Applications :: Itunes Visualizer Glitch

Feb 14, 2009

When I go to play songs with the jelly visualizer on the visualizer will freeze for a few seconds after around 15 seconds, it is very annoying. I have an early 08 2.4GHz Macbook if anyone else with this model wants to see if theirs has the same problem incase it might be a hardware issue.

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Applications :: ITunes Visualizer Bug

Sep 1, 2010

When I hit ⌘+t to turn on the visualizer, it looks like the attached pic. It only uses the bottom left corner of the screen. But, when I hit escape and then select Full Screen/hit ⌘+f it works properly.

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Applications :: Using ITunes Visualizer On 2nd Monitor?

Mar 16, 2004

Can iTunes project the Visualizer onto a 2nd monitor (with a dual monitor setup) but keep the controls on the main monitor?

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Applications :: ITunes 8.1 UI Glitch

Mar 16, 2009

What the hell...ok, is anyone else having this problem? I ran Software Update (which installed iTunes 8.1 and the new FrontRow). After the installer finished, I opened iTunes and came across this:The bars labeled Name, Time, Artist, etc. are all messed up. They aren't clickable. It's like they're just stuck. And this is the same for playlists as well.So I tried restarting my Mac. Nothing, still there. I downloaded the iTunes 8.1 installer, installed, and it's still there.

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Applications :: ITunes Glitch Or Intruder Hacker?

Nov 22, 2009

This is a serious problem. My iTunes ratings, and play counts keep proper messing up.its showing that some of my songs have been played like 300 times (hundreds of tracks affected) and seemingly random ratings keep being applied.I use ratings and play counts a lot so its making my perfect library... hell.Thing is even though the play counts go off the roof, there is no value in the last played clumb so its either a glitch or they havnt been played on my macbook. its started to happen ever since I started using a bluetooth mighty mouse a month back. luckily imm using time machine and restored my library from before, i thought it was sorted but its just started doing it again (ive noticed).

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Applications :: ITunes Glitch Wtf - Graphics And Shapes

Jul 14, 2010

I opened up iTunes to find the whole window to be black, with two white balls floating around in the center. It seems as if they came from WoW, because they were the same graphics and shape that a wisp would be, etc. Can someone try to explain? 0_o That was the weirdest thing I've ever seen, they just floated there and didn't go away until I restarted the program. Now I regret taking a picture, but what the hell was that?

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OS X :: Using Itunes Visualizer As Desktop

May 6, 2006

is this possible?... if not someone do it, would be vvv cool

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OS X :: Using ITunes Visualizer As A Wallsaver

Nov 10, 2008

Is it possible? I checked out wallsaver, it doesn't seem to be an option..

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ITunes :: Cannot Show Visualizer In Full Screen

Mar 15, 2010

The title pretty much says it. If I uncheck the "show Visualizer in full screen" box it works, but if I have it checked it won't run the visualizer. Even if I am already running the visualizer then right click and choose show in full screen it just brings me back to the music page. This is realy been baffling me.

This particular system is running Windows 7 64 bit. My Win 7 Laptop running 32bit it works fine. Not sure if this has anything to do with it but I figured it was worth a mention.

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IMac :: Itunes And Safari Running, Enable The Visualizer Imac Is Noticeably Slower?

Dec 31, 2010

System Spec: Late 09 21" 3.06, GeForce 9400, 4gb ramCurrently I have itunes and safari running, if i enable the visualizer my imac is noticeably slower, especially when browsing the internet.I thought it might be the fact I was running a second 1080p display from the 9400 would have caused the slow down. But the same thing occurred after i disconnected it. After repairing permissions and restarting, pmram etc.Is the 9400 causing the slowdown? I know its fairly old but itunes visualizer and safari should be quite basic tasks. Its not the end of the world i know but does the 27" imac have similar issues as i plan to upgrade my machine in 2011.

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Applications :: Safari New Tab/window Glitch And Crashing

Sep 13, 2010

I'm using Safari 5.0.2. Lately every time I use Safari at some point during usage when I try to open a new tab or window I cannot do so. What happens is the new tab or window may or may not open. If it does open when I type in a website it will either appear in the new tab or window and also change the previous tab or window to the same website, or it will fail to load in the new tab/window and only change the previous tab/window to what I'm trying to load.

