Applications :: Syncing 2 ITunes Accounts On The Same Macbook Pro
Apr 26, 2010
I just bought a new MBP and have transferred all of my music, apps, etc. via my iPhone. My question is, can I sync my wife's iPhone on the same computer without having her iTunes library mix with mine? IMO, her music kinda sucks and I don't want her music, apps, etc. mixed with mine the next time I sync my phone.
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Oct 2, 2010
I have a bunch of email account profiles, folders, rules and signatures in Entourage on my iMac. I just bought a MacBook Pro and I would like to set up all these same settings and preferences in Entourage on it. It took me FOREVER to set all these preferences on my iMac and REALLY do not want to have to do it manually again on my new MacBook Pro. Does anyone know how to sync the two Entourage's so that all of these preferences are copied over to my MacBook Pro's version of Entourage?
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Apr 6, 2010
I have 2 Macs, A Macbook Pro and an iMac.
I do use MobileMe and i know I'll be able to sync my mails that way, but due to the cost of internet connectivity in South Africa, I'd prefer not to be sharing my emails over the internet.
Is there a way that I can wirelessly sync my mails using my Airport?
Something automatic that would initiate the sync when both machines are detected on the network would be 1st prize.
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Jul 27, 2010
I have recently returned to the Mac fold after a long absence wandering in the pc desert and have just purchased a 21.5 inch iMac. In setting it up I have created two user accounts, one for myself and one for my wife. I am attempting to set it up so that folders such as pictures, music, downloads, etc. can be accessed by both of us. I'm also hoping that there is a way to make it so that if I upload photos to my iPhoto library they are also synced to her iPhoto library. Is this possible or a pipe dream?
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May 14, 2012
My wife and I both have a .mac/.me account. She runs iphone 4s & ipad 2 whilst I run iphone 3gs, macbook and imac. All now run IOS5/Lion and I transferred last week from mobile me to icloud. However, with mobileme we used to share contacts and calendars. I've worked out how we can continue to see a 'joint' calendar' [by adding my account to her iphone for calendar only] but cannot seem to do the same in respect of shared contacts.
We both have our own contacts which must stay on our own devices but I had assumed that the sharing of mutual data that was submitted by either of us via any our devices would be easier via icloud. Instead it seems harder since icloud has to attach to one or other of our identities, unlike mobile me. Obviously I can go through Clare's contacts in icloud and manually delete each individual of my contacts, but how do I add my contacts that she wants also on an ongoing basis?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Mar 12, 2009
Is it possible to have 2 different iPods synced to the same iTune program on the same computer??
I have an old 5th Gen iPod classic, and I'm considering getting an iPod touch to double as a PDA-type device.
Will syncing the new iPod un-sync the old one? or will it just work okay
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Nov 9, 2009
Do you think they will ever add wireless itunes syncing to mobile me? or just wireless syncing period?
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Feb 9, 2010
If I get a conventional mp3/aac player that uses standard USB storage, if there something I can get that will sync it with my Itunes collection? I figure there would be two ways; it could just copy the Itunes directory which always has things sorted by artist, or it could try and duplicate my playlists as folders. I'd prefer the latter. Does anyone make software that does this?
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Apr 5, 2010
I have one song that will not sync to my iphone. It is a 43min long Nike running track which itunes gave away for free last year. I would love to listen to it as I run but I can't find it on my iphone. It is checked in itunes and I have it set to sync my entire music library so it should be on there. Any ideas?
If it matters I have changed my email address that I use for my itunes account since then but to my knowledge all of the older music I bought with that account still syncs perfectly fine.
Also it shows up that it is on my iphone when I look at it in itunes but not on the iphone when it is not connected. I watched it sync saying updating that track on the phone too.
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Jun 10, 2010
I just got a new MacBook Pro and transferred all my music/movies/apps onto it. However I haven't synced my phone to it yet.
I'm worried something will go wrong or all my apps will be rearranged which I really don't feel like dealing with right now.
Before I go and sync it does anyone have any advice? What should I expect? Once I sync it, can I choose to sync it to either computer?
