Applications :: Graphically Intranet Pages In My Home?
Jul 18, 2010
I am Web Design student, and being taught to Design websites with Dreamweaver, creating tables. More and more i read that using Dreamweaver, being a WYSIWYG editor, how its unprofessional, mediocre and a turn off to potential clients, and that more and more fellow Web Designers "look down" on ones who use such programs instead of raw code. I create really nice, graphically pleasing Intranet pages in my home, but am i going about being a web designer all wrong? I do use a mixture of Coda and PageSpinner for quickly editing the date an text, But my whole "Building" and "Designing" is based off Fireworks graphics/buttons and Dreamweaver tables. What do you use? is my "Idea" of Web Designing an Illusion?
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Jan 1, 2011
Is there a way to force Safari to print what I see on a webpage, and not default to the print style? I'm trying to print a graphically-rich site and the print.css doesn't cut it, making everything look like trash (unformatted text, etc.).
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Feb 14, 2009
I'm trying to browse my Intranet (with Firefox and Safari) using the NetBIOS server name, for example, server-x, but when I type [URL] into Firefox I get an error (Firefox can't find the server at server-x). If I type the server IP address I can browse it well and if I use the smbutil lookup server-x command I get the correct IP over Terminal. Is there a way to browse that correctly in MacOS?
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Aug 4, 2009
I'm still trying to figure out Pages, after having recently switched from MS Word. But ... I really, really miss the Backspace, Home, and End functions that you have on the keyboard of most Windows based PC's. Any ideas of how I can configure keyboard shortcuts, etc to make up for the lack of these functions on the Macbook Pro (13") keyboard?
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Aug 25, 2014
My macbook is able to connect to my company's VPN and intranet via wifi hotspot on my iPad. However, it will not connect to the intranet if I use my office ADSL via router, even though it connects to the VPN. Is there something wrong with my settings that is preventing my macbook from connecting to the intranet via VPN using an ADSL connection?
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Apr 2, 2012
How do you transfer idisk information to icloud when the icloud home page keeps wanting you to download pages?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 13, 2012
My finder window is messed up graphically. My MBP hangs or freezes. I recently migrated my files and software from my older 2005 MBP running 10.5.8.
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Jun 20, 2010
I flashed this card according to pimpmolo instructions. The card boots and functions properly in both osx 10.6.4 and windows. However, I do have issues when playing graphically intense games. It doesn't appear to be a heat issue because a game might run for several hours or 30 seconds. When the card hangs the screen displays the image on the screen when the lock happened with an overlayed checkerboard pattern.
At that point I have to power off the machine. Can someone look at my modified rom that I flashed to double check?
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Sep 17, 2008
When copying a table from say a webpage or even a RTF file, Pages does not retain its table formatting. Instead it separates the rows and columns and puts them on separate lines.
See it for yourself, try copying one of the tables on this page into Pages [URL]
The only way I can get the table into Pages is to paste into NeoOffice (which retains the correct formating), save the file with the .doc extension then open in Pages.
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Mar 24, 2010
I need to open a few Pages files but I don't have Pages installed on this computer. I understand you can convert Pages files to .doc or .pdf within the application, but unfortunately I won't have access to the computer with the program installed for a while.
Is there some sort of (free) converter that can convert .pages files to .doc or .pdf or even .rtf?
Or even better, a document creator/viewer than can open .pages files?
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Mar 31, 2010
I'm wondering if there's a way to eliminate the visual break in-between pages in Pages '09 (see screenshot). I'd prefer maybe a subtle dotted line indicating a different page, not a 5-inch gap.
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May 12, 2010
I'm trying to create pages that have all black backgrounds. I've been doing this by using the Shapes tool, choosing a rectangle, filling in the entire white space for the page, which is 8x11, and then filling in with black.
The problem is that when I do this, Pages seems to think that I want this page and the following page to be connected, in some way. When I look at the two pages in the thumnail view, the yellow outline is around both pages, rather than each individually.
Anybody know how to keep this from happening. Or the right way to create full black backgrounds for pages in Pages?
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Oct 4, 2010
We just started a small company that has a business plan that will need some type of POS credit card machine that will interface with our IMac. MacBook or IPad. We plan on purchasing IPhones also.
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May 24, 2012
I am planning to purchase the 2012 iMac when it's released. I currently have a 2010 iMac with 4670M which I sometimes play games on. At the moment I switch to Boot Camp for playing Windows games. I wonder if I could just use Parallels with the 2012 iMac, with its more powerful hardware, to avoid rebooting each time I want to play a game. Do you think this would work well with "graphically complex" Windows games like Rage, Stalker, DiRT Showdown, even Battlefield 3? Is there DirectX 11 support?
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May 19, 2005
I know that you can show facing pages using View>inspector>documents. But, this does not place the pages side by side, Is there any way that say page 1 and page 2 can be shown and worked on side by side so you do not have to scroll up and down to view them?
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Dec 13, 2010
I know there are some iOS and OS X home inventory apps which are all about receipts, snapshots, etc. They are great for insurance purposes and I wouldn't mind if that is part of it, but what I am really looking for is something that helps you with organization. As we try to get the basement and garage of our house organized and put a lot of stuff in bins and closets, I want to catalog as much as I can for reference when I want to find something. Obviously many bins will be labeled, etc., but being able to type an item into software to get its location would be key. If anyone can recommend some software, desktop, iOS, doesn't matter to track stuff, focusing more on where it is than how much you paid, snapshots, receipts, that would be great. If it is for insurance that is fine as long as I can easily search it for location.
