Applications :: Won't Store Original Mail App

Mar 28, 2007

My sales team have an email they wish to send out to loads of people throughout the day. Is there a way to 'store' the original in Mail so they can then just fill in the addressee and hit send?

At the moment they are having to keep going into the sent items box to get the email back as once an email has been sent from 'drafts' box it moves to sent box.

To be able to send from the 'sent' box they need to 'forward' the email but this adds a quote level everytime. So they then have to manually delete the quote level.

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Applications :: How Does IMovie Store Original Video

Jul 19, 2010

I have some video files on an external HD from my old computer with iMovie 08. On my new iMac with iMovie 09, I have opened up one of those video files, or imported it. My question is this: Is there any need to keep the original file from my old computer, or has it now been stored on my new one with iMove 09? I'm thinking if I keep the old one, I am storing it twice. I am backing up my iMac, so that's not an issue. I'm just trying to figure out if I am keeping a "third" copy when it's not really needed.

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App Store :: Delete Previous Owners ID From IMac Without Original Media?

Apr 11, 2012

We have purchased a 2nd hand iMac from Amazon and have been trying to download from the Mac App Store, we both have Apple IDs but when we are trying to download/purchase an app that was previously downloaded by the last owner it is only giving us the option to Accept and not purchase, after signing in it then gives us the error message that it has already been downloaded to the previous ID and if we want to download it we need to re-purchase it, which is fine.we did not get any original media in the box so cannot factory reset and redownload. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Where Does Apple Mail Store Files?

Nov 10, 2007

Where are they located so I can back them up?

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Applications :: Store Gmail Emails On Server With

Mar 6, 2010

I am trying to use Mac for my Gmail account, a paid account holding about 10GB of mail. I have no trouble setting up the account in, but I gather IMAP set ups store all the Inbox locally? Certainly set up of the gmail account in mail consumes over 10G of my precious MBP HD space.

So, is it possible to set up Mac mail with webmail so it that it more or less acts as a UI for the webmail account? I know I could easily use an app like Mailplane (nice but constantly crashes for me) or just a browser, but I am frustrated by the fact that OSX defaults to mail when an email link is clicked (maybe there is a fix for this) and I do like drag and drop file attaching, as well as the integration with iPhone, mobileme etc.

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Applications :: Mail IMAP Account Not Store SENT Messages On Server?

Dec 17, 2007

I have just discovered that my IMAP email account is not saving any of my outgoing SENT emails on the server ! I have checked the settings and the option to store on the server is ticked.

I spoke to my ISP guy just now and he confirmed that there is nothing in the sent folder despite the fact that I sent three important emails today.
He suggested I 'untick' the option and save sent emails on my local iMac - and I did - and it works.....

But what is the point of an IMAP account ?? I need to work at two locations and synch the accounts ...

I found mention of this elsewhere on Google... but cannot see any fix.

(I have all updates downloaded and installed on the iMac as of this afternoon)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Reset Mail App To Original Settings

Apr 10, 2012

I would like to clear my Mail app from all email accounts and delete permanently from my computer any messages stored in it.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Mail 7.3 Forward Does Not Include Original Text

Jun 23, 2014


In Mail 7.3 I have: 

In preferences>composing 

When quoting text in forwards: 

Include all of the original message text. 

Nevertheless the new message created for me to forward contains none of the original message text. 

What could be wrong?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Move Original Files To External Drive, Not Just Copy And Delete Original

Dec 31, 2009

I've looked at some other posts that have gone over how to move files to an external drive, and they all say to use command while moving. I understand this copies the file and deletes the original, but when you make a copy and delete the original, you lose some of the original data, such as creation date, etc... This makes storage and organization more complicated than it has to be.

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Applications :: Looking For Original Icon Of GarageBand

Nov 8, 2010

Can anyone send original icon of Garandband 11 please. The problem is that I change the icon for another one and now I want the original but I can find it in any sit web.

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Applications :: ITunes - Original File Cannot Be Found

Nov 17, 2008

I have a large library and just in the past day, many of my songs have become greeted with the following: The song could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it? I have not moved any files to another location since the last successful play and when I locate the file it is still in the original location. I have many different playlists and I cannot just delete my library or I will lose the content of those playlists...

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Applications :: How To Delete Original Photos In IPhoto 08

Feb 15, 2009

then i thinked of a noob way to do it: in iphoto window, could I just drag all the events' photos i wanna keep to separate temp folders. then delete the iphoto library file alltogether, and then reimport all the backuped pictures again, will that work?

