Applications :: Opening Moved Word Processing Files?
Feb 11, 2009
I have several hundred word processing files I prepared in MS WORD. I moved the folders containing this files from my old computer to my new iMac. Every time I try to open one of these files, I see a box on the screen saying the file cannot be opened.
This is true when I try to use MS WORD for mac, when I try Pages, and when I try other word processors.
I suspect some sort of permissions need to be set for the folders or the files. I hope it can be done in "bulk"
I have files that were created in Apple Works and Word Perfect for Mac that need to be translated. Mac Link does not make a version for Lion. What else can I use to translate these files?
Up until yesterday I was solely a Windows/PC-based computer user. I am now running Mac OS X with my new Mac Pro. Before turning off my PC system, hopefully forever, I downloaded all my MS Word files to a USB stick. I'm a writer and only worked in MS Word for my work.I just purchased iWork '09 and am very impressed with the Pages App and I'm very excited to start working in Pages '09. when I insert my USB stick with all my Word Docs on it into my Mac Pro, is it a case like under Windows/XP where you just open up each file with the Pages '09 program or is there something more to do to get Pages '09 to open the file up and save it within Pages '09? I understand Pages '09 works with MS Word files (as well as formatting to Word docs to send to colleagues).
My daughter just bought a new iMac with the Snow Leopard OS. She is now frustrated because she cannot find any word processing app on the factory software bundle. Is there anything there for word processing/publishing? If so, what is it called? If now, what would be recommended? I know that that will be a personal preference issue, but am interested in what others are using. I also bought an iMac but I also have a PC in my home office so I have no time crunch on getting it all figured out. My daughter on the other hand has college classes and her PC crapped out on her, so iMac is what she has.
Now that Apple have taken over our house with ipads, iphones, ipods etc , I decided to give my Dell laptop to the kids and bought a 13inch Macbook Pro and have installed Office 2011
The problem I have is with my memory stick Kingston DT Locker which I also use on Windows XP and Windows 7 - I cannot open or save Excel (xls and xlsx) and Word files (doc and docx) from/to the drive
I can copy files to the Mac, update them and then copy back to the drive
I can open pdf and jpeg files It is formatted to FAT32
I am wondering if there is a built in pdf converter in Appleworks that I can't find, or do I have to download a converter? If so, I would like the link to a free one.
My parents have a really old eMac G4 that I am going to have to fix tomorrow. They don't have a word processing program so that is the main question I have. Are there any decent free word processing programs out there? The machine runs 10.3 and here are its specs:
Order no.M8577LL/A Processor700MHz PowerPC G4 Memory384MB Hard drive 40GB Ultra ATA Optical driveCD-RW Graphics supportNVIDIA GeForce2 MX with 32MB of DDR SDRAM FireWireTwo ports USBFive ports VGA video mirroringYes Modem56K Ethernet10/100BASE-T
It used to have AppleWorks on it, but since I've reinstalled 10.3, it's no longer there. (I did a clean install.) Is there an option for it? NeoOffice has a 512mb Ram requirement that isn't going to be met by this machine. Also, the internet runs rather slow on it. They have a 1.5 megabit connection. Would it be better to run it under 10.2?
I have a document with lot of text inside it. There are also several links. I want to be able to open all links of the document to safari tabs. The only way I have to do it 'till now is to manually copy paste each link from word pages to safari tabs. Is there any way to automate this repetitive task? Either by selecting all links of word and somehow opening them, or using osx automator? I 've not used automator before, I do not know if this task can be automated. Can you please help me to make the whole task faster and simpler?
I want to be able to access the function keys for word processing commands. I want to use one key command, not two. I am presently using a Macally keyboard that is several years old. (I like the feel for typing.) System preferences allow for one key commands, but do not work with this keyboard. Would a newer keyboard work? E.g., the Matias OS X Keyboard? or the Macally iKeyS?
i had my entire iTunes library, about 150GB of music files, stored on an external hard drive that was starting act wonky. so i bought a new hard drive and copied all the music folders onto that new hard drive. but now iTunes doesn't recognize all those files in the new location. how do i reconnect my iTunes library to this new hard drive?
unfortunately, i've already deleted the old music files from the old hard drive so hopefully i don't need to do something with that.
I am using Microsoft Word 2008 version 12.2.0 (last updated 12.2.1) and every time I try to switch to Notebook Layout View it just quits and tells me "Microsoft has encountered a problem and needs to quit."
