Applications :: Wants To Sync ITunes Playlists
Aug 16, 2010
I was wondering if there was a way to sync iTunes playlists between my computers.
for example, if I make a playlist on my MBP is there a way to sync it to my iMac?
Main reason is I have a few playlists on my MBP that I use and sync with my iPod Touch but my wife wants them on her iPad but I have it set up with the library on the iMac.....
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Mar 9, 2012
Recently any new playlists I create in iTunes are not appearing as an option to sync to my iPhone or iPad. I am manually managing music and have other playlists checked to sync and they work fine. But, if I create a new playlist it simply does not show up. If I delete a playlist it disappears from the available options to sync but nothing when I create a new one.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.3)
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Mar 14, 2012
I created a smart playlist on my iTunes 10.6 that populates the list with randomly selected tunes that do not contain specific genres nor were played in the last 90 days to fill 3 hours. The songs that populate the list seem to meet those criteria. However, the songs that populate the list on my iPhone look nothing like the list on iTunes and includes songs I listened to yesterday even though I synced last night and this morning.
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Mar 19, 2012
I would like to keep my playlists in sync across my macs.Is there some new "iCoud" way to automatically sync up my playlists? For example, I have an iMac and a Mac Book Air. I can keep all of my songs in sync with the new iTunes "Purchased" feature, and that works perfect. The piece I do not understand how to do yet is:I have a playlist on my iMac called "Good Songs" Currently, I know how to export this from iTunes as a text file and copy the text file to my laptop and import it.But then when I make changes on my iMac, I need to redo the export / copy / import all over again. Is there an iCloud feature I can enable or leverage some how to make these changes propagate automatically?
iMac 27" i7 / iPhone 4
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Jul 6, 2012
with activated Cloudsync I would still like to put some Playlists I prefer onto my iPhone.
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Nov 30, 2014
Since either the new OS or iTunes version, I have no options on syncing music from my computer to my iPad. I want to add playlists I already have to my iPad. Old ones were there but I cannot figure out how to do it manually.
iPad Mini, iOS 8.1.1
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May 29, 2012
I'm looking to transfer/sync my itunes playlists from my iMac to my Macbook for when I go on vacation.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
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Sep 17, 2009
I know some of you out there will probably think I'm nuts, but please read the whole message first.
I have been disabled for a number of years, and recently a friend of mine purchased for me a refurbished MacBook Pro 15" 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo laptop, which, as you might guess I love, since my last Mac laptop was the 1999 PPC G3 400Mhz that croaked about 5 years ago.
Fortunately, before that late, semi-great machine died, I was able to copy to an external drive my entire iTunes folder, which contains the "iTunes Music Library" file as well as the "iTunes Music" folder with more than 1,000 songs in it. I do NOT have any written documentation on my playlists.
Now, many years later, I have this great machine that I love, and I cannot for the life of me figure a way to import my Mac OS 9 iTunes PLAYLISTS into Mac OS X iTunes 9. Additionally, the song file folders, structured perfectly in Mac OS 9, now get recreated in truly bisarre ways in iTunes 9, where I get multiple folders by the same artist if that artist has ever done a duet with someone, and soundtracks have been broken out into individual folders by each artist on the soundtrack, instead of all the songs being placed into ONE folder with the soundtrack's name on it, as it is in the Mac OS 9 iTunes Music folder.
All I want to do is recreate my library and playlists as they were in Mac OS 9, using iTunes 9 in Mac OS X 10.6.
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Sep 2, 2010
As the title says i have installed the new version of itunes and it has removed my playlists, everyone even the recently added etc.
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Apr 22, 2009
I've search high and dry for the answer to this question, so sorry if I'm the millionth person to ask...
About a year ago I finally did the right thing and bought a 1TB external HD for my 'G4 Dual Optical'.
I put all my music (and other stuff) on it and went into iTunes Preferences>Advance and changed the 'iTunes Music Folder Location' to my External HD.
Easy Peasy!
Then in January ('09), I upgraded the OS from OS X v10.4 to v10.5.6.
I did a complete fresh install, everything was fine, except when I redirected iTunes to my External HD I'd lost all my Playlists!
As you can imagine this was slightly frustrating as I have over 7000 songs in my iTunes library! A couple of weeks ago, I spent hours and hours re-creating new playlist folders, and putting them in some kind of organization again.