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Applications :: Iphoto - How To Find Original Photos

Apr 15, 2009

I'm trying to find my original photos that I think are stored somewhere in Iphoto. Whenever I go to my user in finder, then to pictures, I see the photo library option, but when I hope it, it takes me to the IPhoto application, and I still can't find my unmodified originals.

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Applications :: How To Reference Original Files In ITunes

Jan 7, 2010

I'm deleting all of my files from itunes to start fresh since right now it is unorganized, the problem with this is that when I first installed itunes it searched my hard drive and added sounds that I don't know where they came from, in fact some of them look like from the operating system, so I'm afraid to delete something that a program or the actual OS needs (since I don't know if these are just copies or are the originals). Is there a way to know if the original of a certain file exists? In other words I need to know if what I have in iTunes is a copy or the only file in the hard drive (original) and if it is a copy I would like to know where it came from or somehow find the original.

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Applications :: Software To Extract Portion Of Original Pdf Doc?

Aug 4, 2010

I've got a large PDF document where I only need a few pages from the original PDF to email out. Is there any open source or freebie software for OSX that can help me out here? Its only a one-off so I'm trying to avoid paying out for something (and also I'm a cheap-skate!)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Delete Original Applications From HD Folder

Mar 27, 2012

My Applications were in an Applications Folder on my HD folder so I decided to move them to what I think is the correct place to have them the Applications Folder that is in my Home Folder.I tried to move it but it wouldnt move directly so I copied it to the Desktop and from the Desktop moved it into the Home Folder Applications Folder. So far so good.I then wanted to delet the original Applications from the HD folder.I can't delete it so now I have duplicate Application Folders and duplicate I might delete the origial folder? I'm running Lion 10.7.3.

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OS X :: Transfer Applications From Computer / Misplaced Original Disks

Oct 8, 2010

I have an iMac g4 I have Adobe CS3 on it, and I want to transfer the applications to the new macbook pro I will be getting soon. Unfortunitely I "misplaced" the original disks so all I have is what is currently on my computer.

Is there any way to do this? I have an external hard drive and thought maybe I could some how get the apps on there and then put them on the macbook, but I don't know if that is realistic.

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Applications :: IPhoto Storage - Original And Edited Version

Jan 21, 2009

I've been trying to figure out how iPhoto stores its photos. I've heard that it stores multiple copies of my pictures. I started wondering what was going on when, after importing all my pictures into iPhoto, I started to remove red eye from some pictures. I noticed that after removing the red eye and saving and closing iPhoto, if I opened it back up and looked at the photos that I removed the red eye from... not sure how to describe this, but basically the pictures opened up with 'blurry' eyes and then they focused in and were sharp and had no red eye. It wasn't like after I removed the red eye the picture was saved in that state, but rather the photo was marked as having red eye in an area and every time its opened the red eye is removed.

After some searching, I noticed it keeps a copy of the original and the edited version. However, I don't want to keep the original if I accept the edited. I don't know if it needs the original and it just marks the area of the original to remove the red eye each time it's opened. I'm curious if I was to email the picture if the recipient would see red eye or not. This post says I can delete the originals folder [URL] but if I examine my iphoto library, my originals folder has 1.3gb and the next biggest folder (modified) is 75mb so I think all the photos are stored in the originals and I don't want to delete them. Why does the red eye edit itself out each time rather than saving that way?

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Applications :: Rip An Original Dvd Using Handbrake - Burn A Dvd To Play On A Dvd Player?

Feb 22, 2009

can anyone tell me if you can rip an original dvd using handbrake and then burn to a dvd to play on a dvd player, if so what would be the corrrect way to do this, as i have only used a video ts folder and handbrake does not seem to offer this option. i have tried to convert using mtr 13m and fairmount to dvd2one but the resulting files do not burn in toast or just crashes. I am trying to backup: open season and bee movie

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Applications :: Deleted TextEdit - No Original Installation Disks?

May 30, 2010

I must have deleted textedit - can't seem to find it. and I have no clue where my original disc that came with my iMac is. I am running 10.5.8 btw.

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Applications :: Unable To Play .wmv Files / Showing Only 3 Or 4 Kb Of Original File

Jan 20, 2009

Ive noticed that a couple of websites that have only .wmv available to download movies. I am running a Mac G4 with OS Tiger and Opera/Safari/Firefox for the net. I can easily play wmv's with my QTpro and or VLC.

