Applications :: The Great Memory Leak Test?

Mar 2, 2009

I've kept my Mac on for days in order to test out these memory leaks that Safari, iTunes, etc supposedly have.

Safari is now using 1.01 GB of memory. And that's not from having 100 windows open or anything. I usulaly have a few windows open with a few tabs each most of the time. But it's just the size to which Safari has grown. It started out much less. Under 100mb I think.

iTunes is up to 280mb from 50mb and I believe it was even higher earlier in the day somewhere in the 330mb range.

I have 4 gigs of RAm on my aluminum iMac, but now I have only 58mb of free memory left!!!

When memory runs out what will be the result? Is Safari just using a gig of memory because it can??? Will this slowdown my system? Or will Safari and/or iTunes give up memory starting with the oldest data first? Am I reinventing the wheel here? What will this test or observation prove?

Updates to follow.

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Applications :: Aperture 3 Memory Leak?

Feb 12, 2010

Alright so I bought a copy of Aperture 3 and just upgraded from Aperture 2 once I installed it, it had to convert my older library into Aperture 3 format it said it would take overnight so I came back in the morning to see a massage saying something like " your startup disk is full please close other applications for more memory " which was really strange because my Aperture library is not even on my start disk and I had 60gb's left on my startup when I went to bed. not to mention the computer was the slowest I had ever seen it. could this be because it ran out of ram and started using the startup as virtual memory? and if so why did it use 60gb/s of storage and still not have enough? this is a huge problem apple needs to fix it seems to do this as soon as I start up Aperture every time.

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Applications :: Fixing Memory Leak In Mail?

Apr 1, 2008

I'm curious if anyone has experienced a memory leak in Mail?

I leave it open all the time so it will check my e-mail constantly over my IMAP accounts. My computer was last restarted--so so was mail, earlier in the day. I opened up activity monitor and saw it hogging an insane 300 mb of RAM. After I closed the program and restarted it, it is down to using a much more reasonable 32 mb.

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Applications :: Safarl 5 Memory Leak After Upgrading?

Jun 8, 2010

I upgraded my system to Safari 5 from the file. I was not connected to the Internet at this point but decided to check the new browser, and was surprised to see how fast Safari occupied all available memory. The system was very irresponsive. Closing Safari solved the problem. This problem can easily be repeated. Can somebody confirm this? I have SL on MBP.

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Applications :: IPhoto Memory Leak Causing Long Slideshows To Crash

Nov 17, 2010

My dad has a new 27" Core i5 iMac. When he plays a very long slideshow, iPhoto consistently crashes around the 8-minute mark. Sometimes he gets an error message saying "iPhoto unexpectedly quit" and sometimes the slides just quit coming up, even though the music keeps playing.

It doesn't matter from which event the slides come, although it seems to happen on his pics only and not on the pre-installed pics from Apple.

One last data point, this never happens, even when viewing the same slideshow, on his 13" MacBook Pro, which he bought at the same time.

It seems to me like a memory leak, or, less likely, some kind of GPU overheating issue. He's tried rebuilding his photo library, which changed nothing.

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OS X :: Less RAM Becomes Available - Memory Leak?

Jul 19, 2009

I bought my Macbook Pro 17", Intel 3.06 GHz, 4 GB RAM a few days ago. However, I seem to keep experiencing this System memory issue. Right after I start the Mac OS, I got around 3 GB of System Memory free (which is still a bit weird, is the Mac OS by itself requiring a whole GB of RAM?), but the more I use my system, the less RAM becomes available. This is normal, but I would expect the memory to return once the applications are closed.

However, after working with different applications, especially vmware-fusion, and Logic Pro, although I close the applications, only very little System Memory returns. I have attached a screen shot of the system, including the Activity Monitor window. As you can see, with only Safari and Finder opened, I only got less than 700 MB of memory free, out of the 4 GB I have. I believe this might be what is called a "memory leak". Is there any way to sort it out, without having to reboot my system each time I need memory? Here's the screenshot: [URL]

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OS X :: Memory Leak In AddressBookSync?

Jul 13, 2010

I have an issue with my MBP. I have 4GB ram, and recently, AddressBookSync think it should just fill up that entire memory with ... nothing, I guess! I used the search function here, as well as on google, and those few instances I could find were either not answered, too old or relevant to other application problems.

This is a screenshot from Activity Monitor. I can kill it, but at next sync, it will just start over. As it fills the memory, most other functions slowly come to a halt, or at least, runs very slowly - even copying files, or just hovering the mouse over the dock, to reveal the icons!