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Applications :: Messenger 7.01 For Mac / Display Picture Glitch?

Dec 29, 2008

I've recently did the switch to Mac (and I love it!). But I'm having an issue with MSN Messenger for Mac [7.01], and I was wondering if anyone could shed any light on how I could fix this.

Anyway, when I go to change my Display Picture, I choose the display picture, however it won't let me click OK. It's highlighted blue, and I can click on it, however it just won't accept. Its like if I was clicking on a grayed out option, yet it isn't. It could just be a simple setting, I've no idea.

Anyway, I'm running it on an Early 2008 MacBook / 10.5.6.

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Applications :: Safari 4.0.4 Glims - Glitch In Between Two Tabs

Nov 12, 2009

Has anyone noticed it when you open several tabs there will be a glitch in-between two tabs?

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Applications :: Odd Printing Glitch When Trying To Print PDF Exported From InDesign

Aug 24, 2010

Does anyone have any idea what might be going on in the attached image below? This is how a PDF file exported from InDesign is printing. It is not displaying like this at all on the screen. The frame around the photo is an EPS file layered on top of the photo. It views fine, and prints fine except for 2 photos.

All the photos print fine, except for 2 of them which have these odd triangles on them. The image is a scan of the printed file. Again, it does not appear when I view the PDF on screen, only when it's printed. If I remove the border/EPS, it will print fine. But I'd like to use the border, so I'd like to know what the problem is.

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Applications :: Gmail In Safari - Glitch Images Changing?

Jan 5, 2011

I've stumbled across some kind of glitch an I was wondering if anyone could shed light on it. Here are the symptoms...

Macbook Pro 17"
OSX 10.6.5
Safari 5.0.3

The whole page in Safari will go a bit insane (see pictures, glitching images change every half a second or so) whenever I click on the 'reply' text box when reading an email. As soon as the text cursor loads, glitch out. Interesting symptoms are that this happens sporadically, 3 times in 3 months, and although it recurs after refreshing the page, restarting Safari, or restarting the computer, it passes with time. Also interesting, when I went to take a full screen screenshot (alt+cmd+3) the computer produced a fully black image (makes a convenient black background incidentally) although when taking a partial screenshot (alt+cmd+4) it works fine.

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Applications :: VMWare Fusion Update 3.02 Glitch To Run Bootcamp?

Feb 19, 2010

I use it to run Win XP on the bootcamp partition on my BlackBook at work.ow I'm getting frequent Firewall pop ups (in OSX) asking about vmnet natd inbound connections? I can either select okay or after several windows (pop ups) have appeared, they will disappear again seconds later of themselves.I select allow each time. I've removed and re added VMWare Fusion on the list of allowed apps in the OSX Security Advanced Firewall panel.

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Safari :: Pdf Visualizer Stopped Working

Jun 20, 2012

From one day to the next, the Safari pdf visualizer stopped working. Now when I open a pdf link, I only see the 'grey' safari windows, plus a strange gibberish when i scroll the Safari window. The pdf is there, because I can save it or open it with Preview. I do use occasionally Adobe Acrobat pro (9), which I know to be a potential source of the problem. However, the adobe pdf plugin (which is mentioned in previous threads) was never installed. 

What I have already done, and did not work: 

1. erase all internet plugins (in  ~/Library, as well as in /Library/. As I mentioned, the Adobe plugin was not ther)

2. deinstall Adobe  Acrobat Pro 9, just in case

3. reinstall Safari from scratch

4. remove the  ~/Library/Safari folder so that it would be recreated

5. remove all Safari extensions 

Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: RSS Visualizer No Longer Shows 'Press The _ Key' Below Headline

Jun 13, 2012

My RSS Visualizer screen saver no longer displays 'Press the 1 key...', 'Press the 2 key...' etc below each headline like it used to. It's simply missing, but everything else works fine. 

I actually use that feature to read the NY Times headlines, so I'd like to get it back. I searched for other people with the problem and found nothing.

