Can't Wake MacBook Pro / Screen Remains Black
Jun 26, 2012
I slept my MacBook Pro last night and can't wake it? I have rebooted and no bing sound is made. The screen remains black. The volumn keys blip. It is as if it is still locked in sleep mode!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
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Jan 2, 2010
I have a problem: when I restart my Early 2008 MacBook Pro there is no "chime" and the screen remains black. The keyboard doesn't light up or respond to any input, and worse still, the "lid button" light on the front of the notebook remains illuminated, it doesn't blink, it just stays on, shining in my face. I loaded a CD into the optical drive to see if I could use the keyboard to eject it, but this test failed. Now, when I turn on my MBP, I hear the optical drive spinning and the quiet whirr of the fan inside.
I looked on Apple's support website about what to do when a Mac refuses to boot. I tried all of the methods they listed, but since my Mac doesn't respond to keyboard input, all of the techniques failed. Having exhausted everything I could think of, I decided to post here hoping someone could suggest something. I was just on the verge of completing my portfolio website and I would like to salvage my data at least.
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Apr 29, 2012
When I open my macbook, the screen remains black (as though it's in sleep mode). Adjusting the brightness always fixes this problem, but this is a temporary fix. The brightness is not at zero when I adjust it after opening, often I need to dim the screen to reactivate it.
This problem is not: related to *clamshell mode*related to unintentionally dimming the screen. related to any of the settings in the Energy Saving panel in system preferences
Extra info: The computer seems as though it doesn't actually enter sleep mode when I close the computer.I don't think there are any processes running that would prevent sleep mode. I really just want the computer to go to sleep properly when I close the screen and more importantly, that it wake-up when opened, or at least when a button is pushed aside from the brightness buttons.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 30, 2007
My iBook will not display anything on its screen. Rather, it just remains black. One time, the screen did come on, but then shortly after booting, it flickered a lot and then went black again. A year ago, something similiar happened and when I took it to be serviced (when I had AppleCare), they had to send it away and have a new logic board installed. Now this machine is out of warrenty and and I am not sure what to do, or even if it is the same problem. Any suggestions?? Thanks!
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Dec 2, 2009
I was browsing the internet, not doing anything major, put the computer to sleep, came back 10 minutes later... black screen. I messed with it for an hour or so and determined that the video card went bad (I'm guessing. It's a mid 2007 macbook pro with the nvidia geforce 8600m. My secondary monitor remains black as well). In the midst of totally freaking out, I decided to activate the voiceover utility, enable screen sharing (after figuring out a slew of keyboard commands I didn't know about), and logged in from my girlfriends computer.
I immediately closed all the windows and applications that I had inadvertently opened during the blind wtf session, and opened up system profiler to see if it is recognizing a video card. Well, it is! It's listing the video card as a GMA x3100! Is there a secondary card in there? Cause if there is, it's not working either. Or is that just a default they would put in if it doesn't recognize a video card? Doesn't seem likely. Or, because I'm using screen sharing, is it picking up my girlfriends card? It's not, because she's using a GMA 950. Maybe it's splitting the difference?
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Jun 4, 2012
imac a1225 shimes but screen remains black... what can I do?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 28, 2012
I have a 2009-2010 27inch iMac with OSX and software fully updated.My Mac started shutting down or going into deep sleep when left on.I've tried rebooting, power long hold, checking cords etc.I've attempted the 5 second hold after disconnecting the power cord, plugging back in and start no luck.I hear a very small click inside when I long hold, sometimes a very faint spinning sound but nothing else.The fan came on once after a start attempt but nothing else happened. I can't seem to safe start because the screen remains black.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 23, 2014
my macbook air 13 display only black screen and pointer when wake up from sleep. its not frequently happen. to become normal it take 10-15 sec, is it hardware problem or software problem?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 23, 2014
I've noticed that when my rMBP (late 2013, Mavericks) turns off the display automatically while on battery (as configured via Energy Saver) and I try to wake it immediately, I get a black screen with the cursor, rather than my password/unlock screen. It remains a black screen, with the cursor moveable, for 5-10 seconds or so, and then the password/unlock screen will appear as usual.Â
This does not happen if:I don't try to wake the display/computer immediately after automatic display sleep (e.g., I wait 5-10 seconds and it's fine)I turn off the display using a hot corner and immediately wake the displayI put the computer to sleep by closing the lid and immediately wake it by opening the lidI select Sleep from the System/Apple menu and immediately wake it by pressing a key or clicking on the trackpadÂ
Why automatic display sleep is causing this temporary black screen? I currently get around it by setting the time for automatic display sleep while on battery to 10 minutes instead of the default 3 minutes to minimize the chances of needing to immediately wake the screen. I'd like to keep it at 3 minutes if possible to maximize energy savings, but the temporary black screen is really annoying if I didn't really want display sleep and consequently have to wake immediately.