I did a resync of Mobile Me as suggested elsewhere, but it did not solve it.

If you want to find out for yourself if you have a similar problem, I can recommend the widget iStat Pro. From that, you can see current memory and CPU loads (and much more also), and launch Activity Monitor from there. You can also launch Activity Monitor directly from Spotlight for instance.

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OS X Server :: Stopping Memory Leak?

Oct 25, 2006

Mac OSX Server 10.4.2
Apache 2 (built in)
MySQL 4.1
PHP 4.2
Running SSL on apache

Mac G5 Dual Processor- 2 Gigs of RAM

memory leak of some kind:

- reboot the server
- 1.7 GB RAM free
- 24 hours later.....drops by .5GB RAM and webserver performance drops

Have tried:
-Looking at activity monitor noticed nothing unusual
- Turned off Java Module for awhile--looked suspicious --but no change

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MacBook Pro :: Fixing Safari 5.0.3 Memory Leak?

Nov 20, 2010

just look at Safari!!!

with just 2 tabs opened and consumed over 2gig??

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Memory Leak After Upgrade To 10.7.3 And Xcode 4.3.1

Mar 11, 2012

After upgrade to lion 10.7.3 and Xcode 4.3.1, four processes, include systemUIevent,uiagent,kernel... Continue eat the memory, Soon the system is out of memory.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Spotlight Indexing Causes Memory Leak?

Jun 4, 2014

I have a brand new iMac, that often displays an error stating the mac is out of memory. The mac has 16GB of memory and usually the only software used is Office products and Safari. I noticed that the machine would run out of memory when the mac is doing its index. I can usully see this happening in the spotlight. Below is a screen shot of the activity monitor. 

Mac specs: Mac OS X 10.9.3Intel Core i716GB RAM1TB Hard Drive

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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ITunes :: 10.6.3 Memory Leak - Filling Up All Disk Partition

Jul 1, 2012

Anyone else having issues with iTunes 10.6.3 running on OSX 10.7.4 leaking memory dry and then filling up ALL your disk partition? I do - once a week now. I have a small boot SSD, but once iTunes fills up the memory it appears to be creating a 30+ GB swap on the boot drive and just kills my machine. I watched the apps closely this week, and iTunes had built itself a nice little slice of 4.5+GB of memory. I have 12GB of memory. Machine was starting to lock up right before my eyes. Force quitting iTunes saved the day. What in the world? I do connect my Apple TV to my library.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Memory Leak/siphoned Off Into A Process Called OSMServer

Sep 4, 2009

Well not so much a leak but since upgrading to Snow Leopard I've noticed that over time, a big chunk of my RAM is being siphoned off into a process called OSMServer. Does anyone know what it does and why? And more importantly how to stop it doing it? It's currently using over 1GB of my 4GB RAM and making the machine run like treacle.

The only way to clear it seems to be a full shut down and restart. Which is fine for a while until it fires back up and starts gobbling RAM again.

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MacBook Pro :: Nvidia GeForce 8600M Graphics Card Causing Memory Leak

Jul 21, 2009

I have a year old MacBook Pro with an Nvidea GeForce 8600M GT card.

I recently bought Unity but it turns out the Nvidea GeForce 8600M GT graphics card isn't fully supported because of a memory leak which is a problem with the drivers.
Unity Support have told me to update my drivers. I understood Mac drivers were always built in to the OS and no drivers were available from Nvidea but I see they now have one Mac driver for another card.

What is the actual state of affairs with this graphics card does anyone know? There have been a lot of reports of faulty ones and now this.

This is a just about year old top of the range MacBook Pro and it doesn't support graphics??

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OS X :: Test Memory From Command Line In 10.5?

Apr 22, 2008

I read somewhere that memtest can be used to test the memory of your mac. I tried it and it didn't even know what memtest was. Is there a way to test the memory in the unix shell?

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OS X :: Mail Memory Leak OSX 10.5.7 Mail 3.6

Aug 2, 2009

My Mail app is leaking memory at the rate of about 0.8Mb per second. If I leave it running it hogs all my RAM, starts using gigabytes of virtual RAM, slows my system to a crawl and then crashes. I have to open the app to check my mail, and then close it again - which is really irritating. It started after a recent Safari update.

I have SpamSieve on my machine, but the leak still happens when it's disabled. Similarly, I have a MobileMe email account - but it stil leaks when I disable this account. I'm running a MacBook 3.1

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Applications :: Great Grammar Checking Software?

