Applications :: How To Add Key Words To A Photo
Apr 10, 2009How do you add key words to a can add description to a photo...but i dont know how to add key words to a photo
View 1 RepliesHow do you add key words to a can add description to a photo...but i dont know how to add key words to a photo
View 1 RepliesIt's greyed out. I need to fix this!
Go to Preferences -> Spelling & Grammar.
Then click the checkbox.
I haven't gotten a lot of help here, but realize it's more for Mac issues than Microsoft software.I've tried the Microsoft Office forum but there seems to be very little help there.I bought this big, expensive book on Office for Macintosh and have found it worthless- while it is huge- almost too much information to find anything- I have not found one answer to a specific issue I've looked for in it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIt would be really great to be able to bookmark some words you want to remember or review in the native dictionary, thus keeping a list of them for future reference. Of course you can copy paste to anywhere and keep them thus but I was looking for something simpler and more straight forward. Any plug ins or third party apps?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo, I'm still new to the whole Mac OS X happening, just got my MacBook about three of weeks ago (very happy with it ^__^). But, there's this little problem. I'm now using Microsoft Office 2008, and I often use Page Breaks. Previously, on the windows computer I used, I could simply press ctrl + return to insert a page break, but this is not a standard shortcut in the Mac version.
My solution - or at least, I hoped it would be a solution - was to use a custom shortcut for Microsoft Word via the System Preferences. I would like to set it to either ctrl + return or cmd + return, but it doesn't work.. However, when I try a shortcut like ctrl + cmd + down - or really anything without the return key - it works just fine. So, here comes the actual question; Is there any way to incorporate the return key within the shortcut?
Ohh, and now another problem comes in mind, I've got this Video_TS dir on my HD from a dvd which I tried to open, but when it's opened it simply 'plays' the menu. So I'm unable to actually select the option from it, and it simply goes to other part - like chapter selection - afterwards.It also plays little bits of the files, hangs for while, and skips a bit, then repeats the cycle.Anyone familiar with it? I use VLC Player Open Disk... with the Video_TS folder option.Ohh, and the files play fine on the windows pc next to me.. I realise this last question maybe should be in another topic, or has already been answered somewhere on the forum. But I did do a search for the first one, and couldn't find any information on it.
Whenever I'm in a folder which has pdf documents inside and a search a word in the search field in the finder the results are a total mess. It sometimes finds the words inside the pdfs and sometimes it doesn't. What is worse is that whenever I open a pdf with preview, it almost NEVER finds the word I'm looking. It just shows the loading sign and never return results.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to 'bulk' add new words to the InDesign dictionary? I do a lot of menus and a lot of the food terms come up as spelling mistakes.
I was wondering if there was a quicker way to customize the dictionary than telling the spell check to learn the words as I go. EG add one huge text file to the dictionary with all the words or something.
Does anyone know any really good Facebook photo upload applications? Perhaps something similar to the Flickr photo upload application?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 on my iMac. I also have iPhoto as it came with the iMac when I bought it. I don't really want to use iPhoto at all. I want to use PSE. How do I set my computer to open PSE when I insert my memory card or when I plug in my iPhone or for any other thing that uses photos? Can I just completely uninstall iPhoto?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I used clean genius and i deleted old photo the iphoto, i want have again my photos?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
(I meant Letters are as big as a quarter.) A friend of mine was given a imac for free. (i asked what model - it just says imac and is a big monitor) She called me and said when displaying web pages the text is way too huge.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just received my first Mac - a 13" Macbook Pro. I will get my windows XP disc today and plan on using Boot Camp & Parallels but would like to ween myself off of Windows as soon as practically possible. I use Quicken, Quickbooks, Office and Photoshop (CS3) and iTunes amongst others. I realize all my pc backups will work in Boot Camp but my question is - When I eventually get the applications for Mac will my old backed up files work in my new Mac applications? I am slightly confused - in other words are .jpg, .doc, .xl files the same in both environments and it just uses the "for Mac" software to interpret them? I have my backups on external hard drives and would like to migrate them over. Which brings up another Mac nooby question - what is the best way to use my new Mac with iTunes but not lose the content of my iPods?
