Applications :: Installed Flash - Unable To Find It
Nov 5, 2009
So I installed the latest update to Flash hoping it would help with my periodic spinning beach balls when using Safari (plus, Firefox told me I needed to update my Flash). So, I don't see anything in my Applications folder. Where is it and how would I uninstall it if I wanted to?
Here is my problem: I moved all apps which belong to iLife' 11 to "/Applications/iLife' 11" sub-folder. As soon as I did that Updater stop seeing all this apps. How I can fix this problem w/o moving them back to Applications? As far as I understand this is a problem with path but I cannot find anything regarding applications path.
I'm trying to read news sites and my eye is distracted by things bouncing around in adverts. It's even worse when they're playing obnoxious sounds until you click the mute button in them.Therefore I just thought I'd let people know about this wonderful piece of software. I've seen it mentioned a few times here but even if this thread only helps a few people I think it'll be worth it:[URL]Not only does it hide these horrific insults to humanity (ok a bit strong perhaps), it actually prevents them loading, therefore your pages load quicker! And it's completely unobtrusive! If you want to watch flash file, simply click on in.
Using imac OSX. Had handbrake installed worked o.k till I downloaded latest version. Now it wont open. deleted from applications and secured empty trash. Downloaded it again still wont open. Icon appears in applications and nothing happens when you click on it.
I have time machine running as well as Parallels installed. Every time Time Machine backs up it does a minimum of 18.4GB. I 100% do not have that many changes each hour. BTW, running Snow Leopard. I have a screen shot of all the items I have excluded, but it still is doing it.
I have the New MacBook Pro 13inch with Snow Leopard.
I have the latest Safari, Firefox, and Flash.
Recently I have been noticing that while running flash programs on Safari my browser will freeze and then I have to force quit the application.
Thinking this might just be a Safari problem, I downloaded Firefox but I am experiencing the same problems. I tried running Safari using 32-bit and Rosetta but still experiencing crashing.
I followed all the instructions in the previous threads and unstalled my older version on flash. Then installed PPC Mac Flash version and it says installation complete but when I go to test it nothing works. I tried restarting and uninstalling and starting over. I keep getting installation complete but still no go. I checked all my soft updates and everything looks good.
Trying to run BT broadband speed checker It keeps telling me Flash is not stalled It is and I have disabled Ad-block, click to Flash etc and restarted...
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), MBPR 13" 4 RAM MID 2010
In past versions of iTunes, the account balance from gift cards was displayed next to your name near the top right hand corner. That is no longer there in iTunes 10 and I have searched though different panels looking for the balance, but am unable to find it. Anyone know where I can find the balance?
Okay, I set up Mail 3.5 to use IMAP to get messages from my gmail account. . The downloading went on for several minutes but there are only a few messages in my Inbox. Where are the rest? I don't want them on my computer. I want to access them and get rid of them.
At the bottom of the left hand panel it says USER NAME 905 which I take to mean 905 messages have arrived and are stored somewhere.
I just got a $25 iTunes gift card for my birthday. I bought the Batmobile game for my iPhone for .99 and that brought be down to an even $24. Then I purchased Wolfenstein3D for $4.99...but now my balance is $18.96. Anyone know why?
I usually use Firefox but thought I'd try out Safari. I click on a site and add it to my bookmarks but it doesn't show up under "Bookmarks" (like every other browser)
What's the deal with that? How can I fix it? I already tried reinstalling Safari, so obviously that didn't work, unless I didn't do it right. Any ideas?
I just bought the macbook air (1.6/80) at bestbuy for 1299. It was the last sealed box, woot. Curious though, this doesn't occur on my other laptop so I know it's not bandwidth issues. I am watching office at full screen, half way into it the video starts to stutter bad. I don't mind the cpu fans going full speed, or the heat, because that's the nature, however I can't stand the stuttering. Has anyone had experience in Revision 1 and watching hulu and getting it not to stutter half way into the episode?By the way nothing else is opened and/or running. Just safari. I also installed Flash 10 and updated the MBA completely with 3.2 safari
All of a sudden can't play videos. I get a message that the correct version of flash is not installed. I have download the lastest flash version for my operating system but still can't play videos. I still get the same message - flash is not installed. If I check system preferences, flash is listed as installed. If I check for plug- ins in Safari I do not see flash. What do I need to do?
