Applications :: Messenger 7.01 For Mac / Display Picture Glitch?
Dec 29, 2008
I've recently did the switch to Mac (and I love it!). But I'm having an issue with MSN Messenger for Mac [7.01], and I was wondering if anyone could shed any light on how I could fix this.
Anyway, when I go to change my Display Picture, I choose the display picture, however it won't let me click OK. It's highlighted blue, and I can click on it, however it just won't accept. Its like if I was clicking on a grayed out option, yet it isn't. It could just be a simple setting, I've no idea.
Anyway, I'm running it on an Early 2008 MacBook / 10.5.6.
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Dec 3, 2009
I scaled it down several times from 1024x1578 (roughly) to 128x178 (roughly) and tried each one, also tried as PNG or JPG, it just said "The selected file could not be imported to be used as your display picture. Please make sure that the file is a valid picture format."...
I can't think of anything other that it might require than format & size.
(note, it also won't let me change display picture to any of the other default pictures it has)
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Sep 9, 2008
I can't use the preset display picture.
I can't set my own display picture.
It gives me this error.
I deleted the preferences thing and repaired permission.
Please don't say stuff like, Use adium or aMSN etcetc.
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Feb 21, 2010
A few months ago I noticed that the messenger will not keep my display name anymore. Every time I log in I have to retype my name. Also, it doesn't save the personal messages for contacts to see. No one can see my display pictures anymore. In addition to that, I have problem communicating with people who has yahoo messenger. I don't receive messages from them sometimes or I can see them typing but nothing shows on my screen. Does anyone have the same problem or I am unique?
I use msn virsion 7.0.2 on Mac OS X virsion 10.4.11
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Jul 17, 2010
For some reason, on Mac:Messenger, I can not see all my contact's display photos. I see very few of my friend's display photos, all others just display as the green msn man.
I've looked into the cache folder of M:M, and there are a lot of display photos in that folder, which belong to my friends, however they're not showing up in the actual program. I can only see like 10% of my friends's display photos in the application.
I can set my own display photo fine. However, after a certain amount of time, a random time, my photo will stop showing up in the window, and I have to reset my display photo again. The image is 150x150 pixels, and is 147kb. It's a bit annoying.
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Aug 23, 2010
My messenger (8.0 beta) dosen't display custom emoticons, also i can't see the display pictures of other people ..
Emoticons are enabled in Preferences
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Dec 20, 2009
Continually reverts to email address, and refuses to display a picture.
I know there are previous threads on this, but I've even tried installing the latest beta/nightly build. My friends are getting fed up. I don't notice a difference, but they do!
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Feb 26, 2008
I can't see other people's display pictures using MSN messenger on my MBP... I've enabled all the options for this, is it a known issue, and is there a fix for it? I've tried other messenger applications, and I don't really like them.
Before I get shot, I've searched and found nothing on this topic. If you feel like being the person who tells me to use search, feel free to do it yourself and tell me exactly what to search for to find my answer...
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Nov 11, 2009
MacBook Pro OS X 10.4.11
I'm using Yahoo Messenger for Mac version 3.0 beta and recently my display images have stopped displaying when logged in or when I open a chat window.
When not logged in and I am selecting a user the display images show, but they go out as soon as I login to any name. When I go to the window to set my browser image, the image field displays blank even after I try reloading the image. I have trashed my Preferences and that doesn't work.
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Jun 29, 2008
i am unable to choose a display picture of myself to put on msn.
i get an error that says wrong file format.
is there something hat im suppose to do?
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Apr 8, 2010
I'm using mac messenger 8 beta right now and this problem occured. Anybody know how to fix this?
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Nov 12, 2008
I am seeing graphical glitches appearing on the 2nd screen hooked to my aluminum MacBook (late 2008) through Apple's mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter. Dancing pixels, of a sort.
They are not there initially, but appear after an hour or two of use.
Unplugging and re-plugging the screen into the MacBook clears the issue...for a while...