Jan 20, 2009

I am looking for a great grammar checking software, I have downloaded the demo for Grammarian Pro X and really enjoyed it; however, I wanted to ask you guys if there is anything better than Grammarian?

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Applications :: Great IStat Menu Alternative

May 2, 2010

So now that iStat is a paid app (don't get me wrong I like the app but thats not what this thread is about) I went looking for an alternative app with the same functionality, but free I came across MenuMeters and it is VERY similar, lightweight, and best of all its free.

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Applications :: What Makes Google Chrome A Great Browser

Jan 7, 2010

Can anyone with experience using the Google browser vouch for what makes it so great? When I have tried it (on four different computers, different networks and locations) a lot of websites don't seem to work at all. I keep running into situations where some plugin seems to be required, but no plugin or fix exists. Why then are so many technology news sites writing such flattering reviews of this browser? Is it really fit to compete with Safari and Firefox?

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Applications :: Seeking Great Screen Capture For Snow Leopard?

Sep 17, 2010

I am trying to find an updated screen capture program (not video recording, just stills) that works well in Snow Leopard and will run OK in 64bit mode too. One of my favorite old programs from Windows was called "Hypersnap" and I would like to find something that good or better for the Mac. In that program you could do things like add highlights to the image, draw arrows or place clip art on the image too. After looking at Google, I just could not find anything like that, at least current for Snow Leopard use.

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Hardware :: EMac Aborting Apple Hardware Test (Memory Leaks)

Dec 17, 2009

I do pro bono tech support for a local elementary school computer lab filled with 20 G3 iMacs and 4 eMacs. One of the eMacs recently began throwing intermittent kernel panics. Specs: 1 GHz, USB 2.0, single 512 MB PC2700 stick. mfgd. March 2005. DiskWarrior 3.0.3 found no problems. Repaired permissions and ran Disk Utility repair. Open Firmware resets were done (set-defaults, reset-nvram, reset-all). Problem still existed. Then I booted from the Apple Hardware Test disk. It passed the Quick test, but the Extended test was aborted during the Memory test. There was no error code. Instead, an Open Firmware window popped up. It said AHT was aborting due to a script execution error in AHT on line 11688. Underneath this was a line that said there were memory leaks.

AHT was rerun, and both Quick and Extended tests were aborted with the same message. The 512 RAM stick was removed from slot 2 and placed in slot 1. Cuda button was pushed. AHT was rerun and the same aborting script execution message happened on both Quick and Extended. The 512 MB RAM stick was removed and two known-good 256 MB sticks were placed in the slots. Cuda button was pushed. AHT was rerun and both tests were aborted during the memory test portion. The only difference is that the error occurred on Line 11685 both times. The locations of memory leaks changed too but I didn't write those down. This AHT is Stand Alone Diagnostics V23.0. Is that the logic board's memory controller is failing.

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IMac PPC :: Test A G5 Logic Board Without Hardware Test?

Jun 25, 2012

My son's 17" imac PPC G5 was not booting up. After a trying a couple of things I got it to boot using Disk Warrior and reparing the file directory. At that time I also ran DW's hardware test which said the drive was fine. My son hard restarted it shortly after I fixed it and it wouldn't start up again. Just a gray screen, no apple logo. When I tried to use DW again it told me there were problems with the hard drive and it couldn't fix the problem. I tried to fix the hard drive in target disk mode using Disk Utiltiy and Drive Genius. No luck. So I pulled a working drive out of my Mac Pro and reformatted it and swapped the internal drive of the iMac with it. There were no DIP switches to set. Started up the imac with a Leopard retail disk thinking I would just install a fresh system onto the replaced internal drive of the iMac. Disk Utility on the leopard disk didn't see the hard drive. Now I'm beginning to think it's a logic board problem but I can't find the original disks to do a Hardware test with. Is there some other way to test a logic board? Or some other idea that I'm not thinking of that could be wrong with the machine?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), ATI 1900, 8GbRAM

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Mac Pro :: The Hardware Test Actually Froze In The Middle Of The Ram Test?