Now, this is my Question:
I've now bought a new Mac and I was just getting everything over to the new one, this will be easy as everything is backed up, but how do I save those play lists?
I notice I can 'right-click' on a play list and I have a choice of things I can do!
Maybe it's this? I'd be very grateful if somebody could explain in "Layman's Terms", how I can do this, as the idea of having to organize the library again is a daunting one!
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Jun 23, 2010
While getting iTunes ready for my new iPhone tonight I found something strange. I have duplicates showing up in playlists that ARE NOT duplicates in my Music library.
For example, in my Library I show to have 9 albums, 104 items and 892.4MB of Bruce Springsteen.
I created a new Playlist called iPhone 4. This playlist will of course be used for my new device. I'm moving from 16GB to 32GB so I can double the amount of music on my iPhone. Well in that iPhone 4 playlist Bruce Springsteen shows to have 9 albums and 149 songs and 1.22GB. There are several duplicates in there of songs. There are also several others artists with similiar results.
I guess my question is, how can there be duplicates in the playlist, if they are not showing as duplicates in my Library?
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Jul 31, 2010
I'm using iTunes 9.2.1 and I hadn't noticed any issues but then today for no reason at all when I connected my ipod touch to my computer to charge it, iTunes opened (as normal) and all my music was missing along with all my playlists. Why did this happen & does anyone know a fix for this?? I checked my HDD#2 (where all my music is located) and it's all there...
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Mar 17, 2010
Can iTunes make a random playlist of random tracks, that is a certain size (4gb) for my new MP3 player?
And if so, can I edit the 'randomness' to certain genre's or artists or release years?
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Mar 23, 2010
I have folders for a few hundred bands inside my "iTunes Music folder" yet they don't show up under playlists to the left.
I can drag each artist folder (one by one only) to the playlist area and it'll make a play list, but if I drag them all at once, it just puts them in the general Music area under LIBRARY.
Is there a way to automatically create playlists for each artist folder in the main "iTunes Music" folder?
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Dec 26, 2010
I want to transfer my itunes library complete with playlists and such from my macbook to new Imac. However, I did want to mention that currently the Itunes Library File is being shared by two users on this macbook. I want to transfer using an external hard drive. Is there an easy step-by-step process to do this?
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Jun 2, 2009
I have an external drive that has all of my music stored on it. I already have been using iTunes with the external drive and have all my artwork and play lists setup. I want to move the music files to my internal drive on my 24" iMac. What do I need to do in order to move the files and not lose my artwork and playlists?
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Sep 10, 2009
On my setup on Windows it loads the playlists fine, the newest first in Itunes 9 itself but dis-ordered on my ipods. On the Ipod touch v1 with 3.1.1 Firmware I can't fathom how it's sorted, it's totally scrambled the order but on the Ipod Classic V1 160Gb it appears to be sorted via artist. Even if you re-sort it by clicking the date added column the order of the playlist and resync it makes no difference to either of them. Neither does deselecting, resyncing, unplugging -replugging adding back and syncing again.
Anyone else have this issue or am I in the minority of one?
EDIT: Looking at the Apple Support Forums it seems like Smart Playlists are broken for many users on both Windows and Mac. Itunes 9.01 will be on it's way shortly!
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Jul 22, 2010
If I'm playing some music from a playlist, and I decide I want to delete it from my entire collection, I can't don't it easily. Deleting it right from the playlist doesn't remove it from my library. I have to go hunt it down in the main "Music" folder which is a pain in the ass, especially with multiple tracks. Is there some way, when looking at a track in a playlist, that I can delete it from my entire library and put it in the Trash?
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Oct 20, 2008
I've only recently added release years to all my albums and now I sort by album by year, which is great. However, I'd like to make some smart playlists based on decades, and this is a problem for anything on some sort of anthology or greatest hits collection. For example, the Barenaked Ladies greatest hits CD was released in 2001.
If I tag the whole album as 2001, it sorts correctly, but the individual tracks from the 90's won't show up in the 90's smart playlist. The other option I can think of is to tag each individual track with the correct year, but then the album stops appearing in the right place chronologically within the BNL albums, since iTunes no longer knows it was released in 2001.
So my question is this: is there some way to do a sort of "Sort Year" or "Album Year" similar to "Sort Artist" or "Album Year"?