MacBook Pro 15" 2.4GHz, 4gb RAM, pre-unibody, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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OS X :: Mac OS X 10.5.5 To Address AirPort Glitch

Sep 2, 2008

Development of Apple's upcoming Mac OS X 10.5.5 Update appears to be winding down, with only a couple of new fixes making their way into recent builds, including one aimed at wireless issues.

This past week saw two new pre-release distributions of the 320MB Leopard update fall into developers' hands. The first arrived mid week as Mac OS X 10.5.5 build 9F25, but contained no noticeable changes from the build the preceded it.

More recently, developers were treated to build 9F29. That build tacked on a pair of fixes, one of which tackles an issue between Macs and previously joined AirPort networks, people familiar with the software say. The second fix was related to a graphics framework.

Seemingly at the tail end of its development cycle, Mac OS X 10.5.5 is reportedly hindered by a single known bug that prevents emails from being searched properly in Apple's Mail application.

The fifth maintenance and security update for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard now stands to deliver 125 bug fixes when it's released later this month.[ View this article at ]

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Mac Pro :: 8800 Video Glitch?

Sep 17, 2008

I got my Mac Pro in March. So I've had it for a good 6 months. In that time, at least 3 times my 30" Cinema Display has shown some sort of video glitch. I'm convinced that it is the 8800, and not necessarily the Cinema Display.

What happens is, out of the blue, and for reasons I'm not sure of, I will get a strange pattern of brightly illuminated pixels on the display. They are "fixed". In other words, If I move and image around on the display, those pixels are stuck and do not move with the image. Also, if I take a screenshot, they do not show up on the screenshot at all. I had to try and take a picture with my camera to show you guys. A reboot and/or logout/login fixes it. I think it is some sort of bad video RAM or something. I've already upgraded to 10.5.5 and it did it again last night. I'm pretty sure it was the result of DVD player crashing. But then again, I don't know if DVD player crashed because of a video glitch. The DVD was kind of scratched up (netflix) and the computer did have problems reading it. DVD player beach balled when I tried to skip a chapter so I have to kill it. That's when I noticed the display was all screwed up.

3 times in 6 months isn't a huge deal, but it does make me worry about a pending hardware death of either my display or video card.

Anyway, have you guys seen this? Is it a cause for concern? Is my 8800 on the way out, or is it most likely some sort of driver or app hiccup that isn't really a big deal?

In these picture you can see the randomly scattered light green pixels. It's almost as if a color has been swapped out.

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OS X :: Upgraded To 10.6.2 - Get Top Sites Glitch?

Nov 16, 2009

As title says. Upgraded to 10.6.2. I thought this was supposed to be fixed?

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Mac Pro :: Graphics Glitch After Playing (wow)

Aug 18, 2010

I started playing World of Warcraft again after a 6 month pause. I have the same system (09 MP), but I discovered something new. From a fresh boot, everything works fine. I then launch WoW: it works perfectly fine.

After quitting WoW however, I get very obvious screen tearing all over my OS X apps. Windows tear when I move them side to wide in finder or any other app, and video has a similar tearing effect. I can't get rid of this problem without a restart... Can anyone show me how to "reset" my video without a complete restart?

[Edit-Solution: Enabling V-Sync *in-game* solves the problem *after* the game is closed.

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OS X :: Apple's Mac OS X 10.5.4 To Fix Nagging Shutdown Glitch

Jun 13, 2008

The next maintenance update to Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard will add support for the company's rebranded suite of internet services but also patch over a dozen other bugs that have withstood earlier updates to the operating system.

People familiar with the software say the Mac maker recently provided its vast developer community with a second pre-release build of the impending Mac OS X 10.5.4 Update labeled build 9E12.

Among the dozen or so code corrections baked into the latest build were fixes to a bug that would leave some Mac systems hanging on shutdown, and another that prevented applications from being assigned to Spaces via drag-and-drop from the application list.

As was the case with earlier updates to Leopard under testing, Apple has requested that developers evaluate the software broadly. Specifically, the company is alleged to have listed nearly two dozen core components that need special attention, including iLife compatibility, printing, networking, AirPort, and common applications such as Mail, iCal, and iChat.

