Applications :: Metadata VLC / AVIDemux Batch Manipulation?

Aug 27, 2010

Having some issues with annoying Metadata in some AVI files. I just want to remove the title (as in what shows up in the VLC window when you have title info AND the file name) and the comments.

When I tried Metadata Hooteneany, it converted them all to .mov, I guess, so when I tried to reopen them, not only was the metadata still there, but there was no audio.

When I used VLC to "Window">"Media Information..." and delete the metadata and "Save Metadata"'d, it did nothing when I reopened the file. Metadata was still there.

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Aperture :: Undoing Batch Metadata Filename Change

Aug 31, 2014

I accidentally renamed all the file names on every single one of my 24000 photos in aperture using batch change ( keywords, metadata etc) Can I undo this action or will I need to restore from an earlier time machine/capsule backup? Undoing a batch metadata filename change in Aperture3?

Aperture 3, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Applications :: Itunes Create Numerous On Go Playlist When Only One Really Allows Manipulation From IPOD Itself

Jan 20, 2010

Why does Itunes create numerous On The Go playlist when only one really allows manipulation from the IPOD itself?

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Applications :: Best Way To Duplicate Video Metadata?

Feb 11, 2009

So I re-ripped some episodes that I now need to re-tag. I have lower quality files already tagged, but alas, I've scoured the internet and haven't come up with any resources to automate this. I can use Lostify to "lock" the fields but still have to manually enter the title, episode ID and such, and copy and paste the description.

In my dreams, I envision an application with two drop-zones that would duplicate the metadata from one file to another. I do this sort of thing often enough to really need it. I've looked at the command-line tools for Atomic Parsley and MP4Tags (which is awesome and if built from source can now successfully edit the CNID and HD tags resulting in the dual-format HD-SD files you see on iTunes) but have no "copy" function.

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Applications :: Looking For Programs To Edit Metadata Tags

Jan 1, 2011

Does anyone know of a mac application that would allow me to alter metadata tags on audio files outside of iTunes? Basically, I want to be able to alter things like "Album Title" without using iTunes.

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Applications :: Finding Best App To Fill In Metadata For ITunes?

Mar 1, 2009

What's the single best app to fill in all my metadata for iTunes? I'm looking for track number, correct artist/album/song information, and album art.

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Applications :: Aperture 3.1 / How To Turn Off Metadata Pop-up Window

Feb 25, 2010

Aperture 3.01. Does anyone know how to turn off the metadata window that pops-up when you move the pointer over the pictures? Every time I move my pointer, the window pops-up and obscures my view. It is kind of annoying and does not go away as I move the pointer.

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Applications :: ITunes Date Added Metadata Overwritten

Sep 10, 2010

I use the Date Added column all the time in my iTunes, so I can see what was added last. Well, I just noticed that most of the 10,000 songs in my library have at some point lost the original 'date added' they used to have. Now, the earliest date is sometime in February of 2010. And some have been set to just a few days ago. How did this happen? Is this a bug of iTunes 10? I only just noticed this, so I'm not sure when it happened.

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Applications :: Adding Cover Art And Metadata To ITunes Music?

Feb 22, 2008

Is there an app (preferably free) that will automatically add cover art and metadata like artist and album name by song title? I've got a bunch of music that has only the song title, but is not categorized by anything. I remember seeing something like this before, but can't remember what it was. Is there anything that can do this?

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Applications :: IPhoto 09 Doesn't Read Keywords From Files (IPTC Metadata)?

Jan 28, 2009

I installed iPhoto 09 today and I'm having a hard time figuring out why does this new version does not read keywords from my image files (IPTC Metadata) All my photos are tagged with keywords "inside" the files (IPTC Metadata) and with iPhoto 08 all I had to do was to import the files to iPhoto and it would recognise those keywords! Now, in iPhoto 09, those "inner" keywords (IPTC Metadata) aren't recognised! Did Apple remove the IPTC Metadata support in iPhoto 09? From what I have read at Apple Discussions, there is a bug on iPhoto 09 that stops the support of IPTC Metadata ONLY when the option "Copy items to the iPhoto library" isn't ticked! If the photos are imported and copied to the iPhoto Library then there is no problem and the keywords are recognised.

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MacBook Pro :: Website Design - Image Manipulation And Digital Art?

Jan 18, 2010

I'm wondering if the notebook is powerful enough to do digital video editing, some web site design, image manipulation and digital art? I was thinking of using the Mac Pro a long with a graphics tablet and secondary monitor via an USB external graphics adapter for a three monitor setup. I would bump the ram and possibly get an SSD using the original internal hard drive as an external.