Flash player just WON'T stay install. This has been happening for a while, but today alone I've had to re-install it 10 times. After about an hour or less everything just says "Plug-in Failure". I'm not sure what's happening..
For some reason that I can�t explain I am unable to watch any youTube videos on my iMac. I have "click to Flash" installed and can watch flash content on all other sites. When I login to my account at youTube I also need to click to flash but then I get instead of the video, a "go Upgrade". I took this to mean that the flash player needed upgrading so I agreed to download the latest Flash Player and installed it. This has made no difference. I even went so far as to create a new YouTube account with a different e-mail address but nothing helps. Can anyone please give me some advice what I can do or try to get to watch the YouTube videos? This problem is only when I use Safari. Using Firefox I can watch youTube.
I have a Mac with OS X 10.7.4.I have uninstalled and re-installed Adobe Flash player several times.Each time I install it, it says the installation was successful.However, it does not work on any site we visit containing flash content.
About a week ago, we accidentally installed what we think is a bad version of a flash player when attempting to register a rewards card. We un-installed the software as soon as we realized it was not the correct website for the rewards card. Since then, we are getting a flashing pop-up ad in the right column of the browser as well as a video window that pops-up from left bottom of browser and then multiple windows in Safari will just open.
Where can I find the Apple pre installed wallpapers in a folder (path).
Because i use "change wallpaper for 1 minute" and I didn't like some of the wallpapers and I wanted to get ride of them. If I could find those wallpapers as a files in any location, I could delete (or move to some other location) them.
if im viewing a website and they have flash video i want to save, how will i do this. i cant right click and get info there specialized player wont allow this.
Google Earth plugin in Safari started to keep crashing after I installed Adobe Flash Player 11.2. The plugin works fine in other browsers (Firefox, Opera, and Google Chrome).The same occurs at home,too.I use Mac Pro at work and iMac at home. Both are on OSX10.7.3, Lion.
If someone installs a spy-program locally on a computer, how would you go about finding it and/or rectifying the situation? A friend has reason to believe that someone installed software on their OS X computer to gather information. They may or may not have had the password, and she thinks they got on locally. How would she go about finding any such programs installed? She is reluctant to to a clean install (the only suggestion that I could think of).
I just installed a new hard drive successfully (I think) onto my Powerbook G4 after my original died. I installed Leopard from the legal CD - but now I can't find the Airport program. I know I have the original wireless card because my computer was running wireless on my old hard drive. Any advice out there?
I also realised that Dashboard didn't install with my OSX dvd. On the apple website that program is specified (as with Airport). Am I doing something wrong?
I want to create a simple flash movie (I don't yet own or know how to use Adobe Flash). Pretty flowers in the background, inspirational music, passages from the Bible or something fading in an out... you know the schtick. Maybe convert it to a screen saver.
I have a 32MB flash drive and I though of experimenting with my TimeMachine on my MacBook Pro . I never used time machine before. I deleted everything from my flash drive and opened up time machine. I then selected my flash drive to be used as a back up drive, I was asked to erase flash drive and reformat ... O.o I wasnt to sure about it but I did it anyway [stupid I know, dont bash me] so TimeMachine began to back up onto my flash drive, then I got a notice that said that I cant back up on my flash drive as it only has 31.2 MB where 91MB was needed. So I took it out. Less than a minute later I inserted my flash back into my mac and it was not being detected. I cant find it in my finder or my desktop.. I even looked for it using spotlight and nothing was found. Its brand new and I really hope I could use it again. Somebody please help.
p.s I also tried using another flash drive and it was detected as soon as it was inserted.
watch Youtube vids using H.264 MP4 codec instead of flash. As most of the videos I watch are recent uploads (last year or so) they have SQ and HQ H.264 version available. As Flash eats up system resources worse then anything I can think of at the moment, I am trying to find a way to force the videos to play in MP4 format. I know ClicktoFlash has this option for Safari, but I am trying to find out if there are any other ways to do this without user input (for playlists). I use YousableTubeFixURL for Chrome and Firefox which has the option to do this, but no matter what option I choose, it always plays using Flash. I know FF doesnt have a built in MP4 player, but I though I heard of a way to get VLC or Quicktime to play it.