Applications :: ITunes Keeps Resetting Location Of Music Folder
Aug 31, 2008
I have my iTunes music on an external drive. I set the location of the iTunes Music Folder to the location on the external drive in Preferences. But next time I open iTunes, it's reset back to the location on the built-in HD where iTunes places the folder by default. External HD is sometimes disconnected (though not when I'm resetting it). Maybe if iTunes can't find the drive it reverts back? Powerbook G4, OSX 10.4.11, iTunes 7.7.1.
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Mar 25, 2009
iTunes 8.1 just keeps bugging out on me. I set my iTunes Music Folder Location to a folder on my Time Capsule, but when i exit out and relaunch iTunes, the folder location is reset back to the default iTunes Music folder on my system drive! Why does this keep happening? Anyone else having this problem? I don't want to have to point my location back to the Time Capsule each time I load up iTunes.
A thing to note is however, is that my library file (and other misc itunes files) still remains in the iTunes folder on the system drive. Would that have anything to do with this?
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Feb 11, 2009
I have several thousand songs organized with a certain Artist/Album/Song structure. I also have uncategorized folders in my music folder with a bunch of random songs inside. Is there a way to sort the music list in iTunes by location, so I can choose all the songs in that folder to add to a playlist, or can I make a smart playlist that takes all the songs in the folder (and scans for new ones whenever)? If not, is there something else I can do to accomplish this?
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Jan 12, 2010
I need a tool/method that does only two thing:
- rename a folder containing music files
- report the changed location to iTunes
If I rename the a folder by hand or with a tagger, iTunes won't know the music's new folder name.
How can I rename a folder and report iTunes the new location for the media files?
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Sep 12, 2010
a friend of mine has some problems with his iTunes library. The situation is as follows: he has a large collection of music, the library is stored on an external drive which is always connected to the 12 inch Powerbook when starting up iTunes.
Lately, songs that are imported from CD's are listed correctly in the library but they won't play. When checking the info it says the location of the song is in a folder under applications on the internal harddrive, for example iWeb:Contents:Resources:no.Iproj:Templates :White Blog.webtemplate
and it links to a strange file like a .png or something like that.
When searching for the song in spotlight it turns out that the song is stored in the correct folder in the iTunes media folder on the external drive.
Is this strange or what! I hope somebody has an idea what could be the problem.
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Feb 23, 2010
I've got it all on one drive right now. I want to replace my main drive with a velociraptor drive and keep my apps/system stuff on there and move everything else including my music library to another drive. But i cant figure it out.
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Mar 13, 2009
I've got to a point where the HD on my MacBook is just too small to hold my music library, so for a while now, I've been housing it on an external drive hooked up to an Airport Express. My setup certainly isn't without its fair share of problems.
Setup: I keep my own folder structure, with folders for specific categories and playlists. iTunes's music folder structure has never been organized enough for me, so I don't use it. Another reason is I have music in my library that isn't in iTunes (since I don't frequently use it). My music library resides on an AirDisk, while my iTunes database along with some local music folders resides on my Mac.
Problems: Whenever I move songs/albums/playlists from the local storage on my Mac to my remote library, I have to go through and reselect the file location on the AirDisk for every file. I've also noticed that files on my AirDisk typically appear with an exclamation next to them, won't sync to my iPhone, and won't play in things like iTunes DJ unless I manually mount the AirDisk. Even then, iTunes only sees the specific song I clicked. iTunes still thinks other songs on the AirDisk are unavailable (even though the AirDisk is mounted), and thus skips them when playing unless I specifically click a song. Finally, whenever I move my music library around (like putting it on a NAS), I have to go through and manually change the location of each and every song!
All of these problems makes me think there has to be a better way! I've read about using iTunes to relocate the iTunes music library or database to a different disk, using the "Consolidate Library" feature and other built-in features, but it doesn't seem like any of these would work with a custom folder structure. I also know there are various 3rd-party "helper" apps available, but I haven't looked into them. Perhaps a 3rd-party app could simplify the process?