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Nov 25, 2010
Just got a new Mac pro and installed an SSD as the boot drive. I was downloading some apple software updates and left the machine alone to download for an hour.Came back and it was asleep or hibernating (is there a difference?)At that point I clicked the mouse and I could hear it start back up but NOTHING came on the screen, just black.I could press a key on the keyboard and hear the error type noise so the desktop was active, just not being displayed.
I disconnected my mini display port (I have a 24' Apple cinema LED display) and plugged it into the second mini display port on the back and it came back on.Anyone know what this could be?A result of an SSD boot drive or do I need my LED display plugging into a particular mini display port out of the 2 on the graphics card?
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May 30, 2012
I have a MacPro 1,1 (2006) 2.66GHz that it is always working as a home server. Â
After some time working idle the screen goes black. When I want to wake up there is no response. The screen turns into safe energy mode blinking his LED light power indication. I have to force shutting down pushing phisically the power button for some seconds. Â
Graphic Card problem? I have another one but I don't test it for now. Â Â
I have made a PRAM reset and SMC reset shutting down the MacPro, unplug the power and push the power button for 10 seconds. No results at all.Â
Even putting Energy System Preference on NEVER (computer sleep and screen) after some time (2-3hours) the MacPro goes to black screen.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8GB RAM; ATIRadeonX1900
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Mar 10, 2010
When I wake from a long sleep, my screen comes on but everything is black. If I move my mouse around, the tiles behind the pointer switch over to whatever app is open. When I invoke expose/spaces, the screen fixes itself and displays everything.
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Jun 1, 2014
This just started yesterday (May 31st). I keep everything updated as it comes out and nothing new has been installed in the last couple of days.
When I need I wake up my iMac (now requiring a keystroke or mouse press instead of just moving the mouse), the screen comes up black, but the cursor is there and moves around fine.Â
It stays black for a while (15 seconds or longer, but it feels like forever) and then it finally comes up completely.Â
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jun 22, 2014
I'm trying to connect my rMBP13 (OS X 10.9.3) received a couple of weeks ago to my desk display (LG Flatron W2486L) through apple's DVI-mini display port adapter.
Here is the results:
The MBP freezes a couple of seconds (I guess normal) after plugging in the mini display connector in one of the thunderbolt ports, but nothing happen on the external display (no signal).
The MBP sees the display: from "system preferences>displays" I see the MBP sees the external display and recognises the model "W2486"; but it seems to me that the display doesn't see the MBP...Â
I've tried to restart the MBP, but with the same result.Â
(I've ben using the display through the DVI port with my old PC, so it works).Â
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Dec 21, 2010
For the past few weeks it has been going to a black screen when trying to wake it up from sleep. Either I've put it through too much work lately editing all these photos and its really tired. So, often it wakes up normally and functions fine, well, not really. It is seemingly very slow. It requires a lot of time (more than before) to open up a program or it gives me the "spinning wheel of death" when trying to go to a different page on the internet or open up a folder on my desktop. Amongst other things that require it to think. So It's just a lot slower in general than before.
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Mar 9, 2012
In the last 2 months or so, I have seen my MacMini 2011 OSX 10.7.3 crashing withing a minute of wakeup, after sleeps of more than 2-3 hours.Â
Sometimes the Black screen occurs almost immediately, sometimes it takes up to a minute after the desktop appears (after logging in). This did not occur until I got 10.7.3 and only within the last 2 months.
MacMini 2011 i5, 8GB, Radeon 6630M , Mac OS X (10.7), iPhone4; headless dual G5 via FW800
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Feb 19, 2012
I'm using an iMac (late 2011) with 10.7.3. I'm doing things on the computer or some process is going on when the screen instantly goes black (no dimming first). If a video was playing, I can still hear it playing, but pushing keys on the keyboard or mouse or pad does nothing to wake the screen. Sometimes pushing the power button a number of times will get the screen to come on, sometimes it won't. When the screen goes black, if an external drive was running and then stops, I can sometimes get the screen to come to live. Sometimes this black screen happens when I'm burning a DVD; when the DVD is finished, I can bring the screen to life. I thought one of my two external drives was bad, so I disconnected it. That seemed to help (though verifying the disk revealed no problems). But a few minutes ago, the screen instantly went black again; no dimming first. There have been times I thought this was associated with a new bit of software, but then it returns even after I delete the suspect software. Sometimes I have to use the power button to shut down the iMac then restart it. Once, I had to unplug and replug the iMac before I could get the computer to respond and the screen to return to life. I don't know if this is a hardware problem (internal or external), a software problem, or some combination...or something I haven't thought of, at all.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 25, 2014
My 2008 Mac Pro display remains black after start up. It is plugged in properly and the light comes on, but the screen stays black. It first started doing this about a week ago, but after a manual restart or two, it would start up properly with the display working. Today the display has remained black every time I've tried to start up.Â
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May 10, 2010
After moving I setup the Mini, but got nothing from the monitor. Reset PRAM & PMU, nothing. CPU chimes,, but the only thing I get from the monitor is a yellow square with a brief message indicating there's no signal.
