Applications :: Moving IPhoto To External Drive?
Mar 20, 2009
I have a 60GB iPhoto 08 library that I want to move from my internal iMac drive to my iomega 1TB NAS drive. Both the NAS and the iMac are connected via Gigabit ethernet. I have dragged a ton of files, namely my Itunes database, and it flew threw very quickly. But copying my iPhoto database, and pasting it to the NAS drive, it is crazy slow. 60 minutes later and it just finished it's first Gig. It says I have about 61 hours remaining to copy the remaining 59GB.
iPhoto is closed, and there is not much else going on with the machine. Even while this is copying I can drag and drop lots of other files and they fly through the network. Is this what I should expect?
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Oct 17, 2008
I would like to move the application IPhoto to my external hard drive. Is there an easy way (or through a software program) to do this?
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Apr 28, 2012
How do I move my iphoto picture library to an external drive and delete from my HD and then access through iphoto? I lost my iphoto library so I have everything in Masters on my HD. When I import to iphoto, it groups all the photos and sates into various events. Is there a way to get my organization back or is it another manual process? Also, I can't import all my photos because there is not enough space?
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Dec 21, 2010
I have purchased an external Hard drive to move my grandfather's iPhoto library from his iMac's internal to it (so that it can be accessed by both of my grandparent's accounts instead of just one since they share the same camera), and was wondering if moving it to the external would be enough of a back up or if it should be backed up again? The drive will be partitioned so that there is 400gb available for time machine and 100gb available for "everything else", like the iPhoto library for example. I partitioned it so that time machine backups don't squeeze the iPhoto library space down to 0. Is it nonsensical to have the library back up to the other partition as well since it is on the same drive, or would that in fact be a good idea?
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Dec 31, 2009
I have an iMac that is rapidly filling up. I would like to move my iTunes and iPhoto library to my external harddrive (I currently use for Time Machine). Is this possible or even adviseable? If I were to do this, what would I need to do. Is it as simple as moving the folders that hold these files on to the external. Would the programs find them.
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Jul 31, 2010
Since my iPhoto library keeps getting bigger to the point i cant keep it on my internal small ssdanymore, i have to move it to my external. How can one do that painlessly as possible?
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Apr 17, 2012
I want to free up disk space for a film to edit. So I am planning to move all (well, most) of my applications to my external hard-drive. After the edit is done, I will move all the applications back into my notebook.
MacBook Pro
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Oct 29, 2010
I've been using my internal drive for iMovie files, but have been doing a lot more with the program recently and the folder has gotten quite large. I'd like to move it to my main external drive (a Drobo). Anybody know if there's a way to do this correctly, from within the iMovie program, to insure that it knows where all the files are? (rather than just moving the folder manually etc.) Is there a setting preferences for example, where it tells it where to store the files etc?
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Dec 12, 2009
so i followed all of the steps in this support article from apple.
now heres the twist that i need help with.
i recently bought a new imac and i had a 1TB external hard drive from before. all of my music and movies are already on the drive but i didnt have it with me when i first was using my imac so i setup a itunes library on my imac. so when i hit consolidate in itunes none of the music and movies that i had from before are showing up in my itunes.
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Feb 5, 2009
I am about to order a 1 TB external hard drive to store my photos and iTunes library on.
It will have Firewire 800, so will my iTunes access files on the external drive as fast if they were the internal drive? ( and will iPhoto do the same? )
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Jan 15, 2009
I recently bought a 160GB external hard drive, and decided to transfer my iTunes music to it. I followed the instructions in the Help section of the iTunes program. The first time, I mistakenly created an empty "iTunes" folder and put an "iTunes music" folder inside, where i proceeded to copy the files. I had already set the defult location of the library to my F: drive, my external hard drive. However, the original location of the files stayed in iTunes. Again, following the advice of the iTunes program, I deleted the original folders, and I dragged the new iTunes music folder into the window - at which point i had TWO copies of each file - the first one with an exclamation beside it (original file missing) and the second being my new copies.
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Jul 3, 2007
How do i move all my photos from the location that iPhoto has set to an external HD? Anyone got a easy way how to do it?
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Jan 11, 2009
Just wondering what the best way is to save all my photos, events, tags, modified and originals etc. to an external hard drive and then reload it to another iPhoto exactly the way it was.
Also same for iTunes if possible. How to save ratings, playlists, play count etc.
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Dec 21, 2009
Ive been building up quite the iPhoto library, about 12,000 photos; and it will be growing much more as I just got a new camera. I always have the scary thought of losing photos, I need to start backing up my photos.
I am looking for an application that will be able to do a backup of my photos to my external hard drive (160GB).
My iPhoto library is currently just under 38GB. I would like to be able to plug in my external drive to my macbook about once a month and run some kind of application to backup my whole iPhoto library to the external...
Oh and I would really like it to be a GUI, I don't really like working in terminal.
Does anything like this exist?
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Nov 16, 2008
In trying to move my Iphoto or Itunes files to an external drive, I get the following error message: "The items cannot be moved because "External Data" cannot be modified". Can anyone explain what is going on and why it won't allow me to move these files?
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Nov 13, 2009
OS 10.5.8 and iMovie 8. From a Windows background and still learning the Mac OS. Have started loading movies in iMovie which is eating into disk space pretty quick so i want to move the uploaded and edited product to an external drive. Is it possible to have all my movie files on the external and the iMovie program set to read them from the external when required? If so how would i go about that?