The monitor in question is an Apple Cinema Display with an ADC connector, going through and Apple DVI to ADC converter before getting to the mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter. It's a lot of adapters, but it should not be a problem. And the glitches were never seen when this external screen was (until recently) used with my MacBook Pro rev 1.
See a poor-quality video of the glitches here:
Is anyone else experiencing this?
I have since returned my 2.0GHz MacBook in exchange for a 2.4GHz unit (I could not live without the illuminated keyboard I was used to on an earlier MBP). I see the glitch on this unit as well...
I recently launched Unreal Tournament 2004 while the glitch was evident and the dancing pixels became dramatically more prevalent - maybe 1/4 of the on-screen pixels were affected. When I exited the game, the external screen went back to the "normal" level of dancing pixels. Sleeping and waking the laptop, as expected, removed the glitches...until they come back.
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Feb 10, 2010
I've never had this problem with my windows computers but I got the latest version of msn messenger for mac and whenever I type in my display name, and then log off. It won't save it. That and along with the personal message as well. It just shows my name that I put on my hotmail account. I know I can change my name in my hotmail account but I'd rather figure this out.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
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Jan 4, 2010
i was wondering if Imovie HD has any tools to let me put one video inside of another. i'm trying to record guitar and i want to show the video for two parts at the same time?
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Mar 16, 2009
What the hell...ok, is anyone else having this problem? I ran Software Update (which installed iTunes 8.1 and the new FrontRow). After the installer finished, I opened iTunes and came across this:The bars labeled Name, Time, Artist, etc. are all messed up. They aren't clickable. It's like they're just stuck. And this is the same for playlists as well.So I tried restarting my Mac. Nothing, still there. I downloaded the iTunes 8.1 installer, installed, and it's still there.
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Feb 14, 2009
When I go to play songs with the jelly visualizer on the visualizer will freeze for a few seconds after around 15 seconds, it is very annoying. I have an early 08 2.4GHz Macbook if anyone else with this model wants to see if theirs has the same problem incase it might be a hardware issue.
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Sep 13, 2010
I'm using Safari 5.0.2. Lately every time I use Safari at some point during usage when I try to open a new tab or window I cannot do so. What happens is the new tab or window may or may not open. If it does open when I type in a website it will either appear in the new tab or window and also change the previous tab or window to the same website, or it will fail to load in the new tab/window and only change the previous tab/window to what I'm trying to load.
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Nov 12, 2009
Has anyone noticed it when you open several tabs there will be a glitch in-between two tabs?
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Nov 22, 2009
This is a serious problem. My iTunes ratings, and play counts keep proper messing up.its showing that some of my songs have been played like 300 times (hundreds of tracks affected) and seemingly random ratings keep being applied.I use ratings and play counts a lot so its making my perfect library... hell.Thing is even though the play counts go off the roof, there is no value in the last played clumb so its either a glitch or they havnt been played on my macbook. its started to happen ever since I started using a bluetooth mighty mouse a month back. luckily imm using time machine and restored my library from before, i thought it was sorted but its just started doing it again (ive noticed).
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Jul 14, 2010
I opened up iTunes to find the whole window to be black, with two white balls floating around in the center. It seems as if they came from WoW, because they were the same graphics and shape that a wisp would be, etc. Can someone try to explain? 0_o That was the weirdest thing I've ever seen, they just floated there and didn't go away until I restarted the program. Now I regret taking a picture, but what the hell was that?
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Aug 24, 2010
Does anyone have any idea what might be going on in the attached image below? This is how a PDF file exported from InDesign is printing. It is not displaying like this at all on the screen. The frame around the photo is an EPS file layered on top of the photo. It views fine, and prints fine except for 2 photos.
All the photos print fine, except for 2 of them which have these odd triangles on them. The image is a scan of the printed file. Again, it does not appear when I view the PDF on screen, only when it's printed. If I remove the border/EPS, it will print fine. But I'd like to use the border, so I'd like to know what the problem is.
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Jan 5, 2011
I've stumbled across some kind of glitch an I was wondering if anyone could shed light on it. Here are the symptoms...
