Applications :: ITunes Version 8 Running Slow?
Apr 20, 2009Does anyone notice it takes a few seconds longer for iTunes 8 to load, or am I the only one with this issue, it seems to take forever.
Does anyone know a way to fix this?
Does anyone notice it takes a few seconds longer for iTunes 8 to load, or am I the only one with this issue, it seems to take forever.
Does anyone know a way to fix this?
I have an old G4 running osx 10.4. Tried to upgrade so my ipod would be compatible and ended up locking out my old version. I need something above 4.9, are any ones available for 10.4 above this??
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am unable to add any songs to my iTunes. I have iTunes and am running Yosemite 10.10.1. My iTunes is sourced to my external hard drive.
I tried mp3, Apple lossless and WAV files. I also tried downloading one of my purchased songs directly from the store. I get an error message of - 50 when I do the store download or try to drop any music file into my 'Instantly Add' folder. I cleared my caches and rebooted (3 times). I'm officially at a loss.
Anyone else experiencing slow iTunes Store browsing on iOS devices? Very slow search results. Used to be very responsive. Both my iPhone 4S and iPad 2 have iOS 5.1.1. My home network is working fine as is regular Internet surfing. No issues with Apple TV.
iPad 2, White 64GB ATT 3G: Up to Date iOS
Once i update iTunes to version 10.6.1, it runs very very slow... almost to block OS X.i wonder if iTunes is rebuilding the music library or what, because this is very unusual in apps or any OS X software..
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iTunes Running Slow blocking OS
I downloaded Safari 4 today after it was released, but it's running REALLY slow for me. Especially on pages with a lot of images, and most websites I view have lots of images. It's constantly freezing, I always get that spinning rainbow, etc. I want to go back to Safari 3, but I can't figure out how. The safari4 dmg doesn't come with an uninstaller. And I can't re-download Safari 3 because I have a newer version on my computer. What can I do?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI am having a little trouble with my MAC machine. Right now, it is running very slow, and I usually work on application including Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. When I opened a file there (file size could be large), I timed it, it took 12 minutes to open & 5 minutes to print. Such situation wouldn't be normal? I was wondering if I add more memory into the system, will it help at all (increase the response time overall)? Or do I need to tune up anything to reduce the loading time?
Here are the main configurations on the MAC machine:
-Power Mac G5
-Dual 2GH z Power PC GS (2.2)
I recently installed the CS3 studio. Everything is working fine but Flash is taking way too long to get back to work if I switch between applications.
Assume I have a file open in flash, click back to the desktop and click back from there to flash, it takes about a minute (with the spinning wheel) for flash to "un-freeze" and lets me working on my file again. Basically every time I leave flash and come back to it, I have to wait for it to gather stuff and get back on track for about a minute. Who can work like that?
I have plenty of memory, latest OSx and not using unusually large files. Have an iMac.
I have been googeling this issue but couldn't find anything.
I do not have any of these problems with the other parts of CS3 (PS/AI/ID etc), only with flash!
PS: Is it possible it has to do with fonts (about 300 of them) that I had recently installed?
My firefox is all up to date. Within the last few days, firefox has been running very slow for me. Whenever I click or do anything, it takes a while to respond. Very frustrating. This is happening on my iMac. My girlfriend's parents are having the same issue with Firefox in Windows. I am trying to move all my bookmarks to Safari, but when I highlight multiple bookmarks to drag and drop, it only copies one of them. Anyone know how to fix the slowness or the dragging bookmarks??
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo my macbook is running slow lately, and it keeps on automatically shutting down applications. E.g. skype. Could this be a trojan?
I have this MBP 13'' Mac OS X 10.7.5 running a 2.4GHz i5, 4GB RAMs and 500GB storage.The problem started yesterday when I was typing on Word and I copy pasted something from the net (chrome browser) then it froze.I waited for around 5minutes and still frozen with the spinning wheel, then I decided to turn it off by pressing power for 10 seconds restarted my
MBP then now it running so slow on start-up and apps are very slow to open like around 5 minutes. Every action that I try to do like clicking on the apple in the upper left it freezes showing a spinning wheel and it will take time to show the drop down options. I checked disk utility and it said that HD is ok, done verify/permission verify and repair.
I checked the activity monitor noting the ram/CPU usage and its normal it even tells that 2GB of ram is not use.It shows not responding in the activity monitor if you open an app for around 5mins then it opens or it will crash.I already done the 2 kinds of reset and did not work.BUT it opens normally in Safe mode.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
my 4 year old IMac 2.4ghz intel core 2 duo with 2gb running 10.7.3 has been running really slow since I installed photoshop CS4 and upgraded to lion ( I have 137gb of free space on hard drive) I mean it wont quit out of photoshop I always have to do a force quit and most applications run really slow. Do I need a new computer , what should I go for to have a smooth running mac?Was thinking of a new IMac 27-inch: 2.7GHz with 4gb memory.
iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
And what it is for?
View 11 Replies View RelatedAm I the only one who feels that iTunes has become far too bloated and heavy on system resources for such a simple task as......playing mp3s? Theres no reason for iTunes to be taking up 70+ mb of ram. And why is still called 'iTunes' when its more of a media central application, seeing how it combines iphones, ipods, apple TV, ringtones, tv episodes, etc. Its become way too broad to be called iTunes.
