a while ago. Sometimes when I want to drag some files around it doesn't register I'm holding the trackpad down and it won't drag the file. Or it drags the file for a few pixels and release it by itself into the wrong folder. I have the same problem sometimes when I want to select some text, it only selects a piece of the text. Even if I work in Photoshop it doesn't always work great.
Got my new magic trackpad, its amazing! I have one thing that I would like a bit more control over. When you do a 3 finger drag, it has a delay afterwards to help you correct your selection if you need to. This is a brilliant usability function and I use it often. But I would really like to be able to adjust how long this delay is. It's about a second at the moment, it would be awesome if it was halved. Anyone know where you could do this in the terminal?
I recently got the magic trackpad. I am wondering if there is a trick to get the dragging and drag lock to work. I have it set to tap click and that worked perfect, but I am not able to get the dragging to always work. I have tried tapping different spots on the screen and even double tap at different rates with no help.
I'm running a PowerBook G4 and I have recently run into some problems with kernel panic. I have bought and installed new ram, zapped the pram, and re-written the hard drive and I still have problems. The weird thing is, the computer only crashes when I move it. If I just sit still then it works fine, but if I move it from my lap to a table or something like that then I get the restart message. I have an appointment with the Geek bar tomorrow
I am trying to make a slideshow for my dad's 60th birthday. I have the pictures loaded and in order and I have a play list from my itunes that I am using. I want to shorten the lengths of the songs though. I don't want the whole slide show to be to just one or two songs. Is there a way to play songs for a certain amount of slides or to make a song play for 1 minute instead of say 4 minutes?
When I was looking up what the Secure Empty Trash option does I happened across a site that said that "this method might shorten the hard disk lifespan." Is there any truth to this?
I've just got a 13" MBP and I've noticed that around the middle of the bottom plate can be pressed in slightly. I can notice it most when I pick the laptop up by putting my hands underneath it and it bends inwards slightly. Does anyone else notice this on their MBPs?
I've been lurking on these forums for a few weeks now as it's time for me to come back to Mac. I've been a PC gamer for a long time, but used a Mac when I was a journalist. I want to start writing again and was considering a netbook, then realized the Mac is what I want again.
Question: I have researched several forums, rumours and checked the 'don't buy now' page for buying recommendations. However, my real question is regarding typical pricing when the "new hotness" is released. Is it typical for the price of the new models to be higher than the current pricing? If I go out and buy a MacBook Pro next week, I don't mind if it turns out that I could have saved a hundred bucks or two when they start clearing out the "old" models in refurbs, but I don't want it to end up that I could have waited a week and paid the same price for a lot more....................
I have a bunch of photos in the timeline in iMovie HD and want to shorten and lengthen their duration in the movie. Usually I can just drag the edge of the photo to shorten/lengthen it but a setting isn't allowing me do this....does anyone know what that setting is, what I have to change?
With any movement of the cursor, when playing Youtube and other flash video's, the video's stutter and get stuck in a loop repeating very fast then playing then repeating... I am running 10.6.8 with the latest version of Adobe Flash Player 2GHz Processor and 4GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM.
I am using a Compaq 17 inch display as a second and have been doing so for several weeks with no issues. However after my last re-boot for an update to OSX, iTunes,..., no more than a week ago, the second disply now does not appear for around 2 to 3 mins after I restart or come out of sleep mode.
I am having a really strange problem with my MBP (Stats are in my Sig) running 10.6.1. Whenever I start or restart my computer, the keyboard and track pad click are unresponsive at the login/password screen. The computer recognizes them and eventually enters them but the delay is almost 2 minutes long! I have logged out without restarting and I do not have this issue. I have tired repairing permissions, and resetting PRAM. I am thinking about an Archive and Install.
I have a problem since i upgraded to an Intel SSD for my early 2011 MBP. My MBP not always but often when i start Mac OS Lion, delays to start, i boot normal in OS Lion but everything is in slow motion. When that happens i reboot my MBP and my problem solves only with a reboot.
Here are some examples
Ex.1 : Normally my Mac will boot in a few seconds > Takes 5 times more.
Ex.2 : Every think i do lags (opening a program, a preview, a folder,ext.)
