Applications :: How Do I Transfer Itunes Library Complete With Playlists From Old Mac To New
Dec 26, 2010
I want to transfer my itunes library complete with playlists and such from my macbook to new Imac. However, I did want to mention that currently the Itunes Library File is being shared by two users on this macbook. I want to transfer using an external hard drive. Is there an easy step-by-step process to do this?
my wife and i have separate accounts on the same Macbook. we both share the actual media/files no problem. the problem we're having is that the changes to the tags and album art is not shared. can we share that too?
If I'm playing some music from a playlist, and I decide I want to delete it from my entire collection, I can't don't it easily. Deleting it right from the playlist doesn't remove it from my library. I have to go hunt it down in the main "Music" folder which is a pain in the ass, especially with multiple tracks. Is there some way, when looking at a track in a playlist, that I can delete it from my entire library and put it in the Trash?
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
I have recently transferred over my itunes library from macbook to new imac using home sharing. Now I would like to transfer my playlists. Is there an easy way to do this?
My cousin is trying to move her library from her desktop PC to her laptop PC. She used the itunes backup tool to transfer her library. She authorized her laptop to play her itunes store music and videos, but if she tries to play one of those protected files on the laptop it says she is not authorized to play it.
i recently bought a macbook pro, and copied much of my information from my desktop G4 profile over... my Mail works great. All my iTunes music loaded, just not the playlists i assembled. I have that old profile as an alternate User profile on this Macbook, i'd just like to copy some preferences from that profile into this one, so i'll have my playlists. Can you tell me where OS 10.4.7 (the old profile OS) stores that info?
I have two iPod Nano (3 gen). One of them my daughter happened to drop into a pool so the screen stopped working. Is there anyway to "copy" a playlist from the "broken" iPod to the other fully functional iPod?
I have tried to use the "Export playlist" / "Import Playlist" option but that dosent work at all? Or is itunes so (sorry) "Stupid" made that we have to make new playlist on the fully functional iPod and ad song after song, it will take hours to make the lists identical, there must be som easier way?
I will buy a new Mac (iMac or MBP) soon to replace my current iMac G5. What is the quickest and easiest way to transfer files including my iTunes library & iPhone apps & safari bookmarks to the new Mac?
My purchased songs do not appear in my library. And, none of my playlists appear. I haven't used my iPod in a while and I want to update it with new songs. If I try to sync it, I think all of the songs will be deleted from my iPod.
I recently brought a MacBook Pro laptop and I already have a IPhone. My IPhone is already synced up to my windows computer but I would like to now use my laptop with the IPhone. How do I transfer my my music from my itunes library on my windows which my IPhone is synced to onto my new MacBook. I have tried to plug my IPhone in my MacBook but I am worried it will wipe it clean. How to transfer library from windows to mac?
I just got a new MacBook Pro 15" and I love it. I just have a quick question, though--how do I go about transferring my itunes stuff from my old Mac laptop to my new one? I tried consolidating the library, and then dragging the iTunes file to the new computer (and then going into preferences and selecting the iTunes Media folder location), but that didn't work.
I have created playlists to be synced from iTunes to iPhone, however when syncing, not all of the songs in the playlist(s) transfer to iPhone. How can I fix this?
My iPhone 5c used to sync with my old Windows laptop via iTunes and both devices held all music information on them such as iTunes rating, playlist information and the selected songs to be synced (there are more songs on my iTunes on my laptop than my iPhone).  All of these songs are also saved on an external hard drive. None were purchased through iTunes.
When my old Windows laptop died, it died abruptly so I did not have chance to consolidate the iTunes media folder. I have now bought a new MacBook Air to replace my old Windows laptop.
When I plug in my iPhone 5c to my new MacBook Air, when iTunes offers to sync it advises all information on my iPhone will be lost.
Is it possible to transfer the ratings and playlists from my iPhone to iTunes on my MacBook Air, at least for the corresponding songs that exist on my iPhone? Note I have the original songs on an external hard drive so the song files themselves do not have to copy across. All the files in the iPhone exist in the external hard drive.
I just home shared from a pc to a mac. I see my library transferred over but how do I get them into their original playlists? Do I have to start all over and do it manually?