View 6 Replies View Relatedtrying to copy a paragraph and paste it in another document. how do you do that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedEvery time I reinstall OS X I forget to backup the text file that contains a list of words OS X has learnt over the course of correcting OS X when misspelling words. I want to save it and reinsert it into the new OS. I found it once but googling, and searching on this forum hasn't help me to locate the directory it is located in.
View 2 Replies View RelatedEven though this may be a naive thought/ question, it is a honest thought/ question.Since OS X,version 10.6 is marketed as Snow Leopard, and not as 10.6, it seems to me that us relatively new Mac users could benefit from Apple actually using the words Snow Leopard in the "About This Mac" screens.I say this because a lot of tines I hear the question "are you using Snow Leopard", and to a newbie Mac user, it's not immediately clear when you check "About This Mac", unless you know 10.6 is Snow Leopard.
Or is Snow Leopard 10.6.1 and not 10.6? Now remember, all of us start from ground zero in computing be gentle with me and if Snow Leopard is actually stated somewhere.
I was using Safari browser and lost my entire long letter. I tried viewing history & reloading the page.... no luck.
There must be a way of retrieving all the history on one's computer. Maybe not in Safari, but other software loaded in my comp. Syst tools or sys preferences maybe. I just need to know where to look because i'm pretty clueless.
I cannot buy songs with swear words... How do i fix this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI started having issues with the way words (letters) are been displayed in Mac Mail or any of y browsers. Basically, they do not show (see attached). Notice how the text inside the buttons is not been displayed. I've searched online, and found nothing regarding this issue. This is happening on a MacMini running OSX 10.6.8.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Lately I have downloaded a lot of files from Google Drive, and I'm trying to sort a lot of documents (262 exactly) by finding a set of numbers and letters that only one kind of document has.
For example, I'm trying to find the documents that have "5R-ET1" to see which documents has those set of letters inside the documents to sort them in a diffrent folder.Is there something in the Finder that can allow me to do this, or is there like this program which compares documents that fits my use?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've seen lots of docks in screenshots which don't have a dock background and have the app names instead of icons. How do i do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI started playing around with indev's MailTags. The default tags are preceded with the "@" symbol. I've seen this done in other tagging systems but I'm not sure what its significance is, though I seem to remember it may have something to do with spotlight. Any idea why this is done?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently had to reinstall Windows for Mac 2004 because it refused to spellcheck my document (slightly annoying).
I remember that I had to download a plug-in in order to be able to add words to the dictionary. A technician did this, so I dont remember what the plug-in was.
When I am using programs like 'Finder' and I'm trying to select different options, for some reason the words such as, 'Arrange by', 'Date created' etc have all changed to number and letter codes, I don't know how I've done this or how to change it back. They all still work if you select them, I just can't read what I'm selecting.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a MacBook Air and sometimes while I am typing the cursor jumps to other words in the text randomly.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOn my mac just like every other computer in this world it has a url bar. If I mis-spell something in the url bar it searches it using some bad search engine called optimum. I wanted to change it so I would automatically be searched with google instead of optimum.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Sometimes titles do not match the content. If I have a bunch of files with similar title, i.e. Chapter 1, 2, etc., but I want to find the chapter with the jabberwock in it, I used to be able to type "jabberwock" and it would come up in my search window. Now it's only finding titles. I have so many files on my puter that it's taking me forever to find important documents. Where did they hide this feature??? Tearing my hair out.
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I just recently purchase the larger iMac and and I was told I can make things on the screen larger so that I won't have to strain my eyes. I just can't figure out how to do so. I know how to work it for Safari but the text on the left side of the Mail is way too small. Also where it says File Edit View Etc at the top also needs to be larger. My eyes hurt after 10 minutes because I am straining to see.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
Using Safari, Mac Laptop, OS X 10.9.4 .... 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 ...
I'm noticing every paragraph has a word that has been hyperlinked and if you happen to click on it, its a pop-up ad. This is on every page I browse on MOST websites ...How do I get rid of it...
MacBook, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I can not realize to remove photo's from photostream
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor some reason when using my apple tv and photostream there are a few photo's appearing on my tv that I do not want to be included in photostream. I have checked the iphoto - photostream folder and the photo's are not even in there. I have also reset my apple tv and still they are appearing. what can i do?
AppleTV 2, iOS 5.1.1