Sound Keeps Beeping On My MacBook Pro. This is The First Time I Have Had This Came Home Turned On My Mac Then I Heard This Beep Sound (Beeping in a Nicer Way?) Anyway One Know Why Its Going Off And How To Remove It DAM It It Just Went OFF.
I have a Macbook pro 2009 (2,26Ghz, 160 GB HDD, all Apple original parts) which is only a few months old. It has never failed me and I love it. Until now. I usually just put it to sleep when I am done with it but yesterday I turned it off. Now this morning when I press the power button the mac booting up sound beeps and everything seems normal. The White screen with the apple logo comes on and it starts working. After that however a blue background appears and that "clock"-wheel-thing that spins comes up, then it goes away, then it comes back and spins some more, then it goes away and so on. Nothing else happens.
I tried turning it off and botting up again a few times but the same thing happens every time. I put in the installation-cd (Leopard) and held down c while I booted up, this seemed to be working at first, the installation menus came up and I chose that option that re-installs OSX while keeping the files on the hard drive. After a few minutes into the installation however I got a message that said (rough translation). "The installation failed. Mac OS X could not be installed on your computer. The installation could not install certain files on "/Volumes/MacintoshHD". What does this mean? Has my harddrive failed or what seems to be the problem?
I have had no problems with my MacBook Pro until recently. I am working on a summer research project so I do not usually get the time to visit an Apple Store, turn in my computer for a day and wait. Â
When I lift my computer while its still on, it gives me a weird beeping noise which won't stop. I always have to manually shut it down by using the power button. It work perfectly well when I switch it on again. But if I lift it in the air or if it gets out of sync with the line of gravity, the same beeping occurs. Â
I guess I heard some particle go around inside my Mac when I tried to tilt it when in power off mode. Should I open it and check or is it too bad?Â
At present, I am backing up my research data. My work would suffer a lot if I have to submit my computer for repairs even for a single day.Â
I was working in the morning and kept it in sleep before i went to bath. After that when i again wanted to start my mac air its giving out a beeping sound and nothing else is working. Mac is not starting up
After upgrading to Lion (10.7.3) it started this anoying beep sound that is almost unbearable. Also, I upgraded to Lion so that my Mac could run faster, but I am more disappointed now!
I added 2GB of Memory to my imac (early 2008), initially removed the old 1GB, would not start and got a beeping sound, moved the new 2Gb to the empty slot, and added the old 1GB to a slot, started fine but the PC would not recognize the new 2GB. Finally added another 2 GB, took the old 1GB out and would not start again and gave off the beeping sound. Other than not putting them in correctly because that was done numerous times?
I tried starting my iMac and all I get is a light colored screen and a beeping sound about every 5 seconds. No sound from the drives. How can I get it to turn on?
I've tried searching the web and I read the little book that comes with the computer but I cannot find a concrete answer anywhere. Anyone know the reason for this? I'm not getting any video or anything. It just keeps beeping every couple of seconds.
Every once in a while my Mac Mini will start to chirp/squeak. It almost sounds like crickets. It started doing it again about 5-10 minutes ago and just stopped as I began typing this post. Does that sound like it could be the fan making the noise or the hard drive? I would think that if it were the drive I would here it MUCH more often.
just got my MBP 2.8 and its fantastic..BUT it sounds like there are more sound in the right speakers than in the left speakers. also it sounds like the left speakers is more discant. how can that be? i'v checked the systemsettings
I have a really weird problem with my sound on my Late 2011 Macbook Pro. The only sounds I can hear from the internal speakers are system sounds. No other audio can be heard from iTunes, VLC, browsers, etc. The only sounds I can hear are the ones found in "System Preferences -> Sound -> Sound Effects" and iMessage notifications. For a while, I could hear the volume up/down chirp, but even that's gone now.
Everything is fine when I plug in headphones. I thought it was the microswitch in the headphone port, but the Macbook Pro defaults back to "Internal Speakers" when the headphones are removed. Resetting the SMC and running the normal Disk Utility routine doesn't work either. It doesn't seem to be a hardware issue with the speakers, either, or I probably wouldn't be able to hear only these specific sounds.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 8GB, 2.2GHz i7, 500GB HD, 1GB GPU
Ive been using Mac for almost a month now from purchasing my first Mac on my birthday. Ive got to say its an entire new experience and i love it something that is surely credited in my IT course i am currently studying as a student.Now i love the Mac Pro however being a perfectionist i do have a couple of issues.
One of them being with the system sounds when you receive an email or your battery is dying or your dragging something off the dock and you receive the puff sound.Now something i seem to be experiencing is quite a delay between these actions or sounds or at times no sound at all. Im guessing this is a software issue as i cant see any reasonable hardware explanation.
My second issue is the battery over just a months of use (taking care of battery letting it have normal cycles) it seems to have dropped form an estimated usage of about 5 hours to 3 fully charged basically pretty much idle other than safari open on a basic webpage.The next and final issue is the click when moving the mac i believe its the SMS motion thing, ive heard its possible to turn this off but how?
Last but not least :P im thinking of upgrading the hardrive at some point either to a faster 7200rmp or a Solid state, what would you recommend specifically for the mac? rather than in general also would this void my warranty or would apple do it based on my extended Apple Care package?