It's a Mini, 2 MB RAM, Core 2, OSX10.5.x, it's less than a year old. The CPU appears to be OK. Monitor is getting power.
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Nov 5, 2010
I have a new macbook air 13'' 2010.I'm using windows through bootcamp.hen I close the lid the screen keeps on.
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Dec 9, 2014
I bought last year (18 month ago) my MacBook Air. Suddenly it froze and after restarting the screen remains "off". After connecting an external screen I can go to the first opening screen but the cursor won’t move. I tried to use the “Command,” “Option” and “Esc” keys on the keyboard at the same time to bring up the “Force Quit Applications” window but it doesn't work. After restarting I'm back at the same screen, still frozen.
MacBook Air
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Jul 18, 2010
This morning, I synced my iPod with my MacBook and upon completion and permission to disconnect the device, I pulled out the USB cord. At that point the computer instantly turned itself off, and when I hit the power button, I could hear the system trying to start up, but the screen remained black and the sleep light glowed continuously. I unplugged the charger, took out the battery and put it back in, and tried all the troubleshooting tips under the Apple Support guide with no success. I also discovered that when I closed the laptop while it was "on," it would seem to boot up a little more before returning to the black screen. I left it alone for a few hours, and when I tried again to turn it on, it booted up normally and as I was searching for updates, it shut down again as it had earlier.
Does anyone have anything for me to try? I don't want to have to take it into a shop because I can just barely afford to, but I need this computer! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :-)
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Jun 29, 2012
I have an early 2011 MacBook Pro (2.0 GHz i7, 4 Gig Memory, Lion.7 with all upgrades) that has just started behaving strangely. When I put it to sleep by closing the lid and wake it up by opening the lid, the display is normal for a moment or two, then goes black. The keyboard is lit, and clicking on the trackpad gives me an alert sound, but it seems impossible to get the screen to light up. The only way I can get the screen back is to restart the computer. Putting it to sleep by clicking on sleep in the Apple menu works fine (it wakes up normally), but closing the lid doesn't.
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Nov 28, 2009
have followed what steps I could for the Q mark page in Apple.....former owner was a bank and was toldthey wiped the system..but I cannot get SL to load (family pack-although for macbook-difference?)...holding the c button, the ? will turn to a gray screen, but eventually the disc ejects and ? returns
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Aug 14, 2006
I have had my g4 for about two years and all of a sudden the thing decided that it's not going to turn on anymore. Power is getting to the machine and a certain amount of whirring is heard but not the signature! as it starts. The screen remains blank and would stay like that all night if I let it. The only thing I did differently before this appeared was to take it to work in a different bag a few times. Rucksack before, Side bag (more vibration).
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Oct 17, 2009
I have a problem with my iBook. I press the power button, it starts but the screen remains blank.
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Jul 2, 2012
I recently purchased a Mac Mini at the Apple store. I'm using an Apple bluetooth keyboard and trackpad. Problem is, when the mini goes to sleep, it won't wake back up. Nothing I can do apart from a hard restart by pressing the start button will wake the computer up. I don't know what to do to fix this. Is it something in settings?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 14, 2012
I have very recently upgraded to Lion on my late 2009 Intel Core 2 Duo iMac. When the machine goes to sleep on wake up - instead of going to the log on screen, the display remains black but when I move the mouse the display creates a grey pixel trace wherever the pointer should be. I also end up with the desktop clock in the top right.
To log on, I have to literally "colour in" the area where my profile icon should be which enables me to input my password. Also, on wake up, any applications that I had open like Safari, Word, iTunes etc are all closed and not open in the dock. On a separate matter, when this happens I cant wake my imac up to access my itunes library for home sharing on my ATV3 and 4S.
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Jun 19, 2014
When I need to go somewhere or just eat lunch, I put my iMac to sleep. After that, when I come back to wake it back up, it stays black.
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Oct 27, 2010
I have a MacBook Pro. Sometimes my macbook might fall asleep while opened, and when I try to wake it up it doesn't respond.. I can see the backlight on the keyboard light up but the screen isn't responsive? My only solution when this happens, is to restart my MBP.
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