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Sep 6, 2014
I moved my iTunes media folder to an external hard drive to free up space on my iMac's hard drive. The new one is located on a hard drive attached to my Airport Express. Since then, I keep getting messages stating that certain items weren't copied to my iPhone because the originals couldn't be found. When I check, the iTunes media folder has reverted to the location on my iMac's main hard drive.
How can I prevent this? At best this is annoying, but it also is using up hard drive space unnecessarily. Is this behavior avoidable, or is it something that goes with the territory when you move your media folder to an external hard drive?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jan 23, 2010
Is the there a way to force iTunes to store my mobile applications on my external drive automatically?I have my library set to an external and all my music, movies, etc goes onto the proper location except the mobile applications. I know I can use the consolidate library command, which will move the apps to the external. But as soon as I d/l another app iTunes begins saving them to the default folder again.
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Apr 4, 2010
IMAGINE I have 2 hard disk partitions on the SAME hard disk,
one is called 'Macintosh HD' and the other is called 'My Data'.
The Plan:
In the 'Macintosh HD', there are (1) system files & (2) users' settings.
In the 'My Data', there are all the music, pictures, etc.
For example, the 'Macintosh HD' has 40GB and the 'My Data' has 120GB.
All I want to do is to separate the SYSTEM and my DATA without migrating my home folder inside 'Macintosh HD' which contains folders called 'Music', 'Pictures'... to the partition 'My Data'.
I want to separate the system files and my data incase I need to reinstall the Mac OS X while leaving all my data untouched.
So the way I should do (I guess) is to leave my home folder inside 'Macintosh HD' empty,
and create files called, for example, 'My Music', 'My Pictures', etc. in the 'My Data' partition.
Then redirect the files 'Music', 'Pictures', etc. in my home folder inside 'Macintosh HD' to 'My Music', 'My Pictures', etc. in the 'My Data' partition.
In Windows XP or Windows 7, you can redirect those as using the methods below:
But I just don't know how to do that in Mac OS X, it seems that Mac OS X doesn't even provide a way for users to do so:
I saw a reply in macrumors forum and tried to move the 'Music', 'Pictures', etc. folders,
but it turned out that those files were being copied, not moved.
So I can't move the 'Music', 'Pictures', etc. to the partition 'My Data' and make aliases of them which can be put in my home folder inside 'Macintosh HD'.
So, are there only 3 options for me too choose?
(1) stop trying to fight Apple and Mac OS X on where it puts things, just put all the things in my home folder inside 'Macintosh HD', using only 1 partition
(2) move my home folder to the other disk partition, in this case, the partition 'My Data'
(3) can't redirect the location of Music', 'Pictures', etc. folders in my home folder in the 'Macintosh HD', but just simply put things in the 'My Data'.
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Jan 1, 2010
so here is my problem with iTunes.
I have music with correct IDE tags in a "Music Collection" folder, though they are all unorganized and in sub folders. These folders have names like "Other iTunes", "More Music", "New Music", etc. I would like to reorganize all this music into one iTunes folder. I have gone into preferences and tried checkmarking the boxes "Keep iTunes Media folder organized" and "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when to library". My iTunes Media folder is a fresh new folder in "My Music". When I check that exact location, I see none of my music has moved there. All I see is an empty "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder. All my files are still in the unorganized "Music Collection" folder.
What can I do to literally move all my unorganized music files from this folder to a completely fresh and new iTunes Media folder, all with very organized sub folders categorized by artist and/or album? My main goal is to make an organized and updated library, because I spent a good amount of time deleting duplicates that have not gone to the recycle bin (and it would take FOREVER to find all those duplicates and delete them permanently).
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Jan 17, 2009
I'm trying to bring all my music files from my Windows computer so I copied all my music files from my Windows computer to my external hard drive, and then copied from the external hard drive to my iTunes music folder in my new iMac. When I compared the info between my iTunes music folder, and the music files on my external hard drive, the iTunes music folder had more files. By looking through the files it looks like two extra files were added to each album folder....a "folder.jpg" file and a "AlbumArtSmall.jpg" file was created. I know that these are only pic files, but I didn't have those files when all my music files were on my Windows machine, how come they show up now? Are those two files necessary? Can I just delete those?
