Applications :: Rip DVD To Torrent Size Using Handbrake?
Oct 5, 2010
Not that I endorse the use of bittorrents, I was just wondering if there was anyway I could replicate their size using handbrake and get the same quality/size. Every time I try to rip something, I get either the same or lower video quality, yet the size is consistently higher. 30 minute tv shows ( approximately 21 minutes without commercials) are usually 175-185mb 1 hour tv shows (approximately 43 minutes without commericials) are usually 350mb any way to replicate this with Handbrake? Or do I need another ripping solution
I have a BluRay rip in an MPG format.. Whenever I load it into Handbrake, Handbrake crashes. Is there any other application I can use to convert it to MP4?
I know this is a thread that will probably start a lot of controversy but please if you have something negative to say please keep it to yourself. I just recently picked up my Black MacBook 2.0Ghz 2Gb
I have heard nothing but good things about Transmission, What do you guys think?
has anyone tested out handbrake on their i7? I'm still waiting on my i7 but was curious just how fast a 2 hour DVD would take on handbrake for a mp4 appleTV format...
I'm using Transmission, and it seems that the speeds that I'm getting are up to 150K DL and 80K UL. From what I've heard around other speed problem posts in various forums, these are pretty decent speeds. Now, pardon if I'm a little naive on this topic, but according to shaw, my max speeds should be around 7.5MG and 512K.
Now downloading I can understand. Not everyone has a super fast connection, and my max download speed is limited by whoever's max upload speed, so 150K sounds alright. I also understand that you never actually reach your max speeds even on the third monday of a March (March is the only month with no stat holidays in Canada) at 4:30 in the morning. But 80K (usually around 30K or 40K) upload speed? Most bargain bin internet connections have at the least a 256K download speed, so my upload speeds should be at least averaging around 100K. What's especially frustrating, is when I look at my completes, and see that there are other peers downloading, yet that torrent only sporadically uploads at all.
Now I've checked, and I do have the latest version (1.5) of Transmission, and yes, my port is open. Is there some way to juice some extra speed out of this, or is this just the way torrents work?
I know that firefox has foxtorrent, and opera has a bittorrent downloader built-in, but I'm not really interested in switching browsers. I have looked everywhere but to no avail for a plugin that integrates directly into safari that can handle torrents.
I don't know what it is, but I can't get good download speeds using uTorrent or Vuze. My DL max is like 150 when compared on speedtest it should be way higher than this. Are there any settings in Vuze that I can do to make this go faster. Also, my router occasionally crashes when downloading.
why the iphoto library file size in the finder appears to be a certain size, while iphoto itself reports a very different size. Is there any way to recover any disk space or reconcile the numbers here? Please see the attachments below, it may make a bit more sense that way. I would like to recover the disk space and if it really is a 16gb difference somewhere.
I'm using iTunes 9.2.1 and it states that my music library is 159.99gb with 25,994 songs, however the folder containing music files is 171.26gb with 30,309 files. This is a difference of 11.27gb and 4315 files. The folder only contains mp3 or m4a files with their respective album and band folders; no images, text files or anything else. The iTunes folder is located elsewhere. I added the folder to iTunes again to see if there were 11gb of songs I'd forgotten to add and there was no difference. I even deleted all iTunes settings and the current library and added the folder again and it is still missing 11.27gb.
I'm about 95% sure that none of my music collection is missing from iTunes so my first thought was that iTunes is just reading the file sizes and count inaccurately and it really is 171.26gb, but I'm not sure.
Can anyone think of a solution without going though my entire collection and comparing it to iTunes to see if anything is missing?
I purchased Xslimmer recently,and I've just notice a big issue. In Xslimmer, it says the current size of the app is say 20 mb, but Finder says it is 50 mb. Same thing after I slim it. I checked on a different computer, and it said the same thing. Could someone check the filesize of in Finder (mine was 77.4 mb), and the current size in XSlimmer (said it was 25.5mb).
Recently I was organizing my files and I moved some items I downloaded with uTorrent from my generic "Downloads" folder to the specific folder that I wanted to organize the file in. Now I would like to seed those files but the torrent file can no longer locate them on my computer. I'm looking for a way to modify the directory that the torrent file looks for the downloaded file in, but I can't find a way to change that. In "Preferences", I even changed the default download location to the folder that the files I want to seed are in, but that hasn't helped.
I had this problem with 4 files that I moved, and in attempting to get it to recognize the new location of the files, I failed and actually ended up redownloading the files through the bittorrent swarm. I would like to avoid doing this for the remaining two files and for other files in the future because this particular tracker keeps tabs on upload and download ratios. The files are not copyrighted and are freely available and endorsed to be torrented, so there are no legal concerns.
