Applications :: Unable To Find Localized String?

Aug 24, 2004

What's the deal with that? How can I fix it? I already tried reinstalling Safari, so obviously that didn't work, unless I didn't do it right. Any ideas?

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Applications :: Safari 4 - Localized Google Search?

Jun 9, 2009

Is there any way of changing the google search bar from searching [URL] to search [URL]?

Would like a windows and an OS X solution if there is one.

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ITunes For Mac :: Not Localized / Just Upgraded To 11.2.2

Jun 2, 2014

Just upgraded my itunes to 11.2.2 and now it will not open.  Message pops up saying, "This version of iTunes has not been correctly localized for this language. Please run the english version." I cannot do anything else in iTunes though.  It just shows me that message.

What can I do?

MacBook, Old White MacBook

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Applications :: Unable To Find Account Balance

Nov 8, 2010

In past versions of iTunes, the account balance from gift cards was displayed next to your name near the top right hand corner. That is no longer there in iTunes 10 and I have searched though different panels looking for the balance, but am unable to find it. Anyone know where I can find the balance?

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Applications :: Mail 3.5 - Unable To Find The Messages?

Mar 19, 2009

Okay, I set up Mail 3.5 to use IMAP to get messages from my gmail account. . The downloading went on for several minutes but there are only a few messages in my Inbox. Where are the rest? I don't want them on my computer. I want to access them and get rid of them.

At the bottom of the left hand panel it says USER NAME 905 which I take to mean 905 messages have arrived and are stored somewhere.

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Applications :: Unable To Find ITunes Balance?

Apr 7, 2009

I just got a $25 iTunes gift card for my birthday. I bought the Batmobile game for my iPhone for .99 and that brought be down to an even $24. Then I purchased Wolfenstein3D for $4.99...but now my balance is $18.96. Anyone know why?

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Applications :: Unable To Find Safari Bookmarks?

Oct 19, 2009

I usually use Firefox but thought I'd try out Safari. I click on a site and add it to my bookmarks but it doesn't show up under "Bookmarks" (like every other browser)

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Applications :: Installed Flash - Unable To Find It

Nov 5, 2009

So I installed the latest update to Flash hoping it would help with my periodic spinning beach balls when using Safari (plus, Firefox told me I needed to update my Flash). So, I don't see anything in my Applications folder. Where is it and how would I uninstall it if I wanted to?

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Software :: Looking For A Powerful String Search Application?

Nov 2, 2009

I'm looking for an application with the ability to search matching strings (as designated as anything between a set "prefix" and "suffix") and display them (or what would even be BETTER is if it could write them to a text file).

I've looked into text wrangler and it doesn't fit my needs because it can only do it on a file-by-file basis: I am looking for an app that you can point it to a directory and it does this process for all text files in this directory.

Additionally, if it could do two strings as a time (and group them according to the text file, so I could differentiate), that would be even better.

Does anyone know of an app that can do this? If not, is it possible this process be coded (javascript, php, etc)?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Remove Weblink From Text String?

May 9, 2012

I know I have seen how to do this before but now I can't seem to find it again. 

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OS X Technologies :: Apple-script: Prepend A String With Folder Name?

May 23, 2012

I’ve found this script that copies the names of multiple selected files in the Finder to clipboard: try set theNames to {} tell application "Finder" repeat with i in (get selection) set end of theNames to name of i end repeat end tell set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, return} set the clipboard to theNames as text set text item delimiters to TIDend try I need to prepend to each result a string like [URL] where “folder” is the parent folder relative to the files. 

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OS X :: Spotlight Search String - Time Capsule Connected Drive?

Oct 13, 2009

A while back I switched a external drive from being plugged directly into the USB port of my mac to being plugged into the USB port of a Time Capsule, now accessed via wireless network. When the disk was plugged directly to computer Spotlight would find files with the search string contained within the body of the document. Now it doesn't do this (it will only find file names). Is this standard behavior of disks connected to a Time Capsule or am I missing something?