Feb 27, 2008

if you recall a thread I started trying to get help on why the Mac Pro was crashing... I finally narrowed it down.After speaking to about 4 different people at apple.... they had me run the Apple Hardware Test off the boot CD.I took out EVERYTHING except the 2nd DVD burner (Apple Branded Superdrive from my old 2.5 Dual G5)... and ran the test.The Hardware Test ACTUALLY FROZE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RAM TEST.I thought I had bad aftermarket ram... as it wasn't playing nice with the Apple ram when I added them together.Looks like I had fine aftermarket ram... the Apple ram was bad.I REPLACED the Apple Ram with the Aftermarket Ram... and the Hardware Test completed fine.So, now I'm going to be calling them again in the morning and letting them know what happened. I wonder if they'll just let me RMA the bad ram, or if I'm going to have to lug this dang thing down to an apple store.I WONT BE HAPPY IF I HAVE TO DO THAT.Oh, and no more lockups since switching out the ram... and all the other quirks (not able to burn CDs in Windows, sloooow Internet page draws, etc...) are all but gone now.

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MacBook Pro :: Apple Hardware Test Freezes, "one Second" Into The Test?

Apr 9, 2012

I have a 17" unibody MBP (early 2009, specs below). It was running hotter than usual the other day, so I F2 booted into AHT to run a diagnostic. The status box within AHT showed 1 second into the 1st pass, and never got beyond that. Several seconds after that status message was displayed, the cursor froze. The time counter never advanced after that, and although I waited a long time, nothing happened. The test froze. 

I've tried it several times more. It once worked, but every other time has frozen. Checking the "extended test" box, or trying to run in loop mode has made no difference - still freezes at "1 second". 

I've had this machine for 3 years, OS's Leopard through Lion, and this has never happened before. I last ran a test, successfully, in January. I've not changed any components or suffered any damage since then. Memtest (ver 4.22) says my RAM is fine. (I ran this because the first portion of the AHT is the RAM component.) Aside from the aforementioned overheating episode, which disappeared, my machine's been fine. 

early 2009 MBP unibody 17"
2.93 Core 2 Duo
750 GB HD

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Wants To Make A Great Slideshow.

Nov 23, 2010

I need to make a slideshow with a ton of impact, I have about 80 images and and what we have now is very basic, check it out .its way too slow for the amount of pictures takes an eternity to get through.We found this slideshow on the net.its very effective and you can see our pictures in a minimal amount of time. Only problem is i have no idea how to replicate this effect, I was thinking maybe premier pro but have had a look and cant get anywhere close to it.

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Mac Mini :: Great Alternative To HTPC

Aug 28, 2009

[URL] I just found out about these. Looks interesting, and fairly cheap too. The specs are fairly low, but they are absolutely quiet, smaller than the Mac Mini, and still does what it was made to do... basic web browsing, HD video streaming, maybe a music server, etc. basic stuff. And it is fairly cheap, too. Just thought you guys might want to know about something cool I found on the intronet.

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MacBook Air :: Great Superdrive Alternative

Sep 29, 2009

I wanted to see if there were any alternatives to the $100 superdrive that seems pretty fragile and some people suggested this Fastmac [URL] for $110, which can ready Bluray discs.

I did a little diging on this forum and found this tread [URL], which basically says it's a Panasonic (Matshita) UJ-120 drive in an external enclosure and an IDE-to-USB bridge.

Then I went on eBay to see if they sell the UJ-120 and found this seller ([URL]) selling it for $80.

I took the plunge and bought it, and it works fine. When I plugged it in, nothing happen, but when I inserted a DVD it played it and when I inserted a blank disk, it let me burn it with itunes.

Anyway I just wanted to let everyone know that this is a great alternative for $80. I haven't tried the bluray yet, but I got what I wanted.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Screen Sharing Isn't Great On LAN

Mar 15, 2012

my Screen Sharing within my LAN isnt verygood. Its very stuttery and screen splintersa lot and doesnt update some things. My router is a 'G' router which should be able to cope with these things.also, the screen res on my Mini is slightly different to my MBP, which i use as the remote screen to control it and therefore the picture isnt as sharp. Can i make it as sharp as if i was looking at MBP stuff?

MBP 15.2, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Applications :: App For Test Internet Speed / Check Bandwidth At Regular Intervals?

Nov 1, 2008

I'm looking for an app for my mac which can test my ADSL download speed automtically at regular intervals through the day and log the results for me to look over later.

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Mac Pro :: Testing Hard Drive For Speed Test / Applications Start Much Slow

Feb 3, 2009

recently I bought WD6400AAKS hard drive. I made to partitions (1st for OS and applications, 2nd one for photo files). I also did fresh OS install and loaded basic applications. Strangely I didn't notice any speed boost while booting and to be honest I feel like all applications (photoshop for example) are also starting much slower than on original hdd.

Is there any way to test hard drive if it performs as it should be? I also have 2 more older drives installed. is it possible that one of them would slow the system down?

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