If I download a torrent in firefox vuze automatically opens (because that's what I have set it to do under the application tab in preferences). But I'm using safari, as my primary browser, and I would like for safari to associate torrents with vuze/transmission in the same way.
When I download a torrent from, say, mininova the torrent is downloaded to my downloads folder and is visible in the safari download window (with the azureus icon) - but I manually have to open the torrent for vuze to start downloading. So the torrent is associated to vuze, but it doesn't automatically start downloading.
Tomato Torrent, BitTorrent AND Transmission are not downloading torrents. I've tried them all on many different files and not one single torrent file is working on any of the programs.
Tomato says: "Last Error: Tracker announce still not complete 180 seconds after starting it, (at Mon Sep 14 '09 @ 10:12:24 PM)" OR "Last Error: Problem connecting to tracker - <urlopen error (60, 'Operation timed out')>, (at Mon Sep 14 '09 @ 10:13:09 PM)"
There seems to be a problem with connecting to tracker, however I have been using Tomato for months and it has worked perfectly in the past.
I just started to use 10mbps instead of my old 1mbps. But it looks like I'm having some issues. First of all I'm using the port 27960 for bitTorrent and it is properly forwarded. (I have a Tilgin modem, it was really hard to forward). I was using uTorrent app with my 1mbps internet and it was doing fine. I was able to download at full speed (100kB/s). But when I changed my ISP things started to change.
The Test: -I'm downloading 5 of the most popular torrent files. My friends with the same ISP as me can download these torrents 2MB/s at their homes. -I'm using Vuze, uTorrent and Transmission as the torrent app. On all applications my Port seems to be open. I have green light. On Vuze; -It is a little complicated for me. And it hangs usually. So I'm not using it. On uTorrent; -My download speeds up to max 250-300kB/s (Total download, not per torrent.) On Transmission; -Well, this is the strangest. My download speed goes up to 700kB/s. But it goes like 5kB/s, 15kB/s, 3kB/s, 1kB/s, 400kB/s, 600kB/s, 3kB/s. Slowest speed for a second and highest for another. It doesn't stand still. It goes up and down continuously.
So I had a phone call to my ISP and they said there is no problem with the lines. Than, I tested with "" and "". All turned out perfect! (9.7mbps to 10.1mbps) Than I tested real download speed with Firefox.[URL] It is downloading with 980kB/s. Perfect again. But when it comes to torrents, something goes wrong. I'm not using any antivirus or firewall.
I'm dissapointed with the current Handbrake 0.9.2 version as it is about 3 times slower to encode at the same settings I used in 0.8.5b1. I was googling around for the download link, but all of them either point to the current 0.9.2 or give the 404 error.Foolish me to delete 0.8.5b1 dmg from my HD after I got 0.9.2...Or if somebody has the 0.8.5b1 version could he sent it to me? (PM)
I'm afraid I might have caused damage to my 4870 card while running handbrake for hours and hours.Could someone please check their GPU temp at idle, and then check it when running handbrake? The reason is because I want to see if handbrake puts any sort of load on the GPU at all. I can't do this because for some reason iStat Pro and Temperature Monitor cannot see the GPU temp nor GPU Fan Speed on the new MacPro's.
I'm hoping someone here might have encountered this issue before and have some kind of a workaround or solution...I've attempted to rip Rocky Balboa (a DVD I own) using Handbrake. It detects all of the titles (for some reason there are 99!) and automatically selects the right one, which shows as 1 hour 42 minutes. Also, all the chapters are selected (1 through 28) However, when I try to rip it, the resulting file is only about 3 minutes long - it's just the very beginning
However, recently I've been attempting to burn a dvd with some of the moviesthat I ripped using handbrake. This is where the problems began.
I tried burning a few episodes of a TV series to a DVD using iDvd program... it said that the dvd only had space for 3 300mb episodes. Somehow the project info window said that those three episodes where somewhere in the window of 4gb. And when I did try to burn the dvd, the encoding process took quite literally an eon. Solutions? Why is it that the iDvd program makes the files so huge? Why does the encoding take so long? I don't need anything fancy, I'm simply trying to get my .mp4 library into a form watchable from a dvd player.
I also had a similar problem with itunes, trying to import the movies to watch on my ipod video. It transferred into itunes just fine, but when I tried to load it onto the ipod, it said that it wasn't the right format. It then began to encode the movie, and I let it run all night, to come out the next morning and find it only 25% completed. Anyone know of a way to get large (2gb max) .mp4 files onto an ipod easily?