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Applications :: Unable To Extract Select ITunes Metadata, Play Count And Date Added

Jan 5, 2010

I've just set up my new uMBP (I know, I should have waited for the new chips, but hey - I got impatient!) I have moved my itunes media to the new machine but it is lacking all ratings, the original 'date added' as well as play counts. In fact, I have left all the old metadata behind, but these are the only three parts I'd like back. What I'd like to know is if there is a utility or mini app that can extract this kind of data from my old library file and add it to my new one.

I would have just moved the original library file but I have done that since iTunes 1 and the library file has become a bit messed up. I am rather enjoying my shiny new library file - I just want my ratings, 'date added' and play count metadata injected back in!

I love the playlist trick for the ratings but this is no good for 'date added' or play count obviously.

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Applications :: Finding Batch Encoder

Sep 19, 2010

I was wondering if there is a good batch encoding program for videos. I am planning on encoding all of my movies to the new Apple TV format in preparation for the launch of it.

I know handbrake can queue files, but you have to add them one-by-one.

Are there any applications where I can just select all of my videos and then select Apple TV format and just let it run for a week or so to encode them all?

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Applications :: Batch Renaming Files In OSX?

Mar 3, 2004

I've got a whole bunch of photos in various subfolders. Some of these photos have the same relative name (ie same file name but in different folders).

I would like to rename all these files like 000001.ext, 000002.ext etc, independently of file location so I can copy all the files back to one single folder (I can handle that bit in Terminal). There are many sub-folders so I need something recursive.

I've tried Renamer4Mac, but it isn't recursive. Does anyone know of a different app that would work, or even a terminal command/script/binary that would do the trick?

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Applications :: Applications That Can Batch Change .JPG Extension To .jpg?

Nov 29, 2010

is there an app that can do this but only change the file extesion case & not the rest of the file; Sossity_1234.JPG to Sossity_1234.jpgalot of apps will go from;Sossity_1234.JPG to sossity_1234.jpg, they will change everything to lower case, & I only want the file extension to be lower case.

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Applications :: Video_ts To .iso BATCH Convert Capability?

Oct 4, 2010

I've searched and searched and can't find an application that can do what AquaISO does so simply and well, with the ADDITION of batch conversion. AquaISO does single files beautifully and has never failed, but I have several hundred files that need to be converted the same way

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Applications :: Searching For A Picture Batch Editor?

Aug 20, 2010

I recently switched 99% to a mac and im having a very hard time to find an alternative software like "PhotoScape" on windows!

I print a list of applications i use on windows and started searching for alternatives!

I find everything i needed except that! I looked in to many many forums (inc here)... tested more than 50 software but no luck at all!

Free or commercial doesnt matter! The only link between me and my PC is photoscape and this is killing me!

A full noisy tower - 100 cables everywhere just for running one app. (winebottler wont run it normally)

What exactly im looking for (for those of you who dont know "PhotoScape")

Is a multi batch editor for pictures with "preset" feature. (not a photo organizer or something like iphoto)

I want to be able to add lets say 10 images, load the xxx partner preset
and.. (auto action for that specific preset)

- resize them with max width 600px
- place a watermark with the name of the partner to a specific location on the image. text watermark with outline color and basic text tools predifined for each preset
- rename them like "partner-01" - "partner-02" - "partner-03" etc etc
-export them in Jpeg format with quality 80 to a subfolder called "partner-xxx" inside the folder with the originals.

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Applications :: Batch Opening Of Links In Word Document

Oct 4, 2010

I have a document with lot of text inside it. There are also several links. I want to be able to open all links of the document to safari tabs. The only way I have to do it 'till now is to manually copy paste each link from word pages to safari tabs. Is there any way to automate this repetitive task? Either by selecting all links of word and somehow opening them, or using osx automator? I 've not used automator before, I do not know if this task can be automated. Can you please help me to make the whole task faster and simpler?

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Applications :: Batch Crop Images To A Certain Aspect Ratio?

Jan 26, 2009

I have a folder of images that I would like to crop to a certain aspect ratio. I don't want to make them all the same number of pixels, I just want them all to have a 16:10 aspect ratio. Is there a certain app that can batch crop like this for me?

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Applications :: Undo Batch Change By Joe Time Shifter

May 16, 2009

I used Joe's Apple Script to Time Shift a lot of photos but I interrupted the process and made a mess of things. Is there any way to reverse the process and reset the original time stamp.

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Applications :: Batch Extract Multiple Archives With Password?

Dec 22, 2009

I'm trying to batch-extract a large folder of *.rar archives which all have the same password without having to manually enter the password each time. To this end I have managed to install the popular extraction utility 'unrar' and use it via Terminal.

I think I've gotten a handle on using the switches etc, as I have managed to successfully extract one file, without creating a subdirectory, and without having to enter the password (apart from in the single command, obviously...). The next part, applying the 'unrar' command to all 578 files, is proving more difficult..