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Feb 9, 2009
I have my music folder on a timecapsule. Two computers have access 1 pc and one mac.
Is there a way I can have each computer use the same folder but have their own itunes playlists and ratings?
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May 7, 2012
I find files in Music > iTunes > iTunes MediaOther files are in Music > iTunes > iTunes MusicStill more files are in my Download folder.
They're not duplicates. Why is this, & how do I get all the files into ONE location?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.4.11), G4 1.42GHZ 1GB/160GB
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Jun 30, 2014
I've recently purchased a MacBook Pro, I now wish to sort my music collection out and store all music on the network drive which can be accessed via the cloud, not apple cloud incidentally. The thing is I have a variety if music files in various locations on the pc laptop, the old network drive. Is there any way I can find the location of the music file through iTunes So I can locate it on the network drive and transfer to the new cloud drive? I see there is a consolidate function in iTunes, would this do the job for me?
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May 2, 2009
I keep my iTunes Music Folder on an external 320gb HD. I'm about to move it to a 500gb HD. Rather than go through the steps of changing library location and then consolidating the library, can I just do this (all w/iTunes turned off):1. Copy entire iTunes folder, incl. Music folder and library.xml, etc. from old to new drive2. Disconnect old drive.3. Rename the new drive the same as the old drive.If the drive name, folder structure and file path are the same, will iTunes notice the difference between the two drives when I launch it? I'm on an MBP and, w/the simple OS X naming system, it seems like it shouldn't be a problem.
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Nov 3, 2009
How to make sense out of the clutter that has become of my iTunes Music Folder? Please see the screenshot below. I am quite certain that there is abunch of archival /legacy files within this folder, as well as a bunch of stuff that doesn't really need to be in this folder any longer, and I would like to know what is what so that I can begin cleaning things up a bit. Also when I make backups of my iTunes Library (minus the audio/video files) which files are the ones that need to be backed up? and the expanded view:
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May 19, 2012
I moved my iTunes Media folder to a second hard drive to free up space. I followed the Apple Support instruction for doing this. I have 200+ missing songs that I have to manually located.
Is there a way to do a group rather than one song at a time? I have over 2,000 songs, podcast, and movies. I am surprised just these fews can't be located by iTunes after I made the move.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 4 HD,3GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 5770
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May 31, 2009
I was under the impression that you could just put new songs right into this folder and they would show up in iTunes. I added a bunch of music files (correct format of course) to this folder and they don't show up. I still have to use "Add to library" and browse to the actual folder and song for it to show up. What gives?
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Nov 11, 2009
I'm in the process of moving my iTunes folder to an external hard drive due to my computers hard drive being full. Now the external hard drive I'm using needs to be plugged in to a power source, now if I transfer all my music/movies to the external drive and also have my iTunes automatically download everything to the drive will I be able to copy my movie files back into my computers hard drive when I wan to be able to watch them on plane trips or would I be better off using a external hard drive that doesn't need a power source so I can just take it with me?
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Mar 15, 2009
i recently bought a 320GB WD passport HD so I could take advantage of time capsule. Should I also add my itunes music library so I can free up space on my aluminum macbook?
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Jun 23, 2014
I want to move the location of my iTunes library music files. At present they are all on my time machine . I want to move them all to my imac. Can I do that and keep all my playlists and play counts?
its 1000s of songs . Originally I used the time machine as a networked drive but it can cause the songs to pause so I'm thinking it would be better to have the songs on the internal imac drive
how can I move the songs so I can re-open iTunes and the playlists (with plays in the 100s) find the song in the new place?
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Jul 26, 2010
Using my Win7 x64 machine, I transfered all of my songs to an external drive and then changed the default location of the iTunes Media Folder. However, if I disconnect the drive and then open iTunes it reverts back to the default path (%user%/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media). Is there any way to force iTunes to not change the folder location?