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May 18, 2009
Sorry The Operation Could Not Be Completed Because An Unexpected Error Occurred Error Code 0
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Apr 13, 2009
I was able to do it on my pc. Is there anyway I can remove my music from my harddrive (Macbook) and place in my external hard drive. And everytime i open itunes it will grab the music from my external hard drive. Also my external hard drive is hooked up to my airport extreme.
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Nov 19, 2009
I am trying to back up all my pictures that are in iphoto to an external hard drive. I just want to copy everything that I have, put them on the external hard drive and move on. How can I do this where I can use these pictures on another computer though if needed? I know that I can move the entire iPhoto library but that wouldn't be compatible on a non-Mac correct?
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Dec 1, 2009
I recently bought both a new MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard (10.6.2) and a 500 gb Western Digital firewire drive to back up my files. I copied a large amount of files to the external drive, but when I try to move those files into a different folder on the same drive to organize them, it tries to copy the files instead of just moving them. I can't figure out how to just move them into a new folder for consolidation without creating a duplicate file. Am I missing something basic here?
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Dec 3, 2009
Just got a mac book pro and getting used to it. Recently got married and while we were hanging out with our friends they stuck each of their camera memory cards into our mac and transferred all the videos and pics on to the computer. Now I'm home and I want to transfer all those pics/videos on to our external hard drive. I've tried everything! I've tried exporting...I've tried dragging the pics. Nothing will work. The weird thing is, I'm able to move pics from the HD over to my computer but not vice versa.
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Jul 2, 2012
I need to move the music and movies from my MacBook Air (original) to an external hard drive, after I do this, do I create a new music folder and media folder on my computer to load music/movies in via the dedicatd external drive and then would I be able to move the newly imported to the external drive which would be my main site of storage?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Moving music/media
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Mar 14, 2012
I'm running Lion on my mac mini and would like to move my movie and video files to an external hard drive. What is the best way to do this.
Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Apr 20, 2009
I have two WD 640gigs and the stock WD 500, and I am having trouble deciding on the the optimum configuration. I am open to suggestions. I use my computer for general use as well as for my video editing and graphic design hobbies if that info helps.
I am curious as to the benefits of of the following:
Drive 1 (640)
partition 1: 150gig for OS
partition 2: Bootcamp
remainder: Offline storage
Drive 2 (640)
partition 1: Applications
remainder: music/photos
(scratch disk here?)
Drive 3: (500)
Time machine
Would there be a noticeable benefit to having the applications being separate from the OS boot drive? What if anything else should be split across multiple HDs to increase speed? I've heard of moving the swap file from elsewhere on the forum but I am not sure as to what exactly that is nor the benefits of doing it.
My final question(s) is how exactly I could go by moving my application folder to another drive separate from the OS drive? Just drag and drop? What is this deal with making an alias?
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Dec 27, 2010
I am running out of space on my laptop so I am moving all my music to an external hard drive. If I keep my file directory structure and naming the same, can I simply "re-point" iTunes to this new storage location and all my songs (etc...) will keep working in iTunes? Will storing the music on an external hard drive effect the performance (speed) of iTunes and/or iPod syncing?
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Dec 23, 2007
Will running the 'repair disk' disk utility on an external drive screw up any of the files on my external hard drive? I only want to run it because I can't transfer a file from my HD to the's a 6 gig video file in quicktime format, and I'm getting 'error 1309', which I understand is related to file size on FAT32 format. I know it's a huge file, but I've moved others to the external that are over 20 gigs with no problems (iMovie projects, etc). Anything I can do to get this file moved to the external?
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Feb 28, 2012
I have a 750GB internal HD but film a lot of movies. To free up space, I have moved my iMovie clips off to a secondary hard drive, but I have not seen my free disk space free up on my Macbook pro. Why is this? I moved, not copied the files. They only show now on the external hard drive. I am looking at the free space in Finder > Get Info. I have easily moved a few hundred GB off to the new drive, but my internal HD still shows as over 500Gb used.
MacBook Pro
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Apr 27, 2012
I've followed several tutorials on how to get this done, as it seems so simple but it's not working on my end. I've moved the iTunes folder from the /music/ to an external hard drive. I'm opening iTunes, going to Preferences, Advanced, and replacing the iTunes Media folder location to the correct one /Volumes/Volume E/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media
I'm checking Keep iTunes Media folder organized & Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library, clicking on the "OK" button, and nothing happens.
Funny enough, Spotify finds it in seconds and I can play my music from that player instead.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 2, 2014
My 500gb iMac (purchased April 2010) is about at capacity. 350gb of space is taken up by home movies (.mov) in iMovie. I bought an external hard drive and have moved about 200gb over to that drive.
After transfer, I deleted the original Events off iMovie and emptied the trash. I checked in both iMovie and in Finder and no longer see those files present on the Mac.
I thought this was going smooth and everything worked perfectly, but….when i went to check how much storage space i created on the Mac, the amount of available space barely budged (i moved 200gb of data to the new drive and i created about 30gb of space on the Mac).
Are these "deleted" files hidden somewhere and I need to go delete from somewhere else? How do I make sure I get back the storage that i need?
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Feb 21, 2009
To take some stuff off my internal HD
I thought i would move my whole itunes library to an external and just have it plugged into my macbook pro when i want to listen to something..
Is this a good idea?
Sorry i am a noob to externals.... i know it sounds thick
some people said its not a good idea but is it a good idea?
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