Applications :: Want Vuze To Automatically Open When Torrent Is Downloaded?
Jan 15, 2009
If I download a torrent in firefox vuze automatically opens (because that's what I have set it to do under the application tab in preferences). But I'm using safari, as my primary browser, and I would like for safari to associate torrents with vuze/transmission in the same way.
When I download a torrent from, say, mininova the torrent is downloaded to my downloads folder and is visible in the safari download window (with the azureus icon) - but I manually have to open the torrent for vuze to start downloading. So the torrent is associated to vuze, but it doesn't automatically start downloading.
Firefox won't open .torrent files automatically; instead you need to (OK) confirm-click and following that the torrent is loaded (in my case) in uTorrent.
When I download a photo from the internet it automatically opens in preview. On my old MAC it automatically opened in iPhoto. How do I get me new MacBook Air to automatically open the downloaded photos in iPhoto??
how to not have the disc image appear on my desktop when I open applications that I downloaded. For example I downloaded wondershare dvd ripper and everytime I open it the disc image shows up on my desktop and I cant eject it without quitting the application. This is now happening with every application I open and it never happened before.
a few days ago my mac osx tiger burnt out its hard drive,
before it did i used vuze and it worked fine, after taking my mac to the apple store to get a free new hard drive, it came back all other applications installed fine msn etc
How to open port for torrent clients? I have BitTorrent, Bitrockets, Transmission but not of above has port open (shows red light). What I have: G5, PPC 10.5.8 WiFi router DLink Dir-300
In firewall all above apps has allowed to incoming
In dir 300 i put port forwarding this way
/Users/airat/Desktop/Picture 1.png
additionally in Firewall settings in Dir-300 make the next
/Users/airat/Desktop/Picture 2.png still "port closed"
So, I don't like torrents, I generally associate viruses, malware, and spyware with torrent programs, is Vuze safe to download? I want to download Jolicloud and it's only available by torrent. Am I at risk in anyway by installing Vuze?
I guess it's a change with Snow Leopard, but now when I download a .nzb file and try to open it I get the warning message that it's 'an unknown application downloaded from the Internet' (which, of course, it is not) and I have to manually open that. A .nzb file is not an app, but an executable file (launches NZB Drop, for me). The fact is I don't think I've ever had the message fire and not want to open it. I'd prefer to just disable it all together.
Pretty Self explanatory. I want to Click one program, and have that program and another open at the same time. In my case, When I open iTunes, I want Bowtie to open also.
I currently use transmission but it doesn't like to play well with VLC. When I run anything at all on VLC (mp3, movie, anything) the files playing will constantly skip or lag. I turn off transmission, and viola, it works. Anyway, I do love Transmission but a buddy of mine says Vuze has been working great on his mac. Anyone have any experience on both of these programs and why you choose to use that certain one over the other?
My computer temporarily shutdown after a power outage. Something I was downloading on vuze went from 50% complete down to 0%. I presume vuze has lost it due to the crash. Any ideas on how I can get it to 'remember' again?
I just downloaded the intel version of KisMAC and I've been trying to open up a WEP wireless network, they problem i am having is i keep getting an error "no Injection driver, please select one from the preference dialog" but i can't seem to find anything about injection drivers in the preference dialog. i started the scan but i can't de-authenticate or authenticate flood or anything, can someone tell me what im doign wrong?
secondly, there is 15 SSID's found by KisMAC and one of them is "FBI_SURVEILANCE_CC64" and 2 <any ssid> and their type is "probe" whatever that means, everyone else's says "managed"
I recently "upgraded" to Snow Leopard and Quicktime X. Since then, there has been one increasingly annoying problem: Anytime a webpage has a movie (more specifically, a movie with its own URL), it opens it up with QT in the browser and automatically starts playing the movie. Despite deleting QT X and reverting to QT 7, the problem persists, no matter the browser (I have 4).
So 2 questions:1. Why is it that this was NOT a problem at all in Tiger (simply disabled the autoplay in QT, worked for everything), but is a huge problem in Snow Leopard?
2. More importantly, how do I fix it without writing a Terminal script that is the length of War and Peace?
Every time I open a document in word, the elements gallery automatically opens. I don't use this feature. Anyone know how to turn it off? I tried finding a way in preferences but didn't see anything.
Forcing preview to see downloaded pdf's automatically. Safari downloads these but preview doesn't open it unless forced. My other MB air downloads them and automatically opens them in th media viewer of Safari.
When I download file in Safari they are deleted automatically. The message I get is: "deleted because it contained a virus". I have uninstalled and installed Safari a couple of times - to no avail. I have no trouble in other navigators.
I know this is a thread that will probably start a lot of controversy but please if you have something negative to say please keep it to yourself. I just recently picked up my Black MacBook 2.0Ghz 2Gb
I have heard nothing but good things about Transmission, What do you guys think?
Not that I endorse the use of bittorrents, I was just wondering if there was anyway I could replicate their size using handbrake and get the same quality/size. Every time I try to rip something, I get either the same or lower video quality, yet the size is consistently higher. 30 minute tv shows ( approximately 21 minutes without commercials) are usually 175-185mb 1 hour tv shows (approximately 43 minutes without commericials) are usually 350mb any way to replicate this with Handbrake? Or do I need another ripping solution
I'm using Transmission, and it seems that the speeds that I'm getting are up to 150K DL and 80K UL. From what I've heard around other speed problem posts in various forums, these are pretty decent speeds. Now, pardon if I'm a little naive on this topic, but according to shaw, my max speeds should be around 7.5MG and 512K.
Now downloading I can understand. Not everyone has a super fast connection, and my max download speed is limited by whoever's max upload speed, so 150K sounds alright. I also understand that you never actually reach your max speeds even on the third monday of a March (March is the only month with no stat holidays in Canada) at 4:30 in the morning. But 80K (usually around 30K or 40K) upload speed? Most bargain bin internet connections have at the least a 256K download speed, so my upload speeds should be at least averaging around 100K. What's especially frustrating, is when I look at my completes, and see that there are other peers downloading, yet that torrent only sporadically uploads at all.
Now I've checked, and I do have the latest version (1.5) of Transmission, and yes, my port is open. Is there some way to juice some extra speed out of this, or is this just the way torrents work?