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Applications :: Batch Converting Multiple Video Files

Jul 19, 2010

Is there an app that can batch convert multiple video files? I found one called mpegstream clip which is good, but it seems to only do one at a time, it there a feature in it that can do more than one at a time? One at a time is ok for 4 videos or less, but when I have more than that it can get a little tedious. Specifically, I need something that can batch convert my mpg movies files my point & shoot digicam can take to a format that imovie 09 will import & work with.

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Applications :: App/Automator Script To Batch Convert Htm Files To Jpg?

Aug 7, 2010

I have a collection of .htm files saved onto my Mac hard drive. I want to convert them to .jpg files--all at once. I found a Windows program that could do it, but when it converted them, it would not retain the original file names. It gave them a sequential file name, i.e. _1.jpg, _2.jpg, _3.jpg ~ _263.jpg. There is no option to retain the original file names...:/

EDIT: (i.e. marketingtable.htm > marketingtable.jpg)

So my question is, is there an Automator process that could batch convert .htm files to .jpg? Or is there an app for Mac that can batch convert .htm files to image (.jpg) files?

I usually am able to find the answer to all my questions with Google, and this time I thought I had as well with the Windows app, but it brought upon too much of a feat for me to handle.

(Also, if there's an Automator process to batch rename files using a .txt file as a reference for the new names of the files, that'd be awesome as well.

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Applications :: Resizing Photos (CS5 Or IPhoto) Batch Command?

Aug 12, 2010

Looking to resize approximately 1000 photos in various sizes.Original photos are all different sizes but around the same.

4530 by 2450
4530 by 2350
4525 by 2375

I want to keep each photos aspect ratio the same but lower the (4xxx) to 800 and where ever the 2xxx is thats fine

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Applications :: Batch Tool For Missing Album Artwork For ITunes 8 On Leopard?

Jan 20, 2009

I did some searches in google as well as this forum and it looks like there are quite a few options out there for users interested having a program automatically grab missing album artwork from places like amazon if you are running iTunes on Windows.

Users have also reported that some of these tools are great at screwing up the existing album artwork in your iTunes library.

I am looking for a batch tool since I have missing artwork on 1000s of songs (note that this album artwork is not present in itunes store). Does anyone know of a good, reliable program or script that can import missing album artwork on iTunes 8 in OS X 10.5?

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Applications :: Best Program To Batch Convert .mov To Mpg2 For Quick Viewing On DVD Player?

Aug 8, 2010

I am looking for a reliable quick batch converter that can convert the .mov movie files my camera shoots to mpg2 to burn quickly to a blank DVD to give to family members to play on a regular DVD player. The clips are good, but my family is eager to watch the files on TV, & it is an ordeal & too time consuming to have to go into a video & DVD editor for everything I or my family shoot with my digicam. I need a quick way to get these files to DVD for immediate viewing.

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Applications :: Batch Rename Song Names To (Artist - Song Name) Within ITunes?

Apr 28, 2009

I have song compilation albums in itunes. I prefer to seach by Artist, not album. Compilation albums often assign a different artist for each song. I don't like this, as I end up with thousands of artists, each with only one song! Here's an example:

I copy "Classical Chillout" compilation album to itunes. 30 songs show up, each with their own (new) artist name, song name, and all within the album "Classical Chillout.

Instead of having:

SONG Adagio for Strings

ARTIST Samuel Barber

ALBUM Classical Chillout

I want to batch rename all songs so that the Album name becomes the Artist and each "Artist" name is inserted into the "Song" name

SONG Samuel Barber- Adagio for Strings

ARTIST Classical Chillout

ALBUM Classical Chillout

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ITunes For Mac :: How To Transfer Metadata From Old PC To New MBP

Jun 29, 2014

I would like to transfer my entire iTunes library from a PC to a MacBook Pro. The PC runs XP. My key question is how to import the metadata, i.e., play count and ratings?

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OS X :: Few Files In ITunes Won't Accept Metadata Changes?

Sep 9, 2010

So, I ripped my DVD's of Battlestar Galactica to iTunes. I select them all and get info and change metadata. All of them change except for one file, that refuses to change. in this case, the album artwork won't change from the first frame of the video to the DVD case picture from Amazon.

I did them all at the same time and all in handbrake, but this one file just won't accept the change. I've checked the file permissions and it seems to be set correctly.

I have another ripped CD that no matter what I do, none of the songs will accept changes to their metadata.

Anyone seen this? Solutions? I tried deleting it from itunes and re-adding it but still no joy. At a loss?!

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OS X :: Managing Tv Shows Metadata In Itunes?

Dec 16, 2010

I'am having a difficult time managing TV Show metadata in iTunes. I have over 100 episodes of a single show. I selected all of the episodes and went to "get info" and set the show's name. That was easy enough, but the problem is numbering the episodes in iTunes. I have to go one by one. I guess there is no auto numbering. Is there any easier way?

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