The movies that I typically DL are usually 300 to 400 megs. They completely DL on my browser (Opera, Safari, or Firefox) after about 10 minutes or so. However once I DL the .wmv files onto my harddrive , they show up at only about 3 or 4 kb!!?? So thats about a total of like .2 seconds of play back!!?? Therefore one second of total playback.I believe this is not an Apple vs Windows issue, but something else. Any ideas?

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Applications :: Unable To See Original Message Content / When Replying To Email

Jun 9, 2009

When replying an Mail, I cant see the original email any more, just a white page as with a new mail.Instead, I have to forward the email and copy all the addresses if I want to have the originals and it's so uncomfortable.

Everything has been working brilliantly until last week.

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Applications :: How To Merge The Original And Modified Libraries To Save Space

Sep 24, 2009

Inside my iphoto library my "modified" folder weighs 4GB. Is there a way to fuse both Originals and Modified folders?

And dont need the originals since most of the modification I do my pictures is to change orientation. That way I could save more space.

I love iphoto. I use Aperture, bridge and photoshop for work but for my family pictures, iphoto is great. What makes me nervous about iphoto is the possibillity of losing my 36GB worth of pictures (like HDD dying or the library getting corrupt). I manually backup the iphoto library to an external drive and keep a copy in my imac at work. Does Time machine backs up the iphoto library.

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Applications :: ITunes Original File Info Deleted - Library Empty

Jan 20, 2009

In trying to set up shared music among the users of my computer I think I deleted the original file info, even though there was a music folder showing folders for the individual artists in my library. These however now appear to be empty. I have the music listed in iTunes but when I try to open a song I get a window with the following message, "The song "...." could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?" But no luck locating the files. The guy at the Apple Genius Bar said I could retrieve the music but refused to tell me how because it is supposedly illegal. I don't know why it is illegal because the tunes were purchased. But he did tell me to google the problem and I have come up empty handed.

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Applications :: Any Way To Apply Info In ITunes To Change Original File Names

Mar 16, 2009

All of my movies on my hard drive have crazy file names. I just rename the info from within itunes. I am wondering if there is a way to apply the info in itunes to change the original file names. So that I don't have to change them all manually on my hard drive if I want them in some sort of order. Something like 'apply itunes info to original filename'. I am pretty sure it isn't possible but thought it might be worth a try.

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OS X :: How Does Application Store Mail

Mar 21, 2009

Is it the same way as Unix does, or in some file like .pst with all the inherent problems?

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Software :: MAC Mail To Store Sent Items

Sep 1, 2009

I'm connected to my Exchange Server with MAC Mail now and all seems fine. However, one feature Outlook has that I don't see in MAC Mail (Mail 4.0 on Snow Leopard) is to "store Sent Items" in the folder from where you are replying. This is a great feature as it keeps an entire thread together in a folder (I have server rules that automatically move emails into specific folders as they are received in Exchange 2007). Does anyone know if there is a way to keep a Sent Item in the folder with the original email you are replying to without manually moving it each time from the Sent Items folder?

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MacBook :: Cannot Connect To App Store (or Yahoo Mail?)

May 22, 2012

It connects to the net fine, however, some websites don't work. Yahoo mail for example, comes up with "Safari can't open the page "url..." because Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server "" ", however, if i try access Yahoomail on the iMac (where I am now), it works fine.

also, when I access the mac app store, I can view "featured" "top charts" "catergories" and "updates", and I can download a new app, however, when I click on "Purchases" I says "cannot connect to the app store". again, on the iMac, using the same apple ID, I can access purchases. I'm trying to download my app purchases to my new computer but it isnt working.

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4) I says

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Intel Mac :: Where Does Mail Actually Store Inbox Contents

Jun 14, 2012

That is, where can I find the place (assuming it's in a folder somewhere) my messages exist - outside of the Mail application?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 2 Gig

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Applications :: Intelligent Cloning - Carbon Copy Cloner To Mirror Any Changes Made In Original Hard Drive

Aug 27, 2010

I have an external hard drive with lots of media files, and now I backed this up to an identical external hard drive. I wanted to use Carbon Copy Cloner to mirror any changes made in the original hard drive, but I have now tried this for the first time, after having moved some files around. Now instead of moving those files on the other hard drive, CCC just copied these files from the original hard drive, something that takes much longer. Is there any program that could do this more intelligently? (moving files on the backup drive instead of copying them over from the original drive again?)

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