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Apr 13, 2012
I'm using iTunes 10.6 and Lion. i have a two problems. i recently moved my iTunes library to my portable hard drive. i have changed the new location under Preference/Advanced to "/portable drive/MUSIC". I have checked 'Keep iTunes Media folder organized" and unchecked 'Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library. 1) After moving my music and and consolidating, some of my music are in the right folder, which is in "/portable drive/MUSIC" folder, but a majority of the music are created into a NEW SUBFOLDER music folder. e.g.: /portable drive/MUSIC/music/ ?? Why is that happen and how can I move tell iTunes to just put it in the main and 1st MUSIC folder. Do you know why it creates a subfolder name music? 2) When importing new music, it doesn't automatically go into the designated folder but instead retains in the original folder that was imported from? e.g.: i import music from mac hard drive into iTunes and when I click on Get Info on the track, the location is still at /my mac hard drive/duran duran instead of /portable drive/MUSIC/. How do I get it to organized the music into /portable drive/MUSIC/
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 20, 2012
My iTunes media folder location is set to my iTunes media folder, which is stored on my external hard drive connected to my network via aiport extreme router. The problem is everytime I turn my mac off and back on my iTunes reverts the location back to my itunes media folder on my mac and I have to manually set it back to my itunes media folder on my external hard drive. Why does it keep changing?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
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Oct 2, 2010
I have a WD external hard drive that I got for the holiday's last year.Here lately I've been using it as my iTunes library. A great way to free up some space on my Powerbook g4. Question is, why does iTunes keep changing my library folder after I'd already changed it when I initially set up the hard drive as my iTunes library destination?
Another question is how do I make sure that all my music files automatically go to the folder on the external hard drive when I download music. For example I may snag a free song from a website and will double click it after downloading and it plays in itunes. I want that file to be saved on my external hard drive as well (yes it's plugged up and plugged in).
I only have an 8g ipod so I have to constantly check and uncheck songs that I want to hear, so I want to be sure they are all in the same locale. And one way I know that certain files are on my internal and not external is when i unplug my external those files still play when they shouldn't unless it's plugged up.
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Dec 29, 2010
I have a 46 gig itunes music folder that I had moved from my PC to a NAS several months ago. I set up itunes to have the music folder on the Macbook that I use day-to-day point to the songs on the NA. The songs link to the respective folder on /Volume/Music/Artist/Album/song The NAS has been having issues staying connected so I just moved all new songs (I had kept at least 44 gigs on the PC as a backup when I did this 6 months ago) from the NAS to the PC. I finally figured out a way to reliably connect to the PC (running Win7) from the Macbook via SMB. The songs are now located on Volume/iTunes Music/Artist/Album/Song My question is - how do I instruct itunes that the songs are now located on the PC rather than the NAS? Should I just 'delete' all files in iTunes and then add the PC's folder? Is there a better way??
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Dec 23, 2009
I just bought a macbook and wanted to copy over all my firefox settings. I found this site which explains how. I did most of the steps like using mozbackup and making it's exported files into a zip but when it came to replacing the folder they said on the mac I can't seem to find a firefox folder. Even the mozilla folder I found doesn't have anything in. I tried finding it by doing a search for the addons I have installed into firefox thinking I might locate it that way but no luck. Another webpage said I could find the location of the folder through fiefox itself but the way it told me also didn't seem to exist on my mac. How can I find my firefox folder?
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Nov 27, 2010
I'm using iTunes 9.2.1 and it states that my music library is 159.99gb with 25,994 songs, however the folder containing music files is 171.26gb with 30,309 files. This is a difference of 11.27gb and 4315 files. The folder only contains mp3 or m4a files with their respective album and band folders; no images, text files or anything else. The iTunes folder is located elsewhere. I added the folder to iTunes again to see if there were 11gb of songs I'd forgotten to add and there was no difference. I even deleted all iTunes settings and the current library and added the folder again and it is still missing 11.27gb.
I'm about 95% sure that none of my music collection is missing from iTunes so my first thought was that iTunes is just reading the file sizes and count inaccurately and it really is 171.26gb, but I'm not sure.
Can anyone think of a solution without going though my entire collection and comparing it to iTunes to see if anything is missing?
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Feb 12, 2009
I dragged a folder from an external hard drive into iTunes containing the songs I want on my new MacBook.
But, for some reason the file size shown in iTunes is 47.66GB whereas Finder says my iTunes Music folder is 50.38GB
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