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Safari :: Google Search String Changes When Go Back To Previous Page

Apr 25, 2012

This has been happening for awhile now. No doubt due to some upgrade. When I search for a string I'll get the list of google hits. And the search string will still be right in the window where I typed it. But sometimes after going to a link, I'll come back to this page and the page will be the same, but the search string is from a previous search. This is an inconvenience as I frequently go back to edit the search. I can't seem to reproduce it at the moment.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: How To Convert A String Like12:34 To Applescript Timestamp

Jun 3, 2014

How would I convert a string like 12:34 to an Applescript timestamp? I'd like to be able to add/subtract minutes to/from such items; i.e., to be able to use 12:34 + 6 minutes, for example.

iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), iMac 24" 2.8 ghz 4 GB RAM

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ITunes For Mac :: 11.4 Update Crashes - Failed To Create Replacement String

Sep 10, 2014

I downloaded the newest version of itunes 11.4 on 9/10/14.

The update has slowed down the itunes program so that I constantly get the spinning wheel when I move around the program to various podcasts and music selections. Several times the program has crashed. 

I went into Utilities and opened the console and it says numerous times

" iTunes[680]: Failed to create replacement string" 


9/10/14 10:09:49.195 PM iTunes[438]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_WRITE] delete: "No such file or directory" - 0x2
9/10/14 10:19:25.830 PM iTunes[680]: ApplePushService: APSConnection being used without a delegate queue 

I already tried redownloading iTunes and reinstalling it.

MacBookPro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Applications :: Windows 7 Drivers - Unable To Find Drivers

May 4, 2010

I can't find the answers I know its been asked before.

Its the 2010 MBP 13"

I have Windows 7 Professional 64bit running through parallels 5 and it seems to be missing alot of drivers (wireless most importantly, but also audio etc). Where can I get these, is it the same as bootcamp drivers( are they on one of the disks that come with macs?).

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Applications :: ITunes Cannot Find Music Anymore (Mass Find Option)

Jan 30, 2009

Yesterday, I had to re-format my external hard drive so that it could be "recordable" within Pro Tools, which wasn't a major issue, I just had to move everything from my Lacie drive to another drive, do the format, and then throw it all back on. It took a little while but this also included moving my nearly 60gb itunes library. Now that it is on the newly formatted hard drive, itunes doesn't seem to be able to find the majority of the songs any more. I've tried changing the music folder and a few other things, and there is no way I'm going through and doing the "cant find music - click here to find it" palava. Is anyone aware of a way that you can "mass find" all of the music in any way other than starting the library again and adding all the music (I don't really want to lose all of my play counts and ratings if possible!)

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Applications :: Unable To Find Backup Program / Customizable Program For Backup?

May 28, 2009

I'm looking for an app that will allow me to specify which folders I want to copy to my external drive, updating existing files within it and copying new ones.

I don't want to backup settings, my whole harddrive nor make a bootable backup. Just something to backup what I want to backup and where.

Not sure if Time Machine can do that, but it wants me to reformat my external before I can even find out..and considering how much is on there, I really don't want to have to remove that all elsewhere while doing so. [Don't think I could anyway, none of my internal drives have that much space.]

So, does anyone know of a relatively painless backup app that could do simply what I want? Doesn't sound all that complicated in comparison to some of the more convoluted backup apps I keep finding.

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OS X :: Unable To Find File Name?

Apr 18, 2010

Yesterday I updated my iMac's software using the Software Update and ever since then a message appears on the desktop that says...

"Searching for movie file "filename"...

It gives me the option to press "Stop" but I cannot stop it. Shortly after this message a second message appears that says...

"The movie file "filename" cannot be found. Without this file, the movie cannot be played properly."

It gives me the option to click "Cancel" or "Search" but I cannot click on it at all.

