Applications :: How Do I Install Programs On An External Hard Drive
May 3, 2009
save space on my laptop, I'd like to install a bunch of my lesser used programs on an external hard drive (Plex, Grageband, imovie, etc...) I don't really know how to do that. It seems that so many programs need to be installed on the same drive as the OS.
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Mar 27, 2009
title says it all. but can you install and run apps from an external hard drive?
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Jan 5, 2011
My MBP was recently squished in a motorcycle accident and its hard drive and superdrive were destroyed. Is it possible to buy a new hard drive, put it in an external USB 2.0 enclosure, then install OS X on it using the discs that came with my destroyed MBP in a different Mac, then put the hard drive into the squished computer and have it use that hard drive as its startup disk? The motherboard on the squished computer is fine, I just can't install OS X on it because it has a broken superdrive.
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Nov 23, 2009
How in the world do I uninstall programs. I downloaded a program called DIVX and it was working for what I downloaded it for but it is nowhere to be found on my harddrive to uninstall it and it is not in my applications list. Does anyone know where it might be on my hard drive? But aside from that alot of programs that are in my applications list do not even have an option to uninstall. I use firefox but if I ever wanted to uninstall it there is no uninstall option, same goes for programs like AIM or Yahoo Messenger.
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Jul 17, 2009
installed OS X on an external usb hard drive and than booted from it on a PC?
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Aug 28, 2009
you had an ISO of Snow Leopard and an external hard drive. Can you install from the ISO instead of burning the ISO to a DVD and install from the DVD?
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Aug 31, 2009
is it possible to install SL onto an external harddrive and make it bootable? usb or firewire? i want to do this before i do an actual upgrade on my internal and play with it for a leopard is running perfect right now so i want to play with SL on an external until some kinks are ironed out.
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Nov 12, 2009
if i delete files off my internal hard drive (Macintosh HD), will it still be on my external hard drive or will it just add to it?
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Feb 5, 2009
is there anyway I can use my OS X 10.4 dvd from my macbook to install on my external hard drive and then run it on an older mac? if so how can I do this?
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Oct 23, 2009
I have the Windows 7 .iso from Microsoft, but I can't burn it to a DVD as it's too large. I do have a 1TB external HDD, though. Is there a way I can put the .iso on that, and when I go to set up windows it installs off the drive instead of a disk?
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Jun 27, 2012
After connecting my WD hard drive with my Macbook pro, I am able to view all what I have in my WD but I cant move any file from the Mac to the WD
I need to move my Iphoto library and some staff from my desktop
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 19, 2007
In other words... I have moved my music library to the external hard drive, as per an earlier thread I read here on the forums. It worked like quite well. Now that it is working perfectly, I am having a hard time leaving well enough alone. It is never a good idea for me to think too much...Can itunes be installed and run on/from an external hard drive? If so, how?
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Jan 2, 2011
This is what im trying to do. I have a macbook with 120gb hard drive. thats not enough space from my music collection. So i was wondering how to make itunes run off a external hard drive. I looked around and found was for a PC.
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May 19, 2009
I have and Maxtor touch one III. I have installed the software update for mac OS, but it still wont find my hard drive. Its not mac format, but its FAT32 and I heard that worked as well. I can try to format it to mac format, but there is still some data on it that I want.
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Sep 19, 2008
I have an Iomega UltraMax 750Gb External Hard Drive set up to back up my MacBook Pro. Time Machine uses this hard drive perfectly with no problems. However whenever I want to use the drive to move files around with XP the drive does not show up in my computer. XP recognizes the connection of the hard drive and shows the name of the hard drive connected to the computer when you look at the USB BUSes but still it is not in My Computer. I have everything up to date. I have even partitioned the External Hard Drive so part of it wasn't even touched by Time Machine. Is this a problem with Time Machine formatting my external hard drive to work only for Mac
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Dec 6, 2008
I'm on Tiger 10.4.11, and the latest iTunes. I have an external hard drive on which I keep all my music files, managed by iTunes. I'm running out of room on that drive. At some point, it is not practical to keep increasing the size of the drive, as the reliability goes down. I'd like to keep my drives to 1TB or so. So, the other solution is to add a second external hard drive, where all new music files can go to. How to do it, so iTunes doesn't freak out? Here's what I'm thinking - could you guys help make it work?
I thought to add the second drive and then in iTunes preferences -->Advanced---> iTunes Music folder location CHANGE to the NEW drive. That way, I'd have iTunes copy all new music to the NEW DRIVE. Question: Now, how do I go about having iTunes reference files on the FIRST drive, so that the Library is up to date, and when I select something to play from the FIRST drive, iTunes knows how to find it?
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Jan 23, 2009
I have already set itunes up so that all my music is on an external hard drive instead of my laptop.
Can I do the same with iphoto?
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Jan 25, 2009
I have a question that I should probably know the answer to, but I don't. I have a Western Digital My Book on the way and I am going to back everything on my Macbook up on there so I can do an archive and install.
Is it possible to put applications like Mac:Office 2008 on the hard drive so that I don't have to install it again, or can you only back up certain files on externals? I am not very familiar with backing up data.
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Apr 3, 2009
Is there any way I could install Windows 7/Vista/XP on my MacBook using Bootcamp, but install the Windows OS on an external hard drive instead of my internal drive? I hope this is making sense.
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Sep 25, 2009
First I am really sorry if this has been brought up a lot but I am seriousply stuck and have no idea what to do and I know this is Mac stuff but I thought it would be better then anywhere else. I have looked on and nothing has been able to help. Well here it is I am having trouble trying to get my music from my external Hard Drive.
So my old laptop took a crap on me. I took it in and they told me it would cost more to fix it then to just by a whole new one so I did just that. Well before the company gave me back my old laptop they asked if I wanted all my files backed up onto a external Hard Drive that way I don't have to fuss with it later. So I went out that day and bought a "My Book" External Hard Drive. They did it and well now I am trying to get my iTunes music from that and there isn't any folders of music when I open up the iTunes folder all I have is
-Album Artwork (File Folder)
-Mobile Applications (File Folder)
-Previous iTunes Libraries (File Folder)
-iTunes Library (iTunes Database File
-iTunes Music Library (XML Document)
I have tried dragging them in (When I do that a "UB" is under the iTunes symbol) , I have tried adding File, Adding Folder and nothing happens... it shows nothing in there. Then when I click on them to open all it does is open iTunes and nothing happens. I have tried downloading a couple of programs to get the music off my iPod but they all said there is no iPod connected when it was. I have also tried to unistall iTunes and try and go into the iPod and see if I can get it that way and there wasn't anything in there beside the folders for contacts, photos etc. (Still nothing even in those folders) Please I don't know what else to do and I can't just go onto that old laptop and do an easy transfer since the motherboard went out on it. Is there any hope at all or am I stuck with an unusable iTunes and iPod?
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Oct 4, 2009
I just got a second hand macbook pro which came with a full Adobe Suite. I very much want to keep all the programmes, but dont want them taking up space on my internal hard drive. Can I simply move them over to my 500GB external hard drive? Or would this damage the application? and would I be able to run them just the same from the external HD location?
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Dec 21, 2009
ive had an imac g4 for 4 years and the other week the logic board gave up, i took it to a mac repair shop who advised me the repair would cost 600 pounds!! i decided its best to invest in a new imac (running snow leopard if that makes a difference) which im going to buy over the holidays.
the old hard drive has been removed,cased and ready to go. i plugged it into my girlfriends macbook which read it as an external drive... great so far
here comes the question. the drive has all my apps and personal bits which i dont want to loose or reinstall. do i simply drag the applications across on to my new machine? primally interested in iphoto and itunes. will i loose these music files and 4 years of photos?, or can i navigate into the app on the hard drive and drag the files into the new itunes/iphotos on the new machine?
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May 27, 2010
I am currently trying to back up my macbook on my Maxtor external hard drive. I already have lots of movies and other files on there which I want to keep. I put these files onto it from my previous windows computer and also formatted my hard drive to fit windows.
Is there any way I can use this disk for time machine but keep all of my existing files? I have heard things about partitions, could this be the solution and how do I create them?
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Aug 11, 2010
Does anyone know of an application that will let me back up sync certain folders on my computer to my external hard drive. Because I use two different computers (iBook and a thinkpad(Windows)) I need to keep them both the same (Documents wise) So, I have an external hard drive. Which I would like to be able to sync certain folders on my ibook to my hard drive. I am running iBook G4 Mac OS X 10.4.11.
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Nov 12, 2009
I have a nearly decade-old notebook hard drive, and I'm trying to recover the oldest files possible.
I've tried running some basic undelete/recovery programs on it, but they don't go back very far.
I'm looking for the most powerful tool for this job out there (Mac or Windows software will do).
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Aug 31, 2010
I have roughly a 35gb iTunes library saved to my external hard drive. Initially, I had the files on my internal, but copied the iTunes folder (like Apple's web site told me to do), and went into preferences and pointed the library to my external. After that, I deleted the files from my internal, and voila, everything was working perfectly.
However, I turned my computer off, and the next day plugged my external in, and opened iTunes, but there was no library, just the iTunes intro screen.
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Dec 19, 2010
Is there a way for me to configure Word and Excel to autosave the current file to both the internal HD and external HD simultaneously? I want to do this for two reasons. One, I just recently had an issue where Excel just crashed, and I ended up losing the file I was working on (I could still see the file under recent documents but it would not open). Secondly, when typing papers "Word" tries to autosave and tells me "HD full try to free up some space on disk". I really need to be able to have the peace of mind that the file is being autosaved to simultaneously to both my internal and external hard drives. I don't want to get screwed over again in the future.
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Jan 14, 2011
So I checked the threads on here and tried multiple ways and cant figure this out.
I have a MBP, itunes 10.1.1, and a western digital passport essential.
I loaded pictures and my old itunes library off a HP pavilion desktop.
On my Mac, when I try and open my external hard drive off the desktop and click my itunes library file I stored from my old HP it simply wont open. I right click it and click open with itunes and the file icon fades off my screen very quickly like its trying to import it but wont. I have tried dragging it and holding option when opening itunes, which actually does display the playlist but only with explanation points because the files cannot be found.
I just want to be able to plug my external in and listen to my playlist I have stored on the western digital, on my mac book without erasing my current itunes playlist on my MBP.
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Jan 11, 2009
Just wondering what the best way is to save all my photos, events, tags, modified and originals etc. to an external hard drive and then reload it to another iPhoto exactly the way it was.
Also same for iTunes if possible. How to save ratings, playlists, play count etc.
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Jan 30, 2009
i'm about 9gb into my 200gb backup, and its been going 3.5 hours. i always knew this first one would take forever, i should have bought the firewire version i knew it.
anyway, does anyone know if i can still access my shiny new Western Digital drive as a regular external hard drive now i've set it for time machine?
i'll only be able to find out around wednesday next week at this rate.
this is obviously how i roll at work over three different servers/drives. i'm just wondering if time machine kills its ability to be a plug and play storage facility.
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