And while I'm at it, I'm sure there's no way, but it seems like it'd be cool to somehow tie a track to two different albums. Previously, if I had a greatest hits and some original albums, I would erase any duplicates from the greatest hits and only keep them on the original album. However, since the release of iTunes 8 I use a more album-based approach to my music. I use grid view with shuffle off by default, and often just click "Play Album". But if I do that for a greatest hits comp, it of course won't play the tracks that I've deleted from it. So I have to keep two copies of the same recording for two different albums. It'd be cool if there was some way to tie one track to both albums to avoid dupes. But again, I'm pretty sure this'll never happen.
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Jun 28, 2010
My iphone and ipod touch both wont sync. It seems if you download itunes 9.2 again it will sync.
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Jun 9, 2009
I have about 5 songs that are vinyl rips and they are in apple lossless. But for some reason when I go to sync them to my iPod i get an error and it says that they can't be sync'd. I attatched a screenshot of the songs info. I'm not really sure why it doesn't want to sync since itunes plays it fine and it's in the right format.
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Nov 12, 2009
Whenever I press sync in iTunes, it starts doing all sorts of things like backing up the ipod touch, downloading the applications which takes forever. Is there a way just to sync the podcasts? I have gone through all the various settings and deselected everything that might be causing this.
I don't know why many have used ml_ipod with winamp in the past but I had a good thing going. But unfortunately Apple seems to have broken the support with the latest firmware.
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Jan 20, 2010
Is there a Solution to sync a iTunes library between two macs? (10.6. and 10.4 PPC) when I Download music on my Macbook I want the music to transfer to the PowerMac G4 via LAN , any Solutions for that ( I am only Downloading FREE music so don't give me Sh** about Pirating
I Tried "SyncOtunes" But I want something more "mac-like"
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Nov 28, 2010
So I downloaded a music album from itunes and it was added to my library. This was done on a PC running win 7. How do I keep that library in sync with my MBA running OS X? Thought I could actually just download the album again on the MBA for free when logged into the same itunes account, but it appears that I can't.
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May 20, 2008
I've been searching the forums and web looking for info on how to / best way to sync iTunes libraries (including playlists, ratings, and play counts). I've found several programs including TuneRanger, SuperSync, Syncopation and some others (links below). The general consensus seems to be that they all suck. (TuneRanger seems to do exactly what I want, but doesn't appear to have a free trial period.) [URL]
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Jan 16, 2009
I downloaded the newest episode of the office, and it started fine, but at one point the video went a little "wacky" and the audio/video became unsynced. Does anyone know a solution to this, I have tried quitting itunes but that didn't work
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Mar 1, 2009
i have 2 macs (one early 2008 macbook (leopard) and an 2007 i mac (tiger but might get leopard)). And i have mobile me (just saying because this might help) and i want to be able to sync my music from computer to another. is this possible? Apple said there might be a way but they didn't know. But please don't give me a solution with an external hard drive i don't have one (and i can't afford one). I just want to be able to sync itunes with the 2 macs.
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Sep 10, 2009
I am looking for a way to synch my iTunes library on my macbook like an iPod. Basically, my main iTunes library on my mac mini is HUGE. Way bigger than will fit on the 250gb drive on my macbook. So I am looking for a way to sync my macbook in the same fashion as an iPod. I want to choose a few playlists to send over and keep synced. Maybe 50gb or so of data so that when I am away from my main computer I can have music with me. The reason I want to do this is my 30GB ipod recently dove off the deep end and I dont have the finances to get a new one yet. But I usually have my laptop with me most places and like to listen to music. I have found ways to keep 2 libraries synced but not be able to partially sync one. Anyone have any ideas on how or if this is even possible?
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Sep 18, 2009
I just got my new 64gb ipod touch, and every time I try to sync photos on to it, iTunes crashes. I am running the latest versions of itunes, snow leopard and iphone 3.1. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
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Dec 9, 2009
I have a 30 GB iPod and a Macbook. I have synced my iPod once on my Macbook and it worked fine.
I brought my iPod to work (which only has PCs), and I've been charging my iPod on the PC. The PC doesn't have iTunes, so the PC treats the iPod like it's just a mass storage device but it still charges fine. Also, the "Format" label under the settings in the iPod now says "Windows."
Now I am wanting to re-sync my iPod to my Mac to add more music, but when I do, the Mac doesn't acknowledge that the iPod is even connected (not even in the Finder window).
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