I searched the problem online, and it says that it has something to do with iTunes, but the file isn't even in iTunes.

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Unable To Find Mac App Store

Mar 18, 2012

I am going to the software update and when it loads the app store does not show up. I've tried looking at the different updates for over 6 months and still havn't found the mac app store.

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OS X :: Unable To Find Apps To Upgrade From OS 10.3.9

Sep 15, 2008

I have a three-four year old iBook which runs fine (I mainly use my iBook for email, Internet, and Microsoft Office) but I'm thinking of upgrading my OS and am wondering what would be the best OS to upgrade to. In case you're wondering, I'm considering the upgrade because there are a couple of applications I would like to demo (and maybe buy) that require a minimum OS of 10.4.

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Software :: Unable To Find Sherlock?

Jan 25, 2010

by mistake lost Safari html folder with all stored info and unable to find it; on my old iMac ,I was using Sherlock to find missing file;on this one there is no Sherlock (or I am unable to find it) My unit is 17"iMac OSX version 10.4.11 -1GB 667 MHz about 4 years old; also on the folder installed now on my side strip reappeared big question mark (?)- what this mean?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Find Blu Ray Burner

Nov 22, 2010

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

Does anyone know of a very good external Blu ray burner for a Mac??

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MacBook Air :: Unable To Find The Xcode

Jan 7, 2011

I have just got a new 11,6 air. It is not my first Mac, and I have always found Xcode on the install discs, but where is it now? I can't find it in the install usb stick.

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OS X :: Unable To Find Directory Utility

Oct 28, 2007

I need to enable the root account but cannot find the "directory utility" that is supposed to be in the utilities folder..

My mac is set to dutch and the dutch translation of the online docs has not yet been updated for 10.5.. Can anyone show me a screenshot of this app if it is even available? I've opened all apps in the utlities folder and can't find it..


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MacBook Air :: Unable To Find Hinge?

Apr 27, 2009

So both of my hinges died and no applecare. So I wanted to see if anyone came up with a DIY solution or know anything about hinges and is it possible to make some little one and maybe for other air users.

There is no way I am paying for a new air or repairing it. Im almost close to getting my Mac Pro.

The only thing on the hinge is Patent number: RE37712


Any more info would be nice.

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OS X :: Unable To Find Firefox / Can't Download

Jul 29, 2009

some time ago, I accidently deleted firefox off my desktop and have been unable to download it from the net since.It is an older ibook G4 I have,maybe this has something to do with it?But I did have firefox before so surely this is not the reason.What happenned first was I would download it,put into applications and drag below which seemed to work fine, until I clicked on it and it dissappeared?Could'nt figure it out..?
So I kept trying and trying and the same thing..Now when I go to download it,It saves as dmg?but fails to open saying it (failed to mount)?It doesn't even have the firefox symbol?
Does anyone know what is wrong and why can I not get firefox back on my desktop.I have another browser Opera which is fine, but I need firefox specificly for working on my website.If anyone might have any answers why this is not working I would really appreciate it.Its Mac os x version:10.3.9

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IMac :: Unable To Find Network - 802.11a/b/g

Sep 8, 2009

I've got a 2006 mac mini. I've just moved house and am trying to get it to see the local network. My ancient ibook can see the network but my mac mini can't. The network doesn't come up at all whereas I can see 5-6 with the ibook. Does the 802.11a/b/g have something to do with it? I'm really stuck

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OS X :: Unable To Find Keys For Symbols

Nov 23, 2009

what the pencil symbol with a line through it is which appears on my external hard drive panel on the desk top. I assume it has something to do with being a read only drive but how do i change that to read and write?

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OS X :: Unable To Find Desktop Folder

Jan 5, 2010

I placed documents in my desktop folder and they are recognized in the folder. However, they do not actually appear up on my desktop anymore like they used to, nor do files appear on my desktop when they are downloaded from the internet.

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