Applications :: Uninstalled Sophos - Icon Still On Desktop?
Sep 5, 2009
I have sophos on my mac and I've tried deleting the application by throwing it away into my bin. I searched as much as finder/spotlight can find about sophos and threw those away. But after restarting my mac, the sophos icon at the top is still there. How can I remove it completely?
So I installed Adium and as part of the package it installed Growl. I've decided that I prefer not to use Adium so I dragged the application from my Applications folder to the Trash. My question is how do I remove Growl from my system? The icon is still showing up in System Preferences. This is one caveat I have over Windows. Apple should make an uninstaller to completely remove all necessary components.
I just moved my iTunes library from my laptop to my desktop. When I started itunes I noticed my applications had the name of the application but was missing the icon, i.e. showed an application icon and labeled below it was Pandora but was missing the Pandora icon. My music and movies were just fine. I right clicked on the file and selected get info. it returned "could not find original". I tried to sync and it deleted the applications from my iTouch. I see the application's icon when I bring up iTunes on my laptop.
I just switched to a Mac a few hours ago after using a PC for years. I downloaded Firefox for Mac, and it works fine. The only thing is I have a disc drive of it on my desktop, as well as an icon on the bar. I have mounted the drive and dropped the icon into the applications folder, exited Firefox completely and was successful at "ejecting" the drive so it left my desktop. The thing is, when I went back and opened Firefox, that drive thing came back and it asked me if I wanted to run the application or something like that. Is there any way I can get Firefox to open normally and run without that driver thing on the desktop.
I'm trying to find a solution to an issue a family member it having with Yahoo Messenger and an iMac. The computer is an early release aluminum iMac, running Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11. Yahoo Messenger is the most current version installed. A transparent image of the Messenger icon is on the dock and seems to be stuck between the dock's line near the trash can. It won't delete, even deleted the normal version of Messenger, shut down the computer and restarted it. The image was still on the dock. Are there Messenger files in other folders, that somehow didn't get deleted when the application was deleted, causing this?
I recently went through my Applications folder and uninstalled some applications. Now and then, I'll find a file or a folder or a bunch of files and folders from an uninstalled application. Does anyone know of an application that can delete these files that I no longer need?
I've just downloaded Safari 5.1.5 and want to create this icon on my desktop, however, I don't want it as a 'short-cut' icon but as the same icon I see on the docking station.I was previously able to do this with Safari 5.0.3.
I used have a windows mobile phone but since a bought a blackberry. Now the problem, I have uninstalled syncmate but it still come up with message (do you what sync to now). I can't find it in spotlight so what is going on?
I've been installing software on my new MacBook and have gotten to the point where I'd like to install the KDE LaTeX Editor (Kile). I found a page which explains how to install Kile on OS X natively without using X11... but the installation looks rather involved. (Perhaps overly-so.)
Before I dive into such an installation, I'd like to make sure that there's a way to undo things in case they don't work out. In particular, I'm unfamiliar with commands like "svn checkout [URL]Given how involved the installation instructions appear, is there a way to uninstall a full or partial installation without going through all this fuss? I'm worried that I'll end up with KDE taking up tons of space without Kile even working.
On the other hand, I've been having a hard time looking for an alternative to Kile. TeXMaker seems to be the closest product, but it lacks some features that I've gotten used to (auto-complete, customizable highlighting, auto-indent, for example). TextMate is somewhat closer, but it's commercial-ware and still doesn't provide the same feature set as Kile. I'll be working with large multi-file projects, so having a good editor is important for me... but I'm concerned that the "Run Kile Natively" option is a bit too kludged together for someone like me who isn't too comfortable with OS X.
Alternately, I suppose I could install an X11 version... but I don't know where to find instructions to do this. Also, I heard that the X11 version doesn't have copy-and-paste compatibility with the rest of OS X. (Is this true with the latest build??)
The download desktop icon went up in smoke and I can't get it back...before when I downloaded a file from email I could go on my tool bar and access the I can only get them in finder. How can I get the download file icon back?
I just uninstalled VMware Fusion from my MBP. However, I don't seem to see that the 40GB I dedicated to the Windows 7 I installed is freed. Please, how do I do that? I need the 40GB to make my already slow 160GB 13'' MBP faster!
I previously installed a demo of iWork and life but after the trial period uninstalled it. Well I've now bought the licensed copies of each. Upon install and trying to launch iWork or iLife I'm getting prompted for my serial number, and of course the discs do not require a number.Do i have to call Apple or is this a common, easy fix?
I am new to this site, and I'm not very computer savvy as this is my first mac. Today I noticed a folder/icon at the bottom of my desktop that had the "@" symbol on it, and the letters "http" below it. My concern is, I don't know how it got there. When I clicked it, it went to a band website I go to. I guess I'm concerned with security and want to know if this is anything I should worry about being as I've never seen that little icon before. ty.
When I first got my mac I clicked something (maybe in Disk Utility?) that makes the icon for my hard drive show up on my desktop. How do I get it to where it doesn't show up anymore?
Also, I have Picasa on here, but when I try to remove the icon from the desktop it says it will get rid of the application. Is there a way to get rid of the icon without uninstalling it?
I'm new to macs and haven't quit figured out what the icon on the desktop is after downloading something..the icon looks like a drive or what ever you call it.
Do you just keep those there or just eject them? Is there a way to DL items and not have that show up there each time?
I download a file to my desktop, to be used as wallpaper. The icon on the desktop doesn't show the picture. Just a default JPEG icon. I noticed on my wife's desktop, the picture is displayed in the icon. Both of us use Preview to display jpegs. Anyone know where to change this setting, so the icon displays the actual picture?
What does it mean when an icon "goes missing from the desktop" for a file. The name of the file is still there, but the icon itself has gone "invisible."
I am including a screen shot. A short while ago you would have been able to see a folder icon above the name. Now you only see the desktop background.
I have downloaded & installed Firefox & Open Office and successfully installed them to the dock. What should I do to remove these icons on my desktop? I tried adding them to applications. (the ones on the right side) [URL:...]
I use to have the macintosh hd icon on the desktop but today when i booted up it wasnt there. I read on another blog that u have to check something on order to display it but im unable to find where to find this
I am a total noob. Somehow, my disk drive icon has gone missing. How do I go about getting it back on my desktop? I looked in the trash and its not there. I've been searching, but obviously using the wrong search terms. I'm sure this question must have been asked before, so if someone could link me to another thread,
Whenever I download a program and install it, the .dmg icon remains on the desktop. Sometimes they disappear but the latest has persisted for more than a week. Do I trash it or move it somewhere?
I am helping a friend out with her mac. She by accidentally removed her desktop icon under devices and needs to get it back. The best way for me to elaborate is to explain, you know when you are in a program...and you want to open a document on your desktop, so you use that programs open function and you look on the left for your desktop icon which falls under Devices at the top left...well that desktop icon is missing.
I tried searching for devices folder on the mac but was unable to find it, I was just going to drag a desktop shortcut into this folder...