Macbook Pro 17"
OSX 10.6.5
Safari 5.0.3
The whole page in Safari will go a bit insane (see pictures, glitching images change every half a second or so) whenever I click on the 'reply' text box when reading an email. As soon as the text cursor loads, glitch out. Interesting symptoms are that this happens sporadically, 3 times in 3 months, and although it recurs after refreshing the page, restarting Safari, or restarting the computer, it passes with time. Also interesting, when I went to take a full screen screenshot (alt+cmd+3) the computer produced a fully black image (makes a convenient black background incidentally) although when taking a partial screenshot (alt+cmd+4) it works fine.
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Feb 19, 2010
I use it to run Win XP on the bootcamp partition on my BlackBook at work.ow I'm getting frequent Firewall pop ups (in OSX) asking about vmnet natd inbound connections? I can either select okay or after several windows (pop ups) have appeared, they will disappear again seconds later of themselves.I select allow each time. I've removed and re added VMWare Fusion on the list of allowed apps in the OSX Security Advanced Firewall panel.
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Mar 25, 2012
i see apple picture when display my macbook airĀ off. it is a cool thing from apple or i have broken display.
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Mar 11, 2010
I'm thinking of switching my up coming iMac purchase to a new mac pro. Obviously, I would need to buy a monitor but this site says updates are due soon. Just curious... what do you guys think a new display would offer that a current one doesn't. The biggest one they have now is more then enough and I like the picture quality. What else besides size and resolution could they upgrade?
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Nov 22, 2009
Specs: I have an IMAC G5 Power PC. The display is 20 inches and the processor speed is 2.0Ghz. I have 512 megs of RAM and 250 Gigs of hard drive space. I purchased the computer in the summer of 2005 and until now, it has worked like a gem.
Problem: My display does not show any picture or color. My wife told me she saw infared-like colors while using the computer and then it went completely black. I booted the computer in transfer mode and used my lap top to transfer all the files off the computer.
I then followed the troubleshooting procedures on the webpage [URL]. All the LED lights come on and I do not see any dim light when I examine my computer at an angle.
After the screen went blank, I purchased the VGA adapter cable and plugged in an external monitor to the computer, but I didn't get any picture on the external monitor, probably because the adapter mirrors what is on my screen. I had hoped I could completely transfer the picture to the external monitor, like you can do with a laptop, but I couldn't figure out how to do this.
Questions: What is wrong with my computer? Is is possible for me to use an external monitor even when the computer display doesn't display any picture? If so, how can I do this?
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Jun 16, 2012
I select my desktop picture, and it puts it as it. But once I shut my computer off and turn it back on, it's back to the Lion desktop picture. But when I go into the system preferences, it says that my picture is the one that I selected before.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 15" Retina Display Macbook Pro
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Apr 17, 2009
My Apple 23" display shows no picture and the power light is blinking short-long-short.
Is there anything I can do to fix this????
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Nov 29, 2010
Is there a difference in picture quality if I connect a MDP to HDMI instead of a MDP to DVI from my macbook pro to my tv?Will I be able to play movies at 1080p if I use the MDP to HDMI?
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Jun 9, 2010
I recently bought a Kanex iAdapt so I can use my TV as a secondary display. It works but there are a few annoying problems.
1) When I set the display output to any of the available resolutions (480p.720P.1080i) the picture is displayed - however the edges are cut off resulting in about 5 % of the picture being lost. this means that the taskbar on my mac is barely visible.Any ideas on why this is happening and how i can get it fixed?
2)This is more of a general question. A lot of the text that is displayed is blurry around the edges on all settings. Is this always the case for using TV's for secondary monitors?
This is my setup: [URL] Supports Mini DisplayPort 1.1a input, USB 2.0 input
Supports HDMI video resolution up to 1080p
Supports HDMI 225mhz/2.25Gbps per channel (6.75Gbps all channel) bandwidth
I have a unibody macbook from summer 2009. My TV is a sony bravia 32" from the KDL range. (KDL 32S3000)
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