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Sep 14, 2009
I upgraded to the new 9.0 version of iTunes and now my iPhone won't sync. Every time I try t it gives me the eternal windmill.... Solutions I've tried include the following:
-Plugging in iPhone while not connected to the airport
-Recreating iTunes Library
-Rebooting iPhone
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Sep 22, 2009
I keep all my iTunes files (podcasts, audio, video, etc.) on my main Windows 7 desktop. I just got a Macbook Pro and so far I've been using the sharing feature in iTunes to listen to my music on the MacBook. I've just set up file sharing on my windows 7 pc and now I'm able to see all the actual files on my MB. I was wondering if there was any way that I could just point my MacBook to the same directory that my windows 7 pc uses for iTunes and have the SAME library file on each computer. when I make changes, add songs, etc, to either computer, the library files would sync (update) the new information and I'd basically have an exact replica on either computer. Of course I realize that this would mean that my Windows 7 desktop would basically be the host for all these files and would have to remain online which is no problem. And I realize that I'd only be able to have one iTunes open at a time, which again is no problem. So basically I'm just wondering if there are any programs that could allow me to do this? I've seen programs that copy all the files from each computer and have them in sync that way, but like I mentioned, I don't want the actual files on my macbook. The windows 7 will be the host. I just want to sync my library files so I can make changes on either computer.
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Nov 16, 2009
I currently have a lot of different songs on my iMac and my MBP and I was wondering if there was a way to sync the two without having to use the automator approach found here [URL]
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Jun 17, 2010
Installed iTunes 9.2 and now get an error message at end of synch saying the iPhone can't synch because the file can't be found. The issue is limited to photos checked to synch from my Aperture 3.03 library. Those photos have been removed from the iPhone leaving only the photos taken on the iPhone and stored in the 'film roll'. All photos synched from Aperture were removed and won't reload. The Photo tab shows the Aperture app is checked and should synch.
I have repaired permissions and rebooted the iMac. Same issue continues after all this.
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Jun 24, 2010
I use a PC and a Mac. I have my music, apps etc on my PC desktop, and my photos and videos on my Macbook.
Just got an iPhone 4, is it possible to use my PC to sync most of my stuff, then plug it into my Macbook and sync only my photos and videos and nothing else?
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May 18, 2009
In my iMac there are 2 accounts (me and my wife). Each one has an account and musics in iTunes.
How can we share our musics in the library?
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Jun 6, 2010
I am desperately trying to find a way to sync BOTH my Aperture library and my iPhoto library onto my iPad by using iTunes. I want to keep the Aperture library separate from my iPhoto library as the Aperture library only contains high res images and raw files whereas the iPhoto library is made up of images which were not taken with a DSLR such as point-and-shoot cameras or mobile phones.
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Jul 4, 2010
I have a MBP and a MacMini. I wish to have my iTunes library stored on an external HD (which I will share on the network) connected to the MacMini.
I would like to see this same library on my MBP (presumably just point the iTunes on the MBP to the networked external HD for the iTunes folder??).
But now I wish to ensure that any changes made on one machine (additions, artwork update, playlists etc) are synced and show up on the other, and vice versa.
This should be applicable to both content purchases on iTunes and my own content ripped from my CD collection.
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Dec 16, 2010
So I have two iTunes "accounts" because I have an old AOL account - that Apple won't allow me to merge or combine. It is a complete pain - and so I need to find a way of getting some of my purchases from one account onto the other.
I assume the easiest way for songs is just to burn my purchased songs onto a CD then re- import them onto the regular account?
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Jan 3, 2009
I had this working a while back... but (I can only think it's since I upgraded to iTunes 8) this has now stopped working...
1. I have moved my iTunes Music folder to /users/shared...
2. I go into iTunes preferences and change the location of the Music Library...
3. Restart iTunes...
4. Then I go into iTunes and it works - it's reading songs and movies from the shared location fine...
When I login as a different user (any admin user), repeat steps 2 and 3 and nothing - the library is empty when it's restarted
I also tried this hack from another site around 18 months ago...
The instructions are pretty much the same, although this involves creating aliases of the iTunes music library.xml file - but didn't seem to make any difference to the outcome
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Jun 28, 2010
Nobody else is talking about this problem so maybe it is not so widespread, but 3 of us cannot download any apps or access our accounts on iTunes right now (we have 3 separate computers with 3 separate accounts and separate devices). iTunes is giving the error "We could not complete your iTunes Store request. The network connection was lost. There was an error in the iTunes Store, please try your request again later" and we are completely unable to log in. When we try to download apps on our devices (iPhone 4.0, iPhone 3GS and iPad WiFi + 3G) it gives us a "waiting" status bar by the app and just never loads. Or is the iTunes store / App store actually down right now? Using OS X on iMac (late 2009) and the latest version of iTunes for Mac.
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Aug 22, 2010
I have a massive iTunes library. I also know that I have used many iTunes store accounts, is there a way to see what accounts my iMac is authorized to play?
I do not have access to some of them any more and I want to reset the password and update each one to a newer email and write everything down somewhere.
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Sep 20, 2010
As there is no way to merge iTunes account purchases, Can someone advise if the following is possible:
I have 1 PC with iTunes account A connected to my iPhone
I have 1 Mac with iTunes account B connected to my iPad
Is it possible to move all my iTunes stuff from the PC/account A (Music, apps etc) to my Mac and have all the apps/music available on both devices?
eg. account A and B stuff on my Iphone and account A and B stuff on my iPad.
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Feb 2, 2010
My wife and I have been refrencing the same iTunes library from our individual user accounts in our shared folder on our unibody MacBook for over a year now. Why is it that when I add something to the library, either a purchase from the iTunes store or whatever, it doesn't show up in my wife's library automatically? It has to be added manually on her account.
Now, when she buys a song from iTunes, it downloads to her user account's iTunes music folder, not to the shared folder. Then if I want the song in my library, I have to manually add it. We're both using the same iTunes store user account. There HAS to be an easier way to do this. We both have the "keep iTunes library orginized" checked.
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Jul 13, 2010
The setup: Three computers, one running Windows XP SP3, SL 10.6.4 and L 10.5.8. All three are running iTunes 9.2. The windows xp box is the "server" of the iTunes main library. This is where it is strange. I can see all three library's (depending on which computer I am on). I can see the shared library's and they all have the little house with the music note. The problem is I can't share any music from one account to the other?
If I open up one of the shared library's and try to drag and drop some music into it, the files will not drop. Doesn't matter what computer I am on. I have tried the "automatically add to library" folder and that works about 50% of the time. It will send files over but a good majority of the time it will not copy to all shared library's. I have checked the router settings and also made sure all the settings from within iTunes is correct. I have also made sure all of the accounts are logged into the same iTunes account etc. But nothing seems to be working.
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Jan 7, 2009
I bought an imac 24" 4 months ago and set up individual access accounts on the mac for me and my daughters. I then set up an itunes account for each and I started to pay into their accounts for them to purchase some music and all was fine after syncing each nano with their access account and itunes account.
However, it quickly became apparent that they could not share their music between account even though they are on the same computer. I have tried various searches but to be honest some of the methods suggested I just dont understand hence my appearance here.
Can I now save the music they have purchased etc and take it all to one account and then sync them again with the one itunes account or would i be better to keep the different accounts and change the set-up so that they can see and sync with each others music.
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Oct 25, 2010
I have around 10 different e-mail addresses that I check in Apple mail.All are POP3-configured, but now I want to change ALL of those account types to IMAP. On exactly the same server.Is this possible in any way...? By editing some config files or anything...?I just came back to Mac after a long period away, having just discovered the geniality of IMAP-mail.
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Feb 22, 2008
we have a macbook pro running Leopard. My wife and I have separate user accounts on the single laptop and keep the music in one central Public folder (both or our iTunes are pointed to this public folder). For some reason, my wife is unable to make any changes to song info (album art, change genre, etc.). However, she can play the music, update her Nano, import music, etc. The only thing she can't do is make changes to the song info. This isn't an issue with my account because I am the primary user account on the computer. We are both set up as Admin and I have assigned Read/Write privileges to all files. Does anyone have any idea what the issue could be? Tech support/program specialist has no idea.
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Sep 12, 2014
My former laptop has met with a terrible, horrific demise and unfortunately is no longer even operable. It contained several thousand songs, most of which I burned down from my old CD collection over the years. The rest I had purchased. I am now sharing a MB Pro with my S/O and want to transfer what is on my phone to his library.
I was successful in transferring the purchased items to his iTunes, but not the other songs. I also want to transfer a ringtone I have created in his personal library to my phone, but can't determine how to do that. Nothing I do seems to work and I've been researching the inter webs for days...
My other question is this: if I only check "sync tones" when conducting a sync and leave all of the other sync options unchecked, will it erase all of the songs on my phone, or just my current ringtones? I don't care about the old ringtones, they are easy enough to recreate, but obviously I would be devastated to lose what little I have left of my personal music collection!
iPhone 4S, iOS 6.0.1
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Oct 23, 2009
At the moment most of my music is either stored on my Macbook or on an external hard drive. Is it possible to transfer all my music and videos to an external hard drive and then sync it with Itune so that every time I plug it in I can access them?
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