OS X :: Safari 5.0.2 Slow And Crashing
Oct 13, 2010
For a while now, the Safari 5.0 browser on my wife's MacBook Pro has been slow and sluggish with repeated crashes. So much so she started using Chrome.
Within the last week Safari on my MBP has been doing the same. Unreliable, slow, sluggish and crashing.
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Mar 9, 2010
Apogee Maestro software was bouncing in the dock, then settled - but nothing happened. Same with skype. I could only force-quit both applications. Quicktime does the same, although if I leave it for 5 minutes, quicktime does launch - but all the controls are very laggy and playback is very stuttery (as in 4/5 frames every 30 seconds. I ran disk utility, and some permissions needed repairing. I then checked the boot disk and a 'significant/serious (whatever the nomenclature is) error' was found, so I ran the boot disk for Leopard and repaired the disk, which Disk Utility seemed happy enough with.
The problems are all still present though. Clicking through folders on all three of my drives is very slow, and luck alone seems to determine the success of attempting to launch any application. Does anyone know what may be happening - or is there any diagnostic software which may help? I've suffered hard disk failure before, and this doesn't seem like it (although I am backed up).
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May 26, 2010
so I'm wondering if my i7 macbook pro is going to need to go in. I'm having constant freezes and forcing me to force quit programs and even plugging in external speakers there is a good 45 second delay between connection and everything working. Also the volume and brightness control constantly are lagging when I try to use them. Does this sound like the tradtional freezing problem?
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Jan 24, 2010
i am a graphic designer and am very familiar with most applictions but not the technical side of things. Basically i have a white macbook which is about 3.5 years old, it has been running very slow for some time now and fails to complete very simple tasks, for instance when opening adobe photoshop or illustrator, both CS2, simply creating a new document can take minutes as with resizing images etc. illustrator and photoshop will not run together, one will 'unexpectidly quit' word takes atleast half hour to save an essay applications bounce forever before opening beach balls at the smallest task apps crash
about this mac: processor: 2GHz intel core 2 duo. memory 1GB 667 MHz DDR SDRAM.
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May 18, 2010
I recently (Jan2010) purchased a new MBP 15, with 4GB RAM and 7200pm 500GB Hard disk.
The main reason for buying it was to do video editing on FCP and Motion.
However FCP on this machine seems really clunky, i.e. everything has to be rendered before you can even see an effect. Is this normal? I don't have this on my old work PC with CS4 Premiere Pro. And it sometimes crashes, even on titling.
Also, Motion is really clunky. It doesn't show me any fluidity when playing back even basic sequences... just jumping.
And when I even just play videos on QT or rented DVDs the computer just crashes about every half an hour. Proper crashing too, with no mouse movement or anything.
Can someone shed some light on this?
All the forums I read before buying this MBP, said FCP and Motion would be fine!
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May 8, 2012
I have an IMac with Mac os X 10.7.3, 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 with 8GB of memory, this should be plenty to run Photoshop with no problems , however Photoshop keep crashing and being really slow.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 2, 2012
I have had my Macbook Air for a little more than 2 years. It has always worked pretty well. However, recently I went on vacation for 1 week without my laptop. When I returned home and went to turn on my computer, I noticed that it had become extremely slow. Firstly, turning on my computer has become an abnormally long process. It used to take about 2-3 minutes to turn on. Now, it takes a solid 10 minutes. Not only this, but once my computer has finally turned in, it usually takes another 10 minutes before I can open an internet browser. When I click on the browser (I used Google Chrome) no window will pop up, and after a few more clicks, my screen will freeze completely. Sometimes I will get the rainbow wheel and sometimes the screen just completely freezes without it. Sometimes I will try closing the lid of my computer and then reopening it, but when I do this, the screen stays black for a long period of time even after I have reopened it, almost as if the computer is off. After an excessive amount of key smashing and an abnormally large amount of time, the screen will finally stop being in sleep mode and show my desktop. Even then, my computer will still barely work. Once I finally get a window open and start using the internet, google chrome will end up crashing within at least 20 minutes. The entire screen will freeze, I won't be able to scroll down or exit out of the window, and I then usually have to repeat the painful process that I described above when I attempt to open my browser.