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May 11, 2009
I downloaded the safari 4 beta and it was messing around with msn and some other applications so I did what some other people on here did and just uninstalled it. I now have safari 3 back and whenever I open the application it just starts up as a blank page. I have my home page set to Google but for some reason it doesn't start on that page. It really is just a minor annoyance but it did not do this before. My safari is version 3.2.1 which is the latest (except for 4 obviously).
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Sep 21, 2009
iMac and PC in home, both on the same network, will not "home share."
Both computers are authorized.
Both are logged into iTunes using the same login account.
Both have preferences set to share and detect libraries.
Yet neither computer shows ANY recognition of a shared library from the other. Apparently, this is not a rare problem, but I haven't found any solutions for it.
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Oct 9, 2009
I'm looking for a program to replace MS Money. I have read through several threads read and still cannot figure out what I should use. I bought iBank but am not very happy with it. My main complaint is that it is very difficult for me to see which bills I have paid and which I haven't. Money would mark off the bills I paid when I downloaded them from the bank. I have not been able to get iBank to recognize bills that are not exactly the same every month. I also have not been able to get reminders about what is outstanding. Can iBank do these things or do I need a new program? If I need a new one, which ones can do what I need?
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Aug 8, 2010
My man and I are finally trying to centralize our music and it involves taking it from my old Macbook (OS 10.4.something) and putting it onto his much more reliable PC with Windows XP. Anyway, iTunes is all updated on both. Home sharing is activated on both. I'm logged in on both with my itunes account info. I can see the library from each computer on the other one. Things should be great! However, when I'm on my Mac and I click on his library, I CAN see the few files in there. But when I'm on the PC and click on the library on my mac, it says it's loading and then either 1) just hangs until it quits or 2) says that there's some firewall business going on and I should check to make sure everything allowed on both computers. Well, I did that.
In fact, because I'm not the most computer savvy chick out there, I just turned the firewalls off on both computers. I'm sure there is still some more messing around to be done, but here's my big question: Which computer do you think is having the issue? If the Mac can see the PC's library, but the PC can't load the Mac's library, which computer likely has some wonky settings? Oh, and I did search through the forums (this is my first time here!) and I didn't find anything exactly like this. I have opened and closed iTunes a bunch of times, and turned home sharing on and off a few times since that has seemed to be some general advice out there. But it's still not working.
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Oct 7, 2010
Here is the situation. my family has someone staying with them our house who is basically addicted to internet pornography. They will be here for a while as they have hit a rough patch in their life and we are trying to help them out.
We already had a block set up with openDNS to effectively block all web sites through our router (apple time capsule) but that doesn't do anything to block p2p file sharing and our guest has figured this out. I discovered this because they are not too computer literate and all of their downloads from limewire and frostwire ended up showing up in their itunes shared library.
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Nov 1, 2010
One of the coolest features I was looking for in Office Home 2011 was the co-authoring online, like you can do it in google docs. Yet I can't find the option. Do you need the business version with share-point for that?
Further, do other people need to have the new version too?
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Jul 18, 2008
I have downloaded most of my CD collection to my Itunes Library on my G5.
I would love to play it through my home stereo. It is in a differant room.
A coworker says that using Airport express degrades the sound too much.
My question is, is there an audio output on the back of the G5 and an audio wire that I could run it from the G5 directly through audio jacks to the back of the receiver.
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Mar 8, 2009
I have a few video files that I would like to distribute to a few people, but I would like to try and prevent casual copying. Is it possible to burn a home made DVD with DVD CCS copy protection on it without using something like Final Cut Studio?
I don't see a way to do it with iDVD or Toast 8.x. Any other suggestions? Does Toast 10 have this ability?
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Sep 10, 2009
Has anybody else tried to use this feature? Here is the info: My notebook runs XP Pro 32bit and my desktop runs 7 Pro RTM 64bit. After I enter my iTunes account information for Home Sharing, the icon for it goes away. I have tried this: and it still didn't work. I know, but I wanted to unload all my iTunes music to my desktop.
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Sep 14, 2009
I think this feature is really cool with sharing between family computers in the house. My question however is can I share it between my computer in one state and my home computer in a different state so that while I am at hotels or on the road I can access them through the internet.
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Oct 10, 2009
It seems that since installing SL, my home icon in Safari keeps going missing. I can add it to the toolbar and it'll stay there only until I close the app. Upon re-opening, it's gone. I don't know that it's related to SL, but the problem has only started since the upgrade.
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Nov 15, 2009
read this article here on moving the home folder and it does seem to have some advantages and was wondering if any1 has done this?I have 3 drives currently set up like thisDrive 1: Boot/Applications (and home folder)Drive 2: DataDrive 3: Time MachineI planned on moving the home folder to drive 2, would this be a good idea as far as performance goes? would i have to reinstall anything?
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Jan 5, 2010
I use the very useful Keyfixer addon in Firefox to solve the home/end keys that normally don't work in Firefox. However, the same applies for Mail - no home/end keys. Is there such a similar application
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Apr 26, 2010
I recently pulled all of my old home movies from VHS's to the computer with a roxio software. I have them in iMovie '09 and have edited them and what not. Next I wish to import them into iDVD to burn them to share. First off is there a good amount of video to export at a time? because I have massive amounts. Probably 10-15 clips of about 2-3 hours of movie a piece. Also when I go to export just one clip it eventually quits on me. Is this because they are too long or too big? They do measure up to be between 10-15gb.
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