Applications :: Add Copy Protection To A Home Made DVD?
Mar 8, 2009
I have a few video files that I would like to distribute to a few people, but I would like to try and prevent casual copying. Is it possible to burn a home made DVD with DVD CCS copy protection on it without using something like Final Cut Studio?
I don't see a way to do it with iDVD or Toast 8.x. Any other suggestions? Does Toast 10 have this ability?
Put simply, I am looking for a CloneCD equivalent to the mac.
More specifically, I am looking for a program that will copy and/or create disk images (either iso or dmg) of CD-roms or DVD-roms with copy protection on them. Obviously, trying to do this with disk utility or the wonderful open-source disc burning utility "Mac OS X Burn", which does almost everything else, will fail.
I have a couple of games (some of them are on CD-rom, others are on DVD-rom, and I am sure they have copy protection.) and I want to copy them onto my HDD as some form of a disc image file so I can just mount them when playing the game.
P.S. Please don't bring up legal issues. I bough these games and I am just copying them onto my HDD to play myself while saving some battery power on my laptop. It's not illegal, and more importantly, even if it was, it doensn't matter because I don't find it morally incorrect.
I have an external hard drive with lots of media files, and now I backed this up to an identical external hard drive. I wanted to use Carbon Copy Cloner to mirror any changes made in the original hard drive, but I have now tried this for the first time, after having moved some files around. Now instead of moving those files on the other hard drive, CCC just copied these files from the original hard drive, something that takes much longer. Is there any program that could do this more intelligently? (moving files on the backup drive instead of copying them over from the original drive again?)
still learning about the rules here in this forum so my apologies to all. recently got my first mac its absolutely fantastic computer however i am trying to transfer my homemade dvd videos made from pc to my mac hdd however for some reason it can't transfer, it says something like VTS? error 36(cant remember)
The setup: Three computers, one running Windows XP SP3, SL 10.6.4 and L 10.5.8. All three are running iTunes 9.2. The windows xp box is the "server" of the iTunes main library. This is where it is strange. I can see all three library's (depending on which computer I am on). I can see the shared library's and they all have the little house with the music note. The problem is I can't share any music from one account to the other?
If I open up one of the shared library's and try to drag and drop some music into it, the files will not drop. Doesn't matter what computer I am on. I have tried the "automatically add to library" folder and that works about 50% of the time. It will send files over but a good majority of the time it will not copy to all shared library's. I have checked the router settings and also made sure all the settings from within iTunes is correct. I have also made sure all of the accounts are logged into the same iTunes account etc. But nothing seems to be working.
For the past 10 years I made around 20 dvd from vacations, wedding and others events. Recently I decided to put them on my computer in quicktime format using handbrake. Unfortunately half of them will not work. Looks like the DVD is damaged, but I don't see any scratches.
So I tried with different softwares like mac the ripper, dvdxdvpro. But no luck, I can't extract the movie from a bad dvd.
When I put my dvd in a dvd player, some part of my movie will skip or freeze and some will play just fine Just wonder if anybody knows a way to retrieve movie from a damaged dvd or maybe a part of the movie
I spent a huge amount of time to make those dvd and even if I have the original cassette, I wish I could have them back.
Since we added 2 new Imacs to our network last week, anytime we double click on a file, it makes a copy...if you double click on the copy it opens up. If you drag file to the Quark icon, it opens OK, but you can only do 1 save, then you have to do Save as because you get "unexpected end of file encountered". We have a simple network that assigns IP addresses to those things on the network if that helps. Any ideas?? Oh yea, new imacs are running Leopard and we are still using Quark 6.5 on has 7.1 loaded, but it has the same problems.
I'm basically trying to make a "save as" version of a project so I can change what I have without risk of losing everything I've done. But every time I save a new version of the project (and even rename it, store it on another drive, etc.), the changes I make to the new version are also made to the original.I'm also not getting the popup "duplicate project" window (which should give me a choice of where and how to save the project) I'm supposed to get when I click on "Duplicate Project." How can I simply save a fixed version of my project?Â
I want to move my home folder to another drive. Do I copy my home folder to the other drive, then go into sys prefs, accounts, advanced, etc and then change it?When I change it without copying it, none of my settings etc are still there.