I'm running OS X 10.6.8 on a 2.7 GHz i7 Macbook Pro with a 250Gb Apple SSD TS256C. Since last Autumn, after a problem that saw the SSD replaced by Apple and me needing to migrate my profile across from an older Macbook, every time the system shuts down it forgets my sound settings. So no matter how I set the sound before powering down it always chimes on start up. It's entirely possible that this may be a problem from the migration, but I don't know how to rectify the issue.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.7 GHz Intel i7
I have a 2.0ghz unibody macbook, and i installed windows xp on the boot camp partition, installed drivers, up until here everything was working fine.. i decided it would be a good idea to upgrade to bootcamp 2.1 and then suddenly the boot camp icon in my system tray went away,
and so did the nvidia panel and the sound no longer worked.. now im stuck and i have no sound. I tried reinstalling the drivers using the cd and it still doesnt work.. also when i remove my headphones there is a red light coming from the jack.. how do i get my sound back?
so heres what happend. my macbook has been acting strange. freezing and sound not working at times. system preferemces quitting etc. and i just got it back from its thrid repair. THREE REPAIRS IN LESS THAN 3 MONTHS> so i was downloading a game for my psp when i went to go get a bagel in the kitchen. i left for no less than a minute and when i came back the screen was black. i thought it just dimmed itself but no. i moved the trackpad clicked on all buttons click the mouse button everything. i noticed the light wasnt throbbing so im sure it wasnt sleeping. the light was just pure white(the sleep light) so i waited like 3 minutes than shut it down. do u know whats happening. i know now i will be getting it replaced but until then im trying to keep it working well enough that i can watch a ********** vid on youtube.
I want to tighten the touchpad so it doesn't sound so loud whenever I click on it. But I can't find the correct size allen key for the battery screw. Does anyone here know what is the exact size for the screw for the battery and what type of screw driver to adjust on the touchpad? I know I can use a flat head screw driver, the main part is to get the battery out of the way.
I bought a MacBook Pro 13" in August 2011. A few days ago, I started to get a triple alarm sound (beep, plus battery indicator light flashes three times) and the system freezes (no keyboard or trackpad input, screen stays on). The triple beep continues until I shut it off through the power button.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am listening to the same songs on Itunes playing on a late 2008, Early 2009 Macbook Pro 15 compared to a brand new MBP 15 and the speakers (or the sound) seems much better on the older Pro still running Leopard (more base and deeper sound), as opposed to the new one running SL. Has anything changed that would account for this? Are they the same system running off of different operating systems, or has the hardware changed. And is there anything to do about it?
I bought Brand New Macbook pro 15" Late 2011 Ci7, this is incredible machine. But a month past and i started to notice a very strange behavior:Â When i using mac for resource "Eating" application or processes my computer starts to Heat-this is normal.
When i close all the apps here starts interesting) I have Istat installed, so i can see what temps are in my system. Computer is cooling, and when cpu reaches 50-55 degrees (Celsium, from 80 degrees, because of heavy load) ,my left speaker produces a single loud pop sound. (like something turning of may be)
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I finally put my hands on a brand new MacBook Pro 15" (base model) with Hi-Def Glossy Screen...I'm playing with it since a couple of days and I wonder if it is somehow defective...I've already passed through the following thread but I haven't found the answers I'm looking for....URL
I've also searched trough the forum, found a couple of related threads but no conclusive answers were given, so that's why I'm posting my doubts and asking for you to comment or give your personal experiences or advices...
1) Power dazzle (sorry I don't know how to better express it) When I plug the cable to recharge the battery and the battery gets finally completely recharged, I feel a sort of low voltage through my hands when I touch the aluminum unibody... I was used to feel the same thing on the touchpad of my former pc when its logic board started to break... (that's why I'm so worried about this potential issue)Is it normal? Do you experience the same thing? Is it to notify the battery is fully charged? I don't think so: a pop-up message would be much more effective...
2) Clinging sound When I use the MBP in a quiet room, I often hear a clinging sound from the touchpad... I suspect it is the HDD's head that moves to perform an operation... or is it something completely different? In any case, it is very annoying: when I hear it, I immediately start to search myself for any tab of a zipper that may produce it...Again, is it normal? Does your MBP is the same? Does it annoy you? Am I simply paranoid? Did you do something to effectively reduce it (SSD)?
3) Battery life I tried to calibrate the battery properly, nevertheless I didn't experienced the advertized battery life... I think it depends on the fact I have the Hi-Def screen that is more power demanding than the default one...
Is this the effective reason? How long does your battery last? (I cannot post my value because I just discovered the option to show time besides battery icon...) Any suggestion to make the battery last longer? (I already use cable rather than wi-fi and Intel graphic card rather than Nvidia one)
4) If I move my finger tips on the bottom of the unibody enclosure, I can feel a small step between the enclosure and the cover (something less than 1/3 of a mm) in the area below the touchpad that progressively disappear toward the hinge area...
Does your cover integrate seamlessly into your unibody enclosure or not?Is it an indication of some sort of refurbished intervention or is it normal this way? How can I understand if it is a refurbished MBP or a brand new one? (It's been bought by my university, so I don't know exactly what has been ordered... there is something I have to look for to understand the case? A particular notice, booklet or something like that?)
Here is whats happening: my 3 y.o. 15 MBP is connected to external speakers (Bose MusicMonitor) and every time there is a sound, any system sound, say an email in, a volume chirp, or a Skype chirp, anything at all, I hear an audible POP, before hearing the actual sound, in fact the POP sort of overlays the sound. I hear the second POP sometimes, after the sound has sounded, so to speak, and sometimes the second one does not happen at all. To me it reminds me of the Pioneer Amp my dad used to have in the 70's, when you first turn that thing on, it would produce an audible POP. So, back to to this, it sounds like an amplifier POP by being awaken by the system, and I'm inclined to think it is the MBP's audio "amplifier" on its board. Oh, btw, both the speakers and the MBP's volume is set to low.