Applications :: Safari On Windows Keeps Forgetting Text Size
Nov 13, 2010
I'm trying to use Safari on Windows again now that a smooth scroll extension has finally been released. However, I have now encountered another problem and was hoping someone could point me to the relevant option or checkbox to make this work. I like to make the text size on different websites different sizes using Ctrl & +. That works fine. However, unlike Firefox, IE and Chrome, Safari keeps forgetting my text size preferences, so when I close it and then re-open it, every website where I've altered the text size has gone back to the default text size. Is someone able to tell me how to get Safari to remember these text size preferences?
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May 7, 2012
My spouse has eye sight issues resulting from Multiple Sclerosis. Can the safari toolbar text be increased for those who have some difficulty seeing.Â
The ability to increase the file, edit, url box, etc.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 31, 2008
This is driving me insane. I'm a member of quite a few internet forums and I cannot for the life of me remember all of their passwords. Ever since updating OS X and Safari it keeps forgetting my login details for them even though I tell it to remember when I'm given the option! Sometimes it will remember and keep me logged into a forum when I next visit it. But then it seems to forget again after a couple of days. I'm getting rather fed up of this.
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Jun 4, 2009
I have an access log that I need to read and it is 3GB in size. Any application that can read that? Maybe Hex Edit.
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Jul 2, 2012
Mac screen resolution is getting higher and higher, which is nice, but the downside is that we seem to have lost "what you see is what you get." I have set the default document size of Text-Edit to about the size of an 8 1/2 x 11 document, which fits easily on the screen. I have what appears to be a single page of text. It all easily fits in the document window. The headline fits across the width of the page. But when I choose Print, the print preview shows that the text is going to spill out onto two sheets of paper.  I exit out of the print document and reduce the text size so that it all prints out on one sheet of paper. The problem is, the size of the text onscreen is now TINY! It looks like it's about 6 point while the printed text looks like it's about 12 point! No WYSIWYG!  When I revert the document to the way it was originally, where it was going to print out on two sheets of paper, and then hold my printed document up next to the screen, the printed size matches the onscreen size almost perfectly, even though, if printed out at this size, the text would spill out onto two pages and be huge. In other words, 18 point size text prints out at about 12 points and 12 pt text prints out at about 6pts, so there's about a 6pt difference in how text looks onscreen and how it prints out. Again, No WYSIWYG! My older Macs had much lower-resolution screens, but text printed out at about the same apparent size on screen. I know the original Macs had 72dpi screens so that they would closely match the printed size of text, and I like the fact that monitors keep getting better, but is there a way around this problem of printed text not matching the size of onscreen text?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Oct 26, 2009
Can you tell me how I can change the font and size of the text of the navigation bar in iWeb please?
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Apr 3, 2010
Since I upgraded to 9.1 this week, every time I try to sync my iPod iTunes pops up an error message telling me that it can't sync content from Audible b/c the computer isn't authorized for that account. If I click to play an audiobook, a login box appears, I type in my password, and everything is fine. I never had to do this before.
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Nov 8, 2009
On my mac mini (10.6, safari 4), random websites (the same ones every time) always shows random letters in place of normal text. I went to the same websites on my other mac (10.6, safari 4) and same thing happened. I tried on my mac running (10.3 safari 3) and it showed normal text.
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Jan 15, 2008
"Resize at will.
Maybe the text field you're typing in is a bit too small to read. Or maybe you just have a lot to say. Either way, Safari lets you resize text fields on any website, just by grabbing the corner of the field. Resize a field and the web page reflows to make room."
From: [URL]
Can anyone actually get this to work? I've never seen a website, Apple's included, that let's you do this feature. Yet it's listed on Apple's webpage.
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May 27, 2009
I often find myself searching for a piece of text that I wrote myself within a webpage. For example, when writing a long email in gmail, I want to look for a certain word I wrote somewhere in the middle. Firefox dynamically includes all the text that is present on the page (as opposed to just what's in the source of the page) and I'm wondering if there is a way to do that with Safari.
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Jan 14, 2010
Every once in awhile I'll go to a webpage (usually not the same one every time), and some of the text will be Scratchy looking (for lack of a better term). Kind of like those website verification systems where you have to type in the letters and numbers they give you, but there are lines scratched all over them so that bots can't read the picture and fill in the letters and text automatically. Here is a picture of what I'm talking about: The only thing that I can think of that might be causing this is that I have like 1,500++ fonts loaded on my computer and it might just be getting confused with all those fonts running simultaneously.
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Feb 21, 2012
Safari keeps changing the text field on input, do you know how to correct this issue?Â
Here is an example:
Let's say I load, it appears in the safari window as usual.