It has been over a week since I returned from vacation, and I deal with these issues every time. My computer has always been fine in the past, why is this suddenly happening? I have tried to remove some of my applications my going into Finder and highlighting the application and clicking Move to Trash, and then emptying the trash. This hasn't helped at all. Do you think that it would help to delete some of my files and data (pictures, documents, screenshots, downloads, ect) or is this irrelevant? Â
MacBook Air
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Apr 25, 2012
I have had my 27" Imac for about 2 years now and I am starting to have problems with it running slow. Iphoto and itunes and sometimes safari stop responding and then crash, I then get a problem report which has pages of information, what can I do? do I need to reload the OS?
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May 3, 2012
I've tried every trick I can think of within my current technical competency and I'm stumped for what to try next.Lately I've had some odd behaivour with it that may or may not be related or even significant...Finder hanging semi-regularly.Different programs preventing shut down.My volume randomly going up and down like the keys are being pushed (possibly a remote issue related to my recently purchased Apple TV, though not actually being used at the time of incendents?)
Current Issues Suddenly this week it feels like everything's causing trouble. Issues inclue...Various programs crashing or hanging (Firefox, Finder, Photoshop, Illustrator etc. - seems non-specific). Finder in particular I can't even get to reboot sometimes.Finder sometimes not loading view of files in folders, no spinning loading wheel either.Power cable light went amber for a period yesterday even though the MBP was at full power and plugged in all day.Photoshop file I created and know was working fine yesterday suddenly had an 'unexpected end-of-file error' today suggesting it wasn't saved properly and is since corrupted.Everything is running painfully slow, even when it works. Things I've changed latelyThe only things I can think of that I've done differently lately are these...
Upgraded my Dropbox to 100gb and started working with large artwork files directly from there.Changed the settings on my Airport Express Base Station at my office, which my MBP is set to try and connect to when possible. Remedies I've triedRebooting numerous times.Zapping the P-ram, which wont even work at the moment. Even with holding in the power button the MBP just loads to the login screen as per usual.Rebooting in safe mode.Emptying the trash can.Running iAntivirus to scan for viruses which came up clear.Repaired Disk and Repaired Disk Permissions.Run Spring Cleaning to clean System Caches.Cleared more space on my hard drive.Updated all software I'm completely out of ideas and I'm still none the wiser as to what the actual issue is.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 2, 2014
Last week I got a malware attack from opening up a Facebook message. This caused my iMac to run very slow and to crash all the time. I ran the latest security update which found and removed the malware itself. But still my iMac is running very slow and crashing when doing two jobs at once. Â
Any reason as to why?Is it still infected? or has the malware corrupted my hd or memory?Â
My iMac details:Â
Version 10.6.8Â
Processor 3.06
Memory 4gbÂ
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 5, 2010
I'm going to jump off a bridge if it keeps crashing on me like this. The worst part about it is that Safari doesn't have a feature that brings your tabs back if your browser crashes. Anywho, I tried reinstalling but I don't think that helped. I also tried clearing everything under preferences but that didn't seem to work. It's the most annoying when I'm watching YouTube videos in full screen and then once the video is over, I get that rainbow ball and next thing you know, Safari crashed. Does anyone know anything else I can do? I don't feel like switching back to Firefox. I love Firefox, but not as much on the Mac. And I think Chrome is just meh, I don't like Google that much since they're involved with almost everything.
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Jun 7, 2010
Just did update to Safari 5.0 via software update. G4 Dual 867 OSX 10.5.8. Crashes every time I attempt to click on any link. Starts to connect, Beachball-crash. If left idle, without clicking any link, still crashes after less than a minute. Fixed permissions, re-installed with download from Apple site, permissions again..... no difference. Disabled Click to Flash, Ad Blocker...same thing. Just won't work!!!
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Aug 13, 2010
Safari keeps crashing on open (it doesn't even start to open - just goes straight to crash report). It seems to be doing this since I upgraded to 5.01. I have posted the crash report below which is always the same - ie it crashes on thread 3 but I am unable to decipher why.
I repaired the permissions a number of times - and rebooted. This worked once and safari was up an running again. But the next time I came to open it it was broken again. I have even tried a reboot into safe mode which I believe rewrites all permissions rather than just repairing them - didn't work!