I have an late 08 unibody Mbp and a 11 mba, I have noticed the glass trackpad on the air is much closer to the glass on an iphone in the way your finger reacts to it... the least bit of moisture and your finger doesn't glide as easily. On the pro it seems to have more of a coating to allow for smoother use under these normal conditions (humidity). Has anyone else noticed this? bottom line the air trackpad almost seems more polished.
Does anybody experience any delays with the auto graphics switching on the late 2010 MBPs? I mean serious delays? Mine seems to be very slow at making the switch. Say if I open a PDF that has a load of images in and start to scroll at high speed to scan the document, everything becomes very stuttery. Then, after a while (very random in how long it takes) everything starts to get smoother, when I assume the NVIDIA kicks in. I thought this was meant to be more-or-less instantaneous?
Every now and then It takes a while for the "close" button to register the click, it senses the mouse over as the button changes to show the X, but clicking does nothing, i have to wait a few seconds, retry.. then it works. Anyone else have this?
When i mute my sound and then unplug my headphones sometimes music starts playing. Additionally when I plug my headphones in and change the volume the sound plays from the speaker.
When I press the start button there is a delay of 3-4 seconds before the computer turns on and the sign in screen appears. Then when I shutdown it takes up to 4 minutes to actually turn off the screen.
I also ran a diagnostic check and received the error code HDD/11/4000000:SATA (0,0)... What I do next?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
So I have been having an issue with my MBP 13" since I bought it, about a month now. At first the guy at Bes@ Bu@ attributed it to the fact that I was pressing too hard on the trackpad and sent me on my way. Two weeks later and the same issue is still happening. So I return to the store and they take the drag lock off, which I have tried before and I tell them this is not the problem-I am not an idiot-I actually know a little about computers. Oh well so here it is another two weeks and the same issue is still going. What do I do? A little background-I need a computer to be able to work on-this is not an option.
Best Buy said that if there is something truly wrong with the trackpad then they will have to send it off to "somewhere" and it could be gone for 10-14 days. That is just unacceptable. Is anybody familiar with their "Black Tie" protection plan? would it be easier/better just to run the thing over with my truck? instead of dealing with the headaches of shipping it somewhere? Basically it seems like the mouse is dragging and locking on everything it can. I have to hold and move, or double hold and move, its hard to explain, but there is definitely an issue. But since I mainly work nights, its hard to bring it up to BB when there is an issue.
Ive been using Mac for almost a month now from purchasing my first Mac on my birthday. Ive got to say its an entire new experience and i love it something that is surely credited in my IT course i am currently studying as a student.Now i love the Mac Pro however being a perfectionist i do have a couple of issues.
One of them being with the system sounds when you receive an email or your battery is dying or your dragging something off the dock and you receive the puff sound.Now something i seem to be experiencing is quite a delay between these actions or sounds or at times no sound at all. Im guessing this is a software issue as i cant see any reasonable hardware explanation.
My second issue is the battery over just a months of use (taking care of battery letting it have normal cycles) it seems to have dropped form an estimated usage of about 5 hours to 3 fully charged basically pretty much idle other than safari open on a basic webpage.The next and final issue is the click when moving the mac i believe its the SMS motion thing, ive heard its possible to turn this off but how?
Last but not least :P im thinking of upgrading the hardrive at some point either to a faster 7200rmp or a Solid state, what would you recommend specifically for the mac? rather than in general also would this void my warranty or would apple do it based on my extended Apple Care package?
My MB's trackpad button is spoilt, I think there's something wrong with the spring which makes it unclickable and sometimes remains pressed.
Is there anyway to disable only the trackpad button but not the whole trackpad? Tapping still works, but the MB mistakens it as dragging sometimes because the button is stuck as a pressed button.
Inertial scrolling works fine, three finger swipe works great... three finger dragging doesn't work at all.Logged out, logged in, restarted, reset PRAM, etc.
I tried to delete google chrome many times by dragging the app to trash but it didn't work?I must delete it because I downloaded an app by mistake and since then all webpages I open are full with ads.
I remember a while ago, there was a way to change how item info was displayed. there was a way to get rid of the word "free" and shorten the text line displayed. i was wondering if someone could refresh my memory.