Suppose I begin to type a search in the google search field at the top right of the safari window (not the one on the google page)
if when doing this the sentence is long for the search, at some point randomly, the rest of the text will be entered this time in the google search text field on the google page! (which is the very next text field) So when I hit enter it makes google search half of my request...
Safari changed the text field I was into with no warning. I want to say I do not press tab at any moment. This is annoying really, and this does not appear anywhere else than in Safari. It seems the issue is not systematic, but appears quite often.
I have no universal access setting except "enable access for assistive device" I had to check this box upon installing a software in the past but I can't remember what it was.Â
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Sep 25, 2010
i recently tried to enlarge the fonts and the contents of the web page in safari coz the default settings make it really hard for me to read.
this is what it looks like originally
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May 30, 2008
Since I have been using Safari, it's windows open to the maximum size of the screen. Recently it has begun to open in at a small size. Is there anyway to save how large the window is when the program is launched, or a new window is opened?
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Jan 2, 2009
I would like to know which renders text better. In other words, where does text look better, on Safari or on Firefox 3.xx?
I am now using Firefox as my main browser and the things that bother me are the lack of Mac OS X integration (drop down menus, text boxes, no bouncing download icons, etc) but I can live without them because for me Firefox is technically superior...
I still have the impression though that the text renders best on Safari. Am I wrong? It seems to me that the character spacing works better on Safari than Firefox, not that the latter isn't any good. This thing could make me return to Safari again, so now I am trying Firefox out for the next couple of days.
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Dec 23, 2009
I'd like to set up Safari so that when I click the green "Maximize" button on the top left, the Safari window goes to a certain size and when I click it again, it goes to another size. Is there any way to do this? I've never really seen a use for Safari's green button as it doesn't really do anything that I can see.
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Jun 22, 2009
I heard from multiple Youtube videos and walkthroughs that said that Windows took 4gb, so I made a 24gb partition. After installation, I go to "Computer" (c: drive), and it says 9gbs free of 24gbs.
I'm using a MBP 2.53 w/ 9600, and installed Windows 7 RC 64bit. What happened? How can I see what's taking up all that space?
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Dec 17, 2009
i read may post about this but still do not have a solid answer. Will 20GB partition be fine with my Macbook Air SSD drive ?
I only plan on installing a antivirus software and thats about it, maybe 1 program.
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Jun 30, 2010
This does a Google search with the text you drop onto the icon.
Not sure if this is new with Safari 5 or has always been there.
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Jun 30, 2009
The stock 1920x1200 resolution is really amazing except it makes it extremely hard to read anything due to the very very small text size.
Is there anyway to keep the 1920 x 1200 resoltuion while increasing the size of icons/text?
I know you can do this in Windows 7, but does leopard have an option?
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Sep 12, 2009
In my old age it is getting hard for me to read text on the screen. Is there a way to incress the text size in firefox (and in snow leopard in general) and have it be a forever change? Forever, I have been pushing cmd+ to make it bigger...but it is getting to be a pain to do that every time.
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Mar 10, 2009
Does anyone feel like the default text size in all applications is too small when your imac is set at it's best resolution?? I really hate to compromise some of the display quality by decreasing the resolution, but everything seems so small!!! I really hoped on a nice big screen i could look at things larger than I could on my laptop!! Is there anything I can do about this? I am new to Mac, so maybe I am just missing something.
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Nov 10, 2009
New to Imac and love it so far. My only issue is that when I open firefox, the text is tiny and I can't seem to modify it. I've played around with fonts under preferences>content but that doesn't help. So far I have to manually hit commant and the + sign to get the text bigger.
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Jun 14, 2012
I don't want to change the screen resolution, I know how to zoom, I just can't read the tiny font on my giant screen in the menu bars!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 3, 2012
everything we open on our desk top is very large.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 8, 2014
I am getting on in years and it is harder to read the text in the menu bar. Is it possible to change the size of the text in the menu bar ?
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Dec 1, 2014
how do I make the size of all texts bigger on the screen, I have an early 2014 11" macbook air upgraded to yosemite 10.10
MacBook Air, Other OS, works great, in good shape
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Jul 1, 2014
How do I make the text in iTunes a lot larger?
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Nov 11, 2010
How Do I get the mac minis dock and text size back to normal. I used it this afternoon and now tonight the size is huge and I nor the person who used it after me says he changed the size. I hate this jumbo sized text. I want the default size back.
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Mar 27, 2012
I had problems with my Apple Mail crashing and the only fix we could try after spending quite a long time on searching for the proble was to delete all my accounts and re-introduce them one at a time. But I didn't realise that would delete all my preferences and signatures
So I am having to start from fresh. I can get my text for message subject lines and the mailboxes to the size I want BUT if i have digests from groups the text is still tiny. I know I can enlarge using cmd+ but I have to do that for each message. But I can;t find the preferences
MBP 17, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Buffalo 1TB EHD iPad original 16gb
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