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Oct 29, 2010
Using Safari 5.0.2 and crashing constantly when trying to print a PDF file out of the browser. I am using the Schubert-it PDF Viewer to view and print. Sometimes it crashes when I merely click on the print icon on the website or after the PDF file opens up in a separate window and click the print button on the separate window. It has also crashed using different printers.
Could someone take a look at this crash report log and see if anything looks weird. This just started happening, so I am not sure what I did.I have it attached as a doc file since it was too long.
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Dec 3, 2010
Wondered if anyone else is having the problem of Safari keep crashing since the last update??
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May 19, 2009
just updated to 10.5.7 and I can no longer open safari as it crashes on startup. I have already deleted the preferences files but that hasn't helped.
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Jun 24, 2009
Safari 4.01 keeps on hanging,not crashing as such but wait for ages and may or may not come to life after that,reported the bug several times to Apple.
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Jul 2, 2009
I had no trouble with the 3.x versions of Safari, but once I downloaded and installed Safari 4.x 50% of the time when I browse a basic website or I am in the middle of filing out a form my browser crashes, then I get three options which is to Quit, Ignore, and restart the browser. I always choose to close and then I relaunch the browser on my own, but has anyone come across this before is it just me, I need to solve this issue quickly.
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Oct 8, 2009
My safari browser keeps closing randomly and it comes up with this error message...
Process: Safari [25178]
Path: /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari
Identifier: com.apple.Safari
Version: 4.0.3 (6531.9)
Build Info: WebBrowser-65310900~1
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [81]
Date/Time: 2009-10-08 21:52:02.378 -0500
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.1 (10B504)
Report Version: 6
Interval Since Last Report: 7702 sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 1
Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 7702 sec
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 1
Anonymous UUID: 7DF2FDEB-A1BE-4FAF-944D-AEE3B53A55C5
Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000020
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
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Aug 22, 2010
Will we ever see a version of Safari that can run an animated .gif without crashing? It's really something I've just waited for them to fix
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Jun 9, 2009
I installed the new release of Safari today and, while it runs fine on my Intel Macbook, it's a disaster on my G4 Powerbook. Pages either half-load before freezing or load fully and then freeze. Buttons become unresponsive, though i can still quit with the File menu. With three tabs open, the browser crashed completely and quit (several times). Has anyone else experienced this? I'm using a G4 15" Powerbook with a 1.2GHz processor and 1GB memory (which should be more than enough, according to Apple) *update: i just noticed the problem goes away if I disable Javascript... but this isn't exactly a solution.
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Sep 25, 2009
Safari crashes about once an hour. Is there a way to reinstall it? Or is there a known bug with this release. I searched old questions, but the forlders referenced are not on my G5.
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Feb 11, 2012
why is safari 4.1.3 crashing constantly? Hopefully they're not trying to encourage us into buying new hardware in this economy.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Mail 2.1.3
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Feb 29, 2012
On my MAC Safari is crashing every time I try opening a file I've received vie email (Gmail or Hotmail) whether photo, pdf, word anything really, I click on it and a few seconds later safari shuts down and I get the "safari has quit unexpectedly" message.Its also crashing As soon as I try downloading Google chrome (the moment I click download).I've tried resetting safari, and even choosing the older version on the drop down menu in preferences but that made no difference.
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Apr 2, 2012
I have a MacBook and it works with OS X v.10.5.8.A week ago I noticed that my saved usernames on my Gmail accounts were no longer coming up (or auto filling)No pop-ups offering to save passwords to new sites.This afternoon Safari crashed and keeps crashing. I cannot send report to Apple. I've checked for software update from the drop down menu and it says that no updates are available.
MAC Book, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Apr 5, 2012
Since version 5.1.5 (5.x.x for sure) safari just wont launching on PC with Winx64 ultimate.I tried clean up cache, appdata, safari install folder -I noticed in Taskmanager safari.exe and werfault.exe appers for a few seconds when I try launching the browser, but no erorr messages at all...
Info:iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
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Apr 9, 2012
My safari has been crashing constantly for the past two days. When the screen pops up, its says...Safari has crashed while using the .createyourown.so plugin. I looked in the MacintoshHD->library->internet plugins and did not see it in there.
MacBook Pro
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Apr 12, 2012
Why does Safari keep crashing?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 12, 2012
Why does my safari keep crashing? I reset safari, updated everything.
MacBook Pro
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