This is one thing that bugs me. Some of us prefer not to use such a proprietary based digital audio player like the ipod/iphones and have more common sense by using UMS based players which dont require software, and therefor have no need for all the extra features of it. And seeing how theres really only itunes for mac thats worthy of being used, im pretty much stuck on iTunes. Basically, I *ONLY* use iTunes for mp3 playback on my mac. If this was the case on windows side, I'd have a plethora of choices (im expecting blind apple sheep to start screaming at me for that one). Each time I setup iTunes with a new installation or new login account, i turn off ALLLL the features. The only one that stays is internet radio.
Basically: iTunes has become far too bloated and broad. There should be something lighter for such a common, simple, everyday used task as playing mp3s.
I edit using Lightroom and Photoshop and I'm having an issue while editing. After editing around 8-10 photos in Photoshop the computer starts running unbelievably slow. After each 8-10 photos I have to close down everything and reboot. Even the reboot process is super slow as I have to force quit each application usually 1-2 times to get it to close. Is this normal? I have a 2011 17" with 2.2 GHZ i7 with 8GB ram. Is there any setting that I can change or be aware of.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
If I download the new version of iTunes, is there an option to opt out of, or switch off ping?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI hope this is in the proper section...I bought an album on iTunes yesterday and today I realized it was the clean version. Does iTunes offer some sort of exchange for mistakes like this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedFor some unknown reason, I can no longer choose 'Create MP3 version' from the right-click menu. I can still do it from the 'Advanced' menu, but why could it be gone from the right-click menu, all of a sudden? I have tried changing to AAC/WAV and other codecs, but it doesn't help.
View 16 Replies View RelatedAfter I updated my iTunes, which previously have been working with no problems at all, it suddenly began not working.
The problem I have is, that when i open iTunes, nothing happens. I can see it's running in the Task Manager, but I can't get it to open.
I highlighted about 23 songs from an album, and clicked on create apple lossless version. I now have two copies of each song. Shouldn't it have asked me if I wanted to delete the original version? I guess I need to delete each one individually?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just noticed something in iTunes 8. In the Advanced drop down menu, you can now create iPod or iPhone and Apple TV versions of the videos you have in iTunes. However, the only video I can import are already iPod ready.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhat was the first version of iTunes that can plat AAC radio streams? I use a very old G4 500 MHz powermac to listen to iTunes streaming internet radio, but more and more stations are switching to AAC streams, which the old 10.3 compatible version of iTunes doesn't support and won't play them. The current version of itunes' minimum system requirements is a 1 Ghz G4, so I can't use the current version of iTunes. If I upgrade this machine to OS 10.4, will I be able to install a version of iTunes that plays AAC radio streams?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if anyone knew why ITunes takes forever to make an "ipod/iphone" version of a movie from the advanced menu? It seems like when i use mpeg stream clip or another video converter it is much quicker.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor years I've used iTunes' "Create AAC version" .mp3 to .m4a feature in the advanced menu, primarily to reduce the file size of my many thousand mp3 songs.
Since the latest update to iTunes, whenever I do this now, the AAC version file size created by iTunes get larger, and makes the .m4a significantly bigger than an .mp3.
I understood the very point of an AAC/.m4a was to be a smaller sized file of an equivilent .mp3 while keeping a similar quality.
I know large artwork affects the file size, but this still happens regardless of artwork.
Does anyone know what's changed re this feature in this latest update?
In order to install Windows 7 via bootcamp, do you have to use the full version of windows or can you use the upgrade disc to install? I figured I should ask before buying another license as I have an upgrade version of Windows 7 Pro that I don't use. I do own previous versions of Windows (all of them....just like I do Mac OS).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm a late convert to the apple thing mainly because of my love of the iphone. Had decided to buy a macpro after Christmas, but my PC with my Itunes library died today. Have now ordered the new mac and I can't wait. Here's my first question. Had my itunes library setup on a removable drive rather than on the pc. What exactly will I have to do to get my library up and running on the mac.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm running Panther 10.3.9 and I've made a mistake with Safari. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to install a new version of Safari, even though I hadn't been prompted to do so. Safari wouldn't then open as I cannot run the new version on 10.3.9, but it had deleted my old copy in the process. I tried dragging a version of Safari 1.3.2 across the network from an identical computer running 10.3.9, but Safari would still not open.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI noticed that recently that all decent sized apps launched slower than before. I got the spinning color wheel for a while before I can use the app. The spinning beach ball also reveals itself when switching modes within certain apps. Might this be due to my hard drive became much fragmented? My OS is latest version of Snow Leopard. All the posts on the Internet says that with modern OS X, I would not need to worry about defragmenting the hard drive. Do I have an option of defragmenting my hard drive if I wanted to?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm running Windows Vista x64 so I decided today to install the 64 bit version of iTunes. After installing it I checked the task manager and saw that it was still reported as a 32 bit program, also my iPhone does not seem to be detected. I was just wondering if I installed the wrong version or if there was something I missed. Here is a screenshot of my task manager to help illustrate what I am talking about.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWe have Imac Intel Mac OS X version 10.7.3. When I put to sleep the screen goes to but no the hard disk.
From the console I get the following message.
06/05/12 20:34:16,805 [0x0-0x19019].com.elgato.eyetvhelper: ***Wakein::CancelEvents: requested event type: wakepoweron06/05/12 20:34:16,805 [0x0-0x19019].com.elgato.eyetvhelper: ***Wakein::CancelEvents: requested app name: com.elgato.eyetv06/05/12 20:34:16,806 [0x0-0x19019].com.elgato.eyetvhelper: ***Wakein:
0 entries in power event schedule table I have Eye TV program install since 3 years ago, I can see it stops the sleep mode, I have look at preferences of Eye Tv but can not find anything that says not to put the Mac to sleep! I have had this problem for the last 2 weeks and before there was no problem at all.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)