I use iTunes 10.6.1 (7) on Mac. I spend some time googling and searching for solutions for my problem, but everything is either outdated or simply doesn't work. I have a smart playlist with all songs that are matched on iTunes Match, but which are below 256k bitrate. I want to delete them from the library, so I can download new 256k versions of them. This is supposedly possible by using Option + Delete, but that doesn't work for me. I also tried all kinds of other combinations like SHIFT + Option + Delete or CRTL + Option + Delete and none of them work.
Recently had operating system crash. When Apple got me back up and running, my library and playlists were gone. Fortunately I have them on my ipad. When I next sync with the new itunes where these songs are not present, will they be lost. Is there some way to "upload" them from my ipad to itunes?
This happened once before - but I open my computer then Itunes and voila - my entire library is missing! WTF! I go to the backup library and the latest backup is from 12/07 - so I am missing over a years worth of stuff. My iphone is stocked with almost all the playlists as I had them Is there anyway to fix this or has this happened before?
I have a 2011 Macbook Pro and an older (5 year old) Western Digital external hard drive. I have always used this hard drive for both mac and windows. Recently, however, whenever I go to transfer a file from the mac to the WD hard drive, the little transfer window pops up and it appears to initiate the transfer. However, it never fully starts it. It appears to "get stuck" in that initiating stage, showing zero of 3.16 gb transferred and shows an unknown transfer time. This happens no matter how long I leave it open. Again, I have used this external hard drive with my macs for the past 5 years without any problems until now. I haven't moved or modified the WD hard drive
I recently had my Microsoft music media library shared on my Sony tv through some sore of home share.However, My media library is not that up to date and I want to update it fully with my itunes library?How do I do this?
I have a Macbook with about 5,000 songs on it, all of which are burned from actual hard copies of CDs that I own. Rather than re-burning each CD to my new Windows computer, I would like to see if there's a way to transfer all these songs from Mac to PC using an external hard drive.Â
The real question is how can I format my external hard drive to be recognized on both a Macbook running Snow Leopard and a PC running Windows 7?
I know some of you out there will probably think I'm nuts, but please read the whole message first.
I have been disabled for a number of years, and recently a friend of mine purchased for me a refurbished MacBook Pro 15" 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo laptop, which, as you might guess I love, since my last Mac laptop was the 1999 PPC G3 400Mhz that croaked about 5 years ago.
Fortunately, before that late, semi-great machine died, I was able to copy to an external drive my entire iTunes folder, which contains the "iTunes Music Library" file as well as the "iTunes Music" folder with more than 1,000 songs in it. I do NOT have any written documentation on my playlists.
Now, many years later, I have this great machine that I love, and I cannot for the life of me figure a way to import my Mac OS 9 iTunes PLAYLISTS into Mac OS X iTunes 9. Additionally, the song file folders, structured perfectly in Mac OS 9, now get recreated in truly bisarre ways in iTunes 9, where I get multiple folders by the same artist if that artist has ever done a duet with someone, and soundtracks have been broken out into individual folders by each artist on the soundtrack, instead of all the songs being placed into ONE folder with the soundtrack's name on it, as it is in the Mac OS 9 iTunes Music folder.
All I want to do is recreate my library and playlists as they were in Mac OS 9, using iTunes 9 in Mac OS X 10.6.
I am a long time PC user, and my girlfriend has just recently bought me a Macbook Pro. . So being a Pc user my entire life, i, of course have iTunes on my PC. My question is there any way to transfer my itunes library to my new Macbook Pro? Or is my only choice to do it with a Flash Drive?
So a few weeks ago I bought an external hard drive to put all my music (from multiple computers) on, with the plan of making it my itunes library that I would then only access from my macbook pro. Everything was working great. I got all the songs onto my macbook pro, and then began consolidating my library to the external hard drive. My plan was then to go into my macbook pro after everything had been transferred over to the external hard drive, and delete everything in my music folder to free up space.
Well, during the consolidation we must have had a power failure or something, because the computer shut down and thus stopped the transfer. Now, itunes is looking to my external drive for my music (some of which is there), but since the transfer stopped at some point before it was complete, there are a bunch of songs that didnt move, and therefore it can't "find". I havent deleted any of the stuff from my macbook pro music folder, so everything is still all there, but it is not looking there for my music.
I'm thinking of completely uninstalling itunes, reinstalling it, directing it to my macbook pro music folder (which in theory still has all my stuff) and then reconsolidating to the external hard drive.