Applications :: Is There A Good Twitter Extension For Safari
Jan 12, 2009is there a good twitter extension for safari?
View 6 Repliesis there a good twitter extension for safari?
View 6 RepliesI have tried so many now .... Here is what I want/need:
1) Multiple accounts
2) instapaper/read it later integration with links
3) easy marking of "read" tweets
4) This is the most important: I want to be able to place different people I follow into groups, like I was with seesmic for windows ... for example, I can put some people into a "tech" group and some into a literary" etc ... Why is this so difficult to find?!?!
Is there a directory of Safai addons/extension available like Firefox has built in? One specific I am looking for is Fireshot like addon for safari but looking for others as well.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMany of the extensions I've seen (Share to Facebook, Instasafari, etc.,) already have existing bookmarklets. What's the difference between a bookmarklet and an extension? It seems like the bookmarklet would be better resource-wise because it's only used when it's needed whereas an extension (I guess?) runs with the browser itself.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it just me or does anyone else feel that AdBlock does affect the loading (opening) speed of a website slightly?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a Safari extension for picking the default quality YouTube uses upon page loading? I always get the lowest resolution video even though 1080 works fine on my connection.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been interested in a Safari application/extension for improved Bookmarks management. Features I'm interested in are alphabetization, eliminating duplicates, and improved organization. Has anyone found such an item?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was using an extension called 'yaysyoutube' to set the default quality on YouTube to the highest possible res, but the latest nighties of Webkit have totally broken it. Does anyone know of any alternatives?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to transition to Firefox in lieu of Safari but I CANNOT STAND THE SCROLLING BEHAVIORS in Firefox.They suck so bad.Could anyone here please recommend an extension for firefox that paralells the Safari scrolling behaviors exactly?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWe've seen quite a few extensions since tuesday, but not ONE attempt at a keyword extension. Is it just not possible with the current API? If so, I would like to know so I can stop searching for one and try to get keywurl working instead.
View 17 Replies View RelatedIs there a safari extension that auto saves sessions? Automatically gives you all your past tabs back on your next launch. Such a simple thing, where is it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSafari extension to enable full screen browsing? I tried to look for one, but couldn't find anything. This seems like it would be the perfect application of Safari extensions.
safari is really slow and i cannot reach my accounts .it says page failed to open.even i have waited for ten munites for signing in my apple account.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I was browsing on, and when I tried to follow someone there, it redirected me to Now, whenever I type in in Safari or Firefox I'm immediately redirected to In fact, twitter is being replaced by facebook in the url, so that if I type I get redirected to
View 1 Replies View RelatedEvery half hour I keep getting this popup: I've deleted my cache, cookies, browser history and rss articles. There are no twitter/rss bookmarks anywhere. I could deselect the option in Preferences to auto update any rss feeds of the bookmarks bar, but rather leave this default. Why is Safari insisting there is a twitter rss feed and wants to update it when I cleared everything? There seems to be some mention of twitter rss somewhere in Safari. I'v also tried to delete the Database3 file. Safari made a new one, but the twitter rss popup still appears. I'm using a Mac osx 10.4.1 dual Core Intel Xeon. Can I totally clear any rss subscriptions/feeds somehow (even though I never subscribed to any twitter rss feed).
View 2 Replies View Relatedmy safari crashes every time i open twitter. how can i fix this?
MacBook Pro
At least once every day a box pops up that says Safari can't verify the identity of or I click OK or adjust it so say "Always Trust" and then goes blank. The blank page will say access denied, page cannot be found, etc. etc.
All the fixes I've found online seem to be Windows-based and suggest making sure the clock/time is accurate. Mine has always been up to date so that's not an option for me. I've also disabled pop-ups as per a suggestion and that didn't do anything. So if there's any Mac users with knowledge of security certificates, it'd be a huge help.
Using:SAFARI 5.1.2 SNOW LEOPARD 10.5.8WIRELESS VIA ROUTERve also disabled pop-ups as per a suggestion and that didnve also disabled pop-ups as per a suggestion and that didn
this is driving me nuts. I drag images out of the safari browser all the time. Now with beta 4, it adds a .JPEG extension, even after the original .JPG extension of the original images. So if I drag "mactv.jpg" out of the browser to the desktop, I get "mactv.jpg.jpeg" on my freakin' desktop.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIt's called Weet and looks good so far. try it. [URL]
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've been out of the Twitter game since Tweetie was the new thing on the block, now I want to dabble in Twitter again but I'm trying to find the good Twitter clients. Tweetie was awesome back in the day, I was shocked that it's been AGES since any form of update and that it lacks many of the new features from Twitter. I believe in supporting programmers but not when they let something go this stale and charge $20 for the full version. TweetDeck is awesome as ever but overkill for me being the casual Twitter user. I'd also like something that doesn't use another client (Adobe AIR) to run. What else is out there that's serving up updates to keep up with Twitter feature and API changes?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been a happy Twitterrific customer on both Mac and iPhone for awhile now.
Recently, I've been fortunate to get an early peek at Kiwi from YourHead Software (of Rapidweaver plug-ins fame) - a new Mac Twitter client.
It's a sweet piece of work - especially for those with multiple Twitter accounts. Clean design, intuitive.
Yesterday, I got some invite codes to the early release which I'm posting here. If I get more, I'll post 'em too - but these are all I have right now.
I have started using Twitter for a business I'm running and am also going to be using other social networking sites such as Facebook, Plurk, LinkedIn, and possibly MySpace. I have heard that there are applications for sites such as Twitter to use on my Mac.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI use Twitterfon on my iPhone and like it a lot and am currently using TwitterPost on my Mac but am not that happy with it. It doesn't seem that Twitterfon is available for Mac but is there a similar Twitter client for the Mac or something that is better than TwitterPost?
View 2 Replies View RelatedNew to mac and wondering what is the best desktop twitter client?
View 9 Replies View RelatedAnyone know of an extension that'll make it possible to search right in the url bar, like in Google Chrome?
View 3 Replies View RelatedFirst Safari extensions weren't showing up.I was able to get the extensions tab back, but found the privacy tab won't display. I unknowingly jacked another thread, as I'm new at this, so now am posting my own. I'm running Safari 5.1.5 on OSX Lion, MacBook Pro 2009.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Safari downloads .wav files from my dictation manager web site with a .exe extension. I'm assuming this has something to do with the MIME types defined on that page. I can't fix that as the web page is not under my control. Is there a way I can tell Safari not to do that, or how to handle these files?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Some time ago I installed WebWatch the Safari extension. I hate it. It won't stop popping up. I don't see where you can change the time you want it to come up and definitely don't see how to uninstall it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I'm looking for a simple twitter client that you can customise like Adium. Where you can have the window transparent on the desktop. I've attached a quick mock up of what I'd like, but I can't find an app like this. Does anything like it exist?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't believe that twitter needs the 330M GPU, surely there's a client that uses the intel one??
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