Mac OS X 10.5.4 will also be required by Leopard users who wish to utilize the company's just-announced MobileMe service, a collection of online services and software announced at this week's Apple Worldwide Developers Conference as a more capable and advanced replacement for .Mac.

As such, the Leopard update, which currently weighs in around 150 megabytes, will be released within the next few weeks, ahead of the July 11 MobileMe launch date. [ View this article at ]

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MacBook Pro :: Graphics Glitch / Failing GPU?

Sep 22, 2010

Macbook Pro
2.3ghz core 2 duo
Radeon x1600
OS 10.6.4

I'm seeing a severe graphics glitch. At first I attributed it to a VM, but it has started affecting my whole system. Repeated reboots will eventually clear the issue, but it will trigger again when I boot up a VM, watch a flash video, or do anything GPU intensive. This doesn't happen every time I perform these actions so I have had difficulty finding a specific cause.

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OS X :: Glitch On My Safari 5.0.2 - Terminal Commands?

Oct 17, 2010

Having some sort of a glitch on my Safari 5.0.2. It turns that if i only have a single window open, the tab will not hide but it will remain. On my macbook though it behaves normally, meaning wear there is only one page on safari, the tab will be hidden.Is there any way i could possibly make my safari behave normal again? Any nifty terminal commands?

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OS X :: Graphics Glitch? Using Snow Leopard

Mar 8, 2010

So for about a week or two now i have been experiencing this glitches that seem to come around after the computer has been on for more than 2 or 3 hours. I have noticed restarting the machine will get rid of them. I have a 2.4ghz MacBook with 2 gigs or ram from early 2008. I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.2

Does anyone know how to fix this? I think it might be a messed up graphics card, but i don't have much of a clue. I have noticed when trying to take a selected screen shot over the dock the glitches will go away, but they only happen on the dock, wallpaper, and window shadows, they are also random every time.

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MacBook Pro :: Showing Graphics Glitch / Can't Fix

Jun 28, 2010

So far this has happened twice to me, once while playing CS:S, and once today while playing TF2. You can kinda see the weird shapes that appeared on my screen in my picture, except in game they covered the entire screen. Is this maybe the GPU overheating? (I added the red circles afterwards btw)

Could it be a problem with geektool?

edit: btw, it was fine after a restart

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MacBook Pro :: Running Slow And Glitch?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a late '08 MBP. A couple months ago I started having problems with my Mac running slow, and acting "glitchy." Since then I have maxed out my RAM and have over 60GB of free space on my hard-drive. I am still experiencing the same problems. What do I do? I think that I may have a virus, despite the common believe that Macs are not vulnerable to viruses.

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MacBook :: Graphical Glitch On External Display?

Nov 12, 2008

I am seeing graphical glitches appearing on the 2nd screen hooked to my aluminum MacBook (late 2008) through Apple's mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter. Dancing pixels, of a sort.

They are not there initially, but appear after an hour or two of use.

Unplugging and re-plugging the screen into the MacBook clears the issue...for a while...

The monitor in question is an Apple Cinema Display with an ADC connector, going through and Apple DVI to ADC converter before getting to the mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter. It's a lot of adapters, but it should not be a problem. And the glitches were never seen when this external screen was (until recently) used with my MacBook Pro rev 1.

See a poor-quality video of the glitches here:


Is anyone else experiencing this?

I have since returned my 2.0GHz MacBook in exchange for a 2.4GHz unit (I could not live without the illuminated keyboard I was used to on an earlier MBP). I see the glitch on this unit as well...

I recently launched Unreal Tournament 2004 while the glitch was evident and the dancing pixels became dramatically more prevalent - maybe 1/4 of the on-screen pixels were affected. When I exited the game, the external screen went back to the "normal" level of dancing pixels. Sleeping and waking the laptop, as expected, removed the glitches...until they come back.

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Mac :: VMWare Fusion Glitch While Booting Up Windows 7

Jan 22, 2009

[]URL watch?v=j-GQQ5a5Tbg Not much of a big deal at all, but I'm wondering if it's only me.

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