I'm not very happy with TM so I want to try CCC to clone only my home folder. When I launch CCC, I select my Snow Leopard disk as a source but I'm not able to select just one folder to backup
I want to sync my MacBook Pro w/ my iMac (both running Lion).I want to be able to come home from a business trip and have all of the new / edited info on my MacBook (new photos (organized & edited), changes to various folders in "documents", random files/folders added to desktop, changes made in iTunes, etc) show up on my iMac, which I work off of while at home. And of course the reverse - sync the changes on my iMac to my MacBook before I travel again.Wouldn't it be possible to copy a User's Home Folder on Machine 1 to an external drive, and then use that to replace / update the Home Folder on Machine 2? Or possibly do a complete Disc Clone (i.e. Super Duper) of Machine 1, and then use that to "restore" Machine 2? What are the pros and cons?And any better solutions? I realize that my proposals may be over simplified, but also that my goal must be a common one.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.8 GHz i5, 8GB ram
I am trying to write /Users/xxx to a Lexar 8g flash drive. Its size is under 1g. I can easily put subfolders onto the drive, but if I try to feed it the entire home folder it tosses it out again. I don't know how to use Finder to reach the /Users folder, where xxx is just a subfolder, but I can do this from the terminal command line; however, then I got stuck on how to proceed: I tried to mount /dev/disk1 [which diskutil shows as its name]; each variation I'v tried runs into some problem: disk busy, not found, etc. I was using sudo commands, so I don't think it's a permissions problem.
I have password protection enabled on my operating system so that I can lock the computer, and also so that a password has to be entered after the computer has been sleeping or has been closed. However, when starting the computer from being powered off, no password is required.
My question is: if the computer is in sleep mode or is closed, if someone powers it off and the turns it back on, will they be able to bypass the password protection?
I know I can set the computer to ask for a password before logging in after startup, but it seems that if the computer is in a password protected sleep, that the sleep image would make the computer remember that it was password protected, and would prompt for a password before logging into my account.
I am trying to Email a slideshow I made recently in iPhoto to another Mac user.
However, I cannot figure out if this is possible. I also tried to file transfer it to her via iChat file transfer, but no luck with this either.
Do either of these two methods (regular email or iChat file transfer) enable me to send a slideshow to someone? If not, is there any other way I can do this?
I simply find it very hard to believe that there is no way whatsoever to send someone a slideshow, especially another mac user with iPhoto.
Has anyone found a way to change the default of putting "Made on a Mac" on every page? I know I can delete it page by page, but that gets old. Is there a hidden preferences file that has that set to "on"? Or a CSS file in the package where that can be set to "false"? I'm going to wade in and see if I can find it, but my skills on this are a bit outdated, so if someone else has found it I would love to hear about it.
This occurs on my MBAir and my MBP 2.5 I would click on the video camera on the AIM Buddy List>Preferences>Messages>My Balloon Color>then a crash report Kernel Protection Failure>iChat shuts down...
Been on the phone off/on with AppleCare Techs, but no definitive answer or a fix that would resolve the issue...
I got my first Mac yesterday after years of crappy Window PCs....the lower end 15 Mac Pro. I had to get Office to make it compatible with PCs otherwise I would have got iWork. I also use Firefox as my web browser. and i know i dont need antivirus but i would like some type of protection. so my question is: what free programs would protect you against privacy and personal issues such as data or spyware? And against Microsoft Office viruses that it brings in? And I know people don't like Java and you should block it?
I was using candybar to edit some icons. Then while it was restarting the dock the application, i think, crashed. After that my dock was no more I have tried making another login but still the dock is missing I dont believe that anything got deleted idk. Also I opened candybar again and I pressed the button to make it restore all the changes is made. It completed the restore but my dock was still missing.
Long story short, I accidentally deleted my iChat and reinstalled it from my leopard boot disk but now iChat wont work. Whenever I click on someones name in my buddy list or if i go into my preferences and click on the messages tab, iChat just freezes and crashes. I've tried deleting the, reinstalling, repairing disk permissions, etc... I really don't know what else to do. Any ideas?
What's a good FTP program for OS X that is really fast and transfer like 10 files simultaneously? I tried that DUCK FTP and it honestly sucked... And panic or w/e. Also how do I stop .ds_store files from being made on server?
This question will probably make me look like a total noob. But I can't find info on the Apple website. I've purchased Apple Care from a third party seller. Now I got the code emailed, without instructions. How do I activate this protection plan?
How can I convert m4v files made from Handbrake on the Mac into files which will play on an Archos AV700?Need to be in any of these formats: MPEG-4 SP, MPEG-4, DivX, DivX 5.0, DivX 4.0, WMV