I need to process large files (few GB) from a measurement. The data files contain lists of measured events.I process them event by event and the result is relatively small and does not occupy much memory.The problem I am facing is that Lion "thinks" that I want to use the large data files later again and puts them into cache (inactive memory). The inactive memory is growing during the reading of the datafiles up to a point where the whole memory is full (8GB on MacBook Pro mid 2010) and it starts swapping a lot. That of course slows down the computer considerably including the process that reads the data.
If I run "purge" command in Terminal, the inactive memory is cleared and it starts to be more responsive again. The question is: is there any way how to prevent Lion to start pushing running programs from memory into the swap on cost of useless harddrive cache?
I've been looking around online for the past hour for a solid way to open a .mht file on a mac, and I can't find anything. I need to open these files for University homework. Has anybody figured out a way to do it?
Is there a program to open these .CBR files (comic book rar) for OSX? I found a site to purchase and download a lot of my old favorite comics but I wanted to make sure I can view them on my Mac first.
I have about 10 jpg files that in the finder window I can see the whole image, but when I try to open the picture or put it in iphoto i can only see half of the picture. How can I see the whole photo?
I had a friend who installed Adobe Reader 9 onto my Mac which I didn't want. I went and got rid of the programs from my mac. Now I have an issue with opening PDF files in Safari, and ask me to find Adobe Reader. How to I turn Safari around to open PDF files in Preview program, like it did before my friend screwed it up.
so my mother was using my mac, and she was using word to type something...of course she never saved anything, and i couldnt get a good description of what thinking she did a show desktop expose' then she lost it some how!
I know there's a way, but I can't for the life of me see how to only show html files (or any other file type) when I want to open a file in Coda. (I don't want to wade through the thousands of image files that reside in the same folder) I've searched here and elsewhere, but no luck. Anyone know how to do this?
I think I updated my adobe, and now all my good ole' word .docs are pdfs. Had a bunch on the desktop that only open with adobe as pdfs now. Definitely don't want to retype these papers! Is there an easy way to switch it all back to normalville?
Mac Word 2004 for teachers/students was working smoothly for me until the last month. It seemed as though the problem started when I tried to open (by mistake) an excel doc in Word - or vice versa. Now, Word will not let me open a file from the directory. (It will let me select the recently opened docs on the drop-down menu.) When I click "File" and "Open", the screen freezes and eventually pulls up a white screen with lines on it - looks like a writing tablet, which is the edition's logo - and it says "Open" on top.
I am trying out Picasa on my iMac and just installed Adobe Lightroom. There does not appear to be a way to change or expand the choices in Picasa for "open" of a file.
I would like to use Picasa to manage my photos and do quick edits but be able to open a given photo in Lightroom.
When docx files started floating around, I couldn't figure out how to open them in MS Word for Mac 2004. Then I found out you could download the xml converter from the MS site, and that solved the problem. However, now that I have installed Leopard and reinstalled MS Word 2004 and the requisite xml converter, for some reason, when I double click on a docx file, it does not automatically ask to convert it as it once did.
Instead, it seems to bypass/ignore the double clicked docx file and goes straight to that open document screen where you choose what type of document you want. Anyone know how to get it to automatically open the docx files up in ms word 2004 and convert with the xml converter in leopard?
Recently updated MS Office 2004 to 11.5.6. I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a Mac Pro. Double clicking Word files or dragging them onto the Word icon no longer opens them. My best work around seems to be to open a new blank document and drag the file into that
Here is how it goes, I download the file DMG file and it opens it with DiskImageMounter and it shows up in Finder after it is done downloading, I click on the package to install it and it will never open up; the prompt "There was an error opening this document. There was a Macintosh system error(-1409)"
Is there a way to do this ? When I try to open any file that is password protected, I get an error that the file 'in an incompatible format' (if memory serves, I'm away from my Mac right now). I can open it fine in NeoOffice, but it never works in Number '08. I'd consider going to iWork '09 if the problem has been addressed there.
My university wants us all to use RTF files. As I am sure you all know text edit sucks.But it automatically opens all my RTFs.I have to manually get word to open them which is a pain in the ass.How can I fix this so that all RTF's are automatically opened by WORD?I am still on the old version of word because I have to use ENDNOTE - which has no support for Word 2011 right now. I have a copy of 2011 sitting on my desk and I am itching to use it, but I will loose 200+ citations if I do.