Applications :: Run CS3 Suite Strictly Off External Drive
Oct 12, 2009
Is it plausible to be running CS3 off of my external hard drive? I'm currently running Leopard(10.5.8) with 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo with 512 SDRAM with a baby sized hard drive of 60 GB along side my 250 GB USB WD Passport External. I understand the rights given by Adobe that I wont be able to run CS3 Suite on any other computer seeing as its registered to this one but its more or less just to save room on my internal drive.
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Feb 9, 2012
What rights I acquire along with song bought in iTunes? Can't find a strictly formulated legal agreement anywhere.
Apple MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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May 23, 2010
i have an older iMac that can run kinda slow at times I was wondering if anybody knew of any good utility suites for Mac
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Dec 30, 2010
i have mbp13 2.4ghz 4gb ram (mid-2010), open office runs very slowly when i'm using few apps at the same time (few ff tabs and such),
what is the best solution for me? which office suite is the fastest and the lightest?
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Sep 1, 2009
Is there a way to transfer applications from one mac to another? The Adobe CS4 suite is really what I'm trying to copy over.
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Oct 27, 2009
So I used to be a student when I had the last Creative Suite I bought, and am not now, although didn't have the chance to graduate so obviously the money isn't rolling in from designing (for the most part) and apparently this crap cost $1700? Anyways I suppose I understand the pricing, but would be unable to buy the $400 Student Edition so was wondering, would ebay be a good option? I found this:
and the guy seems to be legit but I am still weary about it. Also seems like the guy has a hard time selling them and was wondering if anyone has had any luck buying the stuff off of ebay?
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Feb 8, 2010
Iv'e just installed Adobe CS4 Master Suite which installed fine. Then I entered a serial number followed by running a special script...
As soon as i installed the adobe updater kicked in saying there were rucks of updates, the big question is, can I update the apps, or will it mess the whole suite up?
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Jan 21, 2009
I'm a senior in college and am about to buy the 17" MBP. I also would like to buy the Adobe Web Premium CS4 software while I am still able to use my student discount. My question is, is the education version the same as the retail version? And when I eventually want to upgrade it (out of school) will I be able to? Also, will I be able to use the software for work once I graduate? I'm not really sure about all the details, but want to take advantage of the education discount while I still can.
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Apr 10, 2009
I'm a college senior soon to be venturing out into the workforce in the fields of advertising and public relations. I love design and have thoroughly enjoyed working with Photoshop and InDesign - but plan on venturing more into web design and teaching myself how to make an awesome website. My school has really good discounts on Adobe software and so I'm torn over whether to purchase Design Premium at $300 or the Master Suite at $500.
I don't know how to use most of the extra tools in the Master Suite - but think that some of them could be good tools to learn. Those familiar with the software. I know this is a good deal. Should I go ahead and buy the whole package even if I'm not sure when I would use the extra features of the Master Suite?
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Aug 19, 2007
In other words... I have moved my music library to the external hard drive, as per an earlier thread I read here on the forums. It worked like quite well. Now that it is working perfectly, I am having a hard time leaving well enough alone. It is never a good idea for me to think too much...Can itunes be installed and run on/from an external hard drive? If so, how?
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Jan 2, 2011
This is what im trying to do. I have a macbook with 120gb hard drive. thats not enough space from my music collection. So i was wondering how to make itunes run off a external hard drive. I looked around and found was for a PC.
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Sep 29, 2009
When I eventually upgrade to Snow Leopard, I'd ideally like to do a fresh install (I did Tiger>Leopard as an upgrade install), but I really don't want to have to go through the hassle of reinstalling all my apps afterwards. So, would the following work as a best-of-both-worlds alternative?
1. Update my backup bootable system drive image on my external FW drive
2. Wipe the drive in my MBP and do a fresh install of SL
3. Use the Migration Assistant to automagically copy all my data and apps over from the backup drive as if I was upgrading from an old Mac to a new one
On paper at least, it looks like it ought to "just work"... but I'm wondering whether or not Migration Assistant will work between a Mac and an external drive, or does it have to be between two actual Macs?
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Nov 12, 2009
if i delete files off my internal hard drive (Macintosh HD), will it still be on my external hard drive or will it just add to it?
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Dec 28, 2010
Currently I have my itunes library on an external hard drive that is connected to my AEBS, I have a few things I need to resolve. My external drive is not always on so whenever I go to itunes and download a new tune my library path automagically changes to the default path on my MAC, thus leaving the new downloaded tune on my MAC and not on the external drive! I do not have the space on my MAC to hold my entire itunes library. How can I make sure that my external is always on? I have a mac mini I could hook it up to instead of having it on my AEBS ,would that be a better solution?
Also I have all MAC products (MBP, ipad, iphone4 x2, MAC Mini, Apple TV 2) in the house and I want to make sure that they all can share the itunes library. You guys/gals with large libraries that have multiple devices sharing one itunes library how do you manage your tunes?
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Mar 20, 2009
I have a 60GB iPhoto 08 library that I want to move from my internal iMac drive to my iomega 1TB NAS drive. Both the NAS and the iMac are connected via Gigabit ethernet. I have dragged a ton of files, namely my Itunes database, and it flew threw very quickly. But copying my iPhoto database, and pasting it to the NAS drive, it is crazy slow. 60 minutes later and it just finished it's first Gig. It says I have about 61 hours remaining to copy the remaining 59GB.
iPhoto is closed, and there is not much else going on with the machine. Even while this is copying I can drag and drop lots of other files and they fly through the network. Is this what I should expect?
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Mar 27, 2009
title says it all. but can you install and run apps from an external hard drive?
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May 19, 2009
I have and Maxtor touch one III. I have installed the software update for mac OS, but it still wont find my hard drive. Its not mac format, but its FAT32 and I heard that worked as well. I can try to format it to mac format, but there is still some data on it that I want.
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Apr 26, 2010
After shooting dSLRs for years, I am now thinking of getting my first camcorder. My MBP has about 160GB left after giving 100GB to bootcamp, letting iTunes and iPhoto09 swallow they part and now I worry about storage for editing, processing and exporting video.
I have been thinking of getting one of those Western Digital FireWire800 drives. But is it possible to set up iMovie09 to use the external drive 100%? So in this way I can avoid having temp files and those massive AIC files on my MBP hard drive?
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Apr 17, 2012
I want to free up disk space for a film to edit. So I am planning to move all (well, most) of my applications to my external hard-drive. After the edit is done, I will move all the applications back into my notebook.
MacBook Pro
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Oct 29, 2010
I've been using my internal drive for iMovie files, but have been doing a lot more with the program recently and the folder has gotten quite large. I'd like to move it to my main external drive (a Drobo). Anybody know if there's a way to do this correctly, from within the iMovie program, to insure that it knows where all the files are? (rather than just moving the folder manually etc.) Is there a setting preferences for example, where it tells it where to store the files etc?
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Dec 18, 2006
I want to copy my iTunes library from one external drive (currently connected to an iBook) to a 2nd external drive (connected to an eMac). The library is almost 60GB and so can not fit on either machine's hard drive.
The music currently plays through the iBook from the first external drive.
I want to be able to play the same music on the eMac (through the 2nd external drive).
Which is the best way to go about this?
Should I:
a) Connect the 1st external drive to the eMac and manually drag and drop the music from there to the 2nd external drive, or
b)Use Silverkeeper Basckup and do a backup of the Music folder in the 1st drive to the 2nd drive, after connecting the 1st to the eMac?
or is there not much difference in doing either? Or is there a more efficient option using iTunes?
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Sep 19, 2008
I have an Iomega UltraMax 750Gb External Hard Drive set up to back up my MacBook Pro. Time Machine uses this hard drive perfectly with no problems. However whenever I want to use the drive to move files around with XP the drive does not show up in my computer. XP recognizes the connection of the hard drive and shows the name of the hard drive connected to the computer when you look at the USB BUSes but still it is not in My Computer. I have everything up to date. I have even partitioned the External Hard Drive so part of it wasn't even touched by Time Machine. Is this a problem with Time Machine formatting my external hard drive to work only for Mac
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Nov 1, 2008
I just bought a MacBook Pro. I have my iTunes library on an external firewire HDD. I want to keep it there, but have iTunes on my new Mac access it. However, even though I have put the path to that drive in iTunes Preferences, the songs there don't show up in iTunes.
The new Mac is authorised, and I have bought a song on the iTunes store, which was saved to the external drive.
So what do I need to do? Do I get one of the library files copied over from the old machine (also a Mac)?
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Dec 6, 2008
I'm on Tiger 10.4.11, and the latest iTunes. I have an external hard drive on which I keep all my music files, managed by iTunes. I'm running out of room on that drive. At some point, it is not practical to keep increasing the size of the drive, as the reliability goes down. I'd like to keep my drives to 1TB or so. So, the other solution is to add a second external hard drive, where all new music files can go to. How to do it, so iTunes doesn't freak out? Here's what I'm thinking - could you guys help make it work?
I thought to add the second drive and then in iTunes preferences -->Advanced---> iTunes Music folder location CHANGE to the NEW drive. That way, I'd have iTunes copy all new music to the NEW DRIVE. Question: Now, how do I go about having iTunes reference files on the FIRST drive, so that the Library is up to date, and when I select something to play from the FIRST drive, iTunes knows how to find it?
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Jan 15, 2009
Im encountering space issues when erasing the HD free space! I get a popup message saying that i need to free up more space in order to get the job done. I cant remove any more data from the drive in order to make it more spacious for the free space erasing!
Is there a way i can hook up an external drive so that it will use that extra space?
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Jan 22, 2009
if my MBP hard drive go caput, can I use Time Machine with an external drive to restore my MBP if I need to get it a new HD?
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Jan 23, 2009
I have already set itunes up so that all my music is on an external hard drive instead of my laptop.
Can I do the same with iphoto?
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Jan 25, 2009
I have a question that I should probably know the answer to, but I don't. I have a Western Digital My Book on the way and I am going to back everything on my Macbook up on there so I can do an archive and install.
Is it possible to put applications like Mac:Office 2008 on the hard drive so that I don't have to install it again, or can you only back up certain files on externals? I am not very familiar with backing up data.
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Apr 3, 2009
Is there any way I could install Windows 7/Vista/XP on my MacBook using Bootcamp, but install the Windows OS on an external hard drive instead of my internal drive? I hope this is making sense.
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May 3, 2009
save space on my laptop, I'd like to install a bunch of my lesser used programs on an external hard drive (Plex, Grageband, imovie, etc...) I don't really know how to do that. It seems that so many programs need to be installed on the same drive as the OS.
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