I am having trouble sorting my itunes library. I have numerous different songs by different artists (i.e 700+ lil wayne songs). What I would like to do is sort my entire library alphabetically by artist. Then, I want each artists songs to be alphabetized. Its just way to hard to look through 700 shuffled songs from one artist.
Over the years, I have amassed GBs worth of music, spread over many different iTunes libraries, as a result of having desktops, laptops, replacement machines etc. When I first started my collection, I stupidly "let iTunes manage my library" which has resulted in all my tracks being put into thousands of different folders because iTunes likes to create a separate folder for each artist. I was wondering if there was any way of exporting all my music in the iTunes database to a new location, organized by album. eg. A State of Trance 2010 Yearmix being exported to a folder called that, not each of the 80 tracks going into a separate artist folder.
If this can be done, I'm hoping to consolidate my music collection into one library, once and for all! It's probably worth noting that I'm now on Windows, but I thought I would ask here as iTunes is an Apple product. I have access to a Mac should I need to do anything "Mac-specific" to make this happen. Tune up looks like a promising piece of software. However, it only seems to clean up the music files themselves, not their organization within my music folder. Does anyone have any experience with it? Sorted! I'm sure there are loads of people out there that would like me reorganize the file structure of their music after iTunes obliterates it...so here's what I did.
1) Downloaded Songbird. What a great application! It has addons! 2) Went into the applications options. (Tools >> Options) 3) Selected the 'Manage Files' tab. 4) Ticked the box to 'Allow Songbird to manage files'. In the 'Structure Folders' section underneath I changed it to 'Album/Song Files'. 5) Clicked OK at the bottom to save changes and Songbird then wizzed through my collection and put all my music into Album folders! 6) Uninstall iTunes.
Since installing Snow Leopard my Address Book does not sort alphabetically. (I wish I'd not bothered with SL - it's made no noticeable improvement just caused a series of small problems.) iMac, OSX 10.6.1, Intel.
I have a bunch of episodes of The Office, but I want to sort them by Episode. Which is it? In Get Info there's "Episode Number" and "Episode ID" episode number seems to be the definite one for labeling which appears first in the season (what I want to do), but there's no option to display it in the normal showing screen. There is for Episode ID, but it doesn't seem to be the right one.
For some reason iTunes messes up my complaitions if I sort the albums by anything else than "album", such as year. It "breaks" the compilations up (you know what I mean) even if the year is the same. The weird thing is that some (up to 3 I've seen) tracks keep in bundles (even despite having different artists). Also, if the album stays "intact" by some wonder when I sort by year, the track order usually becomes totally random... (14, 4, 2, 13, 3, etc).
Yes, they are marked as compilations. Yes, album artist is the same (blank field). No, there are no typos.
As a disclaimer, I'm on a Windows machine. Can anyone tell me how to set the "sort by year" a default? It's pain to re-set it every time I launch iTunes.
Since installing iTunes 7, all of my Various Artists Soundtrack albums are now all broken up. For instance, 5 songs might be grouped together, and then another 4 songs grouped together elsewhere, even though all of them are labeled the same. Any idea on the proper way to label them to keep them all together?
Alright, so I have two songs by The Beatles, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and With a Little Help from My Friends. If you don't already know, these songs cut into each other, so if you play With a Little Help right after Sgt. Pepper, it will sound like one song (this was intended). What my problem is is that the way that the songs are sorted (by Artist), With a Little Help from My Friends is before Sgt. Pepper, where it should be vice-versa. Is there any way I can fix this problem, without having to change the way the songs are sorted (I like them organized that way) or creating a playlist? Maybe an Applescript or application?
I have a lot of mp4 files; vmovies, TV shows, music video's, everything. But, when I load them into iTunes they all show up under the movies tab, and I can't find a way to move them to different categories.
I prefer seeing my music list sorted by artist's last name. I have gone through and changed all of the Sort Artist fields to lastname, firstname. The new iTunes update has broken this view. When using the Artists column view, Al Green and Adam Sandler are now listed in the goddamn A's.
So I used to love to go to the iTunes store, click the Top Charts Singles & then sort by music genre and download all the new rock songs. Is there any way to sort the top 200 songs by genre anymore?
I have several thousand songs organized with a certain Artist/Album/Song structure. I also have uncategorized folders in my music folder with a bunch of random songs inside. Is there a way to sort the music list in iTunes by location, so I can choose all the songs in that folder to add to a playlist, or can I make a smart playlist that takes all the songs in the folder (and scans for new ones whenever)? If not, is there something else I can do to accomplish this?
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
I just got Adium today and wanted to know how to order my contacts alphabetically?! I read somewhere that you have to go to "view" and then "sort contacts alphabetically," but I have no idea where the view button is.
Hopefully someone will have the answer as I have searched high and low on this one. I have moved ALL my iTunes content (music, videos etc) to the Shared Music folder on my new WD MyBook World Edition 2 (just in case that's relevant info) and everytime my Mac attempts to load iTunes I have to repeatedly direct it to the library.xml file in the Shared Music folder.Surely there's a proper solution for this? Anyone else out there had this experience and has figured it out.I've noticed that it does this only the first time I open iTunes up, any subsequent bootup within a session is fine, but any restart of my Macbook Pro and I have to repeat this.
Just upgraded to iTunes 10.6. Now when I view an album in my music library, the tracks are sorted by Artist, not by track number. I can sort by Genre, etc by clicking the tab above the column, but not for track.
I sort my iTunes main music folder by Artists (A-Z) and for some reason, one of my artists' songs that start with an 'L' (Lana Del Rey) is in the middle of all the 'D' artists. The remainder of her songs are properly in the 'L' section, but I CANNOT figure out why this one song is in the 'D' section. I know it seems trivial, but it is actually driving me insane. I tried removing the song and re-adding it, but that did not work. I made sure all the information was consistent in the 'Get Info' area, but to no avail.
I use grid view sorted by artist. I click on an artist which brings me to the view of their albums as a list with album art on the side.Multiple times a day the sorting changes and I have to put it back. I'll click an artist and iTunes insists on sorting the albums alphabetically like this:
I'll then click on Album by Artist/Year:That way my albums are sorted chronologically, the way I want. If i go back to grid view by clicking All Artists, then view another artist, iTunes will keep my sorting order. As soon as I play a different song, click All Artists and choose another artist, iTunes will switch back to sorting albums alphabetically.
How do I force iTunes to sort my albums chronologically (or in any order I specify)? Why does it insist on sorting in only one way?
I have downloaded a number of songs from iTunes (10.6.1) in which I only have I song for the artist. If I check the compilation box and ensured that the Album Artist field is blank, but I cannot get the songs to sort into the "Compilations" artist. This used to work.I have also noticied that some songs seem to have persistent fields in the Sorting pane. Deletion of the contents of these fields will not actually remove the data. The next time Song info is opened, the "deleted" value will reappear.
Info:MacBook Pro 2.93 4GB, Mac OS X (10.5.6), SSD (128 GB)
I've been having problems sorting _some_ albums. I'll give you a specific example: I rip Simon and Garfunkel's 'The Concert in Central Park' which has 19 tracks. I want them to play in continuous mode, and in order. I show track number in the columns, make sure all the tracks are of the same album and artist and I don't specify and sort options. Now I click on the column header 'Album by Artist/Year' and I see that track 16 is first followed by 18, 19 then 1,2,3, etc.
I'm not sure why 16,18 and 19 are out of order, but they are and I don't know what other field it is using to apply this sort order since I've turned off the sort fields. I should say that I think the sort fields are turned off since I selected all tracks, hit command-I and made sure that the artist and album are the same, then went over to the sorting tab and selected each checkbox and made sure that the field was blank. Clicked on OK, then went into each track one at a time and verified that the general info and sort info were as I specified.
If I change the sort column to be just 'Album' then it sorts correctly - I think that the year is messed up, so I add the year column to the display and see that it is 1982. I click on the year and the sort is just fine. I set it back to 'Album by Artist/Year' and the same bizzare sort shows up. The same mis-sort shows with 'Album by Artist' so I do a check on the artist name (even looking for leading or trailing spaces - nothing). I could probably delete the album and re-rip it, but I would rather find out why the sort is messed up so I can correct this problem.
I loved the Genius Recommendation Panel on iTunes 9 and found lots of new songs and artists when using itI cannot believe Apple removed it from iTunes 10 and replaced it with a social networking site with the awful title "Ping" So I replaced iTunes 9 last night, only to find that it wouldn't accept my iTunes library. I managed to reload the songs, but I have lost all my playlists, star ratings, play counts, etc. Its all gone.
Am sorting/tidying my iTunes library and exporting to a new external hard drive. I am being a tad OCD about this....I have found scripts that are great and are helping but..... I would like to sort using the full title including 'A' 'The' and so on for artist, track and album. I can't find either a script app that would turn off aotosort or blank the relevant sibling field, I am hoping there is one. (There is a scipt for windows). My library is 100,000+ tracks compiled over the last few years so going through one by one would be extremely tedious.Â
Info: intel imac, ipod 2g 20gb, 3g 40gb +5g 160g classic, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
I found a spotlight search attribute of channel count which is whether a music track is stereo or mono. Is it possible to use this info in iTunes to add a column to automatically sort the music? Is there a hidden terminal command to add this option to the iTunes view options? I understand the difference between mono and stereo having worked with sound for many years.
What I'd like is for a function that can sort the categories into individual columns for the categories. So that this big list of purchases I have is sorted out into their own column that matches the category and then sums it too. Does this make sense? I was sort of avoiding any VBA for this but if thats how it has to be done then thats cool
Is there a way to alphabetize my Bookmarks in Safari? They seem to be in random order. I'm not asking about the Bookmark "headers" that I keep on the bar, but the items under each heading.
I've set up Rules and they work if I go to Messages/Apply Rules and click each of the rules. However, it does not apply the rules if I click All Rules at the head of that list. Someone advised me to check the boxes of each Rule under Tools/Rules so they would be applied when mail arrives, but that doesn't work. All of those boxes are checked and the rules are not applied when mail arrives.
1. Any idea how to make rules apply as mail arrives? 2. If that's not possible, do you know how to make "all rules" work so I don't have to highlight and click through each of the several rules?