Applications :: Page Loaded Into Safari 4 Window Turned Browny Beige?
Jun 1, 2009
The other day I clicked on a link and when the page loaded my Safari 4 window turned browny-beige.I can't find any option in view or preferences to get rid of it, nor anything on Google.EDIT: It appears my trashcan is the same colour as well?
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May 11, 2012
Since a while for some reason safari decides to reload all my tabs open in the browser. A sandball pops up and the webpages I am currently working in turns blank. When I switch to another opened tab this one turns also blank and reloads. This is pretty annoying and consumes a lot of time. How can I overcome this problem? My system is a MacBook Pro early 2011, OS X lion with all updates.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 25, 2012
Whenever I turn my MacBook pro on, all the other stuff is loaded (MS word/excel/powerpoint), Spotify, iCal, etc., are automatically loaded, so in order for me to go to my desired website, I have to close (x) out all applications loaded.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 9, 2012
When I try to close safari using the red dot at the top left hand side of the screen instead of the window closing it opens a new blank safari window. Infact the same happens when I click the amber and green buttons also.
I recently have had to system updates (last night and today). Last night I also had a problem that has fixed itself where pressing the command + Q buttons would not clos safari and the "Quit safari" in in the safari drop down was greyed out. As I say the later isue has fixed itself after I force closed and the updates loaded on. Not sure if the two issues are connected.Â
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Sep 1, 2009
MacPro 2008 dual quad core and MacBookPro 2.66 mid 2009 both running OS 10.5.8. The Mac Pro which is hard wired is very very slow and many times will time out before it can load a page or will only load part of the page (lots of little boxes with question marks in them or page loads part of the way and stops)and the wheel just keeps spinning. Sometimes I can hit the x and reload and it will work just fine. Sometimes, this does not help. The MacBook Pro which is wireless behaves the same way.
The Internet Setup: DSL line runs from wall to Surewest (ISP) router, then out to a 5 port Dlink switch. From the switch I run straight into the Mac Pro and to the Airport Express. The Airport Express is about 2.5 years old. It runs b/g while the MacBook Pro has draft N capability. I noticed that since I replaced my older MacBook Pro which was b/g, the new one shows a much stronger signal, which is why I can't understand why its slower.
The Testing: I don't think its my ISP because when I run, I get what I always get, 3mb/s download and I have run that test many, many times over the last few days. The only change has been in the ping. It used to be consistently 16-17 ms and now it varies going as high as 24-26 ms. I have no clue if that is indicative of a problem. Data downloads, including iTunes work just fine. The only other change was that this weekend, I downloaded xmarks (formerly foxmarks) to unify and coordinate my bookmarks across both computers. I have since run the xmarks uninstaller on both machines and deleted the online account. However, it has not made any difference.
Attempted Solutions: I already rebooted the Airport Express and changed the channel from auto to a higher number. No effect. I will reboot the ISP modem tonight. I am also considering uninstalling and reinstalling Safari with the thought that xmarks somehow screwed it up, but I also had the problem in Firefox in which I did not install xmarks. If I pull the Safari bookmark.plst file before I uninstall Safari, I should be able to just drop it in to the fresh install and keep my bookmarks. Someone suggested that I switch to Open DNS. This is beyond my area of expertise so to speak, so I am a little afraid to mess with it.
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Jul 1, 2009
I recently made the switch to Mac and I'm very pleased so far with my purchase. The little problem I have is lately while surfing the net, sometimes after the page has loaded the cursor turns to a multi-coloured ball and I can't do anything until it's stopped. Is this the norm? as I'm sure it never happened in the first few weeks of ownership.
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Jul 2, 2010
I put off doing the software update on Safari... I just HAD a feeling something would go wrong and I didn't have time to mess with it if it did.
So today I ran and update. And it messed up.
Now Safari will "open"... it looks like it is open and I have access to all the menus. But a Safari window will not open.
I am surprised that I haven't seen others with this problem. I have tried deleting the cache and deleting the preferences file. Neither seem to have made ANY difference.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. And I am feeling like I'm missing a body part. I need my Safari back!
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May 23, 2012
I recently downloaded adobe reader. Now I deleted but I can't open pdf in safari. It's fully loaded but can't be opened. How can I change safari pdf reader back to preview as default?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 24, 2008
I can access my on-line bank using Internet Explorer but I can't with Safari. When I try I get the following message "The page [URL] has content of MIME type "application/x-java-vm". Because you don't have a plug-in installed for this MIME type, this content can't be displayed." I have used the Help menu to list the installed plug-ins and there are only 2 x-java- plug-ins listed. Where do I get the missing plug in and how do I load it into Safari?
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Nov 25, 2007
Has anyone noticed this error? It seems to happen the most while searching and opening items on eBay.
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May 11, 2009
I downloaded the safari 4 beta and it was messing around with msn and some other applications so I did what some other people on here did and just uninstalled it. I now have safari 3 back and whenever I open the application it just starts up as a blank page. I have my home page set to Google but for some reason it doesn't start on that page. It really is just a minor annoyance but it did not do this before. My safari is version 3.2.1 which is the latest (except for 4 obviously).
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May 29, 2012
After loading recent updates when I try to access my Adwords account the browser constantly loads then crashes with a message Apples been advised. I will assume they will respond when they get around to it. I haven't loaded another browser yet wonder should I wait for a miracle or any suggestion for browser?
MacBook Pro, IOS11.01
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Jul 13, 2010
I seem to be having a hell of a time with all google related things. About 50% of the time I can't get to the google search page and get the error message Safari can't open the page [URL] because Safari can't connect to the server. When I am able to get into gmail, I am constantly being disconnected from gchat, like every 5 minutes. When it disconnects, it will try to reconnect, most of the time unsuccessfully. I then get the error message, unable to reach gmail please check your internet connection. This happens no matter what browser I use. However, when I try to connect from my husband's PC (same network), everything is fine. I've tried emptying my safari cache, tried uninstalling and re-installing both safari and firefox, and I am out of ideas. Any ideas about what is going on, and how I might fix this issue. I searched through the google help, and there were similar problems posted (none recently), but no answers on how to solve the issue. This has been going on for about a week now, and it's driving me up a wall.
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Jul 3, 2007
Any commands or programs that will allow me to automatically refresh any webpage that I am currently viewing? Say for like my emails or forums or mypsace or something.
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Oct 22, 2009
Does anyone know why Safari (v 4.0.3 5531.9) should become unresponsive (ie, hang) a few seconds after I visit this Wikipedia page: [URL]
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May 10, 2012
I currently run Safari 5.1.6 on an iMac with OS X 10.7.4 and no matter which page I designate as my Home Page, Safari ignores this and on start-up always opens the last page I was on.
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Jan 13, 2009
The only thing that keeps me from using Safari is the way that target="_blank" links open in new windows, and there is no option to open them in new tabs.
Yes, I'm well aware of Command-click, right-click, etc. Those are not a good solution. It's the surprise new windows that bother me.
I'd like these surprise links to open as tabs rather than windows. However, I'd also like specifically-sized Javascript pop-up windows to open the way they were designed to: As pop-up windows.
I've used Saft in the past. It does a nice job with the first half of the problem, but does not accommodate the specifically-sized Javascript pop-up windows.
Yeah, this thread has come up several times before. Just wondering if anything has changed since the last one, or if Saft is still the best game in town.
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Aug 26, 2010
I noticed that Safari wouldn't load a web page. So I went to my back up browser, Firefox. Well it loaded just fine. So at this point, I figured that it may be my schools crappy WiFi/lame firewalls or something of the sort. Well now I've been on my home WiFi for a few hours and it still won't connect. I've restarted my computer a few times and even reset Safari. Safari Version 5.0.1 (6533.17.8).
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Jan 3, 2008
Anyone having problems accessing gmail in Safari today? When I try to access the sign-in page, it tells me that "Safari can't open the page [URL] because your computer isn't connected to the Internet." I am clearly connected to the internet. Also, my cannot connect to my gmail account and neither can my GPeek widget.
However, I have no problem accessing gmail via Firefox. I have noticed this problem a few times over the past 2-3 weeks, but though it was a google issue. Today was the first time I thought of trying to access gmail via Firefox, and it does, which points to Safari. Of course, now that I've finished typing this up, I can access gmail via Safari with no problems.
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Feb 27, 2009
What does the page fold over with the star signify. I can't find any info on this.
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Mar 4, 2009
I've had problems for a while with Safari sporadically not loading images on some web pages. The problem was so irritating that I ditched it in favour of Camino.
Now Safari 4 is out, I'm trying to move back, but the problem is still there.
It typically happens when viewing a page containing lots of images. Here are two I have recurring problems with:
A bit of Googling shows I'm not alone, but there doesn't seem to be any proper explanation of the problem or a solution out there. Clearing the cache solves the problem temporarily, but it quickly returns and there's no rhyme or reason to what will or won't load. I've also tried resetting Safari and deleting the prefs file (which I guess do the same thing).
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Jul 31, 2010
Is there a reason for the delay in Safari's Top Sites (i.e. when you load a page, the page is dimmed for a moment, then loads). Is it possible to disable it?
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Jan 27, 2010
Ok, so I love the ability to move a tab to its own separate window in Safari, but is there a way to move a window back into a tab? If not, this would be a nice little addition to the next version of Safari.
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Sep 13, 2010
I'm using Safari 5.0.2. Lately every time I use Safari at some point during usage when I try to open a new tab or window I cannot do so. What happens is the new tab or window may or may not open. If it does open when I type in a website it will either appear in the new tab or window and also change the previous tab or window to the same website, or it will fail to load in the new tab/window and only change the previous tab/window to what I'm trying to load.
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Jun 3, 2009
My other half has a showreel on the web. If I load the page on my MBpro I can view it no problem. But on her MacBook ( black running Tiger ), she can not load it. She clicks on the play button, and then gets a message saying she doesn't have the correct plug-ins.
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Oct 28, 2009
I launch my apps via quicksilver (which is a god) and then from there will hit ⌘+(1-9) to head to any of my menu bar links... or at least that was my usual gig. The recent hick-up is when safari is launch (whether or not it is from q.s. or the dock) a new window opens up, but then deselects it's self, as if a different window was openend and selected... but no, there's nothing else. Therefor I can't command anything with out physically selecting the window with my mouse. Rather annoying. That or, ⌘+Tab to a different program then back to safari.
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Jan 12, 2010
Is there a way of getting Safari to open a link in a new tab in the existing window rather than opening a new window? Before anyone shouts I have got that ticked in the preferences, but it doesn't do it.
Here is an example of what I mean, in google mail, if I choose the google finance option, it opens it in a while new window, not in a new tab in the same window.
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Mar 19, 2010
Every time I scroll down in Safari using the blue bar, the window moves. Is this a problem with the trackpad settings (I have 13" MBP '09) or what?
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Jun 10, 2010
Up 'till now I've been using Saft to add some functionality for Safari. I used it for two reasons: to open new pages in tabs rather than windows, and to autoclose the downloads window after the downloads have finished. Now, the first reason no longer exists as Safari 5 has this functionality built in. Unfortunately, retaining Saft dramatically messes up the tab functionality, so I don't use it anymore. I still hate it that Safari keeps the download will open indefinitely, though. I know SafariStand provides the option to have the download window close, but SafariStand is much much more than I need.
Now, I know Safari 5 has a new extension functionality, but I'm no programmer myself. My question is whether anybody knows about a small extension that adds the possibility to have the download window close automatically after the downloads close, and not much more?
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Aug 22, 2010
When I click in a link that opens in a new window, it opens without the toolbar/address bar. So I have to go to menu>view>show toolbar to enable it manually. I've searched in the Preferences and other menus, and in other forums and help sites, but nothing.
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