Applications :: Safari 5 - New Window Opened Without Toolbar
Aug 22, 2010
When I click in a link that opens in a new window, it opens without the toolbar/address bar. So I have to go to menu>view>show toolbar to enable it manually. I've searched in the Preferences and other menus, and in other forums and help sites, but nothing.
I use a third party app., MacStock Manager. I have to resize the window every time it is opened and wonder if I'm stuck with this situation? This is the only time a window is not the same size as when it was closed. Using a new iMac with Snow Leopard.
a)What version of Safari DOES support community Toolbar? b) If I don't want community toolbar how do I remove this message? c) What is Community Toolbar?
Is there any way to change the dark gray color of the tool bar? Those with vision problems - even a little - have a hard time with black letters on dark gray background.
I cannot uninstall the TV Center Toolbar from Safari. I used the uninstall feature on the toolbar, and the uninstall feature in "applications" "toolbars" "uninstal" folder. I have even re-installed the application and then tried to uninstall (as per the companies instructions). A good 3rd party software to uninstall perhaps??
Has anybody been having problems with Safari's new Top Sites feature? I've had Safari 4 since the day it came out on public beta, and this feature hasn't seemed to get any better. I seriously dread having to open a new tab, because it automatically opens the awful top sites list. I close my eyes and cross my fingers and pray that I don't get the beachball of death for anywhere from 10-20 seconds. Sometimes it works quickly, especially if I keep testing it over and over. It pretty much just displays a visual of the bookmarks that I already have displayed going across the top of my screen, and I usually just click on the bookmark instead of having to hunt down the page and click on it.
I downloaded and installed a Safari Toolbar. However, it is incompatible with my version of safari, and I just get a message every time I boot safari that It cannot work. How do I uninstall it?
Yesterday I downloaded safari 5 and it was working fine. Then I tried to customize the toolbar but when I click on "Customize Toolbar", nothing happens (same with when I try it from the menu bar). Now I've been clicking around a bit and I accidentally removed the address bar and now I have to navigate via Wikipedia: Google Search URL. Does anybody know how to customize the toolbar? I have re-downloaded safari already
I downloaded the gmail extension and when I installed it immediately showed up in the toolbar, but that was not the case with the reload button, so now when I go to the customize toolbar pop-up menu Safari just crashes when I roll over it.
When I search for something in the Google-toolbar in Safari (5.0.1), it does not autocomplete the words anymore. I'm guessing I turned the auto-complete feature off by accident. I have no idea how to turn it back on. I'm on 10.6.4
When I opened safari my homepage was apple and it opened using the middle of the display with the desktop screensaver visable on both sides of the page now it opens adn takes up the whole screen I don't know how to resize it and save it where it will open to the same all the time. I'm a very new owner of an IMAC and to apple so I'm completely in the dark to mac systems and just stumbling around. I'm a 70 year old guy that's ben drug into the 21 century and trying to keep up (not very good )
I put off doing the software update on Safari... I just HAD a feeling something would go wrong and I didn't have time to mess with it if it did.
So today I ran and update. And it messed up.
Now Safari will "open"... it looks like it is open and I have access to all the menus. But a Safari window will not open.
I am surprised that I haven't seen others with this problem. I have tried deleting the cache and deleting the preferences file. Neither seem to have made ANY difference.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. And I am feeling like I'm missing a body part. I need my Safari back!
I have Lion 10.7.2 and am running Safari version 5.1.2, hopefully I am good so far. I'm not sure what hapenned, I must have done something, but one day my address bar decided it wanted to play hide and seek and it won....the "show toolbar" option does nothing upon clicking it, neither does the "customize toolbar" option.
I have had chronic "buggy" issues with my mac. Here are some examples: - When I open a new window (i.e. double click on a Word or pdf document from the finder) it will open behind other windows. - When I click on a window that I want to work on, it won't come to the front, I have to click on other windows in front of it then click on the window I want to finally get it to the front. - In Finder if, for example, I click on a file to re-name it, the renaming box appears elsewhere on the screen - not in the spot that I clicked. Also, if I am moving a file from one folder to another, the folder I want to move it to often won't highlight when I am hovering on top of it, but when I am elsewhere on the screen (it's as if what is showing on the screen is not aligned with where the mac thinks things are located on the screen).
I've been trying to empty files in trash, and everytime I do, it brings up a new finder window and says that it's preparing to move to trash, but it's already in trash. When I try to take it out of trash it says that it's copying the file to my desktop.
Every time I open a new folder, instead of showing the content of that new folder within the same window, another one is opened.I even went to the preferences and the option "Always open folders in new windows" was not selected.Relaunching finder didn't help either, and so did restarting my laptop.Also, the bar that reguarly appears at the bottom of the finder window containing information about disk space and number of files is at the top of the finder window.
The only thing that keeps me from using Safari is the way that target="_blank" links open in new windows, and there is no option to open them in new tabs.
Yes, I'm well aware of Command-click, right-click, etc. Those are not a good solution. It's the surprise new windows that bother me.
I'd like these surprise links to open as tabs rather than windows. However, I'd also like specifically-sized Javascript pop-up windows to open the way they were designed to: As pop-up windows.
I've used Saft in the past. It does a nice job with the first half of the problem, but does not accommodate the specifically-sized Javascript pop-up windows.
Yeah, this thread has come up several times before. Just wondering if anything has changed since the last one, or if Saft is still the best game in town.
Ok, so I love the ability to move a tab to its own separate window in Safari, but is there a way to move a window back into a tab? If not, this would be a nice little addition to the next version of Safari.
I'm using Safari 5.0.2. Lately every time I use Safari at some point during usage when I try to open a new tab or window I cannot do so. What happens is the new tab or window may or may not open. If it does open when I type in a website it will either appear in the new tab or window and also change the previous tab or window to the same website, or it will fail to load in the new tab/window and only change the previous tab/window to what I'm trying to load.
My other half has a showreel on the web. If I load the page on my MBpro I can view it no problem. But on her MacBook ( black running Tiger ), she can not load it. She clicks on the play button, and then gets a message saying she doesn't have the correct plug-ins.
I launch my apps via quicksilver (which is a god) and then from there will hit ⌘+(1-9) to head to any of my menu bar links... or at least that was my usual gig. The recent hick-up is when safari is launch (whether or not it is from q.s. or the dock) a new window opens up, but then deselects it's self, as if a different window was openend and selected... but no, there's nothing else. Therefor I can't command anything with out physically selecting the window with my mouse. Rather annoying. That or, ⌘+Tab to a different program then back to safari.
Is there a way of getting Safari to open a link in a new tab in the existing window rather than opening a new window? Before anyone shouts I have got that ticked in the preferences, but it doesn't do it.
Here is an example of what I mean, in google mail, if I choose the google finance option, it opens it in a while new window, not in a new tab in the same window.
Up 'till now I've been using Saft to add some functionality for Safari. I used it for two reasons: to open new pages in tabs rather than windows, and to autoclose the downloads window after the downloads have finished. Now, the first reason no longer exists as Safari 5 has this functionality built in. Unfortunately, retaining Saft dramatically messes up the tab functionality, so I don't use it anymore. I still hate it that Safari keeps the download will open indefinitely, though. I know SafariStand provides the option to have the download window close, but SafariStand is much much more than I need.
Now, I know Safari 5 has a new extension functionality, but I'm no programmer myself. My question is whether anybody knows about a small extension that adds the possibility to have the download window close automatically after the downloads close, and not much more?