Applications :: How To Compile Text And Flash Files So That Final File Run On Mac
Jul 28, 2010
I currently have jugglor compilation software which combines all text files and flash file to final .exe file formate. This final file however only run on window operating system.
Many customers now have mac and asking for mac compatible version. Is there anyway I can compile my all text and flash files to mac compatible executing file.
I just purchased a new 15" MacBookPro, 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 with 16GB memory and using OS X 10.9.4
I have a SanDisk Compact Flash disk with MXF files on it from my Canon XF 100.
I have had no problem importing the files onto my MacPro. using a Ultra Card reader with USB2
But now I am using a Transcen USB3 Card reader on my new MacBookPro and it does not recognize any of those same files to import.
I get the message, "No importable files selected."
The only difference I can see between the old MacPro and new MacBookPro is that when I select "Import Media" the CANON XF drive shows up as a DEVICE on the MacBookPro instead of a CAMERA like it does on the MacPro.
I want to create a simple flash movie (I don't yet own or know how to use Adobe Flash). Pretty flowers in the background, inspirational music, passages from the Bible or something fading in an out... you know the schtick. Maybe convert it to a screen saver.
So I found the lost project in FCPX. It has a music tract, text and video. When I pulled the project down for editing, I am able to separate the music from the video, but the text bubbles do not appear above the video allowing me to change the misspelled words that need editing.I've searched all of my backup drives for the original footage in case I have to re-edit the whole thing, but I'm unable to find the original footage. Every event in my libraries appears as a finished project.
Ok what im trying to do is make a word doc. list of all the movies I have on my hard drive (which is a few hundred). Now rather than sitting there and typing the names of each movie I have, is there a way to copy all the text of the files and paste it to a word doc or? some other possible way?
My window media file are coming over as text files? I am using a Ethernet cable and copy paste to a new folder . Even when I am looking at my g4 with file share on my g5 the files do not show as media files but the do show that way on my g4? I have 10.5.8
There is a program called ATP which is short for "Alternative Transients Program" that I need to use for my work. The developers are extremely protective of this software even though it is free to use. You have to send a signed contract agreement to them through snail-mail before you can get a password to the site to download the program. This program is only available for Windows and Linux. There is no alternative for OSX. Can I somehow use the source for Linux to compile and run on OSX? Obviously Fink isn't going to work because of the licensing it can't be added as a package to the repositories. running it through Linux or Windows with an emulator?
After updating to 10.1.2 it seems that FCPX now uses a different file naming scheme on imported AVCHD files.
Previously on import, it would use a file naming scheme based on date ie. '2014-06-14 10_49_47 (id).mov' etc. which is great for me as I could see exactly what date & time that clip was created at a glance in the event viewer, also when a camera on a shoot had it's time out by an hour due to an incorrect daylight saving setting, I could use easily go through the clips tweaking the time in the file name & then they would show in the correct order in FCPX.
Now 10.1.2 just imports the clips using the useless file naming scheme of 'clip' etc ...
Any way to get FCPX to import using the old naming scheme - or am I now boned if I have a camera set incorrectly ...
how to compile a 10 minutes single video having photo slides with background score/music and videos, in mac. file formats, Input files, provided- photos and hd videos from Nikon camera & music Output file needed - 10 minutes video of avi / mpeg / mkv / mpeg 4 / hd video. Is thr any mac software which does this job?
It's been a few months since I've compiled the HandBrake SVN and I thought I'd give it a try after hearing some good things after the recent improvements. However, I've been unable to actually compile a working application. Like before, I followed the steps listed here. I know pretty much nothing about terminal, so maybe I'm doing something wrong in the process. I've tried using RapidSVN and Terminal to checkout the SVN, but neither seems to work. After navigating to the folder, I type "make" into terminal. Previously, it would take a few minutes to compile the application. However, now terminal just responds with "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop."
I'm looking for an app that's like a text editor that lets me handle text and edit it and add images and then at the end export it to a .png file. Also the text or image editor should let me to change the dimensions of the file (the "physical" size). Or any image editor that lets me re-edit the text entered.
I'm wondering if there is a simple way to import a text file format into iCal. I have a variety of operations that would become immensely easier to do if I could create a CSV file, for example, in Excel or Open Office and then just import that into iCal, rather than sit there and type each item individually.I have both event data and tasks that I need to do bulk imports for.
I've searched high and low and most of what I find involves importing CSV into other applications and then exporting it to VCal files before finally bringing the data into iCal.There has to be a simpler way.
Whenever I import a 720x480 mp4 file to Final Cut Express I have to render it. And whenever I add an effect to a clip I have to render again. Is there a way to stop this?
I have a document that I've been working on in Text Edit. When I went to open it today it would not open and I got the message "the file could not be opened because it is not in the right format". I don't remember saving it any differently, last time. The only thing I did was change the font to a larger size, a few minutes before I last saved it. Could it be that it then became such a large document that text edit can't open it or is there something else I might have accidently done.
I just started using an eSata cradle to start doing my backup and archiving (I'm a photographer). Once I fill up the drive I'll be putting them in a safe but I'd like to have a printout bundled with them that lists all the jobs that are on the drive (the jobs are separated and named by folder on the drive)
I could go through and write them all down manually but I'd love to have a program that could automate it for me.
First, what I want: * Connect a 30 minute video with one large or 3-4 small text files * Connect many of these video-text connections into a whole * Search through and sort all these files
What I'm actually doing is compiling a ~30-minute video of a chef with several recipe text files into a "show," and then all the shows would be compiled into a "series," and I should be able to search the series for a particular show or recipe within a show and sort (sort of narrow down, like searching in iTunes Library) recipes by keywords like ingredients or cook time.
I'm starting here just in case there's already an application that accomplishes this, as I have absolutely no idea how to translate this paragraph into a search term. I'm totally cool with using some program that could just somehow connect text and videos and search/sort through the text files, but I still don't know what one would be.
Also, I'm generally a novice programmer, but I'm very experienced with some web programming, so I know exactly how I could make a website for this; however, the whole point of this is to be able to access it offline and possibly transfer it between machines. With my limited knowledge and even more limited coding creativity, is there a way to make a sort of offline website for this?
My goal is to export HD quality files to upload to my website that accepts flv, f4v, and mp4 formats. When I try exporting using Compressor to the mp4 format, the sound quality is there, but the video plays at half speed and has vertical lines in it. I've tried it several times, and have even first exported a .mov file from FCP, then used Compressor only to have the same results.
I tried doing several things such as flattening the images, changing the resolution, using different file formats. I tried making the images exactly 1920 by 1080 which someone mentioned was the px dimensions that imovie uses and that didn't work.
The only time the image seems clearer is when I go to show photo settings, which is weird.
These images were originally raws so I can make them whatever size is needed for imovie. I just need to know what it likes best!
I was thinking I might not be rendering them properly. I imported it into idvd and it rendered it that way. Is there another way I can do it maybe?
I'm trying to import sony fs-700 video into fcpx. I haven't had any problem until today. For some reason it just shows the file structure and the AVCHD video file and won't let me import.
I am willing to save on my hard disk the content of a SD card that contains mts files that I can access via AVCHD, BDMV, STREAM.
When I copy the whole SD card to save on my hard disk, I get an error message saying that the copy cannot proceed because one of the file contains information that cannot be read.
I was told on this group, that changing the structure of the AVCHD folder should not be changed. Can I delete the file that contains a bug ? or will I screw up the AVCHD folder ?
I have just began using Final Cut Express. My video contains red text with a black outline created using outline text on FCE. It looks fine when watching the video in the canvas, but when I export it to a quicktime file, the text is blurry and hard to read. I have tried varying line widths and softnesses but to no avail. Another video I have made has white text with a black outline. It is easier to read, but still blurry. What can I do to fix this? Are there settings for export? iMovie has export settings and I am surprised to have not seen any for FCE, considering FCE is more advanced.