I would love any input from those with some experience. My problem is common I think. I have an itunes library that says 120gb. I have an itunes folder that says 140gb. I have a bunch of exclamation points, some of which the files are there, some not.
I don't want to spend 40 hours fixing it!
I have been looking for an app that:
1) finds the dead tracks (really dead and files missing) and removes them
2) finds the files in my folder that aren't linked and add them to library....I know I may have deleted those at some point but honestly with this much data missing I can start that process over. Would rather have the stuff in...that out, of the library
3) find dupes and help me get rid of them. i have used Dupe eliminator and this works OK...would like one app to use to do all these things.
I have a lot of video files (TV & Movie) and store on a 1.5 TB drive. I have a 2 TB drive that I use for Time Machine backups and it currently backs up my iTunes library.
I'm now hitting some storage problems. My Time Machine drive is running out of space as my iTunes folder keeps growing.
I now want to add my video media library to iTunes so that all my digital media will be in one place, and I can organize and search shows by genre, artist, etc. First, all my videos are .avi, so I figured that since iTunes accepts only .mp4 I have to convert ALL of them which will take SOO LONG. Any easy way of batch converting? Should I even store my videos and tv shows in iTunes, or do people do it differently? (I want to do something other than just putting them in folders)
But my main question is, because I store all these videos on an external drive, I simply want to link them to iTunes and keep them in their original paths, since they won't fit locally. I can accomplish this by simply un-checking the advanced preference option of copying the files to the default location, but that means I have to turn this off and then back on each time I want to import video. I understand this is not a HUGE deal but wanted to see if this was the proper/most efficient way of going about this.
For my movies and pictures i have a mixture of folders and files.
See here: files and folders are mixed together. I usually always right click and select keep arranged by "kind" to get this arranged by kind. But the problem is every time i exit the folder it reverts back to being mixed. Is there ANY way to save these changes to always have my files arranged by kind?
This one part has never seemed quite right moving from PC to Mac for me. I'm most used to Windows Explorer - the old XP style, working in a single window. I find that with Finder, to copy/paste or move files, I can't always just select files and paste/copy them to the new location. and some things seem to require having multiple Finder windows open and a drag/drop.
Maybe I'm missing something in the process/workflow and its possible to solely work easily in a single Finder window? It doesn't seem to always allow you to do a copy or cut when you right click on a selection of files in Finder.
I am still quite new to mac, and still haven't got my head around how itunes and my music collection are working. Before, with Windows, I put all of my songs in 'My Music' and 'My Sounds' folders, and setup Windows Media Player to scan those folders and index them in the WPM Library. It worked well; all was fine.
In iTunes, though: * there seems to be no automatic importing of music folders.
* when i manually import a song (usually by just 'open'ing it in itunes) itunes copies the music somewhere else.
* where does it copy? /user/music/itunes, right?
* why does it copy? does it change format?
* can i delete the old copy of the music files?
* if i do delete them, is the new format DRM'd? why does it change format?
Paypal limited my account yesterday so do not use various IP addresses when you're paying using Paypal.
I'm thinking of opening a new account using a new email address. Therefore I have to open a new iTunes account too.
What I'm worried about are the sixty free apps I'm using on iPad. Will I be able to update free apps using the new account or I have to redownload all of them?
I just got a new MacBook Pro 15" and I love it. I just have a quick question, though--how do I go about transferring my itunes stuff from my old Mac laptop to my new one? I tried consolidating the library, and then dragging the iTunes file to the new computer (and then going into preferences and selecting the iTunes Media folder location), but that didn't work.
I want to know what little system utility apps people use that they couldn't imagine living without / they have gotten so used to them they can't work on other people's computers without!I will start with mine:SizeUp - Window management Bowtie - iTunes desktop notifier / controller Growl - Desktop level system notificationsDockDodger - Ability to hide running applications from showing up in the dock1Password - Password manager that integrates beautifully with Safari/Firefox USB Overdrive X - Allows setting of USB device buttons, such as a mouse button, to any shortcut.
When you sync your iPhone you sometimes get the following message:
Itunes has found purchased items on the iphone thats arenot present in your itunes library.
There are two reasons for this:
1. I have deleted apps in iTunes that I don't want, but not on the iPhone. I don't want to transfer the apps back to iTunes because I want them gone.
2. I have bought apps on the iPhone that I do want to keep. I want these transferred to iTunes.
So if I have both types 1 and 2 then there is no good answer. Preferably iTunes should offer to sync and choose which apps to transfer and what not to transfer. Is there a way to change this behaviour? By the time I sync I don't know what I've done so I'm usually not sure how to answer the question. Sometimes I like to bulk delete apps in iTunes--it is easier than doing it on the iPhone.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), also iPhone 4
I receive this error every time I tell iTunes to download the updates to my iPhone apps. Funny thing is, I only get the error once, if I click Update All again it goes through without a problem. This has been going on for almost 6 months through multiple versions of iTunes, iOS and a whole new iPhone setup from scratch.
I love the idea of a one-stop media center like iTunes, but as each new feature is added it just feels too big and slow to me now. It takes forever to open, it lags even when I just try scrolling through apps, it sends regular genius updates to Apple, it has a radio, ringtones, movies, tv shows, the list goes on. Does anyone else feel the same way?
Just set up my new Mac Pro with two 30" LCDs. Are there any apps that would help snapping windows to quarters, thirds, or halves of the screen? -- or perhaps saving a workspace-worth of apps? Or is there some secret OSX functionality towards this?
I've googled and found such apps for Ubuntu and Windows, but nothin for our Leopard!
i have an unsual request. a developer mate of mine is forced to work on macs with his new job. he's only used windows before.
one of the windows features he heavily relies on is the "tile" view. this means that all windows are changed in shape (vertically/horizontally) to fill the screen. they can all be used (IT IS NOT EXPOSE).
I'm wondering if there is any good apps out there for managing an entire project, across multiple files, sort of a bulletin board, just a single file, that contains a sort of desktop for that entire project, you could drag things into it, files, pictures, notes of somekind, anyone know of anything like this?
I need a program to manage video files, similar to iTunes. I would love to use iTunes for it, as it's perfect, but unfortunately iTunes doesn't have a "video clip" section. I have tons of movies, tv shows, and music videos, all in iTunes organized perfectly. I also have a bunch of random video clips (commercials, random stuff) that I don't want to put into any of the "placeholders" iTunes has for videos, because none of the placeholders are applicable to them. Is there any program that supports tagging, searching, etc for videos, similar to iTunes? Currently I have them all in folders, and it's getting out of control.
I'm recently reintroduced to Macs after living in PC land for 20 years. Haven't found a capability to have an email signature that only posts to "new" mails, or "forwards" in chain. Outlook has the capability to not add signature in replies - is there something similar in Mac?
I'm looking for software on osx to manage my e-books. Since I have so many e-books now, it's starting to be a bit chaotic and I would like to have 1 place to manage them all: epb, pdf, kindle etc...
It's also necessary that it can look for synopsis, cover and extra info in the internet, just like plex for movies.
At my last job, I used a pc program called Docuworks (bundled with our Xerox machine) that allowed you to modify scanned documents (combine pages/documents, highlight passages, add comments, print to PDF, etc.). Is there anything like this available for personal use on a Mac?
I am trying to find an app that will allow me to keep all my video files in a neat library from where I could easily play them instead of having to go to various folders on the HDD. I have a lot of movies and shows I recorded onto my Mac from satellite and have not been able to find a good program to keep them in a library.
Is there a project managemente application that runs natively on Mac OS X? I'm thinking about something that supports Microsoft Project 2000 and the likes.
I'm somewhat surprised that Microsoft hasn't ported Project 2000 yet. Any one has heard any plans regarding this by Microsoft?
I am fairly new to the mac and running a small office. Right now we are trying to choose a document management solution to run on a server. The two that I am looking at Knowledgetree and sharepoint have limited mac support and just dont cut it. Is there a mac/iwork centric management solution out